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培养高层次应用型人才是研究型大学的重要使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统教育观上存在一个观念误区即认为培养应用型人才只是某类高校的责任。现代社会发展要求研究型大学必须承担培养高层次应用型人才的责任。培养高层次应用型人才要求进行研究生培养方式的变革,必须走理论与实践结合的路径,而面对个性、面对实践是研究生教育转型中面临的两大挑战。  相似文献   

In this paper I argue for using the concept of contribution to activity to understand student engagement with science education and its transformational potential in formal settings. Drawing on transformative activist stance, I explain contribution as how individuals take part in and transform collective practices according to their own life agendas and get transformed themselves. As contribution to science education is a concept based on transformation, not adaptation, it can be especially informative when examining how underrepresented students in science can be more engaged in science education and eventually science. Using survey, interview and group conversations, and field observations in an undergraduate physics course, I put forward Zoey’s case to illustrate my argument and show how her contribution to the activities in the course initiated change in the activity among her peers.  相似文献   

Organizing higher education in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The integration of higher education systems in the Western world has led both to development of overall strategies for the organization of higher education institutions by public authorities, as well as to strategies by higher education institutions aiming to position themselves within emerging higher education systems. This article first asks whether these developments represent converging or path dependent trends before it sketches a conceptual point of departure for the analysis of the relationship between institutions in higher education systems based on the effects of integration on academic hierarchies and functional specialization. Then I discuss how recent attempts at integrating higher education systems in Europe and the US may affect the relationship between institutions in the light of conceptions of education as a process by which students learn to learn or by which they learn specific occupational skills. Thirdly, the development is situated in a wider context where the relationship between different types of institutions are considered in relation to the spread of an extended and more utility oriented concept of knowledge. Finally, I consider briefly some possible future developments based on how modern capitalist and public managerialist knowledge regimes constitute conditions for higher education integration.  相似文献   

在大学生的培养过程中,高等教育体系影响巨大;而大学生对新时期高等教育体系特点的正确理解与否,则直接关系到大学生的健康成长与成才。本文针对大学生培养教育中出现的多种困惑,从高等教育体系内容的角度分析其原因与特点,提出了几点思考,并总结出相应的解决措施与建议。  相似文献   

In this paper I attempt to list the body of knowledge and skills which future young engineers will need and how such knowledge and skills can best be transferred to students during the engineering education process. The educational environment should stimulate students and encourage them to develop the capacity for lifelong learning as a preparation for tackling the unknown problems which will occur in future decades. The formation of an engineer should comprise both education and practice. Some of the problems facing higher education today are discussed and some ideas for cross-border harmonization of engineering education are given. Finally, there is a brief comparison of today's current ideas on engineering study programmes and the course that I followed more than 50 years ago.  相似文献   

伴随着中国高等教育大众化时代的到来,高等教育形式和模式在发展中出现的问题也日益突出。以信息技术的应用作为媒介平台的网络教育如何克服高等教育大众化中所引发的矛盾;如何通过网络教育使高等教育走向广大农村地区;如何突破传统意义上的高等教育教学形式的限制。本文认为,网络教育正是中国高等教育大众化进程中的变革与突破力量,这一崭新的教育教学形式必将有助于中国高等教育事业的快速发展。  相似文献   

In the large and complex landscape of pedagogy, the focus seems to have turned away from the concept of teaching and towards a stronger emphasis on learning, probably supported by neo-liberal ideology. The teacher is presented more as part of the force of production than as an autonomous performer of a mandate given to him/her by society. He/she is supposed to supply knowledge that is considered useful to a society geared to production and consumption. During the past few decades, enlightenment as a legitimising concept for education has been challenged from different angles, both by a self-critique from within and from external forces. One angle of approach is the questioning of the relationship between the state and education, by way of a critique of modernity. Another approach comes from a critique of knowledge, which has lost most of its universal implications and is left with more pragmatic and utilitarian considerations. Into this landscape of lost legitimisation, I will make an attempt to visualise an impossible/possible position for teaching, featuring ancient, contemporary and phantom-like figures. I am suggesting the concept of transformation as an alternative to development or improvement, which I find to be concepts with a close link to modernity and its linearity. By a careful and conscious use of the word transformation, taking Derrida's intensified focus of language into account, a possible active position might be intimated in spite of the fundamental critique, which has been directed at pedagogy and its imperialistic implications from different angles.  相似文献   

This paper provides a historical overview of the development of higher education research in South Africa by focusing on past achievements and conditions, and present and future challenges. An attempt is made to point out the changes in both the context and paradigm of higher education research. The authors illustrate how research foci and methods were shaped by the political agenda of the old South Africa, and highlight the issues which higher education currently and in the future will have to address as part of the transformation process of not only higher education, but of South African society as a whole.  相似文献   

In this essay, I attempt to interpret the educational philosophy of John Dewey in a way that accomplishes two goals. The first of these is to avoid any reference to Dewey as a propagator of a particular scientific method or to any of the individualist and cognitivist ideas that is sometimes associated with him. Secondly, I want to overcome the tendency to interpret Dewey as a naturalist by looking at his concept of intelligence. It is argued that ‘intelligent experience’ is the basic concept of education. I suggest how this concept should be understood. I propose to look at it as an interplay between the faculties of imagination and judgment.  相似文献   

In this article, I attempt to describe how certain theoretical constructions of semiotics could be applied in educational theoretical work. First I introduce meaning as a basic concept of semiotics, thus also touching on concepts such as action, competence and causality. I am then able to define learning as a change of competences, and also refer to the pedagogical concept of learning i.e. Bildung, which can be roughly defined as valuable human learning. I then take up the problem of education as pedagogical direction and communication. Finally, I conclude with some considerations on the famous Greimassian semiotic square.  相似文献   

Discussion has long held an honored place in the pantheon of lionized adult education practices. One of the most frequently venerated aspects of discussion is opening up conversation to include the widest possible diversity of perspectives and intellectual traditions. This democratic attempt to be open and inclusive is held to represent what is best about adult education—its humanistic concern to have all voices heard, all experiences analyzed, and all viewpoints honored. Herbert Marcuse's concept of repressive tolerance stands directly against these sentiments. Marcuse argues that an alternative idea, concept or text can be inserted into a discussion of familiar, mainstream materials in such a way that serves only to underscore the normality of the center while positioning the alternatives as exotic others. This paper explores how this process occurs and suggests how it might be countered.  相似文献   

我国研究生招生制度变革历程解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一个重视招生入口质量控制的国家,我国研究生招生制度的变革历程虽然与我国高等教育体制的变革息息相关,同时也是现代西方高等教育与中国传统教育相互影响、相互融合的产物。在制度化进程中经历了概念和制度的引进,模式和体制的转换,本国的实践探索和政策摇摆,以及应对高等教育大众化时代的变革等四个阶段。  相似文献   

MOOC的本质属性是在线课程或者说是网络课程。作为大学的教学改革,关注MOOC的网络学习特性才是MOOC真正的教学价值所在。准确把握MOOC的理念和价值必须深刻理解信息技术学习生态环境下的教与学,必须深刻理解信息技术如何深刻地变革着传统教育。陕西师范大学以MOOC浪潮为契机,加快推进学校本科教学信息化建设,旨在以教育信息化促进教育的创新与变革,创新学校人才培养模式,全面提高人才培养质量,在促进传统教育的转型方面做出了积极的尝试。  相似文献   

This paper follows recent debates on the ontological turn in the social sciences and humanities to exemplify how this turn creates important openings of methodological and political potential in education. In particular, the paper makes an attempt to show two things: first, the new questions and possibilities that are opened from explicitly acknowledging the methodological and political consequences of the ontological turn in education—e.g. concerning agency, transformation, materiality and relations; and second, the importance of being clear about how educators and educational researchers conceptualize ontology and engage with debates on the ontological turn in related disciplines. The paper sketches some of the methodological and political implications of the ontological turn for education, focusing in particular on the concept of learning.  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a recent collaborative participatory action research study that involved a group of teachers from two Kenyan schools in a review and development of interpretation resources and materials. It focuses on an engaging process between teachers and non-formal educators in which interpretive capital (the tools and skills of interpretation) were socially constructed, shared and made available for the transformation of school grounds to foster environmental learning. The concept of 'mobilising interpretive capital' has been applied to describe the process of generating theoretical and practical accounts of the symbolic capital within non-formal education organisations. Social construction and circulation of interpretive capital for transformation of school grounds as discussed in this paper highlights that interpretation is a learning process in which meaning is created jointly in a specific context. The teacher-centred approach adopted in this study provides an example of how research design decisions may contribute to environmental education praxis, social transformation and change.  相似文献   

Forgiveness education has demonstrated psychological, social and academic benefits; however, it has not been discussed as a means of promoting character development for children and adolescents. In this paper, we discuss forgiveness as a moral concept and explain how forgiveness can contribute to current discussions of character education. After reviewing relevant literature we describe how a forgiveness programme can be an effective form of character education and attempt to clarify the contributions the forgiveness literature can make to the field of character education. We argue that forgiveness provides those interested in character development with a programme that can enhance educational initiatives and advance the character education research agenda.  相似文献   

Even though the sciences may deserve an important and enhanced place in the curriculum, it is crucial that educators situate reforms in science education in the larger social context in which educational reforms are taking place. How and by whom reform is defined and carried out will have a significant impact on who benefits from the process. I argue that education in general has increasingly become dominated by economic interests that can lead not to enhancing equality but to its opposite. There are important ideological shifts that are occurring not only in what education is for, but in the content and control of curriculum and teaching. This has also been accompanied by an attempt to not only increase the influence of economic needs on schools, but to make education itself an economic product like all others. This will have a major impact on science education in particular, because both science and technology are seen as high-status in the transformation of education into solely an economic tool.  相似文献   

陈晓希 《科教导刊》2020,(1):8-9,27
教育部《教育信息化2.0行动计划》的颁布,再度引起关于教育信息化2.0视域下以“互联网+”促进高等教育教学改革的广泛讨论。本文在我国推进“双一流”建设背景下,审视“互联网+”与高等教育发展融合现状、不足与机遇,以在线教学资源建设为切入点,探索如何将网络化、智能化技术与教育教学深度融合,如何将信息化作为教师教学系统性变革的内生变量,支撑引领教育教学现代化发展,推动教育理念更新、模式变革、体系重构,有效提升高校教学整体系统效率,着力变革教学组织和评估考核方式,改变目前教育教学改革进程中面临的不平衡、不充分等问题的实施路径。  相似文献   

论远程开放教学条件下教师角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教师角色转变是远程教学理论研究的重要课题,远程教学者究竟应当承担什么样的角色以及如何实现角色转变是他们最为迷惑也最为关切的问题.远程教学者要以平等主体、支架主体和导师主体的身份参与到远程教学中去,通过更新角色观念、拓展角色技能、优化角色策略以促进教师角色的顺利转变.  相似文献   

Genealogies, or histories of the present, create critical spaces to remind us of the nonnecessity of that which we consider necessary to our lives (Burchell 1993). Further, genealogies of governmentality attempt to create this space with a focus on how conduct is conducted. In this paper I suggest that genealogies of governmentality are one way to create critical analyses of the education of young children. Sociologies of childhood consider childhood to be a relational concept, functioning in relation to adulthood. I argue that genealogies are one way to illuminate these relationships, in particular pointing towards the ways in which the education of young children is deeply embedded in a range of complex and contradictory’ adult’ discourses and knowledges, including those of motherhood, politics, worker, citizen and the economy. To illustrate this I provide an analysis of the provision of preschool education in Queensland’s government schools.  相似文献   

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