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Cultural inclusion, cross-cultural openness, and positive intergroup relationships are essential considerations as schools are becoming increasingly multicultural because of shifting demographic patterns in the U.S. We explored Arab/Arab-American (ArA) Chaldean (Chal), African American (AfA) and European American (EuA), student perspectives on Culturally Inclusive and Responsive Curricular Learning Environments (CIRCLEs) through the theoretical lenses of culturally relevant/sustaining pedagogy, social identity and social categorization theories, and the intergroup contact hypothesis utilizing an exploratory sequential mixed-method research design. In Phase 1 we conducted focus group interviews (N = 57) in 12 culturally diverse middle schools with 114 ArA, 41 Chal, 48 AfA, and 100 EuA students. Students discussed their school experiences focusing on interactions with teachers and peers, the curriculum, and school policies. Phase 1 informed the development of the CIRCLE measure in Phase 2. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of CIRCLE items supported the generalizability of a hierarchical first and second order structure of the measure (CIRCLE) and its subscales across ArA (977), Chal (244), AfA (270), and EuA (1423) student groups. Analyses of the interviews and CFA results indicate that cultural self-other awareness and openness to different ways of thinking and being among teachers and students, through sensitively designed culturally inclusive curricula and school policies and programs responsive to student diversity is an educational imperative.  相似文献   

Student Surveys for School Teacher Evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Students reports have the potential to add much useful information about school teacher quality. However, much research has centered on post secondary settings and many questions remain about the use of pupil surveys for K–12 teachers. The Davis County School District (Utah) uses pupil surveys as one teacher-chosen data source for teacher evaluation. The surveys of 9,765 students were analyzed for patterns of response. Item analysis suggests that pupils responded with reliability and validity. Some individual items are more defensible than others for conceptual and empirical reasons.  相似文献   

"拼客"文化是网络时代催生的新兴文化现象.近来,"拼客"一词在大学生中流行甚广,"拼学习"、"拼生活"、"拼爱心"渐成时尚.大学生"拼客"所倡导的"拼客"文化是勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗精神的现代阐释;校园"拼客"们正用绿色消费方式推动着校园的生态文明建设;在"拼"出来的和谐氛围中,"拼客"们的社会交往更加充分,为实现大学生的自由全面发展提供了空间.一个更加和谐的校园正被大学生们"拼"出来,这是一种正在流行的校园时尚,也是一种不可忽视的校园文化.  相似文献   


BSW and MSW students' evaluations of their field instructors and these individuals' use of various supervisory skills and assignments were assessed early in the field placement. Skills that directly enhanced students' learning in the field were most influential. Supervisory activities that introduced students to the agency and what would be expected of them were particularly helpful. Differences in first-time and second-year students' reactions suggest that students' learning needs vary, based on their prior experience with and understanding of the field. The findings also suggest the need for training to help field instructors make the transition from social work practitioner to social work educator.  相似文献   

This article presents an integrated approach for counselors providing substance use counseling to college students with sensitivity to the students' gender, culture, development, and readiness and motivation to change. Incorporating the use of relational–cultural therapy and motivational interviewing, the author organizes these complementary modalities along the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change and discusses practical implications for counselors to reduce harm in the context of the college environment. A case illustration is included.  相似文献   

论高校校园文化建设中学生社团的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为反映高校校园文化的一个重要舞台和窗口.高校学生社团是拓展大学生素质的重要载体,是构建校园文化的重要阵地和骨干力量。在新形势下以科学发展观为指导,深刻理解和准确把握高校学生社团在校园文化建设中的作用及存在的问题,对进一步创新思路,明确对策,全面推动高校校园文化建设将发挥更大更好的作用。  相似文献   

高校良好的校园文化能够帮助大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,逐步实现思想道德素质的提升;能够激发大学生学习专业技术知识的兴趣,培养大学生独立思考、自主创新的能力;能够提升大学生的专业技能之外的社会适应能力,提高实践能力和人际交往能力,最终提高大学生的就业力。  相似文献   

高校新建校区学生工作具有极大的特殊性,以哈尔滨理工大学荣成学院为例,对荣成学院学生工作面临的挑战进行了分析,其挑战有:基础设施不够完善和校园文化环境氛围较弱,学生组织和行政机构设置不健全等。针对新建校区学生工作面临的挑战,提出一系列相对应的对策。  相似文献   

高校学生管理工作是创建和谐校园的重要方面,积极探索适应和谐校园要求的高校学生管理工作成为当务之急。文章尝试结合当前学生管理面临的突出问题,对和谐校园要求下如何加强高校学生管理工作进行思考和探讨。  相似文献   

While enrollment in online courses has tripled in ten years, little is known about the impact of different exam-taking environments on learning. A recent study of economics students found that online students taking un-proctored exams scored one letter grade higher than online students taking proctored exams. However, there were no apparent systematic safeguards against cheating in the un-proctored section. This study adds to the literature by comparing student’s performance in online classes with proctored exams to the performance of online students in a carefully controlled online testing environment (Respondus Lockdown Browser [RLB]). Methods: Data refer to 287 students enrolled in a criminology course at a Carnegie research-extensive university. The experimental group consisted of students in online sections who were called back to campus to take exams in a proctored environment. The control group took exams off campus using RLB. All sections were taught by the same instructor. The dependent variable is the score on the standardized final examination. The central independent variable is the type of exam environment: proctored vs. the RLB environment. Results: Controlling for other constructs, there was no significant difference between student exam scores in the proctored sections and the sections employing RLB. Conclusion: The results suggest that the judicious use of RLB can level the playing field between exam scores in proctored vs. nonproctored online sections. Technology such as RLB, which minimizes opportunities for cheating online, may provide tools for fairness in grading. Future work is needed for other courses, other fields, and other types of academic institutions.  相似文献   

校园文化是学校广大师生以校园为主要空间,在特定的环境中创造的一种与社会时代紧密相关,又具有校园特色的人文氛围、校园精神和生存环境。无处不在的校园文化活动是校园文化的重要组成部分。根据广大青年的特点和需求,团组织指导开展校园文化活动时应具有独特的创新意识,学生社团开展的各种校园文化活动具有创造力,能吸引青年人积极参与,充分展现了团组织的魅力。广大学生的综合素质得到了锻炼和提高,为青年人塔建了展示才华的舞台。  相似文献   


Given the instructional challenges posed by the influx of minority-language children in North America, this article attempts to examine early childhood bi- or multilingualism in one of the fastest growing ethnic minority groups in Canada, Korean-Canadians. By drawing on a Vygotskian perspective, the article focuses on the affective and social aspects of learning for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children and their families. With an emphasis on the integration of language and thought, this article first identifies the instructional applications of Vygotskian perspectives and then describes iterative phases of design-based research aimed at developing technology-mediated collaborative learning environments for trilingual Korean-Canadian children. The technology-mediated collaborative learning environment supported young CLD children's affective, social and cognitive needs and created meaning-centered collaborative learning environments. The paper concludes with a consideration of implications of this technology-mediated collaborative learning environment so as to assist teachers who might be confronted with the educational needs of the growing population of CLD children.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - For a long time, research on individuals learning in digital environments was primarily based on cognitive-oriented theories. This paper aims at providing evidence...  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次强调党员干部要加强理论学习,要用马克思主义和中国特色社会主义理论武装头脑。新时期加强高校从事学生工作的党务干部理论素质对全面贯彻和落实党的理论、路线和方针政策,树立马克思主义的世界观、人生观、价值观和帮助青年学生成人、成才、成功有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

With the implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) many teachers continue to search for ways to engage students in the learning process while meeting the rigorous demands of the standards. Researchers suggest that by providing opportunities for higher order thinking, student choice, and creative ways to showcase knowledge, students will find engagement and motivation in the classroom. Many teachers of adolescent students struggle with ways to integrate these approaches while meeting the standards. The purpose of this article is to provide examples of engaging literacy strategies that focus on the Common Core State Standards for middle and high school students.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop and validate an instrument to assess the attitude of student pharmacists toward prayer in general and in particular as it relates to their academic performance. To fulfill the study objective, faculty from seven colleges of pharmacy located at Christian universities collaboratively developed the Student Prayer Attitude Scale (SPAS). The items were used to assess the attitudes of student pharmacists toward prayer as well as the effects of prayer on personal lives and academic performance. Faculty investigators asked 1,563 students to complete the survey and received 677 valid responses. A principal components analysis with promax rotation was conducted and revealed a two-factor structure: (a) general attitude toward prayer and (b) specific attitude regarding the impact of prayer on academic performance. Analysis of variance was used to compare student responses by religious identity. Students identifying as atheist or agnostic were significantly different in their responses than students from theistic religions; however, the responses of students from various theistic religions were not significantly different from one another. Faculty concluded that SPAS is a reliable tool for measuring student attitudes toward prayer. The use of such a tool could help faculty tailor educational opportunities to allow pharmacy students to explore prayer more fully and be aware of its impact on the patients they serve.  相似文献   

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