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Child abuse and neglect have been associated with cognitive deficits, among other effects on child development. This study explores the prediction that child abuse and neglect has an impact on Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales 5th Edition (SB5) IQ scores, in relation to gender, age and type of abuse experienced. 300 children with experiences of abuse and neglect were included in the study, comprising 100 sexually abused, 100 physically abused and 100 neglected children. Overall, all scores on the SB5 were found to be significantly lower than the minimum average scores on the test. Verbal IQ (VIQ) scores were likewise found to be significantly lower than Nonverbal IQ (NVIQ) scores. Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) scores did not reveal heterogeneity when gender was factored in. Age and type of abuse (with a moderate effect size) on the other hand, showed significant differences among groups. Statistical analyses of SB5 Factor Index Scores revealed that abused children, in general, have significantly higher Visual-Spatial Processing (VS) and Quantitative Reasoning (QR) scores and lower scores in Knowledge (KN). There was a large effect size found in such an analysis. Age (with a large effect size), gender and type of abuse (with moderate effect sizes) give significant variations to this obtained profile.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There have recently been many debates in the UK about how to provide good care for children placed away from home. Professionals have realized that the level of child abuse in foster care and children's homes is high. This research examines the characteristics of physical and sexual abuse of children in foster and residential care in a city in England. The number of cases of abuse reported by pediatricians in this group was compared to the number reported by the same pediatricians for the population of Leeds as a whole. METHOD: This is a retrospective study of 158 children, fostered or in residential care who were involved in 191 episodes of alleged physical and/or sexual abuse assessed and reported by pediatricians over a 6 year period from 1990 to 1995 in Leeds, England. Details of the child including the reason for placement in care, their physical and mental health, abuse characteristics, including perpetrator and case management were studied. RESULTS (see Table 1): 158 incidents of abuse in 133 children in foster/residential care are described. In foster care, 42 children were physically abused, 76 were sexually abused, and 15 experienced both forms of abuse. In residential care, 12 children were physically abused, 6 were sexually abused, and 6 experienced both forms of abuse. In foster care 60% of sexual abuse involved girls and 60% of physical abuse involved boys. In residential care almost twice as many boys as girls were reported to be abused. Foster carers perpetrated the abuse for 41%, natural parents on contact for 23%, and children 20% of incidents. A significant proportion of abuse was severe with 1 death, 8 children with burns, 18 with genital, and 34 with anal penetration. Long-standing emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties were common. Most children (80%) had been abused prior to entry into care. Foster children were 7-8 times and children in residential care 6 times more likely to be assessed by a pediatrician for abuse than a child in the general population. CONCLUSIONS: Children in foster or residential care form an at risk group for maltreatment. Their special needs include additional measures to protect them from abuse.  相似文献   

Despite good reason to believe that children in foster care are disproportionately exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), relatively little research considers exposure to ACEs among this group of vulnerable children. In this article, we use data from the 2011–2012 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), a nationally representative sample of non-institutionalized children ages 0–17 in the United States, to estimate the association between foster care placement and exposure to an array of ACEs. In adjusted logistic regression models, we find that children placed in foster care or adopted from foster care, compared to their counterparts, were more likely to experience parental divorce or separation, parental death, parental incarceration, parental abuse, violence exposure, household member mental illness, and household member substance abuse. These children were also more likely to experience ACEs than children across different thresholds of socioeconomic disadvantage (e.g., children in households with incomes below the poverty line) and across different family structures (e.g., children in single-mother families). These results advance our understanding of how children in foster care, an already vulnerable population, are disproportionately exposed to ACEs. This exposure, given the link between ACEs and health, may have implications for children’s health and wellbeing throughout the life course.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(11):1860-1871
Foster care children who experience placement disruption and foster care instability are at elevated risk for a host of poor outcomes, yet little work considers what these unstable foster care careers look like or what causes them. In this article, I start by using previous studies on foster care drift, instability, and placement disruptions to define the unstable foster care career as a subset of foster care careers. I then use administrative data on 30,239 Danish children born 1982–1987 who entered foster care to generate nine foster care careers, two of which meet the criteria for an unstable career. Children with a high number of risk factors associated with foster care entry were also the most likely to enter an unstable career. I end by discussing implications for recent studies of the effect of foster care on children's later life outcomes and the relevance of the findings for practitioners.  相似文献   

In the United States public concern about foster care drift is widespread. "Drift" means lengthy placement away from the natural family, without a clear goal to return the child or find some other permanent home. Concern is focused on the negative effect of lengthy foster care on the psychological health of the child, and also on the increasing cost of such placement. Recently, the federal government, in response to extensive testimony about these issues, passed landmark legislation designed to reduce foster care drift, the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Funding Act of 1980. Thus the government has now become a leader in child welfare planning. The law requires a reporting and tracking system so that no child already in placement becomes "lost in the system." In addition, all proposed foster placements are now hedged with requirements that there be clear purposes and goals to be achieved by such placements. In effect placements must be defended, tracked, and reviewed periodically. The new requirements pose a rebuke to the professions serving children which have failed to stem the increase in foster care, and to control and place a time limit on such interventions in the family. Federal leadership has created a political climate in child welfare planning. The regulations issued to implement the law in the Carter presidency differ from those of the current administration. The current policy of the government of the United States is to provide protection of the family from excessive foster care placements by child welfare agencies. This is support for greater autonomy for the family, a more conservative approach.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This article is about my experiences of fostering abused children. I have been fostering for ten years and ours is perhaps a unique situation of two single women sharing the work. We have 13 foster children and have used the other children in the family as much as possible to help the two I am going to describe.I feel very strongly that children can give greatly to other children and that they grow in the process. Children can be cruel to each other — yes, but they have a tremendous capacity to give if we encourage them. We can help them to harness their own bad experiences constructively and achieve something in their giving.I have chosen two very different children to talk about. Mike was perhaps the most easily recognisable “neglected” child, and had all the classic symptoms. Alan is a much older child and I have decided to tell you about him because there is such ignorance about the long term effects of verbal abuse and mental cruelty, and sadly such children are rarely given the opportunity of being fostered.  相似文献   



The aims of this study of predominately racial/ethnic minority children in foster care (N = 360, birth to 19 years old) in Los Angeles, CA were to examine the (1) prevalence of obesity (≥95 percentile) and overweight/obese (≥85 percentile) upon entrance to foster care (T1) and after 1 year in foster care (T2); (2) comparison of high weight categories to national statistics; (3) relationship of changes in weight status to age, reason for entry into foster care, and placement.


Chi-square test and McNemar test comparing paired proportions were used to determine whether there were significant changes in the proportion of high weight categories between T1 and T2. Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test were used to evaluate the association between age, placement, and reason for foster care with the change in weight category. Changes in weight were categorized as (1) decreased in weight, (2) remained at overweight or obese, (3) increased in weight, or (4) remained normal.


The proportion of obese and obese/overweight children between ages 2 and 5 were significantly lower at T2 than T1. There were no significant changes in the prevalence of obesity for the total population at T2. Children age 6 or older had a higher prevalence of obesity and overweight/obesity compared to national statistics. Of children at all ages, 64.7% of children of all ages entered foster care with a normal weight and stayed in the normal range during their first year in foster care, 12.2% decreased their weight, 15.4% remained overweight or obese, and 7.7% increased their weight. Age and parental substance use was related to change in weight category from T1 to T2.


Children did not become more overweight or obese in foster care; however 28% of the children were obese or overweight upon entry into foster care. Children who are 6 years or older and obese upon entering foster care should be targeted for weight reduction. The pediatric community and child welfare system need to work together by including weight percentiles in the foster care file and training/monitoring child welfare caregivers in weight reduction interventions.  相似文献   

Foster care, created to overcome some of the disadvantages and abuses of institutional care of children, can present its own problems. One problem is overt abuse, but there are other, more subtle, deficiencies and concerns about foster care. In response, the concept of permanency planning has been introduced as a philosophy, a policy, and a technique. It is designed to return every child who enters care to the stability of a family as quickly as possible. This paper presents findings of a longitudinal study of the outcomes of permanency planning. Results show that over half the children returned to their biological parents, that adoptions were more common for Caucasian than black children, that 78% of the children were still in their permanent placements 12-16 months later, that most children were functioning well, and that there was a marked need for services for the families. In addition to the results of the study, the discussion focuses on implications for foster care practice and child welfare policy, including the importance of relatives, the impact of foster care placements, the needs of biological families, and the provision of services and supports for reunified families.  相似文献   

Fifty Greek children who had been neglected or physically abused by one or both parents were studied, along with their families. Of these 18 were single-child families. The other 32 children in the study, including two sets of twins, had a total of 53 siblings. In comparison with their siblings, the abused children were more frequently the result of an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. They had a higher incidence of perinatal problems and more illnesses in the first year of life. Almost half had feeding problems, their nutritional status was often poorer than that of their siblings, and they were characterized by their parents as being more difficult than the other children. In some cases there was evidence of a lesser degree of neglect or abuse in the siblings. More than twice as many boys as girls were abused, although there were more girls than boys amongst the siblings. This possibly reflects the higher value and as a result higher expectations that Greek culture places on male children.  相似文献   

In order to investigate orphans' situation and development in Iraqi Kurdistan, samples from the two available orphan care systems, the traditional foster care and the modern orphanages, are examined at an index test and at 1-year follow-up regarding competency scores and behavioral problems at both test occasions, and post-traumatic stress reactions at a 1-year follow-up. Achenbach Child Behavior Check List (CBCL) and two instruments regarding post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were used. While competency scores showed an improvement in both samples at the follow-up test, the problem scores increased in the orphanage sample and decreased among the foster care subjects. Moreover, the orphanage sample reported higher frequency of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than the foster care children. The results are discussed with regard to the value of the Kurdish society's own traditions in taking care of orphans.  相似文献   

Childhood maltreatment is often associated with youth’s ability to successfully function in school. Youth with a history of maltreatment often receive lower grades and scores on tests of academic achievement, as well as demonstrate more negative behaviors in school, as compared to non-maltreated youth. However, there are many inconsistencies in previous studies examining the association between maltreatment and academic outcomes in youth. One potential reason for mixed findings within the literature could be a result of how maltreatment is measured and operationalized. The current study examined if the methods used to define and describe maltreatment contribute to the association between maltreatment and academic functioning in youth. Youth in foster care (N = 490, Mage = 13.13[3.09]) were recruited and information on their maltreatment history and academic functioning was obtained from official agencies, school records, and self-reported measures. Using a SEM framework when examining each dimension separately in the same model, results suggested that frequency maltreatment was more predictive of academic behavior, as compared to type and severity. No dimensions were associated with grades and significant findings were only observed for models using self-report data. However, when examined using a measurement model approach, maltreatment as a whole was associated with school behavior, which was found for both self-report and case file measurement models. The findings suggest a need for research on academic functioning to take a comprehensive approach when measuring and defining maltreatment as this may be a more robust and accurate predictor of academic functioning.  相似文献   

Attachment has been assessed in children living in alternative care (AC) settings, such as Residential Homes (RC) and Foster Care (FC). However, no study has been conducted to compare attachment styles in residential, foster and parental care conducted as usual in the same country at the same point in time. There is also a lack of studies conducted in less developed countries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare outcomes for children living in three different types of care in Chile. Three groups of children (N = 77), living in (RC), (FC) and with biological parents (PC) were compared. Attachment styles, Indiscriminate Friendliness (IF) and socio-emotional/behavioral difficulties were assessed.Higher rates of secure attachment were observed in the RC group (36.1%) when compared to studies in RC in other countries (mean 18%). However, children in both types of AC were significantly more likely to have insecure and/or disorganized attachment styles than PC children. Higher rates of socio-emotional and behavioral problems were observed in RC (55.6%) and FC (50%) compared to PC (10%). Within type of AC, no significant differences were found, for attachment styles or for socio-emotional/behavioral difficulties, the only difference were the levels of IF, with children in RC having higher levels. As a conclusion, impact of placement in AC can vary between different countries, other factors, rather than only type of AC could better explain differences in attachment security for children. Implications for research and practices are discussed.  相似文献   



Empirical research regarding potential risks and benefits of children's participation in the legal system generally, and in the child dependency legal system in particular, is sparse and mostly characterized by small studies without comparison groups. The current study was designed to address the following questions regarding children's participation in dependency court hearings: (1) Is attending court harmful to children? (2) Is attending court beneficial to children? (3) Is judicial behavior with the child in the courtroom related to potential harms or benefits? and (4) Are there age differences in children's reactions?


The authors measured children's reactions to attending dependency review hearings (n = 43) and compared them to a sample of children who did not attend their hearings (n = 50). One to 2 weeks following review hearings, both groups of children were interviewed about their reactions to the court process.


Children who attended their hearings reported more positive feelings about the dependency process (e.g., trust in judge, perceived fairness, and more comfort with their guardians ad litem and caseworkers). For children who attended, there was no evidence of high distress immediately preceding or following their hearings. Court observations revealed that more active engagement by judges was related to positive responses from the children. Most children, including both children who attended hearings and those who did not, believed that all children should be able to attend their hearings.


Overall, the findings suggest that policies encouraging children's attendance at dependency hearings are viewed positively by and not harmful to children.  相似文献   

Every day, in the United States, children are removed from their homes and placed into state supervised out-of-home care because of concerns around their safety. These children enter care as a result of child abuse, child neglect, abandonment or some other reasons. Lost in most discussions of out-of-home care is the role that parental incarceration and parental death have on the trajectory of children through the child welfare system. In order to address this gap in the literature, the present study aims to compare youth in foster care as a result of parental death or youth in foster care as a result of parental incarceration with youth in care because of child maltreatment in terms of the length of time to achieve permanency. Holding all other variables constant, entering care as a result of parental death more than doubled the average time to exit (HR = 2.32, SE = 0.22), and these youth were significantly less likely to exit to permanency when compared to children entering care for other maltreatment reasons (OR = 0.35, SE = 0.24). Entering care as a result of parental incarceration led to a 24% longer time to exit (HR = 1.24, SE = 0.09) compared to children entering care for other maltreatment reasons. Findings suggest that a one-size-fits-all approach to policy and practice may not be useful to identifying permanent placements for children entering care as a result of parental death or incarceration.  相似文献   

Youth in foster care with maltreatment experiences often demonstrate higher rates of mental and behavioral health problems compared to youth in the general population as well as maltreated youth who remain at home. Previous research has demonstrated that dimensions of maltreatment (type, frequency, and severity) and placement instability are two prominent factors that account for high rates of psychopathology (e.g., depression, anxiety, and disruptive behavior disorders). The present study sought to clarify the relation between maltreatment and mental health among youth in foster care by studying both the isolated dimensions of maltreatment and cumulative maltreatment, and to determine whether the effects of maltreatment on mental health operated indirectly through placement instability. Information on youth in foster care’s (N = 496, Mage = 13.14) mental and behavioral health, maltreatment history, and placement changes were obtained from state records and primary caregivers. Using a SEM framework, the results suggest that maltreatment and placement instability each independently relate to mental and behavioral health problems. Further, none of the maltreatment types predicted greater placement instability in the current models. These findings suggest that placement stability is critical for mental health for youth in foster care, regardless of the type, severity, or frequency of their maltreatment experiences. Results also indicated that, although cumulative maltreatment predicted both internalizing and externalizing symptoms, maltreatment frequency and severity had direct relations to externalizing symptoms only. These findings underscore the utility of comprehensive maltreatment assessment, encouraging researchers and clinicians to assess and carefully consider the relation between maltreatment dimensions and outcomes.  相似文献   

The significant mental health needs of young people in out-of-home care has been well-documented. However, there is little empirical evidence on the timing or development of these difficulties, once these young people have been removed from the maltreatment-environment. Such information may provide useful clinical insight in to how problems develop and persist and whether intervention timings may allow for the prevention of later mental health problems. The current service-data study explored the emotional and behavioural symptom trajectories of 207 young people under the long-term care of a local authority in the South West of England, over their first five years in the care system. Data were extracted from the yearly carer-completed strengths and difficulties questionnaire – providing an index of emotional problems, peer problems, conduct problems and hyperactivity. Trajectories were analysed using growth mixture modelling. For most domains the largest trajectories were chronic symptom profiles, where young people were rated in the abnormal range from their first year in care and remained in this range across the full five years. These young people had significantly more placement moves than their peers on resilient trajectories. There was some evidence that later age of removal was associated with more chronic internalising problems. Overall, findings demonstrate the significant mental health needs of young people in care and particularly highlight that, in many cases, the removal from the adverse environment is simply not enough to expect a young person in care to be resilient to their earlier experiences.  相似文献   

Sibling programming is an important part of a prevention framework, particularly for youth in foster care. After children are removed from their families and placed into foster care in the aftermath of maltreatment, the sibling relationship is often the most viable ongoing relationship available to the child, and may be critical to a youth’s sense of connection, emotional support, and continuity. The promise of dyadic sibling programming in particular rests on the ability of interventions to enhance the quality of sibling relationships; yet little research exists that suggests that sibling interventions can improve relationship quality among foster youth. The primary aim of the current study was to examine the effects of a specific dyadic sibling-focused intervention for older and younger siblings on sibling relationship quality. One hundred sixty four dyads (328 youth) participated in the study, with each dyad consisting of an older sibling between 11 and 15 years of age at baseline and a younger sibling separated in age by less than 4 years. Hierarchical linear models were applied to self-reported, observer-reported and observational data over the 18-month study period. Findings suggest that the sibling intervention holds promise for improving sibling relationship quality among youth in foster care. Implications and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

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