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Man and Waiter     
IMan:You’vegotyourthumbinmysoup.Waiter:Don’tworrysir.It’snotveryhot.顾客:你的大拇指都沾到我的汤里了。服务员:不要紧,先生。汤不太烫。IIMan:Waiter,what’sthisflydoinginmysoup﹖Waiter:Ithinkit’sswimmingsir.顾客:服务员,这只苍蝇在我的汤里干什么?服务员:我想它在游泳。IIIMan:CallthemanagerIcan’teatthisterriblefood.Waiter:There’snopointsir.Hedoesn’twanttoeatiteither.顾客:把你们老板喊来!这饭菜糟糕透顶,我没法吃。服务员:没用,先生。他也不想吃。Man and Waiter@朱海兵…  相似文献   

InaRestaurant1)Customer:Waiter,theresadeadbeetleinmysoup.Waiter:Yes,Sir,theyarenotverygoodswimmers.2)Customer:Waiter,theresaflyinmysoup.Waiter:Thatsallright,Sir,hewontdrinkmuch.3)Customer:Waiter,theresaflyswimminginmysoup.Waiter:Sowhatdoyouexpectmetodo,callalifeguard?4)Customer:Waiter,whatsthemeaningofthisflyinmyteacup?Waiter:Iwouldndknow,Sir,Imawaiter,notafortuneteller.InSamsHouse1)Dad:Yourteachersaysshefindsitsimpossibletoteachyouany-thing!Sam:ThatswhyIsayshesnogood!2)Dad:Sam,howc…  相似文献   

知识与技能阅读下列对话,注意被动语态句式。( Lin Tao and Lily are visiting a science museum.)Lily: Hi, Lin Tao. Look at the huge thing. What’s that called in English?Lin Tao: Oh, it’s a rocket.Lily: What’s it made of?Lin Tao: It’s hard to say. It’s very complicated(复杂). I know that the outer covering is made of a special kind of steel and the steel can stand very high temperature. In the inner part, some are made of steel, some are even …  相似文献   

Step 1.Warm up 1.T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls! Ss:Good morning/afternoon, Miss Chen! 2.Revision T:Hello,my kids,who’s she? Ss:Lily. T:Yes.this is Lily.she has some good friends.Who are they? Lily,please stand up,and introduce them. Lily:All right.This is… (学生  相似文献   

:服务员,我的盘子有点湿。请帮我弄 客 顾吧 净 干 服务员:哦,真对不起,先生,那是您的汤 。月 Customer:Waiter,the plate 15 wet please me elean it. Waiter:Oh,1 am very sorry,that’5 your Pp U O ,、汤  相似文献   

1.M y parents gave______a nice toy dog form y birthday.(2006年北京市)A.I B.m e C.m y D.m ine【点拨】选B。give sb.sth.给某人某物,代词用宾格。2.—D o you know the w om an overthere?—Y es.She’s______aunt.(2004年济南市)A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily’sand Lucy’sC.Lily’sand Lucy D.Lily and Lucy’s【点拨】选D。题干中的aunt是一个人,是莉莉和露西两人的姨妈。3.M ore and m ore people in Shanghaiare ableto talk and w rite______English these days.(2004年上海市)A.for B.w ith C.in D.to【点拨】选C。“…  相似文献   

同学们知道,作“请”解的please不但在口语中使用频率高,而且用法灵活。现将其用法特点介绍如下: (一)用于否定祈使句。既可置于句末,用逗号隔开,也可置于句首。如: Don’t call me Lily,please.(=Please don’t call me Lily.)请  相似文献   

Diner:Waiter,there is a fly in my soup!Waiter:All right,I’ll get you a fork!就餐者:服务员,我的汤里有只苍蝇!服务员:好的,我去给你拿把叉子!  相似文献   

Diner:Waiter,there is a fly in my soup!Waiter:All right,I’ll get you a fork!就餐者:服务员,我的汤里有只苍蝇!服务员:好的,我去给你拿把叉子!  相似文献   

早晨,A nn在上学的路上遇到了Lily,我们来听听她们在说什么。A nn:"Look!M y new sticker(小粘贴).It’sonly1dol-lar.?"Lily:"O h,it’sa steal."Lily在说什么,难道她说A nn的小粘贴是偷的?哈哈,那你就错了,其实Lily的意思是那个小粘贴太便宜了,就像偷的一样,很幽默却很恰当啊  相似文献   

Lily has a nice kite,Lucy has a nice bike.It’s time for Lily tofly her kite,  相似文献   

一天放了学,Tom和爸爸在聊天。Father:Who is the laziest in your class?汤姆,你们班里谁最懒?Tom:I don’t know,daddy.我不知道,爸爸。Father:You should know.Who doesn’t read or write,but just look here and there in class?你应该知道。谁在班里不读不写,只是到处看?Tom:The teacher.老师。AnswerCustom:Waiter,can you explain why the fly is in my soup?Waiter:It’s swimming,sir.答案顾客:服务员,你能解释一下我汤里的苍蝇是怎么回事吗?服务员:他在游泳,先生。Riddles猜谜语1.I can see it,but you can’t.What is i…  相似文献   

A) 5 11op assistant:_otlr shop. Mr Zhang:_· shoP assisran一:Caxlt0please? B:are。 A:Certai[lly!y()11I Mrl一anarlas.Z}iang:1 wallt solzle 51101) assisrant:_,wedon’t 11ave any. Mr Zhang:_— B) Li:Hi,Ji川!H()wy、,u to(J ay‘! J in一:Fine, B:Not ata!1. A:Oh,it,5 a 511(一rtn一ler.Who hasa()r一e‘了 B:1 llave orie,Mr Gr、、e,1.Here vou are. A:Thanky()t,,Lily. B:I)lease(l()11’t nleLily.I,ml·uey.Lily 15_there. A:_,LI一ey.You lookthe same.1 1 Le一,、。、h‘)01? Li、(hooldo you eor,l…  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(5):58-59
Waiter and Customer A customer ordered a cup of coffee in a restaurant.He found a fly in the coffee,so he called the waiter. Customer:How do I drink this coffee! Waiter:Don't you know how to drink coffee? Customer:Waiter,see,there is a fly in my coffee. Waiter:Oh,yes sir.You are right! There is a fly in your coffee.  相似文献   

Since and For     
Clever Mouse:I haven’t seen Lily since last summer. Miss Bee:She is in Paris now.She’s been there for half a year. Clever Mouse:You know her well. Miss Bee:We’ve been good friends since we were nine.  相似文献   

(A)Ned:Why do you always wear two watches?Ted:I need to see how slow the other one is.(B)Passenger1:Excuse me,does this train stop at New Town?Passenger2:Yes,just watch me and get off one station beforeme.(C)Diner:Waiter,your finger is in my soup.Waiter:That's all right.It's so used to(惯常)the heat,I hardlynotice it.(D)Customer:I'd like to try on(试穿)that dress in the window(橱窗).Salesgirl:Sorry,madam,but you'll have to use the dressingroom(试衣间).(E)  相似文献   

梁雪 《中国教师》2010,(18):56-56
<正>早上第二节课是六(6)班的英语课。预备铃一打响,我快步走入课室。T:Class begins!Ps:Good morning,Miss Liang.T:It’s time to show.Who can show today?(Lily把手举了起来,旁边的Paul也把手举得高高的)  相似文献   

Clean FliesCustomer: Oh, God! So many flies in the dining hall!Waiter: Don蒺t be afraid, sir. They are not dirty at all.Customer: Why?Waiter: Because they have been in the kitchen since they were born. And mind you, our kitchen(厨房) is very clean.Where Does God (上帝) Live?Teacher:Now, Susan, can you tell us where God lives?Susan: Yes, Miss. I think he lives in the bathroom.Teacher: In the bathroom? Why?Susan: Because every morning I can hear my father knock on the bath-room door a…  相似文献   

请仔细观察下图,然后根据括号内所提供的词汇回答问题。 LILY’5 BIRTHDAY_彝崛、七洲.厂、、、、产夕、肠曰门︸一12/﹄1 .Wllat 15 today? 1’O day2.W】lat are Lily and her brother doing?(decorating/sitting room Lily一—--一’3 .W】lat 15 their father doing?(arranging/tableslchairs) 口rlleir4.Where 15 their mother?(kitehen) Theif5 .Wllat 15 their mother doing?(making food/b irthday Party) She6 .How 15 everybody?(busy)看图回答问题@Keane…  相似文献   

Funny Dialogues     
A Customer:What are these pennies (硬币) in my soup? Waiter:Well,sir,you said you'd stop eating here if there wasn't some change in the food.  相似文献   

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