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You’re Online     
~~ C. not be honest on the Net D.make friends with those you believe in [答疑解惑] 1. D 这是一道主旨题。根据全文,咱们可以看出,本文是作者对孩子们上网的“安全建议”。 2.C 这是词义题,需要联系上下文。根据文意,“由于你看不见他们,甚至听不见他们的声音。”咱们可以确定,“有些人很容易假冒身份”。当然,“假冒”只是大概的意思。看选项C,“给出一个错误的描述”大体跟咱们推断的意思相近,就选它吧!(事后别忘了查字典哟。“misrepresent”,动词,“表述失实”、“歪曲”之意。) 3.B 这是推断题。根…  相似文献   

If You’re Lost     
刘霞 《中学生英语》2002,(16):17-17
You may get lost when you are on a camping trip or hike. Here is some good advice to remember.  相似文献   

You Can’t Fly     
①After supperNick comes out witha book in his hand .It' s very hot in the rooms and he can' t stay in it.  相似文献   

Using a life history approach, this article explores the ways in which women in the military who are also mothers learn to embody various masculinities and femininities as they negotiate workplace gender processes. Complex intersections of gendered communities of practice result in the participants’ learning to variously understand, accept, shape and/or resist interlinked personal, professional and organizational gendered discourses. First, I discuss theories of learning in communities of masculinity and femininity practice, exploring how they connect to the military context. Second, I explain how life history methodology enables an examination of participant learning through personal, organizational and societal constructs. Third, I detail the findings as they relate to the complex ways in which women in the military learn to embody various masculinities and femininities as they negotiate workplace gender processes. Last, I conclude that participants transgressed and reinforced certain boundaries between various military communities of masculinity and femininity.  相似文献   

本期点评名师杨淑玲女,山东省汶上县汶上镇第二中学英语教师。在教学中认真钻研,大胆创新。有多年从教经历,经验丰富。!!!When I was very young,I was so shy that I never go out to play with other children.One day,my uncle’s son wanted to play football with me,but I was afraid that the ball maybe hit my head.So I refused him.My mother was a little angry.She told me that I must  相似文献   

在2012年发行了六辑《Sexy,Free&Single》之后,SuperJunior进入了小分队活动阶段,而在最近结束的五巡北京站上,银赫透露今年将要发行七辑的消息,让E.L.F们陷入了疯狂的期待中。  相似文献   

This essay takes as its starting-point the recent announcement that GCSE English, the high-stakes test taken by 16-year-olds in England, will no longer include the assessment of speaking and listening. It attempts to place this decision, and other recent policy interventions that will have an impact on how talk in the classroom is conceptualised and valued, in a longer history of schooling, attitudes to spoken English and the notion of a spoken standard. The essay then explores, through an account of an observed GCSE English lesson, something of the complexities involved in taking talk, and the assessment of talk, seriously.  相似文献   

Li Tao is twenty-six years old. He finds work in a factory after he leaves school. He doesn’t know what the workers make and some workers take some bags away from the factory. The  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“Honesty is the bestpolicy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。[编者按]  相似文献   

2003年10月,BUZZ初登台。2006年的现在,BUZZ三周年。作为韩国少有的偶像兼实力派摇滚乐队,BUZZ是低调的,镜头前5个男孩都不爱说话、不善言辞,依赖着队长老大。BUZZ是激情的,舞台上,他们猛然间释放所有的激情,给你足够的震撼。让BUZZ给你SHOCK,一起SHAKE!  相似文献   

Mahner and Bunge argue that (1) science and religion are incompatible, in order to develop their thesis, that (2) a religious education ... is an obstacle to the development of a scientific mentality, and that therefore we should only teach our children (3) how science explains the existence of religion in historical, biological, psychological and sociological terms, and that (4) religious education should be kept away from public schools ... I offer brief comments on each of these strands of their argument. Religionists, to use Mahner and Bunge's term, generally come from a specific stance so I shall make it clear, from the outset, that these remarks come from a Christian standpoint, even though many of them are much more widely applicable. Although I agree with some of the observations which Mahner and Bunge make, my conclusions are generally opposite to theirs on each of the four points.  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling 种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“H onesty is the best policy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。  相似文献   

The author sketches the development of Scottish educational principles and ideals from the ‘Book of Discipline’ at the Reformation in 1560 to the Education Act of 1872 and beyond. Religious, and also social, cohesiveness helped to frame a structured educational system intended to be open to all, from a national provision of parish schools to the five post‐Reformation universities. Learning and moral principle were seen as closely intertwined with community rights and responsibilities, all guided by a strong sense of the common good. In general, education was seen as a national and community responsibility, and historically it was characterised by cooperation rather than by competition. The role of education in promoting a better society, until the later 19th century, was nourished by religious faith in alliance with government; thereafter ‘Idealist’ reformers played a leading part in emphasising the role of the state as against that of the church. These ‘Idealists’, however, shared with their 16th‐century predecessors the concept that education was the most important means “by which to reveal to the individual what true citizenship entailed”.  相似文献   

In the July/August 2011 edition of TechTrends, a group of AECT members and academic professionals explored the state of digital citizenship for students in K-12 through an article entitled: Digital Citizenship in K-12: It Takes a Village. Identified was a significant need for digital citizenship awareness by parents, educators, and students through a series of interviews, exploration of resources, reports, and surveys. In this current article, the purpose is to provide an updated perspective of the state of digital citizenship in the K-12 academic and professional environments as gathered from re-administering the 2010 survey and interviewing experts quoted in the 2010 article. Results showed the need for teaching digital citizenship at an earlier age, improved digital citizenship awareness by both educators and administrators, and a continued focus on the misuse and abuse of technology.  相似文献   

Thank You     
Thank you, thank you very much.For everything that I can touch.Thanks a lot for nature' s food.And for when I'm feel ing good.Thank you, thank you very much.For moms and dads and friends and such.Let's be thankful for this day.For our friends and for our play.Let' s be thankful ; lets be glad.For the food and things we have.Let' s give thanks for you and meand our home and family.Thank You@汪清枫…  相似文献   

Miss You     
Liu熏couldyourememberme芽I’mthatcrazygirl.Inthosedays熏wesangSeasonintheSuntogetheronthegrass.Yousaiditwasthebesttimetosingthissongbecausethesunshonebrightly.Iagreedwithyoubecausethosedaysweremyhappiestdaysofmylifeandthesunreallyshonebrightly熏Ithink.Liu熏couldyourememberthatnight芽Thatnight熏wesawthatfallingstarfalling.Yousaidthatifamandied熏afallingstarwouldfalldown.ButIsaidthatafallingstarwasatearofanangel.Youlookedatmeandwelaughedhappily.Liu熏look选Afallingstarisfallingnow.Canyoureme…  相似文献   

This article examines the practice of studying texts in secondary school English lessons as a particular type of reading experience. Through a critical stylistic analysis of a popular edition of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the article explores how reading the text is framed by educational editions, and how this might present the purpose of studying fiction to students. The article draws on two cognitive linguistic concepts – figure/ground configuration and narrative schemas – in order to explore how ‘discourse about a text’ can potentially influence how students read and engage with a text. Building on a previous article, the notion of pre-figuring is developed to offer an account of how a reader’s attention can be directed to particular elements of a text, thus privileging some interpretations and downplaying others. The article then reflects more widely on the perceived purposes of studying fiction with young people, exploring in particular the recent rise of support within the profession in England for Hirsch’s ‘cultural literacy’ model, which sees knowledge about texts as more valuable than authentic reading and personal response.  相似文献   

戴涛 《海外英语》2014,(20):193-194,208
This thesis makes an analysis of the heroine’s mental growth from the initial phase of the heroine’s mental trauma to the struggling phase and to the mature phase. It analyzes the reasons and manifestations for her mental solitariness,expounds her confusion and struggling during her growth from the perspective of psychoanalysis and reveals her mental maturity in the end after a series of setbacks and conflicts during pursuit of affection,friendship and kinship. In some senses,the heroine’s mental growth displayed in this thesis is the psychological portrayal of some contemporary college students,which has certain educational significance to the student readers especially those who possess the similar life experience and accesses them to have an incisive understanding of real life.  相似文献   

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