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《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):311-328
Undergraduate education majors, student teachers, and experienced teachers (N = 326) responded to two written sketches depicting different levels of student effort. They decided on a grade, rated the importance of achievement and nonachievement factors, and wrote a defense of their grading decision. Overall, experienced teachers tended to give lower grades. Lower grades were awarded more when a female with high effort and low aptitude was portrayed or when a male with low effort and high aptitude was portrayed. Preservice and experienced teachers considered cognitive, nonachievement dispositions to be valid educational outcomes contributing to grade variation. There was a dichotomy of beliefs about borderline grading: Participants were struggling with being a judge or an advocate when the grade was used to punish inadequate effort or to reward improvement. An understanding of the interplay of beliefs, attitude, and social judgment with assessment is essential if teachers are to develop grading strategies that communicate the diverse learning outcomes expected of students.  相似文献   

This study explored the full range of a female counseling student's in-session cognitions by categorizing the content and themes of her cognitions during an entire, nonsimulated session.  相似文献   


A secondary analysis of the High School and Beyond (HSB) data was performed in order to retest the private-school superiority hypothesis and to examine determinants of high school achievement. This analysis attempted to explain the fixed and alterable conditions which influence the achievement of 26,279 sophomores in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and civics. Multiple regression and partial correlations indicated that those variables beyond the control of educators (i.e., amount of homework completed, television viewing, parental involvement with education) explained much of the achievement variation. However, variables under school control, such as quantity and appropriateness of academic instruction, were found to explain significant and educationally meaningful amounts of achievement variance. With background variables controlled, private schools did not outperform public schools.  相似文献   

《Teachers and Teaching》2013,19(2):215-228

This was an exploratory study involving four students with disabilities who were enrolled in a 1-year post-graduate teacher education programme. The purpose of the research was to determine if and how a disability and previous school and life experiences influence early teaching practice. Three phases of data collection using mixed qualitative methods were used in this study. There were five findings: the participants generally had negative elementary and secondary school experiences, the families of the subjects were important in terms of supporting or not supporting educational activities, the students had accepted their disabilities, they possessed specific character traits that contributed to their success, and the participants did not replicate the teaching methods to which they had been exposed.  相似文献   

高校学生工作是高校工作的重要组成部分。在高等教育面向现代化的改革和发展进程中,高校学生工作也必须实现现代化,这是由社会发展、高等教育自身的改革和发展及大学生自身发展对高校学生工作提出的要求。我们必须适应这种要求,实现高校学生工作在思想观念、工作目标、工作机制、工作职能及干部队伍等方面的现代化。  相似文献   

关于大学生发展能力的构想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生的发展能力即大学生顺应时代发展,并在时代发展中不断创新,最终与时代同步发展的综合性能力。辩证唯物主义的观点认为,个人发展与社会发展属同一历史进程。一方面,个人发展是社会发展的前提;另一方面,社会发展又是推进个人发展的驱力。没有个人能力的发展不可能有社会的发展,而个人能力的发展又必须顺应社会的发展趋势。大学生的发展能力由智力能力因素和心理能力因素构成。智力能力涉及大学生的知识信息和技能技术,心理能力则与大学生的意志力、情绪情感和应变力有关。虽然智力能力因素和心理能力因素均可能影响大学生发展能力的形成,但在许多情况下,心理能力则是决定大学生发展能力的关键因素。  相似文献   

A Teaching Artist/professor/author focuses on the essential practices in guiding student dialogue about works of art.  相似文献   

学生评价是教育过程中的一个重要环节,它不仅对学生的学习与发展起到信息反馈和激发动机的作用,同时还可以检查课程计划、更改教学程序以及重新规定教学目标.本文在分析如何正确理解学生评价的基础上,进一步探讨了学生评价的内容与方法以及学生评价对学生产生的心理影响,从而使教师能够更有效地利用学生评价以促进学生的学习与发展.  相似文献   

关于学校效能评价标准和方法的两点认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校效能的评价标准和方法与对学校效能和学校效能评价的理解有直接关系.学校效能就是学校促进学校人员、学校工作和学校事业发展的有效作用;学校效能评价就是对学校有效促进学校人员、学校工作和学校事业发展的评价.这样,学校效能的评价标准就包括学校各类人员、各类工作和学校各项事业发展三方面因素;学校评价的方法就应采取定量评价和定性评价、增值评价和非增值评价相结合的方法,同时还要注意学校效能评价在理论、操作和作用上的限度.  相似文献   

To date, research to date on personal response systems (clickers) has focused on external issues pertaining to the implementation of this technology or broadly measured student learning gains rather than investigating differences in the responses themselves. Multimedia learning makes use of both words and pictures, and research from cognitive psychology suggests that using both words and illustrations improves student learning. This study analyzed student response data from 561 students taking an introductory earth science course to determine whether including an illustration in a clicker question resulted in a higher percentage of correct responses than questions that did not include a corresponding illustration. Questions on topics pertaining to the solid earth were categorized as illustrated questions if they contained a picture, or graph and text-only if the question only contained text. For each type of question, we calculated the percentage of correct responses for each student and compared the results to student ACT-reading, math, and science scores. A within-groups, repeated measures analysis of covariance with instructor as the covariate yielded no significant differences between the percentage of correct responses to either the text-only or the illustrated questions. Similar non-significant differences were obtained when students were grouped into quartiles according to their ACT-reading, -math, and -science scores. These results suggest that the way in which a conceptest question is written does not affect student responses and supports the claim that conceptest questions are a valid formative assessment tool.  相似文献   

学生评价是教育评价体系的核心和重要内容,对促进和帮助学生成长和发展起到重要的作用。后现代主义思潮倡导的尊重个体的主体性,推崇平等对话;崇尚差异性,提倡多元思维;强调动态化,重视可持续发展的特征对学生评价观产生了重大的影响,为我们重建学生评价体系提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

应用Excel提供的函数,可以方便、快速、准确地实现数据处理的规范化,在开发综合测评系统时也比其它平台更加简便易用。本文以定量分析与定性分析相结合、采取百分制折算法等措施保证了测评的科学性。现在该系统已经逐步运用到教学管理实践中。  相似文献   

学生评价在学校各种评价中处于核心地位,学生评价改革因此就成了建立新型教育评价体系的关键环节。发展性学生评价作为一种新的评价理念和实践,它顺应了时代潮流,符合当今社会对人才的需要和教育自身发展的需求。从理论基础、实践特点和评价方法三个主要方面对其进行审视和探索具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

学生评教作为大学教学质量保障体系的一种重要制度,往往推崇量化评价的方式。 学生评教作为西方社会的舶来品,由于中西文化差异,量化评教在我国实施过程中形成“鸡肋”困境。 突破这一困境需要转变学生评教的评价范式,适时引进质性评价的方式。文章从理念层面阐析质性研究的范式在学生评教活动中的适切性,论证质性评教的合理性,从实践层面解析质性评价在学生评价中的实施路径,论证质性评教的可行性,并分析质性评价在学生评教中存在的困难,找准提高质性评教成效的着力点,以此促进学生评教有效性的达成。  相似文献   

The research on student ratings of instruction, while voluminous, has had minimal focus on the perceptions of the students who do the ratings. The current study explored student perspectives on course and teacher ratings as well as some issues related to teaching effectiveness and faculty roles. It was found that students are generally willing to do evaluations and to provide feedback, and have no particular fear of repercussions. However, they have little confidence that faculty or administrators pay attention to the results, and do not even consult the ratings themselves. The students view teaching and advising as the most important roles that should be played by faculty, yet project that faculty, while also viewing teaching as the most important, would rank research above the more student-interactive advising. Canonical correlations among various scales reveal a strong emphasis on such issues of the importance of faculty respect for student views.  相似文献   

传统观念认为,学生表现在前而档案记录在后,学生做什么就记录什么,这是对高校学生档案的认识不够深入和缺乏理性思考的表现,是对学生档案的简单化理解。高校学生档案以无声的方式,潜移默化地影响着学生的世界观、人生观和价值观的形成,在学生的发展过程中发挥着其特有的教育功能、激励功能和调适功能。规范高校学生档案管理,充分挖掘和发挥学生档案的育人功能是高校义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

人文素养是一个人最基本的人格和品质,如何对学生进行人文素养的培养,成为近几年来教育界乃至全社会广泛关注的问题。学生时代是人文素养形成的关键时期,但因受传统教学模式的长期影响,学生仅仅是为了应试而学习,人文素养的提升效果并不明显。笔者就提升学生的人文素养问题提出几点思考。  相似文献   

Today’s traditional-aged college students are avid users of mobile technology. Commonly referred to as the Net Generation, today’s college students spend several hours each day using their smart phones, iPads, and laptops. Although some scholars initially opined that the Net Generation would grow into technologically savvy digital natives who would leverage their unprecedented access to technology for professional and academic betterment, contemporary research has rejected the digital native myth. Instead, college students frequently use mobile technology for off-task purposes while attending classroom lectures or doing schoolwork outside of class—a phenomenon known as cyber-slacking. This article provides college educators with an overview of the frequency and consequences of cyber-slacking inside and outside the classroom and seven instructional implications for curbing cyber-slacking. Proposed strategies for curbing cyber-slacking include rejecting the digital native myth, adopting and enforcing technology policies, consciousness raising, motivating students to relinquish their devices, incorporating active learning in the classroom, using mobile technology as a teaching tool, teaching students to be self-regulated learners, and motivating students to delay gratification from their mobile devices.  相似文献   

高校学生干部在学校思想和行政管理中起着十分重要的作用,是架起高校各级学生组织与学生之间桥梁的必要保证。高校学生评价机制不仅对学生个体有重要的评价意义,而且也是选拔高校学生干部的有力依据之一,因此,用实证方法分析和探索二者的相关关系应具有一定的现实意义,同时探索解决对策也是本文的题中之义。  相似文献   

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