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岭南模式:崛起的广东公共图书馆事业   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
进入新世纪以来,广东省公共图书馆建设出现了五种新模式,推动了全省图书馆事业的迅速崛起。这五种发展图书馆事业的新模式是:广东省立中山图书馆创立的"流动图书馆"模式;深圳图书馆创立的"图书馆之城"模式;广州市创立的由政府主导的图书馆发展模式;东莞图书馆创立的"集群图书馆"→"图书馆之城"模式;佛山市禅城区创立的"联合图书馆模式",以上统称岭南模式。广东省图书馆建设新模式的出现及事业的崛起,是建立在社会对公共图书馆精神的认同和复兴、政府主导地位的认识和加强、制度的创新和示范,以及建立和谐的全民读书社会需求基础之上的。参考文献51。  相似文献   

图书馆即教育——杜威与美国州立图书馆的现代转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麦维尔·杜威在阿默斯特学院和哥伦比亚大学形成了自己的图书馆学思想,1889年,就任纽约州大学董事会秘书和纽约州图书馆馆长后.他认为美国的公立图书馆不应该仅仅是为政府服务的政府图书馆,而应该作为社会教育机构充分发挥图书馆的教育职能,J或为民众终身学习的"平民大学",完成了美国公共图书馆理念的现代转型.他坚持纽约州图书馆学校的办学事业,为美国图书馆界培养了专业化的馆员队伍.也为图书馆学的学科建制建设奠定了基础.  相似文献   

正当全市人民以改革、开放的优异成绩,满怀豪情迎接党的十三大召开的时候,广州市图书馆学会成立大会暨首次科学讨论会于9月21日在广州图书馆举行。广州市图书馆学会的成立,标志着广州市图书馆事业和图书馆学研究进入了一个新的发展时期,对推动全市图书馆界的学术研究,普及图书馆知识,促进图书馆事业的发展,更好地为四化建设服务,都必将产生积极的影响。广州市文化局副局长饶志忠同志,广东省图书馆学会负责人商志馥同志,广州市社科联工作部副部长周中良同志出席了大会并讲了话,对学会的成立表示热烈的祝贺。应邀出席会议的还有广州市教  相似文献   

李阳 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(5):178-178
2007年6月13日原中山大学图书馆馆长赵燕群研究馆员、中山大学资讯管理系副主任邹永立副教授在广州图书馆与广州市图书馆学会举办的“广州市图书馆专业人员业务培训班”上,为图书馆学会会员作“专题数据库建设与服务”、“日本图书馆事业”两场学术报告。  相似文献   

文献资源共建共享探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论文从传统观念、现实处境、技术难题、概念理解等几个方面阐述了导致图书馆共建共享事业裹足不前的原因,提出了文献资源的共建应该是政府主导的文献保障体系的建设,共享是图书馆的现代服务理念,应该跳出图书馆系统,进行全社会的文献资源共建共享。  相似文献   

谈我国图书馆立法与维护读者权利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从法律角度出发,强调“读者权利”,这是现阶段图书馆的服务理念之一。文章全面论述了读者权利的构成,分析了我国图书馆事业要适应现代社会和自身发展规律的要求,就必须完成以“读者第一”为主导向“读者权利”为主导的转变。进而提出培养、强化和维护读者权利,是图书馆提高服务质量的原动力。  相似文献   

王惠君 《图书馆论坛》1998,(4):60-62,37
随着我国改革开放稳步发展,图书馆事业在八五期间得到了迅猛发展,全国各地纷纷建立新馆,出现了一片繁荣景象,如我省的佛山、东莞、江门、珠海、汕头、湛江等地区。图书馆事业的发展顺应了信息社会的需要,更符合我国精神文明建设。但在图书馆建设和发展中,也存在着一些观念上、价值取向上的偏差,影响了我国图书馆事业发展。本文就地市级公共图书馆建设和发展从宏观角度展开探讨。1地市级公共图书馆建设和发展中的误区1.1图书馆的发展没有纳入地方发展规划近年来,随着经济的发展和地方政府的重视,我省许多地市建设了新馆。政府可以…  相似文献   

抗战前十年间(1928—1937),山东公共图书馆事业从小到大、由弱到强,并取得了处于全国公共图书馆事业前列的成就。这是与当时山东地方政府的支持、山东的图书馆专家和公共图书馆馆员的努力工作以及当时山东特殊的社会形势分不开的。  相似文献   

科学发展观与现代图书馆   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
杨勇 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(4):39-40,66
科学发展观是我国新时期各项建设事业的行动指南,也是图书馆事业与建设的指导思想。图书馆在自身建设中,应牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观,确立以人为本的管理理念和服务理念,积极发挥现代化图书馆在促进经济社会和人的全面发展过程中的重要作用,以改革和创新为动力,推动图书馆事业的全面、协调和健康发展,努力开拓图书馆建设的新局面。  相似文献   

针对现阶段社会力量参助图书馆事业缺乏激励和规范的状态,提出应建立人性化的激励机制,提高公民个人参助图书馆事业的意识;创新企业参与理念,大力发展非政府组织,强化和发挥企业、非政府组织在社会力量参助图书馆事业中的作用。同时强调明确政府在参助图书馆事业中的责任,建立政府扶持和资助机制;图书馆界应建立公开、透明的运行机制,以提高社会力量参助图书馆事业的公信力。  相似文献   


The main aim of this paper is to empirically examine the information skills of public university librarians and whether attending a short training on navigation to e-resources results in improvements in their knowledge base. A group of 33 librarians working at different public university libraries participated in this study. They were participants in a 90-min long training program on navigation to e-resources conducted at University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. The survey questionnaire, consisted of 12 information tasks, was distributed and answered before the training. The same tasks were repeated at the end of the training session to see the improvement of information skills. It was found that librarians did not have adequate knowledge of information skills; in fact, a major proportion of university librarians demonstrated inappropriate and insufficient knowledge before the training. The training helped improve their performance score significantly in six out of 12 tasks. The study concluded that the provision of systematic and regular training will improve the skills of librarians and it will positively affect their service outcomes.  相似文献   

A nationwide survey study was conducted to gain understanding as to how to prepare public librarians for consumer health information service. Findings indicate that the popular health information needs encountered by public librarians cover a wide variety of topics, including the human body, a medical/health condition, a disease, a medical concept, and fitness/diet/nutrition. The top two challenges faced by public librarians when providing consumer health information service are difficulty in interpreting patrons' questions and lack of knowledge about available and trusted/appropriate medical/health information sources. Public librarians wish to receive training on a number of topics that could help address the challenges they face, and the most favorable training format for them, among all the options provided in the survey, is the self-paced online tutorial. This study constitutes the basis for establishing training requirements and developing training programs to meet the needs of public librarians. Their mastery of the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies via training will lead to effective and efficient delivery of consumer health information service in public libraries, and ultimately generate optimal patron experiences.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(30):145-155
A critically important component for all new and continuing reference librarian training is the rapidly changing demographic climate at academic library reference desks. Public libraries have historically been the primary public service agencies dealing with diverse clientele. Academic librarians must rapidly catch up with them, as well as with other fields - business, education, social work - for whom the word "multicultural" is already integrated into their lexicons. Isolated academic libraries throughout the country are pioneering with public service training programs that reflect these dramatic changes in clientele. Further, general suggestions are put forth outlining the significance of shared goals, administrative support, and an understanding of the issues as necessary prerequisites to any multicultural training program.  相似文献   


Reference librarians who are new to an organization need to participate in a systematic orientation program as soon as possible regardless of whether they are experienced or not. A well-planned orientation program helps new librarians provide better and more efficient service for their patrons; and facilitates identification with the organization that they have joined. The need for such orientation programs has no significant relevance to the degree of the librarian's previous experience. Experienced librarians need orientation more than training, though they may also need some training specific to changes in their duties and work location.  相似文献   

19世纪末,美国普瑞特图书馆学校尝试在一年制图书馆常规技能教育的基础上拓展专业的儿童图书馆员培训,开启了美国儿童图书馆员教育的先河,为第二代儿童图书馆员提供了专门训练,并与20世纪上半叶最具影响力的匹兹堡卡内基儿童图书馆员培训学校有着天然的联系.由其创办者和主要实践者的儿童工作和儿童馆员教育理念出发,探讨普瑞特图书馆学...  相似文献   

The research data management team at the University of California, Berkeley implemented a domain-based Librarian Training Program in order to upskill liaison librarians in research data management principles and create a community of practice among librarians providing research data support. The training program partnered with representatives from each subject division of the Library to integrate content from relevant disciplines. The training model emphasized scaffolding and concrete deliverables, teaching specific tools and concepts, and creating learning objects useful for instruction and outreach. Employing a situated, learning-based, pedagogical model, the program was more successful than previous attempts at library-wide research data management training at Berkeley. This analysis details the program management, curricular design, instruction, and outcomes that made the Library Training Program successful.  相似文献   

As genetics and molecular biology progressively impact on society and the practice of medicine, medical librarians must prepare themselves to deal with this new arena of information. The Eskind Biomedical Library at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has developed a bioinformatics training program for its librarians involving subject knowledge, literature evaluation, and database searching techniques. This program can serve as a model for other libraries.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(67-68):99-110

At 3:30 any afternoon of the week, public librarians may feel confident of serving students. Indeed, students comprise a significant portion of public library users, and they require a good deal of attention. Unless librarians work with the schools, though, we do not truly complement the curriculum. The Newark (NJ) Public Schools and the Newark Public Library have therefore embarked on a program of library orientation for teachers. Synergy with instructors has taught public librarians new means of reinforcing learning.  相似文献   

Professional development for instruction librarians is in danger of coming to a standstill in difficult economic times. COIL on Wheels is a professional development roadshow developed by the Community of Oklahoma Instruction Librarians to allow librarians with budget and staffing issues to benefit from peer training. By matching member librarian interests with institutional needs, librarians can visit institutions in their geographic area to provide their colleagues with low-cost or free training. This article discusses the origins of and rationale for this program and describes a successful implementation of this traveling professional development project.  相似文献   

Comprehensive assessments have shown that academic library users prefer a welcoming environment that provides the opportunity for self-sufficiency. Libraries need to meet these expectations and improve the quality of library reference by creating a comprehensive training program for librarians, staff, and students. This article will review standards for reference training in academic libraries with a focus on one-desk service points and consider best practices for planning, implementing, and assessing training programs for staff, students, and librarians.  相似文献   

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