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Many current Web-based learning environments facilitate the theoretical teaching of a subject but this may not be sufficient for those disciplines that require a significant use of graphic mechanisms to resolve problems. This research study looks at the use of an environment that can help students learn engineering drawing with Web-based CAD tools, including a self-correction component. A comparative study of 121 students was carried out. The students were divided into two experimental groups using Web-based interactive CAD tools and into two control groups using traditional learning tools. A statistical analysis of all the samples was carried out in order to study student behavior during the research and the effectiveness of these self-study tools in the learning process. The results showed that a greater number of students in the experimental groups passed the test and improved their test scores. Therefore, the use Web-based graphic interactive tools to learn engineering drawing can be considered a significant improvement in the teaching of this kind of academic discipline.  相似文献   

The planning and production of a photo-play as a group project involves the natural discipline of a technical job and the through exploration of the subject under study. At the same time it provides a logical conclusion and presentation which is its own record of achievement and a source of legitimate pride to its makers. The photo-play also forms an entertaining and valuable recapitulation of the study for the group and is an effective teaching aid for use with other groups, taking advantage of that curious capacity of children to give more concentrated attention to the work of their peers than their teachers.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study assesses the impact of the University of Arizona’s New Start Summer Program (NSSP) on participants’ first year GPA and retention, controlling for incoming student characteristics. While programmatic participation significantly predicted first-year GPA and retention, this relationship became insignificant when controlling for first-year college experiences and student development. Programmatic efficacy is largely determined not only by how practitioners develop participants’ cognitive abilities, but also how effectively they connect them to social and academic support networks during their first year of college. Within this context, programmatic impact is likely indirect which poses a number of methodological and resource allocation issues for student affairs administrators and professionals. In addition, it highlights the need to assess the impact of summer bridge programs longitudinally while also having a demographically similar group of students who did not participate for comparison: Two areas generally absent from research on summer bridge program literature. Finally, the study was made possible because of a strong collaboration between the NSSP administrators and the research team, where the goals and needs of each group were supported by the other.  相似文献   

Colleges and universities nationwide are facing declining enrollment resulting in declining revenue. Fewer 18-24 year olds, rising college costs and decreasing financial aid are causing admissions officers to become more agressive in their recruitment process. Well-targeted direct marketing campaigns personally designed to meet individual students' needs will allow college admissions personnel to effectively communciate with prospective students and parents. Utilizing the services of a service bureau provides colleges and universities a means to gain expertise in direct marketing areas and keep the costs under control at the same time.  相似文献   

Creativity in higher education is analyzed as an intentional act and related to a number of ideas from cognitive psychology. It is claimed that the culture of engineering education entails a too narrow view on creativity and is based on outdated learning theories. The deeper philosophical implications of creativity, i.e. the quest for meaning, will have to be readdressed if engineering education is to prepare its graduates for future tasks.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to investigate the process of the “transfer of knowledge"from the reformed university in Cambridge to the quite alien socio‐political conditions of Ireland and later to the New World. The “transfer of knowledge” fiom the English to the Irish environment was seen as relocating an ideal replica of the original The same was intended in the case of the founding of Harvard by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Both new locations, i.e. Dublin (1592) and Harvard (1636), were identified by Puritans who took their role of “civilising” a wilderness and Christianising society very seriously. Universities, despite their medieval European origin, were thought of as vital instruments in the “civilising” process. A Puritan network, communicating between all three locations, can be identified; its members endeavoured to centre their “city of peace” on the universities and their refined scholarship; this seemed indeed easier in New England than in Ireland.  相似文献   

Both sides of the debate on school choice point to the failure of schools in choice programs as evidence for their position. To opponents of choice, school failures point to the lack of accountability of the voucher sector, and the need for greater governmental control. To choice supporters, failures represent the marketplace working, as poor-performing schools are pushed out. Applying a survival analysis to newly available data on the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, this study texts the extent to which market forces promote growth in high-performing schools, while culling low performers.  相似文献   

Subscores can be of diagnostic value for tests that cover multiple underlying traits. Some items require knowledge or ability that spans more than a single trait. It is thus natural for such items to be included on more than a single subscore. Subscores only have value if they are reliable enough to justify conclusions drawn from them and if they contain information about the examinee that is distinct from what is in the total test score. In this study we show, for a broad range of conditions of item overlap on subscores, that the value of the subscore is always improved through the removal of such items.  相似文献   

Two case studies from turn-of-the-century St. Louis, the public school kindergarten and a privately run day nursery, reveal that both organizations provided compensatory child rearing, yet one was legitimated through the public school and the other continued as an impoverished, largely illegitimate institution. Distinctions were supported by leaders' overt and covert intentions and organizations were kept separate through the elimination from the kindergarten of the “nursery element” and resistance to educational offerings in the day nursery. Implications for merging the two organizations and for attitudes about working mothers and the public care of children are discussed.  相似文献   

Many people within and outside of higher education view honors programs as providing meaningful academic experiences that promote learning and growth for high-achieving students. To date, the research exploring the link between honors participation and college grades and retention has obtained mixed results; some of the seemingly conflicting findings may stem from the presence of methodological limitations, including the difficulty with adequately accounting for selection into honors programs. In addition, virtually no research has explored the conditions under which honors programs are most strongly related to desired outcomes. To provide a rigorous examination of the potential impact of this experience, this study conducted propensity score analyses with a large, multi-institutional, longitudinal sample of undergraduates at 4-year institutions. In the full sample, honors participation predicts greater college GPA and 4-year graduation, while it is unrelated to college satisfaction and retention. However, these results differ notably by institutional selectivity: Honors participation is associated with greater college GPA, retention to the third and fourth years of college, and 4-year graduation at less selective institutions, but it is significantly related only to GPA at more selective institutions. These relationships are also sometimes larger among students from historically underrepresented groups.  相似文献   

Works of art can be viewed as elements of a human‐specific nonverbal communication system, distinct from language. First, the cognitive abilities and skills required for art creation and perception are built from a cascade of events driven by a “genetic envelope”. Essential for the understanding of artistic creation is its epigenetic variability. Second, artistic contemplation and creation may be tentatively viewed as a discrete and singular conscious synthesis taking place within the personal global neuronal workspace of external perceptions, internal memories and stored emotions. Third, there is a need for rules that constrain and restrict in a top‐down manner the selection of representations generated by the artist's brain. Finally, artistic creation is a part of the personal history of the artist and stems from an anterior historical evolution.  相似文献   

Deficient publicity challenged participants when selecting community college for postsecondary education and identifying secondary mathematics teaching as a career. Secondary mathematics teaching career promotion by the community college out in the local community and on the community college campuses was found to be nonexistent but necessary to increase the teacher-of-color pool. The purpose of this case study was to understand the role community colleges played in preparing current Washington State secondary mathematics teachers of color. Teachers-of-color voices were evaluated through Critical Race Theory, and recommendations were developed to support and counter identified oppressive structures: A future secondary mathematics teacher community outreach club would engage the community by (a) developing partnerships with local K–12 schools to increase teaching career exploration, (b) exploring feasibility of Math in the Community, and (c) promoting the community college as A College FOR the Community with outreach mathematics application courses taught in nonschool-based community venues.  相似文献   

A variety of personal characteristics have been shown to be influential in teacher-student relationships. The sex of the child as well as the appropriateness of his behavior were the factors evaluated in this study. An analysis of the results indicated that sex-inappropriate behavior was viewed less favorably than sex-appropriate behavior. A discussion of the results was presented with regard to support for previous studies and implications for future research.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the thoughts 6-year-olds and 9-year-olds have related to the serious issue of air and sea pollution. More specifically, twenty seven 6-year-olds and thirty 9-year-olds attending two state schools in Volos, a small provincial town in Greece participated in the research which assessed the students’ competence to think systemically about dealing with pollution. The study sheds light on whether students are able to identify interrelations between the components of pollution, and clarifies the mental models they hold. Data was collected through drawings and interviews, subsequent analysis of which indicates that students appeared to hold two mental models related to pollution; pollution is connected both spatially and temporally with visible pollutants; and, pollution is connected indirectly with invisible pollutants. The students seemed to exhibit a kind of systemic thinking, which was done unconsciously to a certain degree. Thus it is a challenge for education to enhance students’ systemic thinking in an attempt to bring it to a more conscious level, which will assist them to reconstruct their mental models of pollution.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Career and technical education (CTE) and college preparation curriculum in high school are often treated as mutually exclusive options rather than integrated,...  相似文献   

In 2006, a bill was submitted in the Missouri Legislature designed to address issues raised during a lawsuit by a Missouri State University social work student contesting requirements that Missouri public colleges and universities take steps to insure tolerance of diverse perspectives in the classroom and on campus. Although the legislation did not pass, it motivated university administrators among other measures to sponsor a forum on “intellectual diversity,” held on 11 October 2007 on the University of Missouri–St. Louis campus. In his remarks as a faculty panelist, J. Martin Rochester makes five distinct points about the realities and pitfalls of regulating tolerance and the true meaning of diversity on a college campus.
J. Martin RochesterEmail:

Structuring job interviews is a method of decreasing bias and increasing the predictive validity of job performance, but research suggests that applicants can react negatively to structure (Chapman & Zweig, 2005) and that negative attitudes about selection tools can predict performance (Hausknecht, Day, & Thomas, 2004). The current exploratory study investigates how structuring the job interview in conjunction with priming the ethnicity and sex of the applicant, and in some conditions providing an explanation of the structure, affected post‐interview cognitive ability performance. Three levels of structure were randomly assigned. Those who experienced a structured interview without an explanation of its purpose scored lower than those who experienced an unstructured interview, but those who experienced a structured interview with an explanation of its purpose did not score lower than those who experienced an unstructured interview. Scores differed for females and Hispanics depending on the structure condition, but not in the same manner. Implications for recruitment, selection, and performance management are discussed.  相似文献   

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