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Book reviews     
Gender and teaching: where have all the men gone? : Sheila Riddell & Lyn Tett Learning partnerships for social inclusion: exploring lifelong learning contexts, issues and approaches : Stephen O'Brien & Máirtín Ó Fathaigh Education and theory: strangers in paradigms : Gary Thomas Technology, literacy and learning: a multimodal approach : Carey Jewitt  相似文献   

This article is the outcome of a transcontinental collaboration of the authors. We first met at Exeter, U.K., during the 1979 Congress of the International Research Society for Children's Literature (I.R.S.C.L.). We met again at a seminar in Germany during 1983, where we both became intrigued with the work of Hans Robert Jauss on reader identification with literary heroes. The authors then decided to collaborate on the topic of reader response to a popular Australian children's book that had been translated into German, Randolph Stow'sMidnite. The main themes for investigation were: How do child readers in Australia and Germany respond to the ironic humour of this rather sophisticated book? Also, what effect might translation have on reader response? A case study approach was evolved using taped interviews of children in Australia and Germany. Our research was presented in a paper at the I.R.S.C.L. Congress in Cologne, 1987, which has been edited for appearance in these pages. We believe the study is unique in the history of the Society in that it was conducted entirely by mail over the four-year period.  相似文献   

Print ads remain an important element of educational recruitment advertising, and, as such, provide an important focus for on-going research. Although excellent advice on the creation of such ads is available in the literature, there still remain areas about which additional insight is sorely needed. Arguably, one such area centers around the topic of 'style' (i.e., how something is said rather than what is said) and its potential effect on how student recruits may perceive and react to recruitment ads. Consequently, the study reported here addresses this very topic. Specifically, this study tested reader response to recruitment ads of identical content but written in eight different styles. Our results suggest that certain styles, independently and in combination, do affect readers' perceptions along such lower-order assessment dimensions as ad interest, appeal, believability, and clarity, yet do not differentially affect much broader, overall measures such as overall attitude toward the ad or intent to respond. Such findings carry substantial implications for recruitment ad copywriters.  相似文献   

This paper is drawn from a study of 10-12 year-old children's stories, the specific purpose of which was to provide a means of investigating the influence of television and videos on children's imagination. Faced with the need to understand nearly 500 stories from their authors' points of view, that is interpreting the authors' meanings and intentions rather than constructing my own meaning as a reader, I found myself wondering how the 'reading' of these texts was to be undertaken. The paper describes the technique I devised for this task and what I found it could reveal about the subtlety, complexity and multiple meanings that can often be discovered in children's stories.The potential power of such an approach to reading children's writing raises issues about the assessment of school writing.  相似文献   

On June 14, 2011, the world of higher education lost a great editor and scholar. D. Barry Lumsden passed away that morning, leaving behind three excellent journals and a legacy of scholarship. Dr. Lumsden had edited the Community College Journal of Research and Practice since he founded it in 1976, and we feel his loss keenly. Our sympathies go out to his family, friends and colleagues for their loss.

I have had the pleasure of working with Barry since joining Taylor & Francis (T&F) in 1984. He was one of the more colorful characters I have come across in 30 years of publishing. He referred to me, as you will see below, as Brother Kevin. He always brought a smile to my face when I would pick up the phone (he is from a generation that still picks up the phone and talks to people) and hear him say hello. He cared deeply about the journals he worked on and the contribution he was making to the field. His legacy has been established by the contributions that he has made and, for me, he will always bring a smile to my face when I think of him.

In early 2011, on Dr. Lumsden's recommendation, we appointed Deborah L. Floyd as his successor. Dr. Floyd has worked on the journal for several years, both as an editorial board member and a guest editor, and we know she will do a fine job in her new role as editor-in-chief. We are saddened by Dr. Lumsden's passing, but look forward to working with Dr. Floyd as she continues the work he started three decades ago. The following editorial was to be his farewell to the Community College Journal of Research and Practice, the journal he edited for 35 years.

Kevin Bradley, President

Taylor & Francis US Journals Program  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(4):157-161
Integrated Community Schools (ICS) in Scotland provide a focus for studying the role of inter‐agency partnerships in supporting more inclusive schools and their communities. In this article, Lyn Tett examines two types of intervention, those designed to coordinate supportive programmes within and outside schools, and those that have acted as a catalyst to restructure local authorities' education and children's services. It is argued that inter‐agency work is difficult and change requires time, resources and commitment to building a meta‐strategy that will allow all relevant interest groups to find a way forward. Inter‐agency programmes can contribute to social inclusion, it is suggested, by sustaining projects that prioritise collaborative partnerships with all the community.  相似文献   


The move in the United Kingdom to recruit more men into primary teaching is to tackle boys under-achievement. One explanation that has been offered as to why boys' are under-achieving is the 'feminisation of primary schooling'. This article begins by exploring the findings of a national survey of student primary teachers towards gender roles and schooling. The views of the students indicated accordance with the idea that primary schools are feminised and feminising environments. The discussion here critiques these notions and argues that current educational policy is not moving forward in a direction that will actively challenge conventional stereotyping. Rather, the move is towards one where notions of masculinity and femininity will be reinforced through a 're-masculinisation' of primary schooling.[1] The research drawn upon in this article was undertaken collaboratively with Bruce Carrington and Ian Hall (University of Newcastle), and Becky Francis (University of North London). I would like to record my thanks to them all, particularly Bruce for his contribution to this article. He provided the analysis of the quantitative data and commentary on the outline of the research project. His analysis of the qualitative data on men student teachers can be found in Carrington (forthcoming). I would also like to thank colleagues at the International Sociology of Education Conference for their comments and observations, in particular Meg Maguire, and two anonymous referees of this article.  相似文献   

In our roles as tutors we recognise a reluctance for students, particularly men, to become involved in discussion around 'gender' with any serious level of engagement. In order to address this, we have begun developing ideas that prompt discussion in seminars on gender issues with a view to raising awareness and creating a greater sensitivity. In this paper we share with readers ideas and materials that may be used to prompt such discussion. We are particularly interested in encouraging students to address perceived sexism for themselves, rather than relying on us as tutors to deal with such gender insensitivity, thus complementing an experiential learning philosophy that underpins our management education units. Locating our understanding of 'gender' in post-structuralism, we look critically at the binary divide between the socially-constructed nature of femininity and masculinity, and question how further polarisation might be reduced. Further, we wish to encourage discussion as to how we might design and develop courses that appeal to women and men, believing that gender management is of equal importance for men and women.  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss the effect technology has had on the development of intelligence testing. I propose three fundamental principles of technology. First: Old technologies do not die; they just fade away. Sometimes they are like age spots, which fade away ever so slowly, if at all. Second: Successful technologies multiply like rabbits. And like rabbits, when they have multiplied extensively, they will start to invade areas where they are unnecessary, and even useless. Third: Successful technologies are originally driven by ideas. Once the technologies succeed, however, they start driving ideas, instead of being driven by them. After discussing these principles, I describe the specifications for the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT), a new test that is theory driven rather than technology driven.  相似文献   

中国唐代以后的短篇小说呈现出与传统叙述相异的面貌。具体表现为:以年轻女性从边缘到中心地位转换为特征的人物修辞设置、以偶然巧遇的特殊机缘为特征的时间修辞设置、以闺房对外秘密通道为特征的空间修辞设置,使叙事因子及叙事流程突破以往叙述模式、认知模式和一般预设,获得异质性,激起大众的接受兴趣。  相似文献   

李清照是中国文学史上创造力最强、艺术成就最高的女性作家。综观李清照的作品,不仅题材丰富,其体裁更可谓诗词文赋兼擅,欢愉之作亦工,悲苦之篇尤胜。李清照作品的多姿多采,是其饱尝人间甘苦的人生所决定的。她的词不论是写少女的天真活泼,还是写少妇的相思、幽怨,抑或写老年嫠妇的凄苦境遇,无不表现出一种与众不同的情趣和韵味,令人回味无穷。她词作中所展现的女性情感世界,完美的艺术技巧,充分展示了其个性,揭示了女性生活中婉美、多情的一面,而且以其不同时期的作品,构成了一部女性情感历程的巨著。  相似文献   

Garrison  Jim 《Science & Education》1997,6(6):543-554
An influential view of constructivism in science and mathematics educational research and practice is that of Ernst von Glasersfeld. It is a peculiarly subjectivist form of constructivism that should not be attractive to science and mathematics educators concerned with retaining some sort of realism that leaves room for objectivity. The subjectivist constructivism of von Glasersfeld also becomes entangled in untenable mind/body and subject/object dualisms. Finally, these dualisms are unnecessary for social constructivism. I will provide one example of a social constructivist alternative to social constructivism, that of the pragmatic philosopher John Dewey. In presenting Dewey's position I will appeal to Ockham's razor, that is, the admonition not to multiply entities beyond necessity, to shave off the needless mentalistic and psychic entities that lead von Glasersfeld into his subjectivism and dualism.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an exponential rise in the popularity of cognitive–behavioural programmes as a means of rehabilitating ‘offenders’. Although the programmes have been evaluated by a number of researchers, very little qualitative work exists, particularly with regard to the discourses mobilised by practitioners, and the production of gendered subjectivities in this setting. Consequently, this article focuses on one woman, ‘Michelle’, who attended an Aggression Replacement Training programme as part of her probation sentence. By drawing on Francis’ [2010. Re/theorizing gender: Female masculinity and male femininity in the classroom. Gender and Education] notion of gender monoglossia and heteroglossia I aim to provide a nuanced account of Michelle's seemingly straightforward ‘performance’ of ‘female masculinity’ [Halberstam, J. 1998. Female masculinity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press]. Through an analysis of the discourses mobilised by practitioners I also demonstrate that within this discursive environment the rehabilitation of female ‘offenders’ continues to be one of conformity to traditional ‘feminine’ gender norms as well as a desistance from crime.  相似文献   

This paper considers the cultural and economic positions of working-class men in the specific context of Merseyside, their attitudes towards education (taking into account, amongst other things their assumed 'breadwinner' role and its pertinence within the prevalent regional context of 'living off one's wits') and the effects on their levels of participation in higher education. Drawing upon recent research into mature students in British universities, the paper suggests that universities themselves need to change if they are to offer an image and environment that will appeal to the adult working class, and in particular the adult workingclass male (who on paper have the most to benefit from lifelong learning) and, significantly, the universities must reassess their 'community' role, and begin to think of themselves in terms of their 'local' remit.  相似文献   

It's something they can relate to. You know, assimilate. They go there, talk in Spanish, not worry about it, drink, have fun, do it all in a language they're accustomed to, or at least with people they feel more comfortable with. I guess that's why a lot of them come Monday nights from these distances. That's what I was trying to explain to Chris. If you have a Latino night it's going to be successful because us as Latinos don't have a lot of options for us to go or places for us to go.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore what it means to write as a woman by uncovering Marguerite Sechehaye's unclaimed contributions to psychoanalysis through a feminist reinterpretation of her writing. Analyzing two discrepant accounts of a treatment relationship, a first‐hand account written by Renee, a young woman who was Sechehaye's patient, and Sechehaye's own writing about this case, I interpret the shifting voices in these accounts and discover a method of “locating the feminine not‐said” [Showalter, 1985] in women's writing. This feminist understanding of Sechehaye's work involves entering women's stories, often informed and inflected by male perspectives, in order to uncover subtexts of resistance to and revision of a dominant view. I argue that the dilemma Sechehaye faced reflects a contradiction in the education of women: to learn a dominant discourse is necessary to gaining entry and voice within any of the professions, yet taking on a dominant discourse often means leaving one's knowledge as a woman largely unclaimed, obscuring a critical and original perspective.  相似文献   

《阿弗小传》是英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的一部重要的实验之作,它通过狗与人、事实与虚构、空间与时间的二元对立叙事,打破了维多利亚时代以精英为传主、过分被事实束缚和主要以时间线性叙事为主的传统,为传记艺术的创新树立了榜样。  相似文献   

焦虑是人预感到不幸而烦躁、恐惧而又有所期待的负面情感.在文学创作中,成功的焦虑描写能更深刻地揭示人性的复杂与精彩,使文学对生命意义的追寻与吁求,达到更高的境界.  相似文献   

I argue that Hannah Arendt's analysis of the development of modern society illuminates one aspect of prevailing educational discourse. We can understand the ‘learning society’ as both an effect and an instrument of the logic of ‘bare biological life’ or zoé that Arendt claims is the ultimate point of reference for modern society. In such a society we seem to live permanently under the threat of social exclusion, being permanently put in the position of learners or problem‐solvers, without the right of appeal. To imagine the possibility of such an appeal requires us to recover our sense of the experience of childhood.  相似文献   

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