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基于O’Malley、Chamot和文秋芳的关于英语学习策略的理论体系,以云南省楚雄彝族自治州的初中生作为调查对象,对初中生英语学习策略的应用情况及学习策略应用中表现出来的性别差异进行研究。通过SPSS对数据进行统计分析,发现男、女生对元认知策略和社交/情感策略的应用有显著差异。此外,女生计划和管理学习的观念和意识比男生强烈,并能在学习的过程中以这些观念为指导,调整学习策略、调节并管理学习。  相似文献   

通过对全国15所不同类别高校2533名毕业生的问卷调查,运用结构方程技术和回归分析方法,探讨了城市和农村两类大学生的社会资本差异及其对就业选择的影响。结果表明:城乡大学生所拥有的社会资本存在较大差距,这种差距主要源于家庭(父母)社会经济地位的差异;社会资本的城乡差异对城乡大学生择业有显著影响,具有社会资本优势的城市毕业生更可能在一级劳动力市场实现就业而较少考虑到农村就业,相反,农村学子的农村就业意愿更强;职业选择上,城市学生更倾向成为大学生村官,农村学子则更倾向于农村创业。  相似文献   

如何对待教学中学生的个体差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生的个体差异是教育教学活动应考虑的重要方面之一。因材施教被认为是应对教学中个体差异的有效方法。在对个体差异的涵义和变量进行分析的基础上,对因材施教这种以适应为主处理个体差异的教学思想和策略进行了反思,并提出要在承认差异,尊重差异的前提下,以形成学生的主体性为根本,在适应的基础上逐步超越学生的个体差异,以促进全体学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

美国高中生面对高考为何如此平静   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的高考不仅深受学生重视,且竞争异常激烈。但美国高中生面对高考却十分平静,且在高考“指挥棒”的引领下,素质教育仍蓬勃开展。究其原因,其高考招生制度功不可没,如:重视平时成绩,建立长效考核机制;考试次数多,并选取最高分;重分数,但更重人的综合素质等。当前,我国高考改革应以美国为鉴,实行既重分又重人的考核方案,实行多次高考,大力进行高考制度建设。  相似文献   

作者阐述了“教会学生会学“的重要性和必要性,并结合教学实践提出了“问题法“教授中学历史课的新模式,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

试析社会资本在大学生就业中的消极效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会资本对大学生就业既有积极效应也有消极效应,以往人们多强调社会资本对大学生就业的积极效应,对社会资本对就业产生的消极效应却少有人论及。分析了社会资本对大学生就业的消极效应。  相似文献   

The correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation were examined in 303 male and 691 female undergraduates. Results indicated that hopelessness predicted suicidal ideation in both samples; however, depression was found to be a significant suicide risk factor only in women. In contrast, alcohol-related problems and social support from family predicted suicidal ideation in men, but not in women. In addition, for both men and women perceived burdensomeness was a suicide risk factor and reasons for living a protective factor. When assessing risk for suicide, our results suggest that practitioners may need to focus more on depressive symptoms in women and more on alcohol-related problems in men, while considering hopelessness, perceived burdensomeness, and reasons for living regardless of gender. Prevention programs which target these identified risk and protective factors for suicidality should be developed specifically for college men and women.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine whether middle school students' writing self-efficacy beliefs make an independent contribution to the prediction of their writing competence and to explore grade level and gender differences in writing self-beliefs (N = 742). Writing self-efficacy was the only motivation construct to predict writing competence in a model that included writing self-concept, writing apprehension, perceived value of writing, self-efficacy for self-regulation, previous writing achievement, gender, and grade level. Girls were more competent writers than were boys, but there were no gender differences in writing self-efficacy beliefs. However, when students were asked whether they were better writers than their peers, girls expressed that they were better writers than were other boys or girls in their class or in their school to a greater degree than did the boys. These findings suggest that girls and boys may use a different metric when responding to traditional self-efficacy scales. Students in Grade 6 reported higher self-efficacy and found writing more valuable than did their older peers, and students in Grade 7 reported lower writing self-beliefs than did students in Grades 6 or 8.  相似文献   

As implemented in North Carolina, Early College High Schools are small, autonomous schools designed to increase the number of students who graduate from high school and are prepared for postsecondary education. Targeted at students who are underrepresented in college, these schools are most frequently located on college campuses and are intended to provide students with 2 years of college credit upon graduation from high school. This article reports on preliminary 9th-grade results from 285 students in 2 sites participating in a longitudinal experimental study of the impact of the model. These early results show that significantly more Early College High School students are enrolling and progressing in a college preparatory course of study. This expanded access, however, is associated with somewhat lower pass rates for some courses, suggesting the need for strong academic support to accompany increased enrollment in more rigorous courses. Implementation data collected on one school indicate that it is successfully implementing the model's components.  相似文献   

本研究使用"中国教育追踪调查"(CEPS)数据,探讨父母监管与同伴影响对中学生的影响及其性别差异。研究发现:1.初中生的越轨行为存在性别差异:女生的越轨行为显著低于男生; 2.父母监管和同伴的纪律行为会降低个人的越轨行为,而同伴的越轨行为会提升个人的越轨行为; 3.父母监管对男生的越轨行为的影响效应显著高于女生,而同伴行为对个人越轨行为的影响不存在显著的性别差异。因此,教育者在越轨行为的控制上,应当同时考虑到父母与同伴的影响,充分发挥父母与同伴的正向作用,减少同伴带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

中学与大学教学之间的主要差异表现在课本地位、教师作用、教学的目的、学生的学习状态和知识的教学方式等方面。学生只有充分认识中学和大学教学的差异,并积极主动适应大学的教学,才能顺利完成学业,成为具有真才实学的高素质的国家和社会需要的人才。  相似文献   

社会资本是大学生获取竞争资源的重要因素,大学生提高创业竞争优势的关键在于提升社会资本获取能力。社会资本具有资本属性,可以带来具有竞争优势的资源,社会资本的取得需要时间、精力、金钱的投入,需要积累,大学生社会资本稀缺。创业教育应培养大学生社会资本意识,提升获取社会资本的能力。大学生在创业中获取社会资本能力应在创业实践中培养,社会资本的积累有一个阶梯性过程,生存型创业项目具有风险小、门槛低、上手快的特点,大学生通过生存型创业项目在寻求、整合创业资源中扩大人脉资源,积累社会资本,提高获取社会资本的能力,提升创业能力。  相似文献   

This research was conducted with the aim of clarifying a concept of “global social responsibility.” A total sample of 395 senior high school students in Japan responded to a pool of items mostly adapted from a scale developed by Starrett (1996) and provided additional data concerning their social experiences. The data were used in the development of a Japanese version of the Global Social Responsibility (GSR) scale. It was found that “global altruism,” “active involvement with society,” and “understanding of interdependence” constituted a construct of global social responsibility. It was also found that females, those who discussed social problems with their family, those who revealed a high awareness of responsibility and those who had multiple experiences of volunteer activities for community service showed high GSR scores. The scale provides both an awareness of the concept and a measure for determining levels of global social responsibility. Counseling professionals are encouraged to consider their roles from a global and social perspective, with the notion of responsibility being seen as central to the concepts of freedom and personal development.  相似文献   

新高考改革是否对高等教育入学机会性别公平产生影响,应该作为衡量新高考改革是否成功的的因素之一。本研究以上海新高考改革为例,对改革前后3年学生入学机会的性别差异进行实证分析发现,上海男生群体的普通高等教育入学机会相对于改革前大幅提升,不分层次的入学机会和本科入学机会中的性别差异明显减小。在各层级高校入学机会方面,两性群体仍然存在一定的差异,男生获得优质高等教育资源的机会多于女生。整体而言,新高考改革促进了男女生入学机会均等,契合了教育公平的价值追求。  相似文献   

教师认为写作教学很难实施,学生认为写作题无从下笔。本文认为,高中英语教学过程中,应该从高一起就渗透、潜移默化地培养学生的英语写作能力。通过阅读教学让学生熟悉课文的各种文体来提高学生的书面表达能力。  相似文献   

目前,虽然许多女大学生拥有较强的自主创业意识,但自身缺乏良好的创业能力和素质,而高校目前所提供的创业教育培训又缺乏必要的针对性,加之社会自主创业的氛围不够浓烈、对女大学生创业的舆论指向不公导致认同度低,使得女大学生进行创业实践的比率相对较低,加剧了女大学生就业创业难问题。从性别差异的视角探讨当前我国高校针对女大学生开展创业教育培训的状况,尝试提出相应的对策与措施,旨在破解高校在创业教育培训中存在的问题,促进女大学生顺利创业。  相似文献   

社会资本是组织或个人在某种行动范围和价值导向内,通过社会关系间的互相交往而形成的一种社会网络关系,从而实现组织或个人目标;在社会资本视域下,大学生就业力指大学生在职业网络关系构建过程中所表现出的个人核心竞争能力,具有独立自主性、技能通用性、环境适应性和可持续发展性等特征;提升大学生就业力的基础是积累多层次的社会网络资源...  相似文献   

Word文字处理软件的基本操作知识,贯穿了从小学到高中整个信息技术课程体系。由于反复学习了多次,高中生很容易对其厌倦。如何把Word的内容上出新意,对高中信息技术老师提出了挑战。本文以高中信息技术Word教学实践为基础,探讨艺术设计为切入点的创新性教学法。  相似文献   

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