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After its publication in 1916, Democracy and Education opened up a global debate about educational thought that is still ongoing. Various translations of Dewey's work, appearing at different times, have aided in introducing his ideas within different conversations and across different cultures. The introduction of Dewey's masterwork through academic, institutional, or political avenues has influenced its reception within contemporary educational scenarios; these avenues need to be taken into account when analyzing the book's reception as well as its impact on the reconstruction of educational discourse.  相似文献   

There is a growing focus on youth positive development issues among researchers and practitioners around the world. In this special issue of Child Development, each of the international authors provides new perspectives and understanding about youth developmental assets in different cultural settings. The present commentary (a) examines some of the cross‐cultural themes that emerge from the four articles by international authors in this issue with implications for positive youth development (PYD) and (b) how intervention science can benefit by incorporating a PYD approach. As evident, youth involved in contexts that provide positive resources from significant others not only were less likely to exhibit negative outcomes, but also were more likely to show evidence of positive development.  相似文献   

This aim of this research was to investigate art teacher education in Taiwan and England to gain insights into two art education systems with a view to improving art teacher education in Taiwan. To achieve this aim, a cross‐cultural study using a multi‐method approach was adopted and data was collected over three years of full‐time study in England and four academic years of reflection on teaching in art teacher education in Taiwan. This research revealed how complex and hazardous it is to state categorically what the similarities and differences really are between two art teacher education systems, especially in a subject as ill‐defined as art. Nonetheless, this study did produce some important differences in the two art teacher education systems in aspects of (1) government regulations and institutional provision, (2) theoretical underpinning, (3) art curriculum policy and delivery, and (4) cultural differences affecting art teachers' attitudes and values.  相似文献   

通过对战后澳洲职业教育的历史演变进行考察,笔者大致将其分为三个阶段:战后到20世纪60年代为第一阶段,这一时期技术学院发展迅速,高等教育学院开始建立;70-80年代为第二阶段,这是职业教育的调整和改革时期,出现了TAFE学院并很快居于职业教育的主体地位;90年代以来是不断完善的阶段,TAFE职业教育模式理念先进、运行成功、效益明显。  相似文献   

当代职业教育学科经历了恢复、成长和反思三个发展时期.职业教育学科发展现实存在的问题主要表现为学科地位的次化、研究对象的泛化、研究范式的简化、学科体系的同化和研究力量的散化.其发展趋势呈现出学科性质的类型取向、研究对象的问题取向、研究范式的交融取向、理论体系的元理论取向、学科群族的分化取向和研究学派的拢合取向.  相似文献   

大学与学科具有紧密的历史联系。早在中世纪的欧洲,知识复兴为知识分化、学科的出现提供了可能,进而以学科为基础逐渐形成了最初的大学教育形式。在知识演进和学科分野的推动下,大学逐渐形成了多学科并存的发展局面。多学科教育改革并重组了原有单科性教育体制,以鼎立之势夯实了大学的学科根基。同时,多学科教育也导致知识划分过细、学科之间相互隔离。学科交叉则有助于在知识增长、科研创新和人才培养等方面推动新的大学变革。因而,现代大学应树立学科跨越的新理念,以学科变革推动大学新的转型发展。  相似文献   

利用地方历史文化资源开发素质教育校本课程是高职教育的一项创新,是为地方培养高素质人才的一项重大而有意义的举措,是毕业生尽快融人地方的需要,是高职教育培养目标的需要,是学校教育与地方文化建设相呼应的需要。文章以江阴职业技术学院为例,阐述了高职教育利用地方历史文化资源的必要性。  相似文献   

职业教育目的的历史检视及其缺憾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业教育目的是一个教育哲学范畴,也是确立现代职业教育理念的价值基础。检视职业教育目的的历史演进,不难发现存在着严重的缺憾,即忽视了职业教育谋求人的自由与发展的价值取向。探究职业教育的终极目的,有助于实现以人为本职业教育目的的回归,以促进职业教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国的高职教育发展未能完全实现其初衷,即为产业发展输送合适的人才。鉴于此,在回顾我国高职教育发展历史的基础上,分析我国高职教育体系存在的结构问题,并结合国际上发展高职教育的三个案例,提出国家应调整职业教育体系的结构,同时反思政府在发展职业教育中的位置,进而提出推动公众力量参与的政策建议。  相似文献   

Business people in multinational environments must deal with a variety of situational barriers and cultural differences, such as time zones, languages, and common practice differences. Learning to accommodate these barriers and differences effectively often takes years of practice. Students who experience some of these barriers and become aware of some of the cultural differences while still in school have the advantage of beginning their practice early. Classroom to classroom videoconferencing (VC) provides an excellent discovery, or active, learning opportunity for business students to interact with, and learn more about, other's cultural similarities and differences. This article presents a case study that describes the videoconferencing interactions experienced by Japanese and U.S. undergraduate business students conducted in three successive years with three different sets of students on each side. In each year, students report learning a great deal about each other's cultures through the discovery learning process; at the same time, faculty learned that some types of discussion vehicles work better than others. Implications for how best to provide a cross‐cultural experience via videoconferencing for students who will soon be in the international workforce are discussed.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - Although a textbook defining the principles of career education was published in Paris as early as 1957, career education did not...  相似文献   

For some time, there has been a call for cross‐disciplinary teaching within the business disciplines. With the rise of data and analytics, there is an opportunity for cross‐disciplinary teaching by integrating technology throughout the business curriculum. However, many business professors have little experience in cross‐disciplinary teaching. We hope to rectify this by introducing an approach that uses prelecture material to prepare students for learning concepts and terms that are not core to the focal class. In a study that combines Structured Query Language (SQL) coding with an audit principle called Benford's Law, we analyze the impact of adding prelecture material about Benford's Law on student's cognitive load, knowledge gained, and instructional efficiency. Results indicate that students who received a prelecture on Benford's Law outperformed the control group in performance measures related to Benford's Law, and that the instructional efficiency on Benford's Law was also higher for the treatment group. We did not find any significant differences in cognitive load between the two groups, nor did the treatment group perform significantly better when tested on the SQL concepts. We conclude that cross‐discipline teaching is a fine balance between each discipline and communicating to students the importance of both disciplines is key.  相似文献   

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