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Background: A critical race theory of education has a been a popular framework for understanding racial inequities teaching and teacher education. Furthermore, it has served as the foundation for critical race research methodologies and critical race pedagogy, which are meant to address racial inequity via research and teaching, respectively. With regard to critical race pedagogy, there has been no specific conceptualization for the preparation of physical educators.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a critical race pedagogy of physical education teacher education (PETE).

Key Concepts: In the paper, critical race theory and critical race pedagogy are highlighted as the conceptual roots of a critical race pedagogy of PETE. In doing so it offers a critique of resource pedagogies and their conceptualization in PETE. Critical race theory has been described as a scholarly movement that seeks to uncover and dismantle systemic racism while rejecting incrementalism. Critical race pedagogy is an approach to teaching that is informed by critical race theory and womanism. A critical race pedagogy of PETE builds upon previous conceptualization of critical race pedagogy by offering the (a) recognition context; (b) the value of Black self-reliance; (c) and the value of the Black body as its foundations.

Discussion and Conclusion: A critical race pedagogy of PETE adheres to a post-White orientation. As such, this approach to teaching recognizes that Black physical education involves Black people and Black places without subordinating or comparing them to White people and White places. It is also a challenge for Black scholars and teacher educators within PETE to focus their attentions, intentions, and efforts to the sustaining of Black educational institutions and the training of Black physical educators for Black communities. Thus, I acknowledge context within the post-White orientation allowing for an appropriate reorienting of a critical race pedagogy of PETE to meet the needs racially minoritized communities globally.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study used tenets of critical race theory and a single focus group and individual interviews with 4 African American football athletes at a predominantly White institution of higher education (PWIHE) in an effort to bring the voices of this marginalized group into the dialogue on issues concerning institutional integrity in college sport. Institutional integrity involves an athletic program's actual commitment to the educational interests of college athletes as expressed through their structures, functions, and activities. Three themes emerged from the data: (a) there is a need for more African American role models in leadership positions within the athletic departments of these PWIHE; (b) there is a need for more financial support for athletes; and (c) African American athletes should be given a platform to voice concerns. These findings have implications for those educational stakeholders and researchers who are genuinely concerned with institutional integrity in college sport.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、归纳综合、逻辑分析等研究方法,对中国和美国大学生运动员的学籍进行了比较研究。从中了解美国大学生运动员学籍管理方式的成功经验,并与中国的大学生篮球运动员的学籍管理方式进行比较,从中获得有价值的参考信息。这对我国培养出合格的大学生运动员具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of African American faculty on their organizational socialization in kinesiology-based (i.e., sport pedagogy, exercise physiology, motor behavior, sport management/history) programs at predominantly White American1 institutions of higher education (PW-IHE). Participants were 9 African American tenure-track faculty members from various kinesiology-based programs at PW-IHE. Data were gathered via interviewing and analyzed within the framework of critical race theory (Ladson-Billings, 2000). Findings are presented using storytelling and thematic narratives. Interviews with the participants revealed four major recurring themes with regard to: (a) resources, opportunities, and power structures; (b) programmatic neglects and faculty mentoring needs; (c) social isolation, disengagement, and intellectual inferiority issues; and (d) double standards, marginalization, and scholarship biases. This study suggests that faculty and administrators at PW-IHE should develop sensitivity toward organizational socialization issues relevant to faculty of color.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法和问卷调查法对高校篮球物质文化进行理性思考研究。高校篮球文化主要指从事篮球运动的各种物资设备和器材以及文化载体等一切篮球文化的总和。研究表明篮球物质文化的场地相对缺乏;篮球用球利用率较低;篮球文化载体严重匮乏。高校篮球物质文化建设应突出篮球文化载体的建设,提高场地、用球的建设,加快篮球文化载体的建设。以更高质量的篮球物质文化丰富篮球活动的内容,提升和谐校园文化,丰富校园体育文化。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查,专家访谈等研究方法,对江西省普通高校竞技体育的项目布局进行了系统的分析。研究发现,高水平运动员的生源数量减幅较大,相当一部分项目的发展呈现出极不稳定的态势,如田径、篮球、排球,其中,田径项目表现尤为突出,出现了严重生源危机,应引起有关部门和人员的高度重视。  相似文献   

普通高校篮球队运动员来源及其发展探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶巍  倪欣 《体育与科学》2005,26(3):78-80
本文通过对1994年至2000年各系统的重点业余体校、体育中学、普通业余体校考入高等院校(包含体育院校)的篮球运动员用资料研究法、数据统计法进行分析表明我国在现有篮球后备人才培养体制下,有超过三分之一的后备运动员被输送到了高等院校,并有逐年递增的趋势.他们是高等院校篮球队的重要组成部分,也成为各高校参加CUBA篮球联赛的主力队员.由此得出结论是传统的篮球后备力量培养机制不能够适应市场经济体制下篮球运动发展的要求.高校篮球队在篮球后备力量培养上具有广阔前景.高校办高水平篮球队还需要进一步总结经验,完善各项制度使这些高水平的篮球运动员成为我国篮球运动的后备人才.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of iron supplementation (18 mg per day) on the serum iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC), hemoglobin levels, and percent hemoglobin saturation with iron of female college basketball athletes. The serum iron and hemoglobin levels of ten varsity basketball athletes and seven control subjects (nonathletes) were measured (pretest) prior to the basketball season and again at the end of the season. Iron supplements, no supplements, or a placebo tablet were given during the 4-month experimental period. ANOVA statistical analyses revealed that the iron supplementation was of no value in raising serum iron, TIBC, percent saturation, and hemoglobin levels and that a 4-month basketball training regimen and season did not significantly lower serum iron and hemoglobin levels.  相似文献   

中美优秀大学生篮球运动员身体形态及技术指标的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张传义  米靖 《体育与科学》2004,25(5):60-61,68
本文对中关优秀大学生篮球运动员的身体形态及8项技术统计指标进行对比分析,主要结论:中关男子运动员身高、体重存在显著性差异;女子运动员身高差异不显著;与美国相比,中国大学生运动员的年龄普遍偏大;在三分投篮命中率、罚球命中率、助攻、失误、盖帽、扣篮(男子)等6项技术指标上中关运动员存在显著性差异;平均每场得分、总投篮命中率等指标差异不显著。  相似文献   

Background: The universal sport discourses of meritocracy and equality are so engrained that few challenge them. The most cursory interest in sport, Physical Education (PE), and society will reveal that the lived reality is quite different. Racial disparities in the leadership and administration of sport are commonplace worldwide; yet, from research into ‘race’ in sport and PE, awareness of these issues is widespread, where many know that racism takes place it is generally claimed to be somewhere else or someone else. For many, this racism is part of the game and something to manipulate to steal an advantage; for others, it is trivial. This paper explores the contradictions and tensions of the author’s experience of how sport and PE students talk about ‘race’ and racism. ‘Race’ talk is considered here in the context of passive everyday ‘race’ talk, dominant discourses in sporting cultures, and colour blindness.

Theoretical framework: Drawing on Guinier and Torres’ [2003. The Miner's Canary: Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy. London: Harvard University Press] ideas of resistance through political race consciousness and Bonilla-Silva’s [2010. Racism Without Racists: Colour-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States. Plymouth: Rowan and Littlefield] notion of colour blindness, the semantics of ‘race’ and racialisation in sport and PE are interrogated through the prism of critical race theory (CRT). CRT is used here to centre ‘race’ and racialised relations where disciplines have consciously or otherwise excluded them. Importantly, the centring of ‘race’ by critical race scholars has advanced a strategic and pragmatic engagement with this slippery concept that recognises its paradoxical but symbolic location in society.

Discussion: Before exploring ‘race’ talk in the classroom, using images from the sport media as a pedagogical tool, the paper considers how ‘race’ is recreated and renewed. The paper then turns to explore how the effortless turn to everyday ‘race’ talk in the classroom can be viewed as an opportunity to disrupt racialised assumptions with the potential to implicate those that passively do so. Further, the diagnostic, aspirational, and activist goals of political race consciousness are established as vehicles for a positive sociological experience in the classroom.

Conclusion: The work concludes with a consideration of the uses and dangers of passive ‘race’ talk and the value of a political race consciousness in sport and PE. Part of the explanation for the perpetuation of ‘race’ talk and the relative lack of concern with its impact on education and wider society is focused on how the sovereignty of sport and PE trumps wider social concerns of ‘race’ and racism because of at least four factors: (1) the liberal left discourses of sporting utopianism, (2) the ‘race’ logic that pervades sport, based upon the perceived equal access and fairness of sport as it coalesces with the (3) ‘incontrovertible facts’ of black and white superiority (and inferiority) in certain sports, ergo the racial justifications for patterns of activity in sport and PE, and (4) the racist logic of the Right perpetuated through a biological reductionism in sport and PE discourses.  相似文献   

刍论民族传统体育的现代流变与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民族传统体育的发展,从民间自发零散的群众组织,逐渐发展为国家组织的多样化发展格局。通过运用文献资料法、逻辑分析等研究方法,对民族传统体育的现代流变进行分析、梳理,提出民族传统体育发展的趋势。进入学校,进入教育体系是民族传统体育的必由之路;市场经济的发展给民族传统体育提供了新的发展机遇,面向市场、面向大众是民族传统体育发展的动力;着眼于发展群众体育、走健身愉心的民族传统体育生活化道路,是体育异化的回归,顺应了跨世纪的社会需求。进而为民族传统体育的可持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   


This paper involves a search for interracial entanglements in South African sport and considers how these experiences may be narrated. The paper comprises three sections. The first provides an overview of traditional narratives of apartheid and apartheid sport that focus on race as a perpetual marker of social division. The second section shifts attention to the gaps, blind spots, mistakes, paradoxes, ironies, anomalies, ambiguities and invisibilities in the structures of apartheid that allowed for racial encounters and entanglements. The paper concludes with a discussion about the methodological and political implications of incorporating racial entanglements into narratives of apartheid sport.  相似文献   

对第29届北京奥运会田径项目的奖牌分布进行统计分析,参照第28届雅典奥运会田径项目的奖牌分布情况,分析奖牌的区域分布特征:进入第一集团的国家增多,实力非常接近;美、俄绝对统治田坛的局面不复存在,“后起之秀”气势如虹;欧洲和北美洲国家的田径运动发展水平继续处于高位,非洲水平居中,而南美洲、大洋洲、亚洲整体水平依旧低迷。优势项目的分布特征:欧洲的跳跃和投掷类实力超群;北美洲掌控短跑项目;非洲在中长跑的天赋发挥得淋漓尽致;大洋洲、亚洲、南美洲优势项目稀缺。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法对哈尔滨体育学院篮球专项大学生运动员的身体机能、素质指标进行研究,旨在为提高篮球专项大学生运动员的体质健康水平和篮球教学改革提供依据和建议。研究结果显示:在身体机能方面,篮球专项男、女大学生运动员循环系统和呼吸系统机能均显著好于对照组大学生;在身体素质方面,篮球专项男、女大学生运动员下肢爆发力均高于对照组大学生,但差异不显著。握力素质和柔韧性素质均显著高于对照组大学生。建议有针对性地加强篮球专项大学生运动员下肢爆发力及协调性的专项训练,从而改善篮球专项大学生运动员的总体健康状况,也为提高篮球专项大学生运动员的运动训练效果提供参考。  相似文献   


This study analyzes the experiences of African Americans in the physical education and kinesiology profession since the late 1850s. Using a variety of primary and secondary source material, we place special emphasis on the experiences of African American physical educators in higher education and in the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and its southern, regional, and state chapters. Apparent from this examination is that African Americans have experienced various forms of racially discriminatory practices in physical education and kinesiology and have found it extraordinarily difficult to assume leadership positions in the profession and be acknowledged for their scholarly and academic accomplishments.  相似文献   

竞走运动员不但要具有顽强的意志品质,更重要是的要具备先天优越的心肺功能和后天通过训练所获得的超强的有氧耐力以及正确的竞走技术。我国竞技体育的科学训练原则方针是“三从一大”,训练的核心就是如何从实战出发控制掌握好训练的运动量和运动强度,这就要求教练员能够在训练时正确地把握一个“度”的问题。而在运动员的训练过程中系统地进行机能监控正好是能恰当把握这个"度"的重要参考因素,因为它能及时地为教练员提供一些有针对性的运动员身体机能指标,为教练员更好、更科学地安排和掌控运动员的训练提供了更为科学的依据。而如何把握好竞走运动员的赛前训练,利用机能监控更好地为训练服务,是值得我们去不断总结和探索的重要课题,对于提高大赛前的训练效果和在大赛中取得成功的把握有着重大的作用和意义。本文旨在通过对国家队女子队员赛前训练的研究,发现赛前的训练安排须考虑运动员的身体机能状态和心理状态等因素,主要的原则是运动员训练的个性化原则。  相似文献   


In 1937, Dallas, Texas, hosted a sporting festival that drew teams from across the Americas to a ‘Pan American Olympics’. Organized under the umbrella of the Greater Texas and Pan-American Exposition, the games drew hundreds of athletes for track and field contests, soccer football matches, and a boxing tournament. Though historians generally consider the 1951 Buenos Aires Pan-American Games as the genesis of the Western Hemisphere’s biggest sporting carnival, the Dallas games certainly inspired even if they did not directly inaugurate the Pan-American Games movement. Directed by George Preston Marshall, the owner of a professional gridiron football franchise and an ardent leader of segregation in that sport, the Pan-American Olympics paradoxically produced an interracial set of contests that matched black, white, and Latino athletes against one another in the heart of the segregated US South. The Dallas Pan-American festival reveals the enigmatic visions of their architect, illumines the racial and national cleavages of the 1930s, and highlights the persistent dream of an Olympic-style event that would include all of the Americas.  相似文献   

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