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论学校心理素质教育的衔接   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校心理素质教育衔接是心理素质教育理论建构与实践的要求,符合青少年心理发展阶段性和连续性的规律。具体体现在:以促进学生和谐适应、持续发展、主动创造为教育目标的相互衔接;以培育学生适应学习、生活、人际交往,学会做人,发展智能、个性、社会性、创造性为基本内容的系统整合;以创设情境、激励参与、策略训练、反思内化为教育实施过程4个环节的连续互动。达成维护学生心理健康,促进学生良好心理素质形成。  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea is a developing country which gained its independence from Australia in 1975. Many of its educational structures inherited from the time of the early missions and the colonial administration influence the practices of today. Women have not advanced in the new country as far as was prophesied in the early 1970s leading up to Independence. Although the current poor economic conditions have some effect on women's advancement, the difficulties they face in even obtaining a basic education form one of the major factors which hinder their progress. This paper describes a number of the barriers which prevent girls from accessing education at every level, from gaining enrolment in the first year of school to positioning themselves for university entry. Distance education provides one of the few "second chances" that young Papua New Guineans can gain, provided they can afford the fees and engage with the somewhat independent study required for success.  相似文献   

文章针对海南省少数民族女童受教育程度现状,就海南省少数民族贫困地区女童教育的特殊性、复杂性、长期性、艰巨性,提出富有实践性的女童教育的公共教育政策建议。以期能有利于降低女性文盲率,解决贫困地区女童与妇女教育问题,开发妇女人力资源,促进海南省民族地区人口素质的整体提高和贫困地区经济社会的全面进步,开创新世纪的特区文明。  相似文献   

诚信是中国的传统美德,也是中国先哲共同倡导的道德原则,然而在作为社会主义的建设者和接班人——大学生这一群体身上,诚信缺失显得更为严重。在对大学生进行诚信教育的同时,重新审视传统的诚信思想与现代社会的碰撞,也是探讨这一问题不可或缺的方面。  相似文献   

漫长的制度化学校生活与富有意义生活的断裂,它提供的是用科学话语和善适文化打造的制度囚笼,却没有引导个体生命寻找和亲近属于自己的文化之根。由此,教育,“制造”出了众多的“空心人”、“无根人”。在传统与当代的纠缠中,当代学校教育应该藿新审视当代学校与文化之间的关系,明晰自己的时代责任与以面向未来为导引的新文化建设任务。走向“文化自觉”的当代学校文化应该与时俱进,创造性地延续和发挥传统,实现对学生“文化培根”的导引,让学生拥有文化温情与文化创新的使命感。  相似文献   

我国是多民族的国家,各民族在历史的发展中文化积淀深厚、内涵丰富,其中少数民族传统体育文化以其内容、风格独特,形式多样,有着极强的思想性、教育性和竞技、娱乐、观赏等价值以及鲜明的民族特点在西部经济、文化的开发与发展中引起社会的广泛关注。文章就少数民族地区高校利用、开发少数民族优秀体育资源、发展民族传统体育、弘扬民族优秀文化、丰富高校体育活动、体现民族地区体育特点等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

西北少数民族女童学前教育存在的问题与解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受经济发展水平、传统民族文化等因素的制约,我国西北少数民族地区女童学前教育十分落后。少数民族女童接受学前教育的比率很低,无法获得政府投入与家长观念上的支持,即便有机会接受学前教育,其课程通常模式化现象严重,脱离少数民族女童的生活实际。为促进少数民族女童学前教育的发展,促进教育起点公平,降低少数民族女童小学辍学率,政府应在加大投入的同时,鼓励民间力量创办学前教育机构,有条件时对少数民族女童实施免费学前教育,同时加强对少数民族女童学前教育师资的培训与课程的改革,增加民族教育的内容,广泛推行汉语与少数民族语言并行的双语教育,对少数民族女童父母进行培训,提高其认识,从而为少数民族女童接受学前教育创造良好的外部条件。  相似文献   

Education and poverty reduction in Tanzania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews research on the returns to education in Tanzania, both financial and non-financial, and considers whether these returns translate into poverty reduction. It looks at reasons why achievement of high primary enrolment rates in the past did not lead to the realisation of the associated developmental outcomes, considering factors both within and beyond the education system. Achieving mass access at the expense of quality appears to have had a negative impact on equality. The poverty reduction potential of current programmes to develop the primary and secondary education systems are discussed in the light of past experience.  相似文献   

Findings of recent Australian research demonstrate that student articulation into Technical and Further Education (TAFE) from previous higher education backgrounds (both as graduates and non‐graduates) is more common than assumed, and at levels considerably higher than better known and widely promoted technical to higher education articulation. An exploration is made into the nature and levels of this bi‐directional student movement, as well as of ways of assessing and measuring the movement. Implications and explanations are proposed of this phenomenon of reciprocity of articulation between technical and higher education. An illustration is provided of ways in which post‐secondary students are using less standard and less well‐identified articulation pathways, in larger numbers, without encouragement, advice or assistance, and in the relative absence of formal credit transfer arrangements. It is argued that a number of assumptions inherent in current statistical measures of articulation and credit transfer need to be redefined to take better account of the way in which students are actually accessing and using intersectoral pathways, and of the motivational factors associated with student choice to return to, or continue to study. New models are proposed which better explain the phenomenon of higher to technical education articulation, both for higher education graduates and discontinuing students. It is suggested that retraining, retrenchment, academic and vocational credentialism and elevated levels of graduate unemployment are impacting significantly on choices to return to study in higher and technical education across a range of institutional types, course types and discipline areas for different student cohorts. A case is presented for the provision of better information to graduates as well as to discontinuing students on what has been studied and assessed, whether a course has been completed or not. A case is also presented for better policies and mechanisms which allow for credit transfer on subsequent, often much later, return to study.  相似文献   

以康德为代表的普遍主义规范伦理是启蒙以来现代性伦理学的主流。随着元伦理学概念的提出,规范伦理学受到了当代西方哲学三方面的攻击,特别是后现代伦理将矛头直指康德。哈贝马斯认为后现代主义在批判传统伦理学的先验主义、独断主义、单主体主义的倾向中显示出自己力量的同时亦暴露了其偏见与缺陷。哈氏在与后现代主义的论辩中反思批判地吸收了其理论的启示,既捍卫了规范伦理传统的价值又发展了现代性伦理学。  相似文献   

在古典传统的视野中,学校产生于闲暇,并在闲暇中操持人的灵魂德性,特别是默观的德性,以造就具有卓越品质的自足的"好人"。那种为获取外在的诸善而进行的繁忙的劳作以及与之相应的世俗品质,是为闲暇而存在的,不具本体价值,因此与引人向善的学校教育无缘。不过,近代科学技术在社会生活中的广泛应用,取消了古典传统中的闲暇教育的本来意义,繁忙以及繁忙后的娱乐成了学校教育的主题,然而这样的转变也意味着学校教育的堕落。现代的学校教育有必要审慎地教人瞻望与思考天道,教人做好人。  相似文献   

Gansu, Qinghai, and Guizhou provinces and the Ningxia Institute of Educational Research's joint study, entitled "Investigation of Rural Girls' Education: Problems and Countermeasures," was a key theme in the Eighth Five-Year Plan for philosophy and social sciences. This topic, the problems of girls' education in the poorest minority areas in western China, was a breakthrough study. After four years of hard work, this innovative experiment in girls' education has been a pleasant success.  相似文献   

功能主义传统与比较教育方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
功能主义与比较教育方法论的关系随着时代的发展而呈现出不同的风貌。本文分别从早期功能主义、现代功能主义与新功能主义三个阶段来展现比较教育学者在不同阶段汲取功能主义理论和方法的努力,并探讨功能主义作为一个多元的社会理论流派对比较教育方法论的启示。  相似文献   

王莉 《平原大学学报》2008,25(2):112-115
女童教育是我国西部贫困地区普及义务教育的难点。本文主要对从20世纪90年代以来有关西部少数民族女童教育重大活动项目和科研项目进行了回顾,对从1994年到2007年间发表在国内主要学术期刊的西部少数民族女童教育研究的文献进行了整理,并对研究结论进行了总结。  相似文献   

在传统与现代之间:英国大学生主流价值观教育探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对传统与现代的冲突,英国大学生主流价值观教育在内容上既包括西方资本主义世界自由、平等、博爱、理性、民主、法制、人权和个人主义的共同精神内核,以及传统的绅士文化要素,又吸收了当代具有普适性的价值观;在实施方式上,既保留了本科生导师制、宗教教育等传统方法,又注重追求价值观教育实施方式的多样化,力求通过二元超越的融合模式,...  相似文献   

民族地区学校教育与民族传统文化接轨问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是一种社会活动,教育必须在特定的文化背景中才能实施并收到实效。由于我国各少数民族传统文化类型与样式差异很大,各民族群众对教育的理解和认识各不相同,但教育为现实服务却是一致的。目前我国少数民族地区的学校教育与少数民族地区的社会文化活动不能有效的兼容,而使得学校教育在少数民族地区难以发挥其特有的教育功能。少数民族地区的学校教育需要大胆改革,走出自己特色的教育发展道路,才能有效地推进少数民族地区的经济社会发展。  相似文献   

富媒体技术的开发和应用,对传统的教育方法产生了深刻的影响和变革。然而,富媒体技术的应用并不能对传统的教育方法彻底否定,目前,在以课堂教学为主要教学形式的普通高等学校中,探索富媒体教学与传统教学手段与方法及其作用,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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