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This paper reports on a survey of how Australian undergraduate students perceive the benefits of broad study modes: face‐to‐face classes, web‐based study, and print‐based study. Two benefit types were identified through factor analysis: engagement and functionality. Respondents rated face‐to‐face classes highest on engagement and print‐based study highest on functionality. However, they distinguished only marginally between the engagement and functionality benefits of print‐based and web‐based study. Two variables associated with differences in students’ perceptions of study modes were attendance mode and student tenure. The findings raise questions about the learning and marketing rationales for offering web‐based delivery of educational programmes at the expense of both the traditional face‐to‐face experience and the traditional “distance” experience in Australia using print materials.  相似文献   

This study investigates the assessment strategies used in social-studies courses at the high-school level in Turkey and examines how teachers and students perceive them. Results indicate that short-answer tests are most frequently used to assess student performance, followed by oral tests. Multiple-choice and essay tests are also occasionally employed. Teachers tend to be satisfied with these assessment strategies, but suggest that alternative modes of assessment should also be considered. Students do not find such tests adequate for assessing their real performance in social-studies courses.  相似文献   

高等职业教育始终坚持“面向基层、面向生产、服务和管理第一线高层次的应用与技术型人才”的宗旨。对于高职学生来说,在校期间的职业教育不可能受用终身,具备一定的数学素养成为必需,指出高职院校高等数学教学应突出学生数学应用能力,注重培养学生的数学素养,并提出了实现的重要途径。  相似文献   

WebQuest将专题研习和网络结合起来,给学生提供了建构主义的学习环境.学生对学习环境的观感决定了他们的学习方式和结果,同时可以给教师的教提供直接的反馈.本研究采用混合式的研究方法对香港10所中小学的学生进行观感方面的调查访谈,结果认为WebQuest改善了他们的学习态度.  相似文献   


This paper indicates students' perceptions of their learning outcomes, identified through group consultations in the author's University. These student generated outcomes were strongly orientated towards personal and professional skills and qualities, and the listing of them is compared to existing models of ‘transferable skills’. This might be of particular interest in the light of recent concerns about ‘graduateness’. The list was subsequently used as the basis for a questionnaire survey of students, and the findings of this survey are briefly reviewed. The student generated list differs in two main ways from the existing skills models reviewed. It is more context specific and is more concerned with values.  相似文献   

Technology has made inroads in the counseling field in the form of e-mail, chat, and videoconferencing. It is not clear, however, whether college students perceive technology to be an acceptable application to counseling. The purpose of this study was to assess students' attitudes and expectations for a particular type of technology application—videocounseling. The results indicated that after watching a simulated videocounseling session students placed greater value in videocounseling, felt less discomfort with videocounseling, and expected videocounseling to be an effective and satisfactory approach. The merits of using such a role induction procedure with college students who consider participating in videocounseling are discussed as well as the implications of this therapy approach for counseling training programs and university counseling centers.  相似文献   

During their years of schooling, students develop perceptions about learning and teaching, including the ways in which teachers impact on their learning experiences. This paper presents student perceptions of teacher pedagogy as interpreted from a study focusing on students' experience of Year 7 science. A single science class of 11 to 12 year old students and their teacher were monitored for the whole school year, employing participant observation, and interviews with focus groups of students, their teacher and other key members of the school. Analysis focused on how students perceived the role of the teacher's pedagogy in constructing a learning environment that they considered conducive to engagement with science learning. Two areas of the teacher's pedagogy are explored from the student perspective of how these affect their learning: instructional pedagogy and relational pedagogy. Instructional pedagogy captures the way the instructional dialogue developed by the teacher drew the students into the learning process and enabled them to “understand” science. How the teacher developed a relationship with the students is captured as relational pedagogy, where students said that they learned better when teachers were passionate in their approach to teaching, provided a supportive learning environment and made them feel comfortable. The ways in which the findings support the direction for the middle years and science education are considered.  相似文献   

低年级的识字教学是小学语文教学的重点,也是难点,机械重复地练习会让学生失去对学习的兴趣。而兴趣是学习活动的强化剂,学生有了兴趣就会产生强烈的求知欲,学习的主动性和积极性就能得到最大限度的发挥,因而,在情趣中进行识字教学必然会收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

近年来,数学素养的探讨已经成为数学教育研究中的热点.围绕学生数学素养,探讨数学素养的测量与评价方法.首先梳理了国、内外数学素养的概念与构成要素,然后对数学素养的测量工具和数据分析方法进行详细的介绍和评述,最后面向未来对数学素养的发展提出一些思考.  相似文献   


Attitudes and perceptions of teacher behavior regarding students' gender roles were investigated. A questionnaire was administered to 221 Israeli teachers and responses were analyzed according to gender and education setting. Results indicate no extreme egalitarian or chauvinistic responses. In general, elementary school and female teachers gave more gender egalitarian responses to questionnaire items in comparison with male and secondary school teachers. Only 15% of teachers in this sample had attended courses on gender equality. Over 50% of teachers did not respond to the question concerning their school's gender policy. Those findings may reflect a relative lack of teacher awareness concerning the in-depth nature of gender stereotypes and their overall influences. Results may indicate compulsory courses and seminars on gender self-awareness during teacher training.  相似文献   

In this study of students' perceptions of six different tertiary learning environments, 1,249 students indicated the behaviours and practices that helped or hindered their learning and why. Irrespective of the type of learning environment, students felt that their learning was helped when learning experiences were practical and experiential. Students also felt that their learning was helped when the presentation and explanation were clear. These learning conditions clarified their understanding and consolidated their learning. Learning was hindered when the pace of presentation was inappropriately fast or slow and the presentation was unclear. Learning in each particular type of environment was also helped or hindered by conditions and behaviours idiosyncratic to that environment. These conditions and the reason for their effects are identified and discussed. Although many are predictable, they reinforce the notions, first, that different learning environments are designed to, and in practice do, produce different learning outcomes and, second, that students are capable of discriminating between what they consider to be good and bad educational experiences. What students regard as “good”, however, provides a challenge for tertiary educators and staff developers.  相似文献   

Overcoming Graduate Students' Negative Perceptions of Statistics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although there has been some attention in the literature to such issues as students' attitudes toward statistics, instructors are still constantly faced with the challenge to engage students; understand their perceptions, motivations, and interests; and deal with their reluctance and negative attitudes toward the field of statistics. The purpose of the present study was to (1) examine students' attitudes toward statistics; (2) identify characteristics of students with the most negative attitudes toward statistics; (3) determine methods of statistics instruction that students most prefer; and (4) present strategies to overcome fears, resistance, anxiety, and negative attitudes and enhance the learning environment. The findings from the study of 195 graduate social work students demonstrate that factors contributing to statistics anxiety include math phobia, lack of relevance to social work, instructor's characteristics, and classroom environment. Among the preferred instructional methods students identified helpful strategies such as instructors' being attentive to students' anxiety, setting a slow course pace, and providing additional tutoring. The study findings suggested three major areas for enhancing statistics learning: (1) fostering environment that is nonthreatening, friendly, and conducive to learning; (2) clarifying statistical concepts in plain terms; and (3) offering practical skills relevant to students' field of specialization.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):97-101

This article describes three potential English literacy problem areas for Asian graduate students. The three areas are: (1) the influence of cultural and personal prior knowledge, (2) the processes of education that students learned in their native schools, and (3) the linguistic characteristics of ESL students. Instructional ideas are provided which can be useful in addressing these potential problem areas.  相似文献   

信息技术作为认知工具的课程整合,它无疑将是信息时代占主导地位的课程教学,也必将成为教育教学的重要方式方法。因此,在教育、信息化的大背景下,倡导和探索信息技术与学科整合,对于培养学生的“信息素养”,特别是对于学生创新精神、协作意识和实践能力的培养,都具有十分重要的现实意义。笔者在信息技术与学科整合中如何培养学生信息素养,作一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

当前世界正在经历一场革命性的变化。正在全球展开的信息和信息技术革命,以前所未有的方式对社会变革的方向起着决定作用,其结果导致信息社会在全球的实现。面对信息化社会的需求,信息素养更是高校学生"学会学习"及"终身学习"的必备素质。  相似文献   

With the introduction of teaching quality audits, attention is being directed towards methods of assessment. In the present study students were asked what qualities they perceived in continuous assessment and examinations. This was considered important in light of the view that assessment techniques can be used to motivate students. It appeared that in many respects students regarded the former as being fairer, and measuring a greater range of abilities. The main findings were that students' reactions varied according to age and gender, but that overall the view was that continuous assessment should not be involved in much more than half of their grade measurement.  相似文献   

This study examined literacy in home environments and how children perceive literate events that occur in their families. Four children were selected from a larger study of 129 children. Two children (one African American and one biracial) were from a low income urban community. The other two were Caucasian and from a small farm community. Ninety-six hours of observations over eight weeks during the summer of the kindergarten school year were conducted. Data collected included field notes, tape recordings, parent questionnaires, awareness interviews and school achievement measures. Domains were identified and analyzed for literacy support in the home, The analysis indicated three major findings: 1) all the parents provided support for literacy but there were differences in the way literacy was constructed, 2) the differences in the children's awareness responses describing how they were learning to read at home reflected their home literacy experiences, 3) the home literacy environments of the four children who were from low income families were conducive to literacy development and school success.  相似文献   

90后大学生法律素养培养初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会主义现代化建设的加快,我国法制建设也在逐步完善。在这种高度规则化的社会里,"法制手段"将被越来越广泛地运用于我们的现实社会关系中。因此,必备的法律素养,已成为现代公民特别是90后大学生立足社会的基本要件。要加强法制教育,提升90后大学生的法律素养势在必行。  相似文献   

查娟民  冯军 《科教导刊》2019,(10):29-30
优秀医疗卫生人才的缺乏是制约我国医疗事业快速发展的重要因素。医学生不仅需要专业的医学知识,操作技能,而且还必须具备一定的科研能力。但是,目前我国很多医学院校,对医学生科研能力的培养不够重视,使得医学生的科学素养水平不高。因此,需积极探求提高医学生科学素养的有效途径,以使医学生能够更好的发展。  相似文献   

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