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Chinese contemporary art witnessed high-profile exposure in the international art community in 2007. Both art exhibitions and art expositions taMng place in China attracted worldwide interest as its art market continued to grow. In fact, international art community has shifted their attention from Western countries to Asia and Middle East. "Apparently,  相似文献   

Cao Nian graduated from the Department of Painting, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1976 and received quidance from art educators Wei Chuanyi, Huang Yuan and Zhang Shenxian, In 1984 he graduated with BA degree from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Southwest Normal University. In 1994 he completed an advanced graduate program on art theories from China Arts Academy.  相似文献   

Quyi is an art expression originated from China and the root of Chinese theatric art. What does quyi refer to? Why has it continued for so many years and still remained vibrant today? How does quyi draw inspirations from essences of the national art and develop along with the time? Jiang Kun, Chinese crosstalk master, recently delivered a lecture on Chinese art of quyi at Harvard University, as part of his lecture series at the lvv League colleges.  相似文献   

Before the reform and open up policy was launched in the late 1970s, there was virtually no art trade in Mainland China.Since the 1980s, China's art market began to develop gradually. Since the early 1990s when art auction was allowed, private collection and art trade have continued to thrive. In China, trade of private curios and art objects is conducted primarily in shops, street stands or indoor markets. Buyers and sellers bargain with each other and the deal is made when the two reach an agreement. Art auction was introduced into China from Western countries. In an open and fair environment, art objects are traded in the auction house and the buyer who bids the highest price obtains the object,  相似文献   

Magazine Review     
Art is at the top of spiritual dimension of human beings. Market is the necessary place and behavior that sustains human existence. Lawsuit is an important means to solve disputes and conflictions among humans. The three looks independent from each other but share the same nature - attracting attention. In 2014, Chinese art mar- ket began to take reform. The biggest obstacle from inside is the conventions and practices that hinder the sound development of the market. The rule of law is the strongest tool to refom the existing pattern and rule of operation for the art market of China.  相似文献   

"This not-for-profit art institution named after a weapon brings the past and present of the city together and links art with culture and economy." -- from the website of Tank Loft Art Center  相似文献   

Embroidery is an art re-created on the basis of painting. With the import of Western culture and painting since the 1930s, Chinese people have gradually changed their aesthetic tendencies and as a result the art of embroidery has been remarkably transformed. Chinese embroiders have drawn upon from Western aesthetic concepts and painting techniques and developed a new type of stitching approach which is called "random stitching".  相似文献   

As Kunqu Opera and Guqin (ancient Chinese music instrument) have been proclaimed as "Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity", more artistic expressions of Chinese intangible cultural heritage are ready to apply for the entry of the list. And the art of storytelling, an old art form originating from Beijing and epitomizing Chinese linguistic and folk culture, is worthwhile to be given great attention.  相似文献   

The art of color ink is an emerging artistic expression originated from Taiwan in the 1990s.With 16 years of development,this new art form has been recognized by contemporary artists from over 40 countries.The International Color Ink Exhibition is held annually and color ink works have been on display in countries such as USA,Canada,Spain and Mexico.Academic workshops,exchange events and thematic exhibitions have been launched with an aim to facilitate in-depth studies on application of ink and color to soft cloth material.Today,soft cloth material has been widely used by artists of both East and West to  相似文献   

<正>From April 30 to May 28, artists from around the world will present an art gala for the audience in Beijing. This year, the annual Meet In Beijing Arts Festival will highlight the interaction between artists and audiences, with an aim to promote diversity of art forms and cooperation among arts groups, arts institutions, government agencies and arts professionals and provide opportunities for their sustainable development.  相似文献   

The fine paper-cut, popular in Yueqing, Zhejiang Province, evolves from the paper cutting of the Yuan Dynasty applied to dragon boats and shoes. This folk art genre originated from the tradition of dragon boat lanterns.  相似文献   

Print on fabric-is a traditional art popular in rural areas of Linyi, Shandong Province This folk art is said to first appear during the Qin-Han :period (221 BC - 220 AD) and floufshed from the 14^th century to the 20^th century.  相似文献   

Zhan Wang is a pioneering artist in China's contemporary sculpture circle.Born in 1962 in Beijing, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and currently works as associate fellowship with the Institute of Sculpture Creation and Research under the academy. From 1990, Zhan began creating surrealistic sculptures. He began worldng on "The Mao Suit" series from 1993 and devoting himself to experimental art from 1994. In 1995, Zhan founded a studio with two other artists, aiming to explore relationships between art and society. Based on this studio, he presented two experimental exhibitions - "Development Plans" and "Women & Sites". From 1995, Zhan began replicating Chinese classical rockery stones and completed a series of works of stainless steel rockery stone and floating stone. Zhan's creations highlight the integration between ideas and objects, with an attempt to transform pure handicraft techniques into conceptual behaviors. In 1998, Zhan released his thesis entitled "Conceptual Sculpture: Materialized Ideas". From 2000, he began doing experiments on composite art independently. Zhan's sculpting works have been collected by many art museums and private collectors, including Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA as well as Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  相似文献   

The 4th China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE) was successfully concluded on May 6 in Beijing. This five-day event is generally considered China's largest and best platform to showcase and trade top-class art works from home and abroad.[第一段]  相似文献   

The 1^st ASEM Festival took place in Beijing from September 2 to 8, presenting a one-week magnificent art gala to the audience, With the theme of "cultural diversity andcreativity shared by all", this festival highlighted various forms of culture and arts, including music, dance, drama, film and publication. Some 500 artists from more than 40 ASEM member states staged fascinating performances and concerts and officials, scholars, professionals and artists from these countries gathered in Beijing to conduct dialogues on civilizations and share each other's practices and experience in artistic creation and cultural cooperation.  相似文献   

The Second China Sculpture Art Festival, held in Hui'an of Fujian province from Aug. 22 through Sept. 1, 2002, focused on the theme of "traditional art and modern experimentation" to help bridge the vast differences between China's past and present artistic expressions.Hui'an has long been regarded as the birthplace of both architecture and sculpture, and woodcarving techniques from the region date back 1,600 years. Hui'an has developed its own unique and refined style of sculpture. Its stone carvings,  相似文献   

"Get It Louder", a new visual art exhibition, was first launched in 2005, The exhibition's new edition 2007 traveled to Shenzhen and Shanghai and opened in SOHO Shangdu in Beijing on August 16. The exhibition attracted more than 150 participant artists from home and abroad and consists of nine major categories, including architecture, industrial products, fashion, visual art, film, sound, UK Theme, lapan Theme and special projects. All these exhibitions are set in different shopping centers and the audience can find their favorite works through the exhibition guide system,[第一段]  相似文献   

Ceramics is an art of fire. The tension and flexibility of earth are extended in the artist's hands to show the unique textural beauty and subtle feelings of the artist and original materials from the nature are mixed and tempered by fire. This complicated process demonstrates the artist's particular ideas, feelings and dispositions. In the eyes of Li Qing, a young artist from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, that is the very nature of ceramics that fascinates him so much.  相似文献   

Chinese culture activates the evolution of Chinese nation with inexhaustuble energy. We should have a full understanding of Chinese traditional culture, accepting what is good and rejecting what is bad of it. Chinese traditional culture should be in accord to needs of contemporary society and modem civilizations, while retaining its unique national characteristics. Education on the best of Chinese tradiitional culture should be reinforced and tools of modem technology should be utilized to develop and explore rich resources of our traditional culture. Greater efforts should be made to explore and protect cultures of different ethnic groups, protect cultural property and intangible cultural heritage, and sort out ancient books. --Excerpt from the Report of the 17th Plenary Session of CPC Central Committee, delivered by Party Secretary Hu Jintao  相似文献   

Sculpture and painting are all that Western art means while calligraphy is unique to China, which is an art form between philosophy and design art. It is more concrete and lively than philosophy, but more abstract than painting and sculpture. Calligraphy is the very core of Chinese culture and homeland for Chinese spirit. --Xiong Bingming, renowned sculptor, painter and art theorist  相似文献   

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