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MOOC rampant     
In 2012–2013, the massive open online course (MOOC) approach has been accepted by universities around the world, and outsourcing companies have been launched to provide the infrastructure for it. Current press and blog coverage of the MOOC trend is examined and the range of reactions to it, most of them enthusiastic. MOOCs vary in their massiveness and openness, and in the extent to which they are courses; and a wide range of MOOCs is emerging under different names. These include xMOOCs, in which course content is defined by the course designers, and cMOOCs featuring information generated by the students. The origins of the MOOC are examined, and its implications for the educational institutions that have specialized in distance education previously.  相似文献   

近年来,MOOCs成为国内外在线教育与高等教育改革的超级热点,各个学科背景的学者乃至社会工作者踊跃参与,良莠不齐的各类文献急剧增长。从MOOCs述评、课程教学和教育改革三个方面,针对2008—2014年649篇各类文献的梳理发现:MOOCs研究以述评为主,主题发散,深度不足;经历了从cMOOC到xM00C的内涵变异、商业链的形成和调整,以及从狂热追逐和片面否定转向理性思考和实践的过程。MOOCs的最大价值体现在向全社会彰显了技术对教育具有巨大影响的潜能,但它不是解决高等教育问题的灵丹妙药,而是推动教育与技术深度融合的催化剂。MOOCs只是在线教育发展中的一个事件,不足以称之为“时代”,而应从整体上认识和把握在线教育的发展规律,将MOOCs回归到网络课程与在线教育的系统中,关注其最新发展,开展有针对的研究,实现教学层面逐渐融入网络教学、办学和管理层面逐渐回归开放远程教育、教学改革层面重新关注混合教学、研究层面推进泛在式在线教育整个体系的创新。  相似文献   

This case study examines the design and facilitation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that focused on attitudinal learning about the topic of animal behaviour and welfare. Findings showed that a team of instructors worked together collaboratively towards realising learning goals and found the experience rewarding. While learners had mixed perceptions of gains in cognitive, affective and behavioural learning, they reported high satisfaction with lecture videos and instructor course participation. Implications for the instructional design of MOOCs and attitudinal learning are discussed based on these findings, including a discussion of MOOCs as a unique platform for attitudinal learning, and recommendations for their successful use. The recommendations include the importance of creating a collaborative instructor team, establishing high instructor presence, using interactive and collaborative learning activities, and receiving support from platform providers and institutions.  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) take university lectures and other educational materials and make them available for free as online “courses.” Liberal and neoliberal MOOC supporters laud these courses for opening up education to the world while incorporating market dynamics to improve quality and drive down costs. Skeptics claim MOOCs are a bald attempt to privatize higher learning, thus creating an apartheid educational system with traditional universities serving the wealthy while everyone else is left with cut‐rate online learning. This essay draws on the political theory of autonomist Marxism, arguing that MOOCs are capital's defensive reaction to the threats of resistant universities on one side, and unmanageable Internet‐based learning on the other. It then looks at which MOOC designs would support education for the “multitude,” which is the term used by autonomist Marxism to describe an autonomous, diverse, networked political body.  相似文献   

The term MOOC, an acronym for massive open online course, has been nearly ubiquitous in recent discussions about online education and distance learning. Some articles have questioned the MOOC's tentative role as “the future of education,” while others have framed it as a disrupter of traditional higher education. Research in earlier years trended toward the ways in which MOOCs may be changing the landscape of higher education. However, in the past two years, greater consideration has been focused on how MOOCs may play a role in the corporate world. The year 2012 may have been deemed “The Year of the MOOC,” but many saw 2014 as “The Year of the Corporate MOOC.” Despite MOOCs reaching their prominence as disrupters of traditional higher education, MOOC providers are now aggressively pursuing opportunities in the corporate sector. This presents a great opportunity for corporations to drive this relatively new learning platform and to tailor it to meet their organizational needs. The potential uses for MOOCs in the corporate world are vast. MOOCs can expand corporate training options, offer new recruiting techniques, and provide innovative marketing and branding channels. This article identifies the features of MOOCs, briefly reviews the history of the MOOC movement from academic MOOCs to corporate MOOCs, and discusses the possibilities for extending the MOOC format to a corporate training and employee development environment.  相似文献   

孙茜 《教育技术导刊》2019,18(12):211-214
自2014年以来,MOOC在我国发展迅猛,相关领域的学者们对此进行了多角度深入研究,积累了大量研究成果。采用共词分析法对我国近年MOOC 相关热点进行量化分析。结果显示,MOOC研究主要集中于慕课、MOOCs、翻转课堂、在线教育和高等教育等领域,其它相关研究大多与这些领域关系密切,这些核心领域架起了我国MOOC研究桥梁。但MOOC相关领域研究比较单一,还需进一步多方面综合发展,以构建完整的学习生态。  相似文献   

大规模开放网络课程(MOOCs)是一种以开放访问和大规模参与为目的的在线课程。MOOCs作为一种新的教育技术,包括cMOOCs和xMOOCs两种,前者以联通主义理论为基础,强调知识创新与生成;后者以行为主义理论为基础,关注知识重复。两者在教学理念上差异很大,用同一术语表述很容易使人混淆。同以往各种形式的信息技术一样,MOOCs在本质上是一系列操作符号的工具,同时也是基于互联网的低成本教育材料分发和共享的工具,因此在对待MOOCs变革传统高等教育这一问题上应该理性。目前媒体、商业集团和高校机构对xMOOCs的关注处于一种狂热状态,缺乏系统而理性的学术研究,主要体现出四个谎言和悖论:一是学校品牌是教学质量的象征,而实际上它们的声誉是由其研究赢得的,并非教学质量,xMOOCs的低完成率为传统高校所不齿;二是多数xMOOCs机构对成功通过课程考试的学生只提供证书,不生成学分,对比传统学校教育,意味着对学生学业的认证取决于招生而不是课程学习;三是xMOOCs是一种新的教学法并支持个性化学习,而实际上他们采用的是一种过时的行为主义教学法;四是xMOOCs一方面期望和推崇"让知识成为人类共同财产"的理想,却又一方面在积极探索能够盈利的商业模式。MOOCs在炒作背后应该回归理性的发展轨迹,其对传统教育的真正变革应该是将xMOOCs置于全世界公众的视野中,迫使这些机构重视教学和教学法,并将教学作为其核心使命。  相似文献   

作为一种新型的在线教学模式,MOOC的迅猛发展引发全球教育工作者的热议与思考,甚至冲击着全球高等教育的改革与发展。作为一线教育实践者,笔者以在线学习者的身份参与多门课程的学习,体验了大规模在线教育教学模式。 MOOC有完整的教学过程,适合自主的、碎片化学习,但其考核评价、学习成果认证的权威性和影响力还极为有限。如何使传统教学与MOOC融合,扬长避短,是摆在教育工作者面前的一个新课题。  相似文献   

In this paper we will explain massive open online courses (MOOCs)-how they started, their targeted audience, and what services they provide- and demonstrate selected MOOC service providers that best suit the Arabian Gulf region. The record annual growth for MOOCs has made many respected institutions reconsider their educational strategies. Many elite universities have started to join the stream; others are expected to join very soon. In this paper we will focus on select MOOC providers that will help institutions or individual instructors ride the stream before it is too late. All MOOC providers have been carefully selected to meet the author’s criteria of either having crossed a capacity range limit or being tailored to meet the Arabian Gulf region needs. Finally, the paper summarizes the best practices and gives recommendations for any Gulf region institution or individual for better implementation of MOOCs into their learning system.  相似文献   

This article maps out trends in distance education research and scholarship from 35 years of publications in the Distance Education journal. Titles and abstracts of 515 full papers were analyzed using the text-mining tool LeximancerTM to identify and describe themes in distance education research covered by these publications in the journal over the period 1980–2014. Analysis of titles and abstracts over 5-year periods reveals the following broad emerging themes over the seven time periods: professionalization and institutional consolidation (1980–1984), instructional design and educational technology (1985–1989), quality assurance in distance education (1990–1994), student support and early stages of online learning (1995–1999), the emergence of the virtual university (2000–2004), collaborative learning and online interaction patterns (2005–2009), and interactive learning, MOOCs and OERs (2010–2014). The place of these themes within waves of alternating institutional and individual research is discussed.  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have proliferated in recent years despite disagreement about the role of MOOCs in higher education and whether student outcomes are satisfactory. Taking a mixed-methods approach, the current study surveys professors who have taught MOOCs (n = 162) in order to better understand how MOOCs are perceived by instructors. Professors’ backgrounds and beliefs about the role of MOOCs in higher education and their perceptions of the experiences of students are discussed. In addition, professors’ satisfaction in teaching MOOCs is reported. The study finds that most MOOC professors are experienced faculty members with relatively little prior experience teaching online, and that they are divided about the purpose of MOOCs in the institutional landscape of higher education.  相似文献   

Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) research indicates that lack of student motivation to learn generally plays a significant role in student attrition and dropouts. Aside from this, very little is known specifically about student motivation to learn in MOOCs. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the ways in which content, navigation, learning and support, accessibility, interactivity, visual design, and self-assessment and learnability impact the student motivation to learn in a MOOC. Understanding these relationships will provide MOOC educators and administrators with valuable understanding of the factors impacting student motivation to learn. Furthermore, the study analyzes the motivational factors of learners and identifies learners into different categories. The data for the study were collected from the Coursera course “iMOOC101: Mastering American e-Learning.” The study findings indicate that content, accessibility, and interactivity significantly impact student motivation to learn, whereas navigation and learning and support marginally impact student motivation to learn. However, visual design and self-assessment and learnability were not found to be significant in student motivation to learn.  相似文献   

Researchers observed their students’ frequent choices to use technology and the students' weak developmental math course completion rates. These observations piqued researchers' interest to find a new approach to improve students’ math learning—utilizing disruptive innovation. The purpose of this study was to understand students’ perceptions about learning developmental math with a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and face-to-face group activities interwoven with psychology of learning concepts. Research findings suggest that MOOCs used in developmental math coursework can improve math success, and group work within face-to-face classrooms can increase connectivity to learning. A MOOC was merged with face-to-face psychology of learning group projects, and students described increased connectivity to their learning. For example, Haley exclaimed, “So definitely learned how to learn all over again this semester and I’m doing awesome … It’s like I’m breezing through!”  相似文献   

MOOC(大众化开放在线课程)近几年自北美高等教育界兴起,相继形成了当前最受欢迎的三大MOOC平台:Cousera,Udacity和Edx,并且与一流高校建立伙伴关系,包括麻省理工、斯坦福、密歇根等高校。与此同时,MOOC在全球迅速发展,已经成为一项世界性教育革新运动。我国一些传统高校已经加入MOOC运动,与国外MOOC平台和国内网络运营商开展合作,为合作平台提供MOOC,并且将国外MOOC翻译成中文,满足国内需求。我国的远程教育高校——开放大学面对MOOC运动的来袭,需要根据实际情况选择相应的对策,本文将采用SWOT分析方法,分析我国远程教育高校在开展MOOC方面的条件。  相似文献   

This study (N = 427) examined perceived attitudinal learning gains (i.e., cognitive, affective, and behavioral learning) related to the course topic by comparing a self-paced version of a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) with a fixed-scheduled version. Independent samples t-tests revealed that those in a self-paced classroom were more likely to perceive higher levels of attitudinal learning gains and satisfaction than those in a fixed-scheduled MOOC. Those enrolling in the self-paced course also identified significantly more diverse reasons for enrolling. Learners in both courses identified course videos as the most impactful instructional component. Implications for the design of self-paced MOOCs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study attempts to make inferences about the mechanisms that drive network change over time. It adopts simulation investigation for empirical network analysis to examine the patterns and evolution of relationships formed in the context of a massive open online course (MOOC) discussion forum. Four network effects—homophily, reciprocity, transitivity, and preferential attachment—were tested to explain the dynamic mechanisms of interaction in the MOOC forum. Understanding the network dynamics of relationships will allow us to explore how to develop a robust peer-supported learning environment and in turn improve the online learning experience in MOOCs.  相似文献   

2012年国家开放大学的挂牌成立标志着中国远程教育发展步入了新的征程。作为中国远程教育领域的先驱,开放大学亟需探索吸收新型多媒体教学理念及手段。新兴出现的大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)开辟了远程教育在线课程的新的发展思路,其多元化的学习支持,多媒体课程资源的全球共享,新颖的翻转课堂模式及独立运营的MOOC平台体系都值得开放大学思考与学习。  相似文献   

Research suggests that massive open online course (MOOC) students prefer to study in groups, and that social facilitation within the study groups may render the learning of difficult concepts a pleasing experience. We report on a longitudinal study that investigates how co-located study groups watch and study MOOC videos together. The study was conducted with on-campus flipped classroom students. Our subjects reported an overall high satisfaction with the study group style. The research reveals that students like to stay synchronized in the group while watching MOOC videos. However, they have to find a balance between synchronization, video interaction, and the amount of conversation. Watching MOOCs on a shared display addresses the need of synchronicity, and the distribution of control can increase the video interactivities.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors that influence learners’ satisfaction with massive open online courses (MOOCs). Framed by the theory of independent learning and teaching, the three types of interaction model, and the technology acceptance model, this study analyzed data collected from 1,786 learners enrolled in four MOOCs. Results show that the learner perceived usefulness, teaching and learning aspects of the MOOC, and learner-content interaction as important satisfaction factors. Learner-learner interaction and learner-instructor interaction had no effect on the sample’s learner satisfaction with the MOOC. These findings improve our understanding of MOOC learners’ preferences and contribute to the process of designing and developing new MOOCs. Future directions in MOOCs’ development are also discussed.  相似文献   

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