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The study reported here is based on the results of two international studies: IEA's Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) Module 2, focusing on innovative pedagogical practices at the classroom level, and OECD/CERI Case Studies of ICT and Organizational Innovation, focusing on ICT related innovations at the school system level. In the paper we analyze the data collected in ten innovative schools in Israel which have incorporated ICT in unique ways and have succeeded in devising innovative classroom pedagogies and school system changes. The major research questions addressed are: (a) What levels of innovation were observed in the participant schools, and in which domains? (b) How does the level of innovation in the various domains vary among and within schools? (c) What correlation patterns among levels of innovation in the various domains can be identified? The results of ten comprehensive case studies of exemplary schools in Israel were analyzed by mean of the innovation analysis schema developed by us for characterizing ICT-based educational innovations.  相似文献   

The study of educational innovations has become increasingly important in education research as many countries around the world have embarked on education reforms that aim to change both the goals and practices in education. There is also a general expectation that such innovations can be leveraged or supported by the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the learning and teaching process. However, comparative studies of innovations are relatively rare. SITES M2, as an international comparative study of innovative pedagogical practices involving 28 participating systems, thus faced important methodological challenges the solution of which was no less an innovation in itself. This paper examines the methods of analysis used and the kind of research findings that resulted from the work of three research teams that had conducted comparisons of the case studies of innovation collected, including the work of the SITES M2 International Coordinating Centre (ICC). Even though all three studies attempted to examine similarities and differences across multiple case studies, the analysis conducted by the ICC looked for characterizations of the innovations while the other two studies developed meaningful ways to compare the cases in terms of levels of innovation across a number of dimensions. In discussing the methodological differences across these studies, this paper pays special attention to how one could compare different innovations in terms of their levels or extents of innovation and what such comparisons may contribute to our learning from technology-supported education innovations.  相似文献   

基于罗杰斯的组织创新过程五阶段模型构建了高校教育技术扩散阶段模型,将高校教育技术创新扩散过程分为五个阶段。从目标、任务、资源、管理、评价等高校教学组织活动的核心要素入手,构建了高校教育技术扩散过程的"阶段-要素"矩阵分析表,为高校推进教育技术应用提供了分阶段的参考。  相似文献   

综合性学习要想取得成效,除以充足的时间和空间为保障外,教师还应在实施过程中时刻把握语文学科的教育目标,面向全体学生,关注个别差异,妥善处理教师指导和学生自主的关系;通过精妙的环节设置、多姿多彩的呈现方式来创新实践;在提高学生语文素养的同时,探索自己独特的教学理念与思路。  相似文献   

通过四所个案学校的实践历程发现,发展性学校评价在我国的实施具有一定的可行性,但仍存在一些问题和不足。具体表现在:政府督导室的支持和外部评价组的权威性有助于发展性学校评价的实施,但大部分学校自身参评的动力并不是很强;大多数学校均能组成自评小组,开发自评工具,进行自我评价,并形成了内容相对丰富的自评报告,但自评人员的参与面较窄,自评报告的"迎评化"色彩较浓,大多数教师和校长亦缺乏相应的评价知识和技能;外部评价组的专业性和投入度有力地保障了外评的效果,但也存在着评价时间较短、评价过程过于紧凑、评价队伍的构成不够多元等问题。  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes towards technology are crucial to foster its use in schools and to improve its educational affordances and this is still a topic for research. This article relates the attitudes school teachers have towards information and communication technologies (ICT) with the different levels of technology integration in schools. A multiple case-study research methodology was applied, and in which the school was the unit of sampling used. Thirty-five schools from eight Spanish regions were selected, and 1222 questionnaires were collected, representing 78.9% of the sample. Three combined variables were utilised to classify schools in four different levels of technology integration. Results suggest level 4 school teachers exhibit better attitudes towards ICT, which results in creating a positive circle which improves the learning process. This becomes relevant for teacher education and professional development, as effective ICT integration in the classroom can perform as a catalyst for educational innovation.  相似文献   

学生参与学校变革的理念已深入人心,但其实践进展却相当滞后。尊重学生参与学校变革的权利、发现和提升学生参与学校变革的能力、建立学生参与学校变革的运行机制是当前推进学生参与学校变革实践的重要策略。  相似文献   

试论新课程改革中的教学案例及其研究价值   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
教学案例研究,是一种新兴起的研究策略,为解决教育理论与实践两者研究相脱节的关系搭起了一座桥梁;给教师解决教学与科研共进的两难问题提供了途径;同时,教学案例研究成为促使教师角色转变和专业发展的重要因素之一。教育教学案例研究关系到对教学案例的特点、写作及分析等方面的理解,进一步明晰它在新课程改革中的重要价值,能使教育理论研究者转变研究思维方式,与要实现角色转变的一线教师共同成长,使教育真正走上"教学与科研一体化"的道路。  相似文献   

随着中师教育的消失,普通师范教育大学教育学专业毕业生被迫转入到与中小学教师的就业竞争之中.然而,教育学专业的培养目标并非学科教师,如此显然陷入了尴尬的就业局面.基于对教育学的学科优势以及市场发展趋势的分析,大学教育学院专业人才培养可以面向以下四大基本方向:教育新闻传媒、学校经营管理、教育咨询服务和政治学科教学.  相似文献   

作为创新教育一部分的教育方法和手段创新以现代教育技术为依托,现代教育技术是创新教育的桥梁,它对创新教育的很多方面产生重要影响,运用现代教育技术是实施创新教育的有效途径。但我们在运用现代教育技术时还要注意到它的两面性。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,随着西方列强的入侵,古老的中国社会被迫嬗变。章基于历史背景,评述了浙江教育的近代化及其特点。  相似文献   

创新是教育改革与发展的原动力,信息技术教育应用的理论与实践,不仅关注信息技术支持教育创新,更要注重促进教育创新的可持续发展。第十五届全球华人计算机教育应用大会(GCCCE2011)于5月29至31日在浙江大学举行,大会以"信息技术促进教育创新"为主题,彰显了信息技术在教育领域中的重要地位与作用。当前,信息技术应用于教育的重点,正在从教育技术和方法的创新转向教育理念和模式的创新。本届大会收到论文1300余篇,来自美国、新加坡、意大利以及中国大陆、香港和台湾上百所高等院校、科研机构、中小学校,共500多名代表,就移动与泛在学习、教育游戏与非正式学习、ICT在华文教育中的应用、计算机支持的协作学习与人工智能教育应用、数字化学习环境构建与教育软件设计、数字化测试与评价、数字化学习与企业培训、中小学ICT教育与应用等专题,进行了深入研讨与交流。  相似文献   

在当今学校教育中,厌学已经成为社会、学校及家长广泛关注的一种现象。导致厌学的原因有很多,排除个体天性因素方面的情况,主要可归结为家庭、社会和学校教育三个方面。通过对一名厌学中学生个案的展现和剖析,使用质的研究方法,希望能从一个微观的层面来透视学生厌学和学校教育经历之间微妙而错综难解的关系。  相似文献   

Despite significant investment in school one-to-one device programs, little is known about which aspects of program implementation work and why. Through a comparison of two implementation models, adopter-diffusion and saturation, and using existing data from the One Laptop per Child Australia laptop program, we explored how factors of implementation may affect device diffusion, learning and educational outcomes, and program sustainability in schools. In this article we argue that more focused research into implementation of one-to-one device programs, moving beyond comparisons of “devices versus without devices,” is needed to provide reliable data to inform future program funding and advance this area of research.  相似文献   

组织创新理论框架下的高职院校创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整体规模扩张、院校数量的激增以及外部市场的不断变化给高职院校发展带来了严峻挑战。高职院校应学习企业体系推行创新变革,以提升教育质量并加强竞争力,谋得长远发展。鉴于组织结构、组织文化和组织激励对高职院校创新具有重要影响,应从策略规划、教学、科研、行政服务等方面提升高职院校创新能力。  相似文献   

本文认为从组织变革的视角能对学校建构学习型组织的价值意蕴进行清楚认识,体现在:突显了当前学校面临的核心问题;丰富了学校组织变革的愿景目标;反映了学校组织变革有效途径的必然选择;为学校组织变革提供了发展策略上的有效启示。  相似文献   

大学文化创新与组织发展——华中科技大学个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国现代大学在科学主义和工具理性的引导下,致力于为社会政治和经济发展服务,导致大学文化的"不自觉",制约着中国大学的发展。由于大学文化内在地制约着大学发展,构建中国特色的大学文化成为中国大学自主发展的基础。本文以华中科技大学为个案,揭示了大学文化与组织发展的关系。  相似文献   

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