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In an effort to provide more attention to the legislative and administrative law processes than typical first year legal research instruction can provide, the author created a specialized legal research course on legislation and administrative practice and procedure. Set forth within this article is a very brief background on the substantive law an instructor for a course on this topic would need to know. Also included is an overview of the resources taught, assignments given, and evaluation tools used.  相似文献   

This article explores the current state of online legal research guides. It surveys guides from 197 ABA-accredited law school libraries and (1) identifies four major types of guides and (2) calculates the total number of academic-law-library-produced online legal research guides. The article also takes a closer look at the content and format of online legal research guides, with immigration-focused guides as an illustration. After analyzing the survey results, the article suggests some best practices for format regardless of the guide type. Ideally, an awareness of the breadth and depth of existing online legal research guides will result in less duplication of efforts among law librarians and more current, accurate, and functional online legal research guides.  相似文献   


Questions about English law that require some historical research are not uncommon.This article will discuss the sources that can be found in a typical U.S.academic law library to answer these queries.  相似文献   

This article examines the current state of Advanced Legal Research (ALR) courses and the emergence of Specialized Legal Research (SLR) courses. It surveys the curriculum of all ABA-accredited law schools and provides updated statistics of ALR course offerings. It also identifies for the first time (1) the law schools currently offering SLR courses, (2) the most popular SLR course topics, and (3) the role of the law library in determining whether to implement a SLR course. The results of this survey will hopefully educate law schools about the trends and variety of legal research course offerings.  相似文献   

This selective annotated bibliography is a helpful guide to an issue that is regularly encountered by all who do, and teach, legal research: What are the ethical obligations of the legal researcher?  相似文献   

Ning Han 《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(3-4):396-411
Business students and practitioners are expected to understand the legal framework and the legal environment in which businesses function, but not the complicated black letter law and lengthy judicial opinions. In terms of legal research, different from law school students, business students and practitioners need more secondary legal source support from their libraries. This article will bring the unique legal research needs of business students and practitioners to librarians' attention. A list of selected legal periodicals on corporate law, securities regulations, and bankruptcy will be supplied for libraries to better meet those needs.  相似文献   

This annotated bibliography is intended to shed light on the availability and distribution of legal dictionaries that translate the twenty-seven European languages. The representative corpus consists of about 200 printed bilingual legal dictionaries (BLDs) with terms from two or more legal languages used in the European Union. This bibliography aims to illustrate the wide variation in the quality of these BLDs by the usage of three special headings and by referring to relevant professional reviews. In addition, the authors have commented upon noticeable BLDs that deserve serious criticism or special attention. This annotated bibliography updates the previous bibliography (Gerard-René de Groot & Conrad J. P. van Laer. The Quality of Legal Dictionaries: An Assessment [Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper No. 2008/6, 2008]) and covers almost all recently published BLDs. However, this bibliography is not exhaustive because of the dispersion of publishing houses: Each publisher issues only two BLDs, on average.  相似文献   


Brazil is a unique and vibrant country. Researching the diverse cultures of Brazil, although a fascinating pursuit for many individuals, is made difficult by the vast amount of information available for this topic, published in many different languages. In an effort to bring together materials from various sources, assess their quality, and provide a listing of high quality titles, this bibliography presents a compilation of relevant materials from a wide variety of resources.  相似文献   

图书馆外包与著作权有关的业务主要包括技术支持外包和资源建设外包两个方面.图书馆业务外包涉及信息资源提供方、图书馆、图书馆工作人员、图书馆业务承包商、承包商工作人员等主体类型,涉及许可关系、委托关系、合作关系、职务关系、法人关系等主体关系,涉及法律规定和合同约定的主体权利义务.在分析图书馆业务外包著作权的基础上,本文提出了图书馆应对业务外包中的著作权风险的应对策略.  相似文献   

Teaching legal research in the Law School setting has become a timely topic - forty percent of the journal articles that have been written about it have appeared within the last ten years and at least twenty-seven law schools have developed advanced legal research courses in addition to the basic course. We have attempted to compile an exhaustive bibliography of journal articles that in some way contribute to the pedagogical literature of legal research. We do not include articles which describe research techniques and sources, nor do we include articles devoted solely to the teaching of legal writing or advocacy.  相似文献   

Currently the literature examining formal business information literacy (BIL) instruction and graduate business students focuses on the collaborative efforts between individual librarians and business school faculty members to bring information literacy into the classroom. This article argues that all graduate business students need formal BIL instruction to succeed in their studies and as business leaders. The unique decade-long collaboration between Hofstra University's Axinn Library and Frank G. Zarb School of Business is examined.  相似文献   

张权  张超  杨洵 《图书与情报》2012,(1):109-113,144
SaaS已成为实现中小企业信息化需求与支撑电子商务发展的重要应用服务模式。文章在对商业模式理论梳理及归纳的基础上,从价值创造、价值维护及价值实现三方面着手,构建了以SaaS运营商为核心的商业模式。并且,为了使SaaS运商在市场竞争中获得更强的竞争优势,进一步从客户价值内容、伙伴关系和收入模式三方面论证,对未来SaaS商业模式创新提出了附加服务/增值服务、价值网络战略联盟和收入源重构三点创新策略。  相似文献   

This study is an examination of access to business research resources through academic library websites, including research databases, catalog services, research guides, and business librarians. The websites of 114 academic libraries serving top business programs in the United States were studied. Results reveal a wide range of access to business research databases among the schools studied (anywhere from 11 to 100 business databases available). More than 95% of the schools provided business research guides, and nearly all schools provided at least some contact information for business librarians.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify technological trends in academic business librarianship. Forty-five job advertisements were collected over a 5-year period spanning from 2007 to 2012. Ten technology skill categories were identified, and the frequency at which the skills appeared in the job advertisements was measured. This article also includes a discussion about the impact of technology on business librarianship and recommendations for academic business librarians and employers.  相似文献   

钱晓东  王蕾 《图书情报工作》2010,54(10):135-138
指出以6个论题为基础的数据挖掘可以有效地帮助企业优化决策管理、客户关系管理、协同商务管理、营销模式管理、网站维护管理和风险控制管理、确认目标市场,以获得更大的竞争优势。其次通过对电子商务环境下Web挖掘技术的论述,具体分析Web内容挖掘、Web结构挖掘、Web访问挖掘对于电子商务的作用,并对具体技术进行分析与评价。最后介绍国内外电子商务数据挖掘的主要研究内容。  相似文献   

The Business Resource Center represents the Aurora, Colorado Public Library's response to a tremendous growth within the business community over the past decade. This essay details what factors led to the decision that a separate service point was needed to meet this growth. Issues discussed include what statistical data proved helpful in developing a plan of action; collection development considerations; analysis of factors concerning library functions and service; and, initial reaction from patrons and staff. The study is also presented as a model for other medium-to-large suburban libraries intending to initiate a similar project.  相似文献   

图书馆信息系统是一个拥有众多要素、复杂流程和丰富业务逻辑的高度集成系统,为降低系统开发和系统维护的复杂度,以及提高系统的灵活性和适应性,可以采用业务规则方法理论,将图书馆信息系统中的业务逻辑抽取出来进行统一管理,采用业务规则引擎的方式将业务逻辑与应用系统无缝结合,构建基于业务规则的图书馆信息系统。  相似文献   

互联网已经成为企业和组织获取竞争对手情报的主要来源之一.建立基于Web的竞争对手情报自动获取系统已成为企业的迫切需求.在竞争对手情报自动获取系统中,商业机构名的识别是基础,它为竞争对手的标识和进一步情报抽取提供了依据.本文提出了一种基于互联网的商业机构名识别新方法.该方法考虑了商业机构名与其上下文之间的语义关联性,通过语义标注和隐马尔可夫模型相结合的方法进行商业机构名识别.我们以互联网上的真实中文网页为数据集对提出的识别算法进行了性能评估,并从召回率、准确率和F指标三个方面与CHMM(基于层叠隐马尔可夫模型的机构名识别算法)、MEM(基于最大熵模型的机构名识别算法)以及SVM(基于支持向量机的机构名识别算法)进行了对比.实验结果表明,本文提出的算法改善了商业机构名识别效果,并且具有很好的普适性.  相似文献   

This article updates the findings from a study by Hal Kirkwood in 2000 of the organization and content of academic business library Web sites. The authors examined 75 sites, focusing on five general aspects of the sites: organization, terminology, instructional elements, integration of resources across formats, and annotations. Results of the study show that business library Websites have dramatically improved in the 7 years since the original study.  相似文献   

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