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成教学院教务管理系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、成教学院教务管理模式在成教学院传统教务管理中由于学习类型不同,学习层次不同,专业学制不同,因而班级类型较多,涉及到需要管理的学生信息较多;同时成教学院的学生在校期间学习安排弹性较大,并允许学生转校和转专业,从而学籍管理的内容较多。成教学院教务管理系统的研制就是采用计算机化管理来减少管理工作量,简化管理内容;同时保证数据的准确性、规范性、一致性和可靠性。本系统按照浙江工业大学成教学院的教务管理模式为背景设计编制的。浙江工业大学成教学院的教务管理是分层次进行管理的,层次结构如图一所示。学习形式包…  相似文献   

黄晓梅 《继续教育》2001,15(6):37-37
随着新世纪的到来,我国的成人高等教育事业迅猛发展。管理工作的日趋规范化、科学化要求成教管理工作者必须能够紧跟时代的步伐,不断地改进管理观念和方法。当前应主要树立和强化以下几个方面的意识。一、敬业爱岗意识“敬业”缘于“爱岗”。只有热爱成教事业的人,才能搞好成教管理工作,“敬业”包含着吃苦,意味着奉献。较普通高教而言,成人高教因其对象、内容、模式等的独特性,使得成教管理者要付出更多的时间和精力。没有一种吃苦耐劳、忘我奉献的精神,没有一种义无反顾、乐此不疲的境界,是难以成为一名合格的成教管理工作者的。…  相似文献   

本文以建立新一代的成教教务管理系统为出发点,分析和设计了一套功能较齐全、实用性较强、扩展灵活、操作方便的基于ASP.NET的成教教务管理系统,并对系统各子模块进行描述和分析,对系统的安全性和技术实现做了较为深入的分析论述。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的来临,不是给了成教管理工作的一条捷径,而是赋予成教管理工作更加艰巨和富有挑战性的使命。由于“推崇知识、智慧和创新成为知识经济时代价值观念的核心内容”,所以成教管理工作的内涵、外延、方式、方法等都必将面临着前所未有的巨大变化。它需要我们研究和探索当前成教管理工作面临的挑战,认识和了解知识经济对成教工作提出的新要求,树立学习意识、创新意识、反省意识等新型成教管理意识,唯有如此,才能使成教管理工作在新世纪焕发出更大的活力。  相似文献   

陈娟 《继续教育研究》2009,(11):125-126
我国的成人高等教育大多依附于普通高等院校合作办学,作为普通高校中不占主流地位的办学形式,成教的整个教学管理系统的运作都有待进一步科学化、合理化、制度化,特别是在教学管理中承担大量常规工作的成教教务员,既要圆满地处理好各种繁琐的基础教务事务,还要承受各种不和谐因素带来的精神压力。既然成教的发展离不开教务员的劳动和创造,我们就应该对成教教务员工作予以足够的重视。  相似文献   

乔启霞 《成人教育》2007,(11):56-57
随着我国成人高等学校的改革和发展,高校的成教脱产学生管理工作面临着新的机遇和挑战。该文在深入分析成教脱产学生的特点之后,就成教脱产学生管理工作从转变传统的管理模式,加强学生管理制度建设,加强学生工作队伍建设和树立质量及服务意识等几方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

屈秀红 《考试周刊》2008,(8):180-181
教务管理是学校教学管理工作的核心,教务管理工作贯穿成教教学管理工作的全过程,要保证教学质量,为社会培养有用人才,就要严格规范教务管理制度,实行科学管理和创新管理.  相似文献   

唐旭艳 《高教论坛》2007,(B12):71-72,77
教务管理是对学生从入学到毕业的常规管理,是教学管理不可分割的一部分,教务管理工作贯穿于成教教学管理的全过程。要保证教学质量,为社会培养有用人才,就要严格规范教务管理制度,以达到提高教学质量、促进成教发展目的。本文分析了当前成人高等教育教务管理存在的问题,并提出改进的对策与建议。  相似文献   

毕业论文是成教本科生在校学习的最后一个实践性教学环节,是培养学员综合运用所学知识分析和解决实际问题能力的主要步骤。要搞好成人教育,提高成教本科生的毕业论文质量是重要的一环。本文拟就成人本科生毕业论文存在的一些问题进行探讨,提出一些粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

本文分析了普通高校成教脱产学生违法违纪原因,并针对这些原因提出了相应的措施,以期对成教管理工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

全面质量管理在成人高等教育中的应用已成为当今成人高等教育发展的新趋势。把全面质量管理运用于成人高校教务管理,将会为开创一个崭新的教务管理局面创造契机。  相似文献   

社会已经进入21世纪,在大力推进成人高等教育改革的新时期,培养、建设一支结构合理、质量优良的适应21世纪成人高等教育改革发展的管理队伍,对加强成人高等教育管理,提高成人高等教育质量,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The impeachment of a high school student council president highlights issues involved in an adolescent confrontation with adult authority. The school administration as representative of the adult majority tended to stereotype the council president as representative of the rebellious, irresponsible adolescent minority. It is suggested that adults in authority need to learn to play a “mentor” role in order to avoid unnecessary confrontations with adolescents that promote alienation.  相似文献   

The Experience Corps?, a community-based intergenerational program, was developed to promote the health of older adults, while simultaneously addressing unmet social and academic needs in public elementary schools. The model was designed to draw on, and potentially activate, the wisdom of older adults. This paper explores the nature of wisdom-related knowledge and how older adults may apply such knowledge when tutoring and mentoring young children, as well as the potential for the intergenerational transmission of wisdom from the older adult volunteers to the school children being mentored by them. Developing an understanding of these issues may provide a basis for the creation of more extensive wisdom-generating opportunities for both older and younger generations.  相似文献   

大众化教育背景下地方高校经管类专业实践教学体系的重构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
实践教学是地方高校经管类专业教学改革的重要内容,在培养学生的创新精神和实践能力方面具有重要作用。本文阐述了大众化教育背景下地方高校经管类专业实践教学改革的必要性,分析了经管类专业实践教学的现状,提出了构建经管类专业实践教学体系的设想。  相似文献   

It has often been demonstrated that adults are more likely to remember important text elements than less important elements –“levels effect”. It is not clear whether the same effect exists in children because the evidence is inconsistent. Most of the existing studies with children can be criticised for failing to include adult subjects as well as children, thereby making it impossible to determine whether the observed differences between adults and children reflect genuine differences in processing or just the effects of strategies for coping with the specific texts selected for the children. The present study partly replicated a study that found no evidence for a levels effect in children (Baumann, 1981) with a group of adults. With one passage stronger evidence for a levels effect was found with the adults in our study than was found with children, whereas with the second passage no evidence for a levels effect was found in either study. It was argued that this finding suggested that there were differences between adults and children in the extent to which they engaged in the type of processing that resulted in levels effects, but also that texts differed in the degree to which they induced this type of processing, and that the latter factor had to be taken into account in developmental studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the story writing skills of adults with a history of oral language impairment. It was hypothesized that writing text would pose difficulty for adults with a history of language impairment (LI), and that this difficulty would manifest itself as reduced grammatical complexity and increased errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. The story writing of 10 adults with a history of LI was compared to a group of 51 unimpaired individuals. Participants were asked to write the story of Cinderella. Stories were analysed for length, grammatical complexity and accuracy of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Data were analysed to determine group trends as well as individual profiles. As a group, the adults with LI showed no difference from the comparison group in the length of their stories as measured by total number of words. The LI group did, however, show reduced grammatical complexity in their writing, as measured by mean length of t-unit. The LI group made more errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation than the comparison group. Individual analyses indicated substantial variability within the LI group. It is concluded that LI in childhood is associated with writing difficulties in adulthood.  相似文献   

Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) refers to a process where adults’ prior learning, formal as well as informal, is assessed and acknowledged. In the first section of this paper, APL and current conceptions of validity in assessments and its evaluation are presented. It is argued that participants in the assessment are an important source of information for the validation of the assessment. In the following section participants’ experiences from a particular APL scheme are evaluated using a questionnaire developed for that purpose. The questionnaire provides data on individuals’ perceptions of the procedure and result of the APL scheme. The results are described, analysed and discussed from a validity perspective. Conclusions drawn from the results are that possible threats to validity can exist in the administration of APL procedures, as well as in consequences of APL.  相似文献   

Identifying dyslexia in adulthood presents particular challenges because of complicating factors such as acquisition of compensatory strategies, differing degrees of intervention and the problem of distinguishing dyslexic adults from those whose literacy difficulties have non‐cognitive causes. One of the implications is that conventional literacy measures, per se, do not provide a satisfactory basis for screening for dyslexia in adulthood as some dyslexic adults have above‐average literacy skills and some non‐dyslexic adults have very poor literacy skills. This study examined an alternative approach to dyslexia screening, using three tests that depend heavily on phonological processing, lexical access and working memory, but which are not conventional measures of literacy. Using these tests, which are computer delivered, 70 dyslexic adults from three different types of educational institution were compared with 69 non‐dyslexic adults from the same institutions. The results showed that the dyslexic and non‐dyslexic groups were significantly different on all three computer‐based tests, with an average effect size of 1.55. Adaptive versions of these tests were then created to reduce overall administration time for the suite to about 15 minutes. Analysis showed that the combined scaled scores from the adaptive versions of the three tests significantly discriminated the dyslexic from the non‐dyslexic group with an increased effect size of 2.07 and with a sensitivity rate of 90.6% and a specificity rate of 90.0%. It was concluded that this approach is a valid and useful method of identifying dyslexia in adulthood, which, given the ease of administration to large numbers of adults, has noted advantages for education and employment.  相似文献   

The Chinese Value of Learning Scale (CVLS) is a 5-item instrument for assessing the value of learning in Chinese culture. The psychometric properties of CVLS were investigated in a convenient sample of 583 Chinese soon-to-be-aged adults in Hong Kong. CVLS possesses high internal consistency and exhibited satisfactory short-term test-retest reliability. CVLS also exhibited high face validity and mild convergent validity with other 48-item openness-to-experience scale (OTES) from Revised NEO Personality Inventory, and is significantly related to the past and actual learning experience. In view of its brevity and easy administration, CVLS offers a useful instrument to further investigate the value of learning in Chinese culture and its possible relationship with adults' learning behaviour.  相似文献   

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