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东晋孙绰批评西晋山涛“吏非吏,隐非隐”。究其因:山涛两度隐居,一为养名,一为避祸,总在伺机出仕;晚年屡求引退也只为“功成身退”;出仕期间,既有吏能又为官清廉,但每每中立于朝,与时俯仰,为人处世过于圆滑,且“身入局中,未尝心存事外”。山涛可谓深受老子思想影响,在人生追求和精神境界上始终未臻至超尘脱俗、应物无累的境界,表现得颇有机心。而孙绰深受庄学影响,追求“萧条高寄,不与时务经怀”,他对山涛的批评实际上反映了玄风盛行时庄学影响下的士人与玄风初起时老学影响下士人仕隐观的不同。  相似文献   

人们指责山涛 ,贬低山涛 ,主要认为他不该出仕司马氏。如东晋孙绰说 :“山涛吾所不解 ,吏非吏 ,隐非隐 ,若以元礼为龙门 ,则当点额暴鳞矣。”[1 ]似乎只有隐而不出才能为名高。尤有甚者 ,把他的出仕看做是一种变节行为 ,把山涛看成叛党。如余嘉锡先生说 :“巨源之典选举 ,有当官之誉 ;而其在霸府 ,实入幕之宾。虽号为名臣 ,却为叛党。平生最与时俯仰 ,以取富贵。迹其始终 ,功名之士耳。”[2 ] (P53 6)这与当时孙盛的评价“通简有德”不同。 (《世说新语·品藻第九》注引《魏氏春秋》之所以有如此差异 ,是因为其中存在着一个以什么样的标准…  相似文献   

嵇康留给后人的艺术财富,一是音乐中的千古绝响《广陵散》,二是文学中著名的绝交信《与山巨源绝交书》。山涛与嵇康最为友好,同为“竹林七贤”中的重要人物。这封信是嵇康听到山涛在由选曹郎调任大将军从事中郎时,想荐举自己代其原职的消息后写的。信中拒绝了山涛的荐引,  相似文献   

在"竹林七贤"中,山涛年纪最大,官也当得最大。山涛推荐嵇康去当官,嵇康写了一篇《与山巨源绝交书》,在信中说山涛让他做官,就是让他拿上屠刀,如果不是和他有深仇大恨,是不会来逼他去做官的。  相似文献   

山涛,字巨源,魏晋人,是著名的“竹林七贤”中的老大。山涛小时候就成了孤儿,家里很穷,但他从不自卑自弃、怨天尤人,而且表现得极有气量,与同龄孩子相比,有一种卓尔不群的气质。  相似文献   

阅读下面一段文言文,完成1—6题。萧俛字思谦,贞元中,及进士第,又以贤良方正对策异等,拜右拾遗。吐蕃寇泾州,调兵护边,帝因问:“兵法有必胜乎?”俛曰:“兵凶器,圣人不得已用之,故武不可玩,玩别无震。夫以仁讨不仁,以义讨不义,先招怀,后掩袭,故有不杀厉,不禽二毛,不犯田稼,其救人如免水火,此必胜术也。若乃以小不忍轻任干戈,师曲而敌怨,非徒不胜,又将自危,是以圣王慎于兵。”帝重其言。令狐楚罢执政,西川节度使王播赂权幸求宰相,俛劾播纤佞不可治台宰,帝不许。自请罢,冀有感悟,帝亦不省。俄罢为尚书左仆射,用播为盐铁使,后卒相。俛自谓辅政浅…  相似文献   

魏晋名士集团“竹林七贤”中的山涛,向被评论家所贬抑。比如,赵明同志说:“在《与山巨源绝交书》这篇文章中……(嵇康)还在嘻笑怒骂中嘲讽了山涛之流的趋炎附势,明白地表示了自己不愿与统治者同流合污的决心,栩栩然展现出在黑暗政治下一位孤傲愤世、刚肠疾恶之士的形象。”①这是对嵇康写《绝交书》的缘由及对山涛其人不甚了了的论  相似文献   

竹林七贤是以阮籍、嵇康、山涛为核心的名士群体,而对山涛的评价历来毁誉参半。在"贬山涛"一类文章中引用较多的证据材料:一是嵇康所作的《与山巨源绝交书》;二是背叛竹林之游,出仕司马氏。文章从挖掘嵇康《与山巨源绝交书》的真实目的即借山涛自明心志、探寻竹林之游的长者地位、分析山涛的政治才能,以还原山涛重情重义的仁者形象。  相似文献   

嵇康与《广陵散》□彭印川嵇康(223—262),“竹林七贤”之一(另六人为阮籍、山涛、刘伶、阮咸、向秀、王戎),三国时著名的文学家、思想家和音乐家,音乐造诣相当高。嵇康善弹琴,时人向秀说他“博综伎艺,于丝竹特妙”(《思旧赋》,见《晋书·向秀传》),他...  相似文献   

吕志峰 《语文学习》2010,(1):43-43,46
问:《信陵君窃符救赵》中有一句“胜所以自附为婚姻者,以公子之高义,为能急人之困”,对“急人之困”之“急”的翻译.有人认为是为动用法,译为“为……着急”,有人认为是意动用法,译为“以……为急”,恳请赐教。  相似文献   

本将高等代数的中的“矩阵的转置”定义为“矩阵的主转置”,由此给出矩阵的次转置、行转置、列转置的定义,得出相关结论,并予以严格证明,这对矩阵的深入研究有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》这部小说中含有150多首诗词,有传统诗词之美,小说人物命运的叙述生动感人,又有当今语体文甚至口语的色彩,红楼梦的艺术世界是多彩诱人的,小说学为读者营造了一方“诗词天地”。忽略诗词鉴赏,就不能全面把握《红楼梦》艺术特征,也不能真正认识它的作者,因此,读懂这部书的文辞,品味其诗词韵味,会是一种享受,《红楼梦》以小说文本的可接爱性而雅供共赏,一定会在当前素质教育的诗文美育中起到促进作用。  相似文献   

通过考察中国戏曲与小说的发展轨迹,结合两的整体关系,指出《西游记》杂剧记叙唐僧取经内容完整,结构宏大,由此演进为小说具有必然性,并进而对它在后世百回本小说《西游记》成书过程中的影响和作用作了具体、客观的评析。  相似文献   

The author presents a concept of the didactics of history, geography, and civics that seeks to link, through a single dynamic, the civic, political, and social goals of school knowledge with everyday classroom practice and pupils' learning. Two concepts occupy the heart of this construction: those of school disciplines and social representations. The concept of school disciplines addresses the fact that school knowledge is a creation of the school, designed to enable it to achieve the social goals it is assigned. A school discipline is thus a particular combination of goals, content (in the form of shared knowledge), methods, and practices. The concept of social representations is a tool serving to analyze knowledge as theories of the natural and social world, its production, and its reception by the different actors involved.  相似文献   

上古韵部划分是上古音研究的核心部分,韵部划分至清代虽已渐臻完备,但学界对韵部进行再划分的工作一直未断。李新魁先生在二十九部基础上分出祭、废、至、队、曷、桓、戈七部,将上古韵部分为三十六部,其分部的依据不合理,故不必立祭、废、至、队、曷、桓、戈七部。  相似文献   

It has been widely documented that accountability systems, including school inspections, bring with them unintended side effects. These unintended effects are often negative and have the potential to undo the intended positive effects. However the empirical evidence is limited. Through a European comparative study we have had the rare opportunity to collect empirical evidence and study the effects (both intended and unintended) of school inspections (a key system of accountability) in a systematic way, across seven countries. We present the findings of the unintended effects in this paper. Survey self-report responses from school principals in each country, with differing school inspection systems, are analysed to measure the prevalence of these unintended effects and to investigate the part played by pressure to do well in inspections. A key finding is that increasing pressure in school inspection systems is associated with the undesired effect of the narrowing and refocusing of the curriculum and instructional strategies. We also show that a proportion of school principals admit to misrepresenting the school in data sent to the inspectorate and show evidence for formalisation/proceduralisation (excessive focus on records) and ossification (fear of experimentation in teaching), although these factors are less related to changes in pressure.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the use of litigation as a strategic tool of resistance for thwarting school desegregation. Utilizing Cowan v. Bolivar County Board of Education as a case study, I argue that, despite losing the constitutional right to racially segregate public schools according to an explicit white supremacist doctrine, whites in Bolivar County, Mississippi, were successful in stemming the impending tide of social change associated with school desegregation through litigation. Litigious resistance not only provided southern whites with a racially moderate epistemology for undermining school desegregation regionally, but their legal challenges to school desegregation also laid the groundwork for non-southern white animus toward all federal education policies that promoted racial inclusion.  相似文献   

借助功能语言学主位和主位推进模式有关理论来分析语篇的衔接、信息分布、连贯、语篇发展以及译者如何利用这些分析结果充分解读翻译源文,在以语篇为翻译单位时,采取何种相应的翻译对策,生成在功能和效果上与之相当的目的语语篇。  相似文献   

Hyper-femininity and the construction of the ‘girly girl’ label have been documented widely, but there has been less attention to their content (or any distinctions between these constructs). Indeed, it can be argued that the content of femininity remains a controversial and somewhat under-researched topic in feminist scholarship. This is also the case in relation to science, which has been widely characterised as a masculine terrain, but there has been less attention to why femininity is excluded from/by science. This article attempts to unpick some of these issues, with a particular focus on the construct of the ‘girly girl’, in relation to access to science. Drawing on qualitative data from the Economic and Social Research Council-funded ASPIRES 2 project, we analyse the discourses used by young people and parents in discussion of ‘girly girls’ and physics. We show the misogynist and excluding discourses projected onto the ‘girly girl’, and indeed that are used to interpolate femininity more broadly. We found that in discussions of science and (hyper-)femininity, even potentially positive feminine attributes were denigrated. Hyper-femininity was produced as ‘more than lack’: vacuous, but also a risible presence. In reflecting on our findings we consider whether femininity may be more derided in some discursive contexts (e.g. science discourse) than others, and whether femininity can or should be conceived as more than lack.  相似文献   

"皇、帝、君、王"是一组同义词,但学者历来对此有不同理解。古汉语同义词同中有异,本文试图把本组同义词以先秦至汉作为共时层面,上溯下联,共时与历时相结合,在一个词义的系统中运用多手段、多角度、多侧面、综合型的方法,精确地辨析该组词义。  相似文献   

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