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Adult non-formal education and training (NFET) in South Africa was adopted in 1990 to address the problem of unemployment of non-educated and unskilled adults. Public and private NFET centres aim to meet the training needs of adults who were deprived of formal education that would foster access to opportunities for employment. The paper reports on a study conducted to investigate what constitutes NFET enabling environments for employment. The paper focuses on the approach of training delivery fostering labour market entry of graduates. The findings show that individual trainees who participated in private centres had a higher probability of being employed because of the creation of internal enabling environments for skills acquisition and focus on income-generating activities. The authors conclude that an integration of technical skills with business skills and ‘learning by earning’ is a potential training delivery approach enabling graduates to participate in economic activities.  相似文献   

Background and purpose:?The interest in raising the competence of teachers through networks and network activities is increasing. This article is based on the voices of four newly qualified teachers who give us the opportunity to listen to experiences in authentic surroundings. The purpose of this article is to gain better insight into the type of networks newly qualified teachers maintain, develop and create to develop as teachers. The research question is: What is the importance of networks for the professional development of newly qualified teachers in upper secondary education?

Main argument:?The main finding of the article, based on in-depth interviews with four newly qualified teachers, is that being acknowledged by colleagues is decisive for professional development. Furthermore, the school’s programme of meetings to some extent contributes to developing the respect and trust of the newly qualified teachers, who also need to find time and opportunities for reflection in personal networks outside school. The relational and emotional aspects of the teaching profession produce a need for guidance processes where the ethical dilemmas of the profession can be raised. When these dilemmas arise, the newly qualified teachers actively look outside school to grasp opportunities for professional development. The teachers appear to be very active in their own professional development, and they have ambitions to develop as teachers for the benefit of the pupils and the school.

Conclusions:?Systematic guidance is highlighted as fundamental for these teachers’ learning.  相似文献   

Simon McGrath 《Compare》2000,30(1):67-84
As South Africa enters the Mbeki Presidency so the fortunes of the country are thrown into sharp relief. One of the central elements determining South Africa's short- to medium-term future will be the success of educational transformation, particularly when it is directed to addressing issues of equity and economic development. This paper explores the 1998 reforms of the further education and training system in the context of broader questions of educational and economic transformation in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper begins as an historical outline of non-formal education in Thailand, from its inception as the Adult Education Division in 1940 to the present day. The philosophy and curricula of adult and non-formal education are examined, particularly in terms of the overall concept of khit-pen. The paper gives an overview of activities currently on offer by the Non-Formal Education Department and other involved agencies. There are programs designed to provide basic knowledge and skills, in particular General Adult Education and Functional Literacy Programs; there are programs designed to provide training in vocational and occupational skills; and there are programs designed to provide relevant knowledge and up-to-date information. An attempt is made to view these developments in terms of their relationship with the formal school system, and the paper concludes with some thoughts on future plans and initiatives.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Bericht ist ein historischer Abriß der nicht-formalen Erziehung in Thailand von ihren Anfängen als Abteilung für Erwachsenenbildung im Jahre 1940 bis zum heutigen Tag. Der philosophische Grundgedanke und die Curricula der Erwachsenenbildung und der nicht-formalen Erziehung werden besonders in Hinblick auf ein Gesamtkonzepts des khit-pen untersucht. Der Bericht gibt einen Überblick über Aktivitäten, die derzeitig von der Abteilung für nichtformale Erziehung und von anderen beteiligten Einrichtungen angeboten werden. Hierzu zählen u.a. Programme, die Folgendes vermitteln sollen: 1) Grundkenntnisse und -fähigkeiten, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die allgemeine Erwachsenenbildung und die funktionale Alphabetisierungsprogramme, 2) eine Ausbildung in beruflichen und beschäftigungsbezogenen Fähigkeiten und ferner 3) allgemein wichtige Kenntnisse und aktuelle Informationen. Es wird versucht, diese Entwicklungen im Sinne ihrer Beziehung zum formalen Schulsystem zu sehen. Der Bericht schließt mit einigen Anmerkungen über zukünftige Pläne und Initiativen.

Résumé Cet article commence par l'historique de l'Education non-formelle en Thailande depuis sa création en 1940 en tant que Division pour l'Education des Adultes jusqu'à nos jours. On y examine la philosophie et les contenus de l'éducation pour adultes et de l'éducation non-formelle en particulier en fonction du concept général de khit-pen. Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble des activités qu'offrent actuellement le Département de l'Education non-formelle et d'autres organismes concernés. Certains programmes sont destinés à fournir des connaissances et des compétences de base, il s'agit en particulier des programmes d'alphabétisation fonctionnelle et d'éducation générale pour adultes; d'autres sont destinés à fournir des cours de formation professionnelle ou ayant trait à une profession; il existe également des programmes destinés à transmettre des connaissances pertinentes et des informations récentes. Un effort est fait pour examiner ces développements en fonction de leur rapport avec le système éducatif formel et les auteurs concluent en exposant quelques réflexions sur les initiatives et projets futurs.

Written in the twilight of the Mbeki Presidency, this paper considers the role that skills development has in the sustainability of the South African political–economic project. It explores some of the disarticulations of public policy and argues that these both undermine public sector delivery and open up opportunities for private provision to be, under certain circumstances, more responsive to the challenges of national development. We argue that there is a possibility that the state could work more smartly with both sets of providers. Crucially, however, this would necessitate working more smartly within itself. This was a major plank of the Mbeki strategy but it has failed conspicuously with regard to the Education–Labour relationship. Whether a new President can achieve a radical reworking of this relationship may be an important indicator of the viability of any new development project.  相似文献   


This paper argues that Non-formal Education (NFE) has seen a remarkable revival of interest across both developing countries and the more highly developed countries. Among the factors causing this revival is the search for alternative educations to meet the needs of different groups in society. But in the process, NFE has been relocated – not so much as ‘outside’ formal educational institutions but as a different kind of learning programme within a continuum of lifelong learning covering formal, non-formal and informal learning. It argues that the adult learning targets contained in every one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cannot be met by formal learning programmes alone and require a much expanded non-formal education programme. To deliver this, the paper suggests that the current movement for community learning centres (CLCs) can provide a base for operationalising NFE for the SDGs. It takes a case study, the Folk Development Colleges of Tanzania, as an example of the kind of national system for NFE which can be built. It ends by looking at current redefinitions of NFE and at where such an NFE system might fit into the governmental architecture of educational planning.  相似文献   

The article provides a case study from Africa on the issues involved in training adult education personnel. It describes the social and organisational context of adult education in Botswana as the background to a discussion of training needs. A quantification of full-time adult education posts is presented to give an indication of the scope of these needs. The provision of training is then analysed in terms of four different types — initial, middle-level, advanced and inservice. The need for more systematisation and co-ordination is identified and a central role for the University is suggested. The content and methods of training are considered and the central question of the impact of training raised. It is argued that the effectiveness of training must be assessed by a three dimensional analysis which situates the personal competence of the adult educator within an organisational and socio-economic context. Finally, research and evaluation are advocated as essential in two respects. Firstly, in order to develop the knowledge-base about the theory and practice of adult education in Botswana on which to provide the content of courses. Secondly, in order to analyse the training programmes themselves. The article concludes by suggesting a framework for the future development of training for adult educators in Botswana.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper gives a historical account of the aims of education under Apartheid, and discusses the ideological success of Apartheid education. The second part argues that a significant discussion — that is one which could have some purchase on schooling policy and educational practice — of aims of education in South Africa is not possible at present because the historical preconditions for such a discussion are not satisfied. It is argued that Apartheid has generated a political perspective which is unsympathetic to a discussion of aims of education; that the dominance of a social engineering model of schooling distorts a discussion of aims of education; and that a shared moral discourse, which is a necessary condition for a significant discussion of aims of education, does not yet exist in South Africa.
Zusammenfassung Der erste Teil dieses Artikels enthält einen historischen Bericht über Erziehungsziele unter dem Apartheidssystem und untersucht den ideologischen Erfolg dieser Apartheiderzichung. Im zweiten Teil wird erläutert, daß eine sinnvolle Diskussion — nämlich eine, die einen gewissen Einfluß auf die Schulpolitik und die erzieherische Praxis nehmen könnte — über Erziehungsziele in Südafrika zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nicht möglich wäre, da die historischen voraussetzungen für eine solche Diskussion nicht gegeben sind. Im weiteren wird ausgeführt, daß die Apartheid eine politische Perspektive erzeugt hat, die einer Diskussion über Erziehungsziele nicht förderlich ist, daß das herrschende Erziehungsmodell, das hauptsächlich der Strukturierung der Gesellschaft dient, eine solche Diskussion verzerrt und daß ein gemeinsamer moralischer Rahmen, der die notwendige Voraussetzung für eine sinnvolle Diskussion über Erziehungsziele ist, in Südafrika bisher noch nicht existiert.

Résumé La première partie de cet article présente un exposé historique des objectifs de l'éducation sous l'apartheid et examine le succès idéologique de l'éducation de ce système. Dans la deuxième partie, on affirme qu'une discussion importante (c'est-à-dire qui aurait une certaine influence sur la politique et la pratique éducatives) sur les objectifs de l'éducation en Afrique du Sud n'est pas possible à l'heure actuelle attendu que les conditions préalables à une telle discussion ne sont pas remplies. On souligne que l'apartheid a engendré une perspective politique qui n'est pas favorable à une discussion sur les objectifs de l'éducation; que la dominance d'un modèle éducatif social manigancé fausse la discussion sur les objectifs éducatifs; et qu'un discours moral partagé, qui est le préalable à une discussion pertinente sur les objectifs de l'éducation, n'existe encore pas en Afrique du Sud.


The aim of this paper was to review the contribution of private institutions to higher education in Africa and use Monash South Africa as a case study. A literature search was conducted to gain perspective on the current situation with respect to private higher education institutions in Africa and how they are perceived in relation to public higher education institutions.

In comparison with public higher education institutions, private higher education institutions in Africa were successful in four areas: ? Widening access to higher education in the continent

? Improving the quality of education

? Improving student experience

? Increasing the recognition and marketability of their degrees

However, private higher education institutions in Africa have failed in two areas: ? Reducing the costs of higher education in Africa

? Assisting with retention of skilled human capital in African countries.

In fact, private higher education institutions in Africa, have exacerbated the two situations above.

Monash South Africa was the first foreign university to be established in South Africa and one of over 100 private universities in the continent. As a campus of Monash University in Africa, it has seen a steady growth with over 3,500 students in the past 10 years of its existence. Like other private institutions, the campus was successful in the four areas above and also fails in the area of costs and assisting in retention of skilled staff in Africa. The campus has been successful in blending its private provider status with a public purpose mandate by offering degrees in social science, business and economics, information technology and health sciences.  相似文献   

中等专业学校的德育工作可以采取多种多样的教育形式,以融德育工作于学生的学习、生活之中,只有这样,才能担负起为社会主义培养中级专业人才的任务,才能培养出合格的新世纪的社会主义事业建设者和接班人.  相似文献   

The politics of mergers in higher education in South Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
How do political forces come together to influence merger forms and outcomes? This question is posed in a context of an analysis of the forms and outcomes of three “case studies” of mergers that took place in South Africa in the past decade. The theoretical stance, borne out by the data under review, places political actors at the centre of the explanation for change and continuity in the merger of institutions. While there are clearly broad lessons that could apply in other national contexts, the paper recognises that the fact that most published studies on mergers originate in established economies like those of Norway, Australia, England, the USA. The paper poses the question, therefore: do mergers follow different processes and deliver different outcomes in the social, economic and political contexts of third world institutions?  相似文献   

In South Africa, the post-apartheid government has committed itself to an integrated approach to education and training. This article addresses South African policy debates, illustrating that global trends such as integration are shaped by significant local influences in the production of specific policy positions. The integration debate in South Africa reflects both equity and human resource development concerns, and is more fully developed in adult basic education and training than in formal post-compulsory education. The article analyses the proposals for integration as part of a complex policy agenda, arguing that the implementation of integration proposals will not be straightforward. This is due to the genesis of the integration debate in training rather than both education and training, its assumptions about economic development, and the contested nature of the policy process.  相似文献   

Interest in vocational education and training (VET) is growing. This can be attributed to global socio-economic developments requiring continuously changing knowledge and skills. Adult education and training, particularly in non-formal education (NFE) contributes to provide these skills and knowledge for youth and adults. This puts pressure not only on programmes and facilities, but also on the educators. How do they cope with the changing demands? This paper focuses on educators in non-formal vocational education and training (NFVET) in Mozambique. It explores the perceptions, experiences and reflections of educators in NFVET working in training centres on the outskirts of Maputo. Semi-structured interviews and observations were used to get insight into the educators’ understandings and into the conditions in which their educational activities took place. The findings point to the need for the professionalisation of NFVET educators. This would contribute to the quality of their activities and to their status as professionals.  相似文献   

Sigamoney Naicker, a lecturer in Specialized Education in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Western Cape, provides an analysis of specialized education after one year of the first democratic government in South Africa.  相似文献   

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