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Secondary Teachers' Classroom Assessment and Grading Practices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What variables do secondary teachers use to assign grades? What is the relationship between classroom assessment practices and grading? Is the form of classroom assessment related to grade level, subject area, and student ability?  相似文献   

Assessment of students’ perceptions of classroom environment and their learning styles provided a framework within which to study factors related to perceptions of students in learning. Two instruments, the Individualized Classroom Environment Questionnaire (ICEQ) and the Learning Style Inventory 1985 (LSI), were administered in Singapore to a stratified random sample of 1733 Secondary 4 students (equivalent to Grade 10) from nine secondary schools (good, average and below average schools). The study showed that school type (the category of schools that the students come from), had the most influence on the students’ perceptions of both actual and preferred classroom environment. Gender had an influence too, but mainly on perceptions of actual classroom environment. Learning styles of students had the least influence.  相似文献   

Previous research points up the educational value of opinion exchange between pupils, particularly in science tasks. However, established gender differences in expression of opinion might well have a substantial impact on such activity, and thus on learning. In order to investigate this, male, female and mixed‐sex pairs of 12‐15 year‐olds were videotaped whilst they worked on a computer‐based task that required them to predict the trajectories of falling objects. All progressed equally in understanding, but employed markedly different interactional styles. Male pairs attended to the implications of feedback for individual ideas, whilst female pairs avoided conflict, exploring instead what the problems had in common. Mixed pairs simply interacted in a very constrained fashion. The differences can be seen as a direct consequence of variation in methods of coping with conflict, compounded, in the mixed groups, by ignorance of the accepted behaviour for the opposite sex. Since male and female patterns separately exhibited characteristics central to scientific method, viz. empiricism and generalisation respectively, broader understanding of science might be served by encouraging each gender to adopt some of the behaviours more ‘natural’ to the other. Practical ways in which this might be achieved are suggested.  相似文献   

Teachers in a large, all-male urban school in Jordan were interviewed about their perceptions of the most frequently occurring student misbehaviour. It was hoped to be able to identify the causes of such 'disruption' to teaching and learning in the school. Teachers spontaneously identified eight forms of student misbehaviour, which reflected clearly different kinds of interference with the teacher's authority. Teachers showed great awareness of the constraints which operate in the school context, which in turn affect their means of managing discipline in the classroom. Though this study was undertaken in a context which is significantly different from England, it is interesting that the issues these teachers saw themselves confronted with were not significantly different from those reported in this country. The conclusions that the researchers draw from their data have relevance beyond the specific context in which this study was undertaken.  相似文献   

中学教师课堂提问的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师课堂提问是师生互动的主要方式,可以从社会学视角进行分析。通过对初中和高中64节新授课的课堂观察记录,发现教师的课堂提问在学业成绩、学生职务、家庭背景、课堂座位、民族种族等五个方面产生着不公平现象,其原因包括教师对教学效果的追求、对个人利益的渴望和教学时的站位等。教师应建立纯洁的师生关系,运用多种技术消除教学中的社会偏差。  相似文献   


Although the significance of student-teacher perception of student role in elementary school classroom verbal interaction has been shown, a void has tended to exist in such research at the secondary level. Therefore, using the Flanders Interaction Analysis system to quantify and record classroom verbal interaction and the Feshbach Situation test to sample student-teacher perception of student role, an investigation was conducted in 11th and 12th grade classrooms. An analysis of variance revealed significant differences in the mean number of indirect student-teacher verbalizations preceding and following the talk of selected role groups. Differences were also found among the eight role groups in the mean number of student responses to student-teacher questions and in the mean number of episodes of talk initiated by the variously perceived role groups.  相似文献   

In this article I want to discuss some conclusions I have reached about using books with younger pupils in a multi-racial classroom. I shall have to make some general points about underlying approaches. Since I work in a general studies programme with first year pupils, I also want to comment in passing on some implications for teaching in history and geography.  相似文献   

School councils are a prominent feature of most school restructuring initiatives, despite surprisingly little evidence about their contribution to school improvement. This study examined the influence, on both school and classroom practices, of an advisory form of school councils implemented in the province of Ontario in June 1996. Data from interviews with 50 people from 5 schools, selected for the range of council's influence, were used to address questions concerning the extent of council effects and the characteristics of relatively influential councils.

Results indicated that councils had weak positive to negative influences on both schools and classrooms. More influential councils were characterized by their collaborative team approach with the school staff and their involvement in initiatives related to school improvement objectives. These councils were usually found in schools with a history of relatively extensive parental involvement in many forms. More influential councils had facilitative principals who supported and endorsed the councils; provided information, knowledge, and skills to council members; worked closely with the council chair; and assisted the council to build connections with the school staff.  相似文献   

Ten teachers in infant schools, 10 in junior schools and 10 in secondary schools had their teaching recorded. Subsequent analysis was made of the teachers' use of questions categorised as of fact, closed solution, open solution, task supervision and routine. When the first two categories were combined, the results for the junior schools were very similar to those reported by Galton and his colleagues in 1980 and 1999. Moreover, the results for both the infant and secondary schools differed very little from those of the junior schools. Some implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学教师写的论文一般是经验总结或者理论探究,论文的写作一般要经过确定选题、撰写、修改以及投稿与反馈的过程。中小学教师要提高写作水平,可以通过多写反思日志积累素材,练习文献综述拓展思路,练笔尝试形成文稿,并在与编辑沟通的过程中完善文稿的形式。  相似文献   

民国时期,中学教师的生活水平历经了几个阶段变迁.从民国初到抗战时期再到抗战结束后,教师生活发生了极大变化.绝大多数教师甚至处于生活穷困潦倒境地.造成这种状况的原因,既和当时动荡不安的社会环境以及起伏不定的经济发展密切相关,也脱离不了民国时期恶劣的政治环境.由此说明,中学教师生活保障除了薪俸制度的不断建设与完善外,更多需要和谐稳定的社会环境,稳步发展的经济环境,以及文明进步的政治环境.  相似文献   

对河北省邯郸市县级高中教师信息技术能力、信息技术应用现状进行调查、统计,发现存在教师信息技术能力不足、教学资源有待丰富、教师培训需求大等问题,在此基础上对教师培训和资源建设提出建议。  相似文献   

改进小学教师课堂中处理突发事件的不足,提升处理课堂突发事件的能力,促进学生身心健康发展并让学生享受课堂快乐学习,是负责任的小学教师的普遍愿望。对此,以教师、学生及环境三方面为代表整理出9道典型情境题,对云南文山城区某小学50名教师进行问卷调查,经过调查研究发现:多数教师采用忽视的方式来处理课堂突发事件,只有少部分的教师会采用因势利导的方式来处理。因此,基于调查结果的分析,发现存在问题的原因,并提出处理小学课堂突发事件的对策。  相似文献   

本文随机抽取了S中学初中、高中六个年级462名学生,就中学生的性别角色观念及其影响因素进行问卷调查.在此基础上呈现应然的中学生的性别世界和实然的中学生两性互动情形,提出中学生性别角色观念的社会化机制:学习强化是性别社会化的起点、社会性别定位是性别社会化的"模具"、媒介稳定是性别社会化的"助推器".  相似文献   

教师对自我的认同是教师认同的核心,是教师专业发展的前提条件。为了了解教师自我认同的特点,本研究利用自编问卷对700名河北地区的中小学教师进行调查。结果发现,教师的自我认同水平一般。时间、制度和经济资本构成了影响教师自我认同的主要因素;教龄、任教科目、职称、学校级别等个体属性特征对教师的自我认同具有重要影响。因此,应从增加教师的自主时间、理性对待所有学科、建立更加人性化的管理制度和提高教师的经济地位四个方面入手,提高中小学教师的自我认同。  相似文献   

教师发展的学校责任与实践模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校承担着学生与教师共同发展的社会责任,而一些学校往往对后者重视不够或存在偏颇。只有将教师的发展与学生的发展协调起来,学校才能可持续发展和具有生命活力。教师需要集工作与发展于一身,融实践与发展于一体,在工作与实践中发展自我,并通过自身发展提升教育质量和工作效益。以校为本的教师发展实践模式主要有:个人规划与教师评价,理论学习与教学设计,听课与评课,交流与合作,教学实践与自我反思,教育改革与课题研究,专题培训与专家指导等。  相似文献   

在对我国中小学课堂教学评价的现状进行较为深入分析的基础上,建立课堂教学评价系统是确保课堂教学评价活动持续和有效开展的重要技术手段。文章对课堂教学评价系统的要素及其相互关系进行了较为全面的分析,并提出了若干开发策略。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been considerable concern among art educators and cultural policy makers to promote art education in Hong Kong. The launch of the new curriculum of a discipline-based character in 1996 generated debate in the art education circle of Hong Kong. There were diverse opinions on the rationale for teaching art. Concern was expressed about the present constraints of art teaching related to teachers' ability and school administration poses another important issue that seems to inhibit further developments. This paper reports part of the findings of a study on art teachers' concepts of teaching. It explores the concepts of about 20 secondary art teachers in Hong Kong. Several categories of teaching are derived from interviews: aesthetic development, moral development, intellectual development, expression and therapy, and intellectual and aesthetic development. A scheme is developed which can be used to analyze teachers' concepts as education in or through art on a continuum from subject to learner centred.  相似文献   

文章主要阐述了教育电影在中小学教师培训中的功能及效应:通过教育电影这个窗口,审视国外教育状况和国外教师面貌;通过欣赏、评析教育电影折射出来的精神内涵,生动形象地展现一些教育现象和教育问题,从而反思和解决参训教师在教育活动过程中遇到的实际教育问题;通过透视教育电影反映的青少年成长,有利于教师掌握青少年成长规律和他们的内心冲突,从而在面对受教育者时富有更多的情感和智慧。  相似文献   

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