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移动定位技术能获取移动学习者所处的位置信息,使得移动学习系统能感知用户所处学习场景并据此开展有效的移动学习,从位置、时间、设备和学习者四个方面阐述了场景感知移动学习的应用要点。  相似文献   

在传统的英语课堂上,教师讲得不亦乐乎,而学生听得昏昏欲睡的情况时有发生。翻转课堂教学模式颠覆了传统的英语课堂上"教师讲授,学生倾听"的状况,给了学生充分的学习主动权和学习自由,同时,也为全面提高学生的英语综合能力和思维水平打开了一扇窗户。本文将结合实际的课堂教学实例以及学生的实际的学习过程,探讨翻转课堂教学模式下的学生的学习策略,旨在给学生在新的教学模式下一定的学习指导。  相似文献   

Flipped classrooms continue to grow in popularity across all levels of education. Following this pedagogical trend, the present study aimed to enhance the face-to-face instruction in flipped classrooms with the use of clickers. A game-like clicker application was implemented through a bring your own device (BYOD) model to gamify classroom dynamics in the spirit of question-and-answer competitions. A series of flipped learning lessons were created for the study, with clickers integrated into question-and-answer activities associated with each of the lessons as formative assessments to assist students in the learning of English as a foreign language. In this quasi-experimental research, the data were gathered using a summative assessment, a perception survey, and individual interviews. The collected data were then analyzed to compare the students’ flipped learning experiences, with or without clicker use. The results indicated that the gamified use of clickers had positive influences on student learning, with regard to their performance, perceptions, and preferences. This study thus suggests that the emerging generation of clicker technology allows for a cost-effective BYOD integration model in flipped classrooms, through which it is possible to seamlessly bridge pre-class and in-class activities and to effectively promote student learning.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the flipped classroom model largely depends on the specifications of its design and implementation, and one important specification to consider is student agency. With the purpose of prescribing the optimal level of student agency for the flipped classroom, this study conducted a repeated-measures experimental design to compare the effects of three levels of student agency in an undergraduate flipped course with 43 students. The empirical results revealed that student agency had a significant impact on students' academic performance and perceived learning experience. Moreover, a low level of student agency appeared to induce superior performance and evaluation ratings from the students and counter the influence of personality and self-study time. The findings are expected to inform the design and implementation of flipped courses and extend our understanding of student-centred learning to the context of the flipped classroom.  相似文献   

Changes in the conceptualisation of higher education have led to instructional methods that embrace technology as a teaching medium. These changes have led to the flipped classroom phenomenon - where content is delivered outside class, through media such as video and podcast, and engagement with the content, through problem-solving and/or group work, occurs in class. Studies investigating the impact of the flipped classroom have mainly looked at the student experience with little focus on whether exam outcomes are enhanced by flipping. An undergraduate Material Technology course at The University of the West Indies was taught in two formats over two successive years. The course was taught during the 2012/13 academic year in a ‘traditional’ format but, after reflecting on student feedback and personal pedagogy, the lecturer restructured the class and taught it in a flipped format during the 2013/14 academic year. This research examines whether the flipped format improved the learning experience in relation to exam performance and student perception. Data was gathered through analysis of course grades and student evaluation questionnaires. The lecturer’s reflective comments were also reviewed before and after the study. Analysis of the qualitative data shows that the flipped format led to a slight improvement in how students perceived the course and the lecturer’s reflection shows that they are keen to continue with the flipped format as it allowed more time for them to work with students at an individual level. While no significant change in relation to average cohort exam performance was found, fewer students in the flipped classroom achieved marks at the highest level. It is therefore recommended that practitioners who intend to flip their classroom pay as much attention to student performance as they do to student perception.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - Higher education faces several challenges including both increased student diversity and the use of technologies. The flipped classroom approach has been proposed...  相似文献   

本文基于File&Adams对外语课堂中"形式聚焦式"的两种形态-即分离教学和整合教学在词汇教学中的效果的研究,通过实验研究的方法来验证基于微课翻转课堂教学模式中何时进行词汇处理对阅读及词汇学习更有效。研究发现,在阅读教学之前讲解词汇、在阅读教学中讲解词汇和在阅读教学后讲解词汇,这三种词汇处理方法对学生阅读能力的提高没有显著差异;但是对词汇的学习和运用能力的提高有显著差异,通过这三次测试的结果表明,阅读教学之前讲解词汇最有效,其次是阅读教学中讲解词汇,排在最后的阅读教学后讲解词汇。本研究结果希望对基于微课翻转课堂的大学英语教学提供一定的启示。  相似文献   

本研究利用网络学习空间对翻转课程不同主体、不同认知活动、不同教学环节的有效支持与系统整合,构建基于网络学习空间的翻转课堂模式,探索基于网络学习空间翻转课堂的设计流程,评估学习绩效,总结具体的操作策略。  相似文献   

以信息技术与教育深度融合理论为指导,以体现学生学习的主体地位为核心,以移动互联为改革落脚点,探索基于手机微信的信息安全课程实验翻转课堂教学。阐述了翻转实验课堂的基本理论、教学活动设计、学习环境和教学评估方法;介绍了基于手机微信构建新型人机交互环境下进行移动学习的细节。  相似文献   

随着经济的迅猛发展,在传统教学模式下高职院校培养出的人才已不再适用于当今社会,而翻转课堂教学模式因其自身优势逐渐被教育界认可并接受。本文通过分析高职学生的特点,翻转课堂的优势以及高职教师将面临的挑战,希望对高职教育工作者能有所启发,深入研究翻转课堂教学模式并从自身需求出发对其进行必要的改进,使其能更好地为高职教育服务。  相似文献   


Physical education emphasizes learning sports skills, which is why it is usually conducted in a face-to-face manner. Instructors focus on explaining rules and demonstrating moves, which the learners are required to repeat and imitate. Flipped classrooms have become a trend; thus, the present study investigated their influence on physical education. A mobile application for novice and advanced basketball players was developed and tested in a course teaching 3-on-3 basketball and various teaching methods were implemented to test for the effects of gender differences on learning outcome. The participants were students enrolled in the aforementioned course in a university in central Taiwan. 326 participants were included in the study, of whom 238 were male and 88 were female. The duration of the experiment was 5 weeks between May and June 2017, during which the correctness of moves, maneuverability, teamwork, sense of balance, and adaptability of the participants were evaluated and graded as their learning outcome. The research team observed the participants each week to gather empirical data for analysis. The results indicate that a mobile flipped classroom is the optimal teaching strategy, followed by projecting teaching; therefore, a mobile flipped classroom is the recommended approach to be integrated into physical education.  相似文献   

For higher education, the question of how in-class activities can be supported in large lectures is of great relevance. This paper suggests a gamified flipped classroom approach to address this challenge. In an experimental study, N = 205 educational science students performed either gamified in-class activities using a gamified quiz with points and a team leaderboard, or non-gamified in-class activities using exercise sheets. In line with the theory of gamified learning, the results show a positive indirect effect of gamification on application-oriented knowledge that is mediated by learning process performance. Furthermore, based on a self-determination theory framework, the results show positive effects of gamified in-class activities on intrinsic motivation and social relatedness, but no significant effect on competence need satisfaction. The study provides insights into a particular casual construct of game design elements (points and team leaderboards) triggering specific mechanisms (immediate task-level feedback and team competition) affecting a mediator (learning process performance) that in turn affects a learning outcome (application-oriented knowledge).  相似文献   

英语教学是大学教育中的基础性课程,也是教学改革的重点。近几年源于美国的翻转课堂模式逐渐被人所熟知,这种建立在现代化信息技术上的教学模式引起了人们的关注和重视。在当前的大学英语教学中,传统的教学模式已然无法满足当前教学任务的需要。在这样的情况下,我们需要对翻转课堂进行深入的了解,并将其应用到大学英语教学中,提到大学英语教学的质量。  相似文献   

学生缺乏学习地道英语的语言环境,而英语听说课上听、说时间又有限。随着现代科学技术的发展和各种移动设备的普及,移动学习应运而生。学生可以在教师的指导下,利用碎片时间,通过多种途径,随时随地学习自己喜欢的地道英语材料。本文从听唱英文歌曲、赏析英文电影、借助微信和APP学习三个方面分析了如何通过移动学习,实现大学英语听说高效课堂。  相似文献   

"翻转课堂"的迅速崛起,加速了大学英语教学改革的进程,本文试图探索把"翻转课堂"教学模式与团队合作学习相融合并应用于高职英语教学当中,以取得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是以建构主义理论作为导向,现代化信息作为基础,并打破了传统课堂中教师和学生在思想和角色上的束缚的一种新的教学模式。大学英语教师在进行翻转课堂中并不仅仅局限于对语法知识的讲解和文章结构的分析上,还应当对语言的教学信息资源进行创新开发,为教学营造良好氛围,转变授课中传统的教学角色,将翻转课堂的优势展现出来,从而让大学生能更好的掌握大学英语。  相似文献   

本文围绕"面向应用,结合专业,夯实基础、强化能力"的课程建设理念,在微积分教学中,选取部分课程内容进行"翻转课堂教学"改革,先以少数班级为试点,探索基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式的改革。在分析微课资源特点和已有翻转课堂应用的基础上,设计出"微课学习、课堂翻转、综合考核"为主要形式的教学模式。  相似文献   

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