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The centrality of service learning in the development of students’ professional practice has received worldwide attention. Exposure to appropriately designed service learning experience determines the acquisition of graduate attributes. This article addresses a study in which the key question was: What methods and strategies do students and their clinical supervisors find beneficial in improving their learning experiences during service learning placements? Drawing on the views and experiences of a group of final year occupational therapy (OT) students and their supervisors, the initial focus is on concepts in learning relevant to service learning and professional development, including Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (ZPD), the capability approach and collaborative and peer assisted learning. This is followed by an overview of the methodology and an analysis of the students’ and clinical supervisors’ experiences during service learning. The discussion focuses on the implications of the study findings for practice within a service learning context to enhance the alignment of institutional practices with students’ needs.  相似文献   

As new technology, such as the personal computer, and wider applications are introduced it becomes more important to integrate subject areas on a degree course in electronics. This is to accommodate the new material without extending course length. Experience in subject integration at first-, second- and third-year level has shown that it increases student awareness and motivation. The development of suitable material is time-consuming whilst its successful implementation relies on close cooperation between subject specialists.  相似文献   

政治家的历史认识以及青年一代如何对待“历史认识”的问题令人担忧。“侵略战争”印象的定位及对历史知识的欠缺,也是当前大学生中存在的不可忽视的问题。20世纪末,一批政治家对历史的认识已成为不可忽视的问题。东京都知事石原慎太郎的“三国人”讲话和森喜朗首相的“神之国”“国体”讲话,均遭到新闻媒体和市民团体的严厉抨击。然而,在森喜朗的“解释会见”中仅以“该讲话招致误解”表示道歉,却未撤回其发言。这表明首相对历史认识没有丝毫改变。把未来托付给不关心过去的人,是不能让人放心的。当今许多日本政治家其认识浅薄的原因是不讲…  相似文献   

学会和睦共处--第46届国际教育大会综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
第46届国际教育大会以“学会共处”为主题,提出了全球化对未来公民在发展应变能力等七个方面的基本教育需求,并强调了发展全民优质教育等新的应对策略。  相似文献   

Politicians constantly urge teachers to use ICT in the classroom since it is viewed as an important educational tool and one vital to the national interest. However, ICT per se has no greater validity than other forms of educational technology as it must significantly enhance teaching and learning. This article discusses the impact on teaching and learning of five multi-media programs relating to themes within Scottish History and concludes that six key criteria must be met for the successful integration of ICT into the History classroom. Multimedia et le cours d'histoire: Une collaboration commercialle pour renforcer l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. Les hommes politiques poussent constamment les professeurs À utiliser ICT (Information et Communication Technologie) dans les salles de classe; ce dernier étant considéré comme un outil éducationnel important et même vital À l'intérêt national. Cependant, (ICT) en soi n'est pas plus valable que les autres formes de technologie éducationnelle car il doit renforcer l'apprentissage et l'enseignement de faÇon significative. Cet article examine l'impact de cinq programmes multimedia, en rapport avec des sujets d'histoire écossaise, sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. Il en conclut sur le fait que six critères clés doivent être réunis afin d'assurer l'intégration avec succès de (ICT) au cours d'histoire. Multimedia und Geschichtsunterricht eine Partnerschaft um das Lehr- und Lernverhalten zu verbessern. Ständig drängen Politiker die Lehrer ICT im Unterricht einzusetzen, da es als wichtiges Unterrichtsmittel eingestuft wird und von nationaler Bedeutung sei. ICT selbst hat jedoch keinen grösseren Wert als andere Formen des technologisch gestützten Unterrichts, da es den Lehr- und Lernprozess deutlich verbessern sollte. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Auswirkungen auf das Lehr- und Lernverhalten bei Anwendung von 5 multi-media Programmen bezogen auf Themen der schottischen Geschichte und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass 6 Schlüsselfaktoren beachtet werden müssen, um eine erfolgreiche Einbeziehung von ICT im Geschichtsunterricht zu gewährleisten.  相似文献   

从学会生存到学会共存:世界教良目的的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪70年代以来,社会发展瞬息万变,国际社会对教育目的的理解不断深入,教育目的的侧重点正发生着变化,从学会生存、学会关心、四种学习到学会共存,教育的人文主义导向日益突出,国际社会越来越重视对人的价值观念的培养.  相似文献   

Drawing is taught in higher education across art and design but also, increasingly, in medical education, with a variety of aims and approaches. It is argued that there is a need, in both these disciplinary domains, to make more explicit the underpinning pedagogical approach to drawing and the impact that different approaches have on learning. The research described in this article focuses on an optional drawing course for undergraduate craft students and medical students. The course is run by the College of Arts and Humanities at a UK university and has a thematic focus on the human body. This qualitative case study sets out, in the context of selected theory about the teaching and learning of drawing, to explore what the learning impact of a particular collaborative model of teaching drawing was on a cross‐disciplinary student group. Findings included, with reference to Riley's framework of drawing pedagogies, that a range of philosophical and pedagogical ideas about drawing were blended from the teaching perspective in a way that enabled students from distinct disciplinary backgrounds to engage and learn. A shift was observed in students’ perceptions of drawing, with both sets of students questioning previously held assumptions about the use and value of drawing within their learning. Life drawing and anatomy laboratory drawing, in particular, provoked deep and challenging reflections about different cultural conceptions of the human body and the practice of collaborative drawing, with dialogic reflection, enabling insights to be developed into different disciplinary epistemologies.  相似文献   

This article reflects the 17 years of experience of the 'Entreculturas project' in Portugal, where the 'Learning to live together' dimension has played a central role. It questions how intercultural education and training can contribute to promote and model an intercultural citizenship societal project and looks back at the history of the Entreculturas process in two different settings i) within the Ministry of Education (1991/2003), aimed at building and developing intercultural education in the educational system, and ii) at present, within the ACIDI — High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue —'upgraded' into a broader transversal dimension of immigrants' integration public policy.  相似文献   

知史爱党、知史爱国,对大学生开展党史学习教育是立德树人的重要内容。辅导员要成为大学生党史学习的同路人、党史宣讲的带头人、树立正确党史观的引路人。可以从课程育人、实践育人和网络育人等方面,建构党史专题教学、现场教学和网络教学的新路径,并在职业化、专业化的建设中,不断强化辅导员教师身份认同,通过与思政课教师的协同育人,提升专业素养,推动党史育人评价改革,增强党史育人实效。  相似文献   

雅尼斯·迪米特里亚迪斯(Yannis Dimitriadis)教授任职西班牙巴利亚多利德大学远程信息技术工程系,兼任信息通讯技术与教学研究中心GSIC/EMIC研究团队负责人,主持和参与了五十多项国际国内科研项目,在教育技术顶级期刊发表了八十多篇学术论文,组织了多次学习科学高端国际学术专题研讨会和工作坊。研究方向包括学习设计、计算机支持协作学习、学习分析等。本次访谈着重于介绍学习设计的核心思想,即无论外部学习技术如何变化,“教学法为王”的原则在教育教学情境中的主导地位不能变。因此,人工智能时代的学习技术仍需为创新教学服务。从教师角度看,联结学习设计与学习分析为教师技术创新教学提供了突破口。一方面,学习设计为学习分析提供理论引导,便于教师精准知晓学习者在不同学习活动中的学习情况,另一方面,学习分析为优化学习设计提供基于数据驱动的方法指导,便于教师靶向式更新学习活动设计。践行学习设计与学习分析双向互动的发展路径,需要建立研究者与教师合作设计机制,引导教师参与学习设计;推进隐性设计知识在学习设计中的应用;关注教师探究学习者学习过程。本次访谈对新时代背景下信息技术与教学应用的深度融合提供了新的理念和方法指导。  相似文献   

“学会共处”作为教育的四大支柱之一,已成为21世纪重要的学习需求。“学会共处”作为学前教育课程的新取向对“文明交往”的同伴共处、“和谐共处”的师幼互动的形成,“关关与共”的幼儿园文化的营造具有积极意义;其价值取向主要在于培养儿童的自我意识、他者意识、群体意识;“学会共处”作为学前教育课程的建设,以弹性的游戏课程的设计、基于教师指导的课程实施和以园本课程制度为依托的课程运行为主要方向。  相似文献   

古汉语课堂的枯燥乏味源于时学生的轻视与忽视,轻视了学生的潜能,忽视了学生是会思考的人这一基本事实.激发学生的思考是改变古汉语教学现状的根本方法.思考的可能性在于学生是人,而人会思考.正确处理相信与怀疑、小心论证与大胆假设、知其然与知其所以然、t知识与情感、严谨与活泼、复习与新授、讲解与练习、古与今的关系,是古汉语教学中激发学生思考的主要原则.  相似文献   

人类要实现和平与和谐地共同生活,不仅需要创造日益丰富的物质财富,而且需要在人们的心灵中构建起和谐的价值观,即实现个体自我和谐、社会和谐以及自然和谐。人类只有通过有效的和谐价值观教育,具有消解不同价值观冲突的态度与能力,人类的福祉才能够得到保障。  相似文献   

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