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英国现代远程教育以英国开放大学的创建为其里程碑。英国开放大学无论在大学学位教育、研究生教育及继续教育的课程设置,多媒体课程材料的设计、制作和发送方面,还是在教学方法以及学生学习支持、帮助、服务等方面都取得了很大成就,从而确立了它的历史地位。英国的开放大学采用网络、数据库、无线传输和电视广播等多种方式在全英乃至欧洲开展远程教育。它开设了400多门课程,在英国有20万学生,其他国家有1.6万学生,其中1万人为研究生。它具有很高的教学质量和科研水平,在全英101所普通大学里面,开放大学的学科教学质量已排到了前10位。为了适…  相似文献   

土木工程非全日制研究生培养对在职人员能力提升乃至整个行业的健康发展具有重要意义。2016年教育部办公厅印发了《关于统筹全日制和非全日制研究生管理工作的通知》,为我国全日制与非全日制研究生一体化教育奠定了基调。基于土木工程专业实际,通过对比美国加州大学伯克利分校、英国帝国理工大学、新加坡国立大学、香港理工大学、同济大学、清华大学等高校土木工程非全日制研究生的培养模式,就土木工程非全日制研究生培养体系的规范和发展提出参考建议。  相似文献   

结合我国全日制教育硕士研究生培养的实际,在分析现有全日制教育硕士研究生培养模式存在的不足基础上,就如何构建教育硕士研究生的创新型培养模式的问题,从培养目标、课程设置、教学方式、师资队伍建设等方面给出了若干措施和建议,为高校全日制教育硕士研究生培养模式的进一步发展和完善提供参考依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

江苏电大赴英国远程教育进修团,通过为期14天对英国远程教育的深入考察体验,学习了解了英国开放大学及相关高校的教育真谛。结合电大开放教育现状和江苏开放大学的构建,对新型远程开放大学创设的理念、思维、定位、机制、模式、投入进行了对比和反思,可供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

李雪梅 《考试周刊》2015,(14):19-20
本文以英国知山大学PGCE培训为例,介绍英国教师培训,分析英国教师培训模式中"教育研究生资格证书(PGCE)"模式的总课程设置及三个子模式:"早期教育研究生学历资格"、"小学教育研究生学历资格"、"中学阶段教育研究生学历"培训。认为英国PGCE教育在课程设置的灵活性、培训方式的多样性及实践环节的重视性等方面特点突出。  相似文献   

宋伟伟  李阿利 《教育教学论坛》2012,(Z3):145-146,160
为更好地促进全日制专业学位硕士研究生的培养,应积极探索和构建符合专业学位研究生教育的特点、具有鲜明特色的专业学位硕士研究生的培养模式。本文分析了全日制专业学位硕士研究生培养模式构建的价值取向,提出"三位一体"的全日制专业学位硕士研究生培养模式。  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验 发展非全日制研究生教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
非全日制研究生教育是以在职人员为主要对象,以不离岗学习为主要形式、以提高就学者专业能力、更新专业知识为主要学习目的的大学后终身教育制度,与全日制研究生教育共同构成功能互补、相互沟通的完善的学位与研究生教育体系。1981年我国恢复学位制度后,学位与研究生教育在实践中形成了全日制与非全日制两种不同的培养和学习形式。前者已经形成规范和较成熟的制度,而后者从制度上尚未形成规范。从世界大多数国家尤其是发达国家的发展分析,非全日制研究生教育作为一种新型的教育模式,以其学制灵活、形式多样的特点发挥着全日制教育…  相似文献   

英国开放大学的创建及其取得的历史性成功,开启了20世纪世界教育史上的一个新的时代:一批独立设置的开放大学或远程教学大学同时在发达国家和发展中国家兴起和发展。信息技术的进步和大众媒介的发展为20世纪下半叶远程教育和开放学习的发展奠定了物质 技术基础。英国开放大学的大学学位教育、研究生教育及继续教育的课程设置,媒体和教学方法,多种媒体程序材料的设计、制作和发送,学生学习支助服务等方面都取得很大成就,从而确立了它的 历史地位。  相似文献   

近些年学者对国内外远程开放教育发展史已有论述,但却较少涉及港澳台地区。港澳台地区的远程开放教育有其独特的发展路径,研究其远程开放教育发展始末具有重要的历史价值。英国首创开放大学后,引起世界各国和地区的普遍关注并产生巨大影响。1979年澳门东亚大学筹备期间提出远程开放大学思路,又在1980年代初引进英国开放大学的办学模式,成立了公开学院,英国开放大学高级职员康纳德·斯威夫特教授出任首任院长。1987年澳门政府通过澳门基金会收购东亚大学,转制为公立大学,1991年更名为澳门大学。1992年,经澳门政府批准,未被收购的东亚公开学院与葡萄牙公开大学联合组成亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学,2011年更名为澳门城市大学。澳门东亚大学远程开放教育的办学特点主要有:一是办学起步早。该院是港澳台地区远程开放教育的先行者;从严格意义上说,该院是中国远程开放教育的探路者。二是办学起点高。虽然该院的远程高等教育早期只是初级形式的远程开放教育,东亚大学办学伊始就具有国际化的定位和特征,其课程得到国外大学的认可。三是直接采用英国开放大学办学模式,该院创办之初得到英国开放大学的管理经验、师资力量和课程资源支持。  相似文献   

大卫·格拉汉姆·霍克里奇教授是英国开放大学教育技术研究所的创始人和首任所长,是教育技术和远程教育的国际知名学者。他在理论上确立了教育技术在远程教育中的地位,对在教育中的应用,特别是计算机辅助教育进行了深入地研究;在实践上,他创立英国开放大学教育技术研究所,并将其建成了世界一流的教育技术和远程教育的研究机构,他设计实施了教育技术研究所的远程教育和教育技术硕士研究生项目,是远程教育国际化的开拓者和践行者。  相似文献   

Jo Tait 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):153-166
The practices of part-time teachers in higher education are often different and sometimes divorced from the activities of their full-time colleagues. This is particularly true in the UK Open University where course design and production are the domain of full-time academics, and student learning is traditionally supported by part-time teachers. Higher education in the UK is increasingly responding to quality agendas that demand evidence of competence in teaching together with coherent learning and assessment strategies for students. Such demands can have positive benefits for learning across an institution, but introduce particular challenges wherever universities rely on part-time tutors to supplement full-time academics' work; they present even more difficulties where the tutors are geographically dispersed. One idea emerging from a 3-year research project in the Open University draws on theories of activity and practice to suggest that, even in a distance-learning context, staff development for part-time teachers should be embedded in conversations with the academic practices of full-time staff. Such connections would enhance the coherence of student learning in line with quality agendas.  相似文献   

针对非全日制研究生的思想政治教育是非全日制研究生教育方向的重要保障、人才培养体系的重要内容、促进专业知识学习的重要途径,具有不可或缺的重要意义。当前高校普遍不够重视非全日制研究生的思想政治教育,缺乏专门工作队伍、针对性举措和健全的工作体系,严重影响立德树人成效和人才培养质量。清华大学积极探索在非全日制研究生集体中建立临时党支部,依托临时党支部开展党员教育和思想政治教育,促进非全日制研究生思想入校;同时利用非全日制研究生的行业基础和工作经验,强化与全日制研究生的朋辈激励,有力推动了研究生培养模式的改革创新。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the contribution made by mature part-time students to the statistics on higher education. It shows that part-time numbers currently account for approximately 40% of total student numbers in the UK, 33% of university students, (mostly in the Open University) and 43% of the total in polytechnics and colleges, (1989–90 figures). The majority are mature people, over 25 years of age, who combine both education and employment. The principal change over the past ten years has been the increasing proportion of women, who now form more than 44% of the total number of students and 42% of the part-time total. A theoretical analysis is carried out, using the Human Capital model, which shows that part-time higher education might produce significant rates of return, both to the individual and society. It is noted that most of the research efforts in the UK, into the benefits of higher education, have concentrated on young, 18–21 year olds, who study full-time, and that current government policy is primarily concerned with improving the participation rate of this age group. This paper concludes that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a more thorough investigation of the costs and benefits of part-time study and suggests that there is considerable potential for expansion in this area.  相似文献   

从远程教学质量保证的视角管窥英国开放大学之管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英国开放大学是世界远程教育的成功典范,发展近四十年来,它的教学质量跻身于英国乃至世界的著名大学行列,这源于其“质量保证,管理先行”的办学理念。本文试图从教学质量保证的视角,对英国开放大学的课程管理、教学管理、师资管理、质量管理和行政管理在其远程教育运行中的作用谈点滴之见。  相似文献   

The nature of counselling and advisory services which the Open University offers its students and applicants is dictated by the fact that its students are learning at a distance, are adults, and are not engaged in full-time study. In addition, a policy of open entry means that while some students come from a background of higher education, others have few or no previous qualifications. These factors require the University to try to provide an individual service to its applicants and students whenever possible. In pursuit of this aim students are allocated to Tutor-Counsellors, part-time staff who are locally based and who have a continuing responsibility for the progress of individual students from their initial registration until graduation. These Tutor-Counsellors play a considerable part in determining the extent, nature, and timing of the resources with which the university can support an individual student. Tuition for higher level specialist courses is normally provided by tutors at a greater distance, with the Tutor-Counsellors continuing to provide local generalist support. The Open University has set up a regional infra-structure of full-time academic and administrative staff for the support, briefing, supervision, and organization of this local network of part-time staff.  相似文献   

开放大学功能的发挥离不开兼职教师队伍,本文立足开放性的内涵,提出开放大学兼职教师队伍新型建设观。文章根据开放教育的特点和现实状况,对开放大学兼职教师队伍群体角色进行五维转型定位,提出建设五型兼职教师的概念;同时聚焦政策性、使用性和情感性开发,探讨开放大学兼职教师队伍转型发展的路径。  相似文献   

高校研究生心理健康教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着学位研究生教育招生规模的不断扩大以及专业教育改革的不断深入,高校研究生的心理健康问题不断引起人们的关注。调查发现,高校研究生心理健康教育工作滞后于研究生人才培养的实际要求。因此,研究生心理健康教育工作应从成立研究生心理健康教育的专门领导机构、建立研究生心理健康专兼职队伍、建立研究生心理健康教育工作机制、开展专题讲座和专项活动、研究生心理健康教育以预防为主、充分发挥现代网络媒介作用等六个方面入手。  相似文献   

The problems involved in the effective dissemination of information and ideas concerning teaching in higher education are discussed. The contribution made by the operation of the Open University is considered in this context.The results of a study investigating the influence the Open University has on teaching staff in other institutions in higher education are reported and discussed. The teacher in higher education who is also a part-time staff member of the Open University is seen to be considerably influenced by the Open University. The influence of the Open University is attributed to the accessibility of its materials and its tendency to adopt the characteristics of curriculum innovation identified by the Nuffield researchers.  相似文献   

Tom Inkelaar 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):152-163
Graduation rates in distance higher education are low compared with full-time higher education – often less than 20% compared with full-time UK rates of around 80% – the ‘distance education deficit’. In the University of London International Programmes, the difference between the face-to-face graduation rate of 61.5% and the distance version at 15.7% is particularly marked. A previous paper in Open Learning reported evidence that ‘proactive motivational support’ to distance students had some effect on their success rates. This paper reports an attempt in the International Programmes to use proactive motivational support in the form of ‘motivational emails’ which found an increase in retention of 2.3%. Although this increase was small, it had a positive financial return on investment to the institution. The paper suggests that motivational emails could be made more effective through the use of interactivity, nudging and priming. However, it also argues that distance student retention will always depend less on technology and more on personal human support.  相似文献   

在广播电视大学向开放大学的战略转型中,教师队伍建设是基础性任务之一。要建设和办好开放大学,必须充分认识教师队伍建设的内涵,针对现有教师队伍建设存在的问题,从提升专职教师专业化水平和加强兼职教师队伍管理两方面入手,迎接开放大学建设的新挑战。  相似文献   

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