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古巴是受冷战冲击最为严重且冷战后仍然走社会主义道路的国家之一。二十世纪90年代初的苏东剧变使古巴陷入了严重的困境之中,但是,古巴人民在古巴共产党的领导之下,坚定社会主义信念和道路不动摇,顶住了来自各方面,尤其是来自以美国为首的资本主义国家的困难和压力。同时,在古共的领导下,古巴在政治、经济、社会福利制度及对外政策等领域进行了卓有成效的改革和探索,使古巴走出了困境,发展和丰富了社会主义建设理论。  相似文献   

1898年美西战争以后,美国资本开始大量流入古巴,逐步控制了古巴的经济命脉。到1959年古巴革命前,古巴已成为美国的附庸国。卡斯特罗领导的古巴新政权,在广大人民的支持下,决心彻底摆脱外族统治,实现完全独立。经过在政治、经济、军事及外交等领域的激烈斗争,毅然摆脱了美国的奴役和控制,走上社会主义道路,成为殖民地人民反对帝国主义奴役的光辉典范。本文着重阐述1959年古巴革命胜利前后至1962年古巴导弹危机爆发之前的古巴与美国的关系。一古巴位于加勒比海西北部,是西印度群岛中最大的岛国。处在大西洋到太平洋、南美洲到北美洲…  相似文献   

《今日历史》2010年03月《古巴:拥抱非洲》1959年,卡斯特罗领导的古巴革命取得胜利,此后直到苏联解体之前,古巴采取的都是一边倒的外交政策,一方面加入以苏联为首的社会主义阵营发展经济、政治,另一方面积极向外输出革命,支持  相似文献   

古巴社会主义政权经过苏东剧变的强烈冲击而不倒,继续生存下来并有所发展,其原因主要是:执政党古共是坚强、廉洁和联系群众的党;古巴政权高举民族独立的旗帜,坚持面向工农群众;古巴建立了较为完善的民主政治体制.因此,绝大多数古巴人拥护社会主义.  相似文献   

古巴.哈瓦那(CNN)——古巴周一宣布将在今后六个月内“至少”裁员50万名国营职工.同时允许私营企业创造更多就业岗位.因为这个社会主义经济正在挣扎着  相似文献   

我之所以说到古巴,一是因为单位同事去某大学听课,教授津津乐道地说到古巴没有上访现象让他颇为感慨;二是因为古巴是目前世界上为数不多的社会主义国家,相对而言,社会主义国家民众有什么诉求通常不搞游行,而是上访。而古巴既无游行亦无上访,同时又是处在美国脚下的弹丸小国,无时不在“帝国主义的颠覆破坏之中”,这样的社会主义国家实属不易,所以拎起来说说倒也并非无聊。  相似文献   

古巴革命胜利后,美国对近在咫尺的社会主义国家,缘何没有采取武装干涉,本文从民族主义思潮的影响;美国对卡斯特罗、对古巴内部反对派的幻想,过于自信对古巴的传统影响;美国当时国内的政治思潮以及当时的国际政治环境等几个方面进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

2013年3月28日,古巴驻华大使白诗德应欧美同学会拉美分会邀请到欧美同学会发表了“古巴更新经济模式情况”的演讲。演讲结束后,欧美同学会副秘书长许睢宁会见了古巴驻华大使白诗德和夫人安琪经济参赞、政务参赞塔尼亚一行4人。拉美分会常务副会长李连甫、前驻古巴大使刘玉琴学长等出席作陪。  相似文献   

在卡斯特罗执政的近五十年内,古巴政权一直稳若磐石,这是与卡斯特罗的统治方略和人格魅力分不开的。无论在冷战时期,还是苏东解体后,他始终把经济发展和关系到民生大计的政策放在首位。同时他也与时俱进,审时度势,意识到古巴现代化的必然性。带领古巴人民走出了一条具有古巴特色的社会主义道路。这也是为什么卡斯特罗政权在美国历届政府的封锁下。依然受到古巴最广大人民拥戴的原因。  相似文献   

古巴革命胜利后,美国对近在咫尺的社会主义国家,缘何没有采取武装干涉,本从民族主义思潮的影响;美国对卡斯特罗、对古巴内部反对派的幻想,过于自信对古巴的传统影响;美国当时国内的政治思潮以及当时的国际政治环境等几个方面进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

肯尼迪上台后,基本上延续了艾森豪威尔政府时期的美国对古巴遏制政策,一方面为了防止古巴革命向拉丁美洲扩散,准备武装颠覆卡斯特罗政府的步伐随即加快;另一方面成功地说服美洲国家组织成员国及欧洲盟国支持其贸易禁运政策。然而其政策没有达到消灭卡斯特罗的目的,反而使古巴对苏联更加依赖,同时也加深了卡斯特罗政府对美国入侵古巴、扼杀古巴革命的恐惧,使古巴对苏联寻求更多的经济、军事援助。最后导致古巴导弹危机爆发。  相似文献   


Phantomism is a juvenile social pathology that destroys the social standards set by the Revolution. Its catalyst was the severe endogenous economic crisis brought about by the international socialist plan. That plan created a dangerous socioideological tension in Cuba, which began a socioeconomic restructuring at that time, aimed at creating continuity for the socialist plan. Phantomism is expressed as a retrograde alternative and is reinforced by an alienated individualism that emphasizes consumerism. It is linked to a bourgeois ideology, which is contrary to the humanism of Cuban socialism.  相似文献   

在以卡斯特罗为首的古巴共产党领导下,古巴人民不畏强暴,经受住了美国封锁和制裁的考验,也经受住了苏东剧变的严峻考验,在探索建设符合本国国情的社会主义道路方面取得巨大进展,在美国的鼻子底下走出了一条独特的社会主义道路。  相似文献   

The present work is an approach to study the Cuban model for educating the elderly, and its aim is to describe the main features of the experience developed by this country. The University of the Third Age is more than three decades old in Latin America, but none of the countries in the region can show a state educational policy regulating and orienting its development. Cuba is the only country that has designed an educational program for older adults at a national level. The model is the most outstanding one among the rest of the countries in the American continent. This research is based on documentary analysis and interviews held with leaders and managers of the Chair for Older Adults, who were located in different towns of Cuba. Results led to a reconstruction of a set of dimensions of the Cuban model, such as the process of institutionalization, syllabus organization, the process of expansion and universalization, and educators' training strategies for elders. Finally, bearing in mind the features of Cuban political organization and gerontological positions, it was possible to draw the future evolution and challenges faced by the Cuban model for educating older adults.  相似文献   


Using the recent controversy surrounding Elian Gonzalez as a centerpiece, and employing a Marxian critique of United States capitalism and imperialsm as a heuristic device, this essay explores the major contradictions surrounding the position taken by the Miami Mafia with respect to Elian and Cuba's communist regime. In doing so, it criticizes the US media portrayal of the saga surrounding "the miracle child". Paramount in this controversy is the campaign of misinformation directed at creating an erroneous image of life in Cuba grounded in the reactionary and virulently negative critique continually waged against Cuba's postrevolution social project. The authors explore the role played by the "Miami Mafia," the anti-Castro Cuban exile population in the United States, in conjunction with official pro-capitalist, "anticommunist" government and media apparatuses designed to create an environment of defamatory rhetoric against the nation of Cuba. In doing so, the authors bring to the surface contradictions and injustices inherent in both the rhetoric and the reality of US capitalism. In addition, this essay highlights the many achievements of the Cuban socialist project, focusing specifically on education. The authors share a concern about Cuba's recent economic experiment and put forward an argument about why market socialism should not be a viable option.  相似文献   

菲德尔‘卡斯特罗是古巴的杰出领导者,他在领导古巴人民与美国为首的西方发达国家进行长期斗争中,进一步认识到新自由主义全球化给广大发展中国家带来的危害,明确提出“社会主义全球化”替代方案,认为只有“社会主义全球化”才是未来全球化的发展方向和趋势。  相似文献   

中国、古巴两个社会主义国家都重视思想政治教育,重视思想政治教育指导思想的研究创新;教育内容上以本土化马克思主义理论为主体,强调爱国主义教育、理想信念教育与社会主义道德教育的融合;教育途径上,注重发挥党的作用,重视学校思想政治教育的作用,善于发挥舆论宣传作用。系统的思想政治教育为两国社会主义建设的开展奠定了良好的政治基础。  相似文献   


In this paper the author offers a reflective perspective of her experiences while conducting research in Cuba in 1995 and 1996, and upon her return to the United States, teaching Cuban culture and history in a public school. In particular, she discusses the challenges surrounding her positioning, location, and accountability as author, researcher, teacher, and comparative educator. She explores the interaction of cultural identities faced as a researcher from the United States and the ideologically charged ironies that teaching Cuban history and culture evoke in an American middle school. Moreover, she chronicles her shifting perceptions of cultural identity and interfacing with the opposing responses between suspicion and acceptance in both countries. While negotiating between these two cultures, the repositioning on the continuum of critical pedagogy offers insight into the problems inherent in these situations.  相似文献   

One of the ongoing debates in Canadian higher education is the dilemma of the brain drain and the seemingly conflicting goals between the strategies and intentions of various government departments. While Citizenship and Immigration Canada aims to recruit the brightest students from across the globe to study in Canada and to enable their long‐term stay as permanent residents and ultimately as citizens, the Canadian International Development Agency is mandated to strengthen human capacity in developing countries. This paper provides a critical analysis of the brain drain problem by juxtaposing Canadian policies with Cuban policies as manifested in the two countries’ divergent approaches to international students and tertiary education scholarships for students from poorer countries. Following an overview of the existing scholarship programmes in both countries, ethical and philosophical considerations are examined that appear to underlie the two countries’ individual‐rights‐based and collective‐rights‐based justifications for making decisions about the terms on which students from other countries are permitted to study in Canada and Cuba.  相似文献   


The following text is an extract from Nightgowns from Cuba, a novel-in-progress. The novel is a mix of autobiography, ethnography, and fiction. It examines the lives of three generations of women in a Jewish-Cuban family as seen from the perspective of an Afro-Cuban woman who was employed by the family as a domestic worker in the years before the Cuban revolution of 1959. The extract focuses on the delicate relationship that developed between Regla, the maid, and her employer Naomi, a Jewish immigrant and socialist from Poland, as the two women encountered each other in a small rural town in Cuba in the late 1930s. In the last section, Regla comments on the return to Cuba, in the 1990s, of Fanny, the granddaughter of Naomi, who is in search of her family's history and believes that Regla has access to memories that no one in her own family can pass on to her. The theme of the narrative is the transcultural exchange of stories between women and how memory travels and is conserved in strange and unexpected ways. The religion of Santeria is the cosmological setting of the story and the deity of Olokun, who inhabits the depths of the ocean and cannot be represented in visual form, haunts the narrative, which ties together Jewish-Cuban and Afro-Cuban histories and desires.  相似文献   

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