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根据离散数学的内容特点,通过大量实例阐述本课程改革的重点,包括课程连贯性、实用性、与其他学科的关联性等方面,引导并激发学生的学习兴趣,提高逻辑思维和发散思维能力。  相似文献   

与高校的其他数学类课程相比,数学建模课程学习具有难度大、涉及面广、形式灵活、对学生思维要求较高等特点,在学习目标上存在差异性,在学习内容上存在互补性,在学习形式上具有互促性;数学建模课程学习宜采取硬性评价与软性评价相结合的评价策略.为此,应实施评价指标多维度、评价内容多侧面、评价主体多元化.  相似文献   

Through interviews with members of the setting panel, this paper probes the process of setting the first external test for the VCE Physics course when it was implemented in 1992. The development of the course itself had been highly contested, but the contest was enacted largely outside the structures set up for formal negotiation between interested parties. Consequently the process was obscure, and the issues never clearly articulated. However, the outcome was that the course was much closer to a traditional course in physics than had originally seemed likely. The test setting panel provided a microcosm in which the contest that had shaped the development of the course was replayed. In the deliberations of the panel, certain discursive mechanisms can be identified as having operated to ensure that particular decisions became inevitable. Once identified in the deliberations of the test panel, similar mechanisms can be discerned during the process of devising the course itself. Some implications are noted for future efforts to reform curriculum and assessment in physics, and for current classroom practice.  相似文献   

本研究尝试在课程改革脉络中探讨中国大陆教师在建构其专业身份时所遇到的挑战与困境。具体而言,采用案例研究方式,在广东省深圳市选择三所小学进行深入研究,主要运用半结构式访谈、文件分析等方法搜集数据。研究结果表明,中国大陆教师在课程改革背景之下,其专业身份建构过程所面对的困境主要分为控制、课程、专业发展与评估等四个方面。针对这一结论,研究者对如何进行下一阶段的教师教育提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

根据地方经济对数学与应用数学专业人才的需求,以贺州学院为例,探索应用技术型本科专业课程设置的思路,对整合与优化专业基础课程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

This article aims to describe a type of formative assessment, MAP Classroom Challenge, which has been introduced in mathematics classrooms in recent years. MAP, or the Mathematics Assessment Project Classroom Challenges (formerly known as Formative Assessment Lessons), are developed by teams of math educators from the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education at the University of Nottingham and the University of California, Berkeley, with the support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The overarching goal of Classroom Challenges is to support teachers in administering effective formative assessment by identifying student misconceptions of main mathematical ideas and helping students develop better understanding. The design of Classroom Challenges stems from the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and it is based on the seamless fusion of the standards for mathematical content and the standards for mathematical practices. Furthermore, this article demonstrates the positive impact one Classroom Challenge had on revealing and subsequently eliminating student misconceptions related to certain fundamental algebraic concepts.  相似文献   

学习困难的学生在学生群体中占有大约10%的比例,学困生的转化问题是近年来热点的研究问题,也是一线教师需要面对和解决的问题。采用内容分析法进行相关文献综述,在通过对涉及到的学习困难、数学学习困难、学困生的成因、学困生的分类以及数学学习困难分类进行相应梳理的基础上,通过质性的个案研究进一步探讨初中数学学习困难的成因问题。  相似文献   

采用半结构式访谈和问卷调查深入探讨了1位专家型数学教师的数学观,数学学习观和数学教学观及其相关影响因素。本研究发现该专家型数学教师主要认为:(1)数学是培养学生思维和数学能力的载体,是源于生活和用于生活的,是学生学习、考试的一个科目;(2)学习数学需一定天赋,学生自主参与、归纳总结是数学学习最佳的方式,数学思维和分析解决问题的能力是学生数学学习的主要部分和应达到的水平之一;(3)数学教学的目标在于培养学生的数学思维、分析解决问题的能力,成功的数学教学应注重学生的参与和课后落实。中国传统文化、数学教育传统、新课程理念以及教师的工作环境等都对其观念系统有一定的影响。  相似文献   

最新2011年澳大利亚全国统一数学课程标准征求意见稿的特点是:由各州制订过渡到全国统一;由过细的学习水平划分过渡到学段划分;各学段的学习要求明确;数与代数、测量与几何考虑了各州和地区已有课程标准,加强统计与概率内容。对我国数学课程建设的启示是:根据学生身心发展特点划分学段;注意学段内不同学习水平的划分;处理好继承和发展的关系。  相似文献   

As student-centered approaches to teaching and learning are more widely applied, researchers must assess the outcomes of these interventions across a range of courses and institutions. As an example of such assessment, this study examined the impact of inquiry-based learning (IBL) in college mathematics on undergraduates’ subsequent grades and course selection at two institutions. Insight is gained upon disaggregating results by course type (IBL vs. non-IBL), by gender, and by prior mathematics achievement level. In particular, the impact of IBL on previously low-achieving students’ grades is sizable and persistent. The authors offer some methodological advice to guide future such studies.  相似文献   

This paper explores the process of workplace learning and problem solving by examining Western and local enterprises in South China. The paper addresses the subject on two levels. First, it examines the process of learning by solving problems on the shop floor. Second, it deals with certain managerial concepts embedded in Chinese culture and discusses whether these concepts help or impede collective learning. The article concludes that new ways of working and learning are emerging through the interaction of Western and Chinese culture.  相似文献   

This paper explores the process of workplace learning and problem solving by examining Western and local enterprises in South China. The paper addresses the subject on two levels. First, it examines the process of learning by solving problems on the shop floor. Second, it deals with certain managerial concepts embedded in Chinese culture and discusses whether these concepts help or impede collective learning. The article concludes that new ways of working and learning are emerging through the interaction of Western and Chinese culture.  相似文献   

作为九年一贯课程的一个重要领域,台湾地区中小学数学课程发生了很大变化.课程目标体现基础性、全面性和一定的弹性,注重学生综合素养培养;课程内容注重扩展学习领域,强调与生活联系,重视学生的体验和能力的培养,注重与现代科学技术发展相适应.  相似文献   

以美国得克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校(UTA)为例,对其数理知识复合型物理教师职前教育的课程结构特点进行研究.分析其课程类型和门类的设定、模块比例的划分、学分的比例分配和课程开设的顺序安排等,讨论其课程结构设置的特色以及对新时期我国地方师范院校物理教师职前教育课程结构调整和优化的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

在浙江省从2006年开始使用的普通高中课程标准实验教科书(以下称“新教材”)与以往教材相比较而言更加注重物理概念的教学,在概念  相似文献   

基础教育数学课程改革的课程社会学考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

数学课程内容具有抽象性是普遍的共识。通过数与单位以及单位化眼光的案例分析,得到抽象性在数学课程与教学中表现为主观的差异性。利用具身认知理论对学生生成以及加法交换律的分析,得到隐喻思维有益于对抽象内容的理解和意义的丰富。进一步得到数学教学中的两点启示:一是将隐喻思维融入学习,有益于抽象内容意义的理解与丰富;二是面对异样生成和错误应当采取接纳的态度,并使之成为教学资源。  相似文献   

The present study explores reasoning and argumentation in Greek mathematics and physics texts in specific topics related to the notion of periodicity. In our study, argumentation is taken as the sequence of the modes of reasoning (MsoR) that an author develops in a text when organizing and presenting new knowledge. Inductive content analysis was applied on 71 thematic units taken from 4 mathematics and 4 physics textbooks, and a coding system of categories and subcategories of MsoR was produced. Our analysis discerned 4 main categories of MsoR: empirical, logical-empirical, nomological, and mathematical; we argue that each mode of reasoning (MoR) plays a different role in conceptualizing aspects of periodicity. Analysis of the sequence of MsoR in two thematic units raised pragmatic considerations on the text understanding in relation to the scientific argumentation discourse and highlights ontological differences in the two subjects when ascending from observations to generalizations. Educational implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

课堂教学实践是课程改革的脉搏,研究课堂教学实践是衡量课改实施情况和效果的关键环节之一.数学课堂教学活动有4类:教师讲授(简单问答)、师生互动、合作讨论和练习实践.上海"二期课改"驱动下的初中数学课堂教学较好地融入了改革的理念,兼顾了传统和改革的教学方法,注重了学生的基础和提高.学生高水平的认知活动仍显不够,如何进一步提高课堂活动中学生的认知水平需要深入探讨.  相似文献   

Universities are often characterized as highly resistant to change, but this is not always true. In circumstances of major threat to institutional survival they may be as susceptible to change as any other large complex organization. This article presents a case study of major organizational change in a mid-sized (17,000 students) university in Ontario, Canada. It concludes that, while formal internal processes may vary from one institution to another, many of the tenets of change theory applicable to other organizations also apply in universities. Lessons about when and how such change can be effected are suggested.  相似文献   

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