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Although education is identified as a key determinant of economic development and poverty eradication, this relationship is only possible when educationists are able to provide a comprehensive picture of the educational process in working life. In this paper it is argued that if systems of education and training are to cater to both the formal and the informal labour markets, then they need to take into account the traditions and values of the system of vocational learning in working life, cater to the requirements of local development and be based on an understanding of the kinds of competencies people in the informal economy want, need and utilise, the socio-economic and cultural contexts within which they work, and how they cope and sustain their livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

Education in Basic Skills and Training for Productive Work   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The success of global policies and strategies aimed at training for productive work depends to a large extent on the level of development of basic skills among the work force and, likewise, training costs will vary according to the level of general preparation of those entering on the process. In view of the close relationship between the structure of the school system, the development of basic skills and actual training, different options are available to resolve imbalances between training for productive employment and previous basic education. Our conclusions are that training cannot replace basic education, that the process of technological change goes hand in hand with an increased demand for workers with a high level of education, that substituting training in specific skills for good basic education is not the most efficient option, and that one of the favorable effects of primary education is that it facilitates after- school training. This article seeks to identify certain dimensions of human resource training which are often overlooked in relation to both basic skills and specific training proper: namely, the imbalances existing between vocational training and previous education, and the options available for correcting them.  相似文献   

Research findings on graduate employment inthe UK continue to highlight the importance thatemployers attach to the general knowledge, attitudesand social skills that graduates possess in additionto specific disciplinary knowledge and expertise. Additionally, work based learning is increasinglybeing viewed as an important vehicle by whichundergraduates can develop personal and social skills,as well as gaining knowledge of how organisationswork. In this paper I will argue that although developments in undergraduate work based learning doraise a number of issues for higher educationinstitutions and for employers, such developments havemuch to offer the broader education policy of lifelonglearning.  相似文献   

以宁波职业技术学院探索“素能本位,工学结合”人才培养模式为例,阐述了人才培养模式的三大体系——培养目标定位体系、培养过程运行体系和培养质量保障体系,归纳了人才培养模式的八项基本特征,对兄弟学院构建人才培养模式具有启迪作用。  相似文献   

Social workers practice in rapidly changing and complex environments where they encounter challenges that include increasing evidence-based practice requirements, a shifting information landscape, and diminishing workplace resources. To address these challenges, social workers need to engage in lifelong learning. The purpose of this article is to explore conceptual elements and assumptions underlying lifelong learning; propose social work specific approaches to lifelong learning; present a conceptual model to orient social work educators to the possibilities inherent in lifelong learning for practice, with inclusion of suggested practice behavior; and offer a research agenda for practice.  相似文献   

科学教育的重要途径—非正规学习   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘文利 《教育科学》2007,23(1):41-44
非正规学习在培养学生科学素质方面具有正规学习不可替代的重要作用。了解非正规学习的特点、规律和怎样影响人的科学素质的形成和发展对当前我国政府倡导的大力普及科学教育,提高全民,特别是未成年人的科学素质具有重大意义。非正规科学学习不仅能为学生提供丰富的认知冲突和社会互动机会,使他们建立起更加完善的知识结构,而且还能提高他们的科学论证能力。非正规学习是发展学生科学素质的必经之路。  相似文献   

Informal Science Learning (ISL) is a policy narrative of interest in the United Kingdom and abroad. This paper explores how a group of English secondary school science teachers, enacted ISL science clubs through employing the Periodic Table of Videos. It examines how these teachers ‘battled’ to enact ISL policy in performative conditions at the micro-scale, and how this battle reflected macro-scale epistemological and political considerations. Data from the study suggests that for some, ISL was low stakes as it was seen to have negligible impact upon performance data. As a result, there was some resistance towards enacting ISL and conflict between the formal and informal curriculum processes. Nonetheless, analysis indicates that the informants highly valued ISL despite the requirement for them to justify it over more formal and ‘effective’ approaches to learning science.  相似文献   

黄炎 《成人教育》2019,39(8):74-78
非正式学习的发生和成效主要取决于学习者个人的能力阶梯、认知风格和一些外部因素。当前的培训工作面临着培训需求与供给的错配、培训方式与目标的错配、相关资源与平台的错配等问题。通过分析认为,借助非正式学习的方式方法,可以丰富培训内涵、扩展培训外延。在顺应成人学习特点的基础上,利用新技术、新理念可以拓宽培训空间,实现培训场景的工作化、培训内容的即时化、培训方式的社群化,切实提高培训成效。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的职业教育与培训是世界上具有代表性的职业教育成功模式之一,其《注册培训机构标准》是全澳大利亚所有注册培训机构指导、申请和审核标准,为持续的、高质量的职业教育与培训提供了重要的服务质量保证。学习中心作为现代远程教育的重要支持服务机构,在整个远程教育教学过程中肩负着重要职责,作为基本教育组织机构的承担实体,学习中心与注册培训机构有着许多相同之处,积极借鉴其先进的建设理念和方法技巧,对促进远程教育学习中心的标准化建设和服务的进一步规范化有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this article the current empirical research on morality and giftedness is reviewed with an emphasis on moral sensitivity. The component of moral judgment has been the most studied aspect in morality. Although high-ability students have been shown to be superior in moral judgment when compared to average-ability students, morality includes other components as well, such as sensitivity, motivation, and character. Furthermore, the critics of Kohlbergian research argue that moral reasoning does not necessarily lead to moral behavior. The gifted students might be able to give “correct” responses in the Defining Issues Test (DIT) test but their actual moral behavior cannot be predicted based on these test results. Hence, the limits of interpretation of these findings need to be acknowledged. The component of moral sensitivity is introduced with case studies regarding Finnish gifted students and Finnish Academic Olympians. The beliefs and values in academic work ethics of the Finnish Academic Olympians are discussed to give examples of how ethics can be combined with excellence in science. Some implications for the moral education of gifted students are suggested based on the research findings.  相似文献   

The present paper thoroughly examines how one can effectively bridge in-school and out-of-school learning. The first part discusses the difficulty in defining out-of-school learning. It proposes to distinguish three types of learning: formal, informal, and non-formal. The second part raises the question of whether out-of-school learning should be dealt with in the in-school system, in view of the fact that we experience informal learning anyway as well as considering the disadvantages and difficulties teachers are confronted with when planning and carrying out scientific fieldtrips. The voices of the teachers, the students, and the non-formal institution staff are heard to provide insights into the problem. The third part discusses the cognitive and affective aspects of non-formal learning. The fourth part presents some models explaining scientific fieldtrip learning and based on those models, suggests a novel explanation. The fifth part offers some recommendations of how to bridge in and out-of-school learning. The paper closes with some practical ideas as to how one can bring the theory described in the paper into practice. It is hoped that this paper will provide educators with an insight so that they will be able to fully exploit the great potential that scientific field trips may offer. This paper appears as a chapter in: Eshach, H. (2006). Science Literacy in Primary Schools and Pre-Schools, Netherlands: Springer.  相似文献   

高职商务英语工学结合人才培养模式探究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在研究国内外"工学结合"人才培养成功范式的基础上,提出要革新教学内容体系,密切与企业联系,重视实践教学等"五位一体"的商务英语专业人才培养模式,同时提出人才培养模式策略:重视职业岗位化要求、完善"双证书"制度、加强"双师型"师资队伍建设,构建模拟公司的实践教学模式、为地方经济服务等.  相似文献   

以工会领导下的服装服饰协会为社区教育的实践基地,以会员作为社区教育对象开展的服装设计与制作培训为切入点,通过“三个一体化”学习模式和微课程在线学习资源在培训过程中应用的实践研究,归纳社区居民学习的影响要素,总结提升出社区教育技能培训的教学模式和教学策略,让开放大学社区教育工作更加贴近百姓生活,为提升社区居民的幸福力而助力.  相似文献   

在职人员提高职业技能,以顺应时代发展与科技进步的需要,不仅受到广大企业家及在职人员的关注,也吸引了许多教育专家.比较于传统企业培训,非正式学习在企业培训中的应用至关重要,本文通过对奇瑞汽车股份有限公司企业培训的现状分析,总结企业员工进行非正式学习的典型形式,提出促进企业员工进行非正式学习的策略.  相似文献   

美国高校产学合作教育的兴起与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产学合作教育是美国高校培养学生实践能力和创新能力的一条有效途径,也是当今世界各国高等教育积极倡导的一种教育模式。美国高校产学合作教育的思想基础与兴起、发展状况,可以给我国高等教育的产学合作教育发展以多方面有益的启示。  相似文献   

非正式学习是教师专业发展的重要途径。为了促进教师进行非正式学习应当采用以下策略:创设教师进行非正式学习的氛围、搭建促进非正式学习的基础设施、帮助教师提高学习能力和整合非正式学习与正式学习。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is focused on hypertechnology in curriculum and culture. This article contributes to that literature. Taking the perspective of social work education that human reality emerges from the interaction of biological, psychological, and socio-cultural forces, the reader is invited to consider the possibility that in this generation of students we may be experiencing an historic shift in consciousness and a genuine intellectual rift between the generations. If, as is suggested by important segments of the literature, styles of symbolic self-consciousness are formed and contoured by evolving communications technology, we might expect that a reading-based style of symbolic self-consciousness will differ significantly from a style of self-consciousness formed by the rapid dissemination of visual images. This hypothesis suggests that we are currently in a transitional state, as we shift from one style of consciousness to another. Some implications for teaching in this time of transition (and points for further reflection) are explored.  相似文献   

Abstract While human resource development (HRD) practioners are interested in learning style, there has been relatively little empirical research in work settings. This paper reviews the research on the interaction effect of learning style and the learning style orientation of the learning environment on learning outcomes, and discusses how the findings from educational research can inform training and development practice. The need for more research in work settings is discussed and the dearth of valid and reliable measures of cognitive (learning) style that can be easily administered to employees is considered as a factor which may have inhibited research The advantages and disadvantages of a number of measures that could be used in work settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Immersion learning is one form of experiential education and has great utility in social work education. However, there is limited research on student learning outcomes from immersion learning courses in social work education. This ethnographic research describes an immersion learning course offered to BSW students (N = 9) and the learning outcomes gained. This semester-long course focused on macrolevel practice with people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and the sexual exploitation of women. As part of this course, students went on a weeklong immersion trip, where they visited a dozen human service organizations and interacted with people experiencing poverty and homelessness. Qualitative analysis produced three findings. First, students reported that these interactions helped them realize their biases and impacted their understanding of poverty. Second, students reported enhanced social work practice skills, such as cultural competency, self-awareness, and interpersonal expertise. They also gained a better appreciation for macrolevel practice. Third, students reported a better understanding of how to deploy classroom knowledge in practice and how to apply what they learned back in the classroom. These findings have implications for undergraduate social work education and how immersion learning programs can be a tool for enriching both knowledge and practice skills.  相似文献   

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