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Weblogs, or blogs for short, were created as a tool for people to create online journals without the need of any programming experience or knowledge. Although not originally intended for educational purposes, blogs are drawing attention from EFL educators, The paper is intended to provide a definition of a blog, to analyze the features of a blog, to formulate possible ways to use a blog in EFL classes, and to discuss potential advantages and shortcomings of using blog in EFL. In conclusion, blogs are a new promising vehicle of extreme value for teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL).  相似文献   

As one of the Web 2.0 tools, blogs are widely used in US education. This paper gives a brief overview of blogs such as advantages, disadvantages, and major software for creating blogs, and then it reviews some EduBlogs, its usage, and examples in US education. The purpose is to motivate more educators to use blogs in teaching and research as well as introduce blogs as useful educational tools and its great potentials.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the students' experiments of using blogs to encourage themselves to do pre-class reading assignment and reflections after class. The sample in the study included five ESL (English as a Second Language) graduate students in a course of teaching methods, and 90 software engineering students in an undergraduate information technology program. Results indicated that there was a positive attitude towards the use of blogs for pre-class preparation and post-class reflections. However, considering the successful experience, it is important to consider the class size, students' educational level, and the type of reading assignment.  相似文献   

1. Name The Association is called the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). 2. Objects The aim of the Association shall be the advancement of education for the benefit of the public in the English language as a foreign or second language and the improvement of standards of teaching of English as a foreign or second language. In furtherance of this object, hut not otherwise, to organise and sponsor conferences, lectures, discussions and study groups, and to  相似文献   

This year is the year of the dragon according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Dragons are legendary mythical creatures which feature in the myths of many cultures. They are often described as a huge lizard or a snake with lizard-type legs and breathe fire into their enemies. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon the Chinese dragon. European dragons are generally depicted as malevolent. They usually live in rivers or having an underground lair or cave. They are commonly described as having hard or armoured hide, and are rarely described as flying, despite often depicted with wings.  相似文献   

The access to a vast array of resources is facilitated by the Internet, which, in its turn, does not promote learning by itself as children and young people often use it passively. As a consequence, the teachers' role is regarded essential so that they are helped to interpret and analyze available information critically. Nowadays, when referring to the web and its importance in the teaching and learning process, people no longer think of read-only contents, but in the supporting infrastructure which allows to create and share contents and a space for collaboration, discussion and ideas associated to the concept Web 2.0. The blog, as a means to deploy the concept "on-line interaction" is, according to Granieri, "The most accessible and natural tool for sharing and publishing, in addition to text, images movies and also sound, will be increasingly disseminated, because of increasing speed of data transmission" (2006, p. 31). It is therefore natural that the use of the blog is more and more frequent as a resource, pedagogical strategy or other capacities at all levels of teaching (Gomes, 2005). Taking advantage of the blog educationally is a recurrent approach in Portugal in recent years. Some work in this area is being closely supervised. The method takes into account the complex thinking model (Jonassen, 1996), more or less explicitly, and is carried out by children and young people in elementary schools. In this paper, a case study is presented based on some blogs, focusing on: the methodology for collection of text and multimedia materials; treatment and analysis of data with the NVivo software; findings and further evolution perspectives.  相似文献   

Aman may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men: and one should always lived in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same…  相似文献   

Pun is one of the most common figures of speech in English. It is the humorous use of a word in such a way as to sug?gest different meanings or applications or of words having the same or nearly the sa...  相似文献   

ON EUPHEMISM   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Euphemism is defined in Longrnan Dictionary of Con-temporary EngIish (l978) as .' (an example of ) the use ofa pleasanter, less direct name for sorneth1ng thought tobe unpleasant. "The New Edition of the Oxford ConciseDictionary (1976) defines euphemism as "Substitution ofmild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or di-rect one; expression thus substituted. "In Webster's NewColIegiate Dictionary (l973) the definition of euPhemismreads, "substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive …  相似文献   

This work describes the genesis, articulation and consolidation from 2007 of a social network of b-learning (blended learning) in the UA (University of Alicante) (Spain), with the institutional backing of the Office of the Vice President for Education Technology and Innovation, and the momentum and advice of professor Angel Fidalgo (UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) chair for University of Management and Policy). The social network currently has more than 25 teachers, working on different work linkages with the university, implementing or intending to apply the teaching methodologyb-learning during the course 2007-2008 in a variety of courses and degrees. To do so, several resource centers (blogs, wikis, Wimba Create (before CourseGenie), etc.), and digital platforms (Virtual Campus of the UA, Moodle, etc.) are used.  相似文献   

The cubic B-splines taken as trial function, the large deflection of a circular plate with arbitrarily variable thickness,as well as the buckling load, have been calculated by the method of point collocation. The support can be elastic. Loads imposed can be polynomial distributed loads, uniformly distributed radial forces or moments along the edge respectively or their combinations. Convergent solutions can still be obtained by this method under the load whose value is in great excess of normal one. Under the action of the uniformly distributed loads, linear solutions of circular plates with linearly or quadratically variable thickness are compared with those obtained by the parameter method. Buckling of a circular plate with identical thickness beyond critical thrust is compared with those obtained by the power series method.  相似文献   

何津 《海外英语》2015,(6):221-222,235
Pun is one of the most common figures of speech in English. It is the humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications or of words having the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings. Due to the comparative complexity of its formation, there are different ways of classification of English pun. And some special rhetorical effects can be achieved by the employment of English pun.  相似文献   

Companies use many different marketing strategies in order to make their products known and place their corporate images and brandings in the market. Besides, nowadays, being on the Intemet is a must for every company striving for success. The development and implementation of Web 2.0 or social web are threatening the basis of the ways of mixing with other people. A company devoted to open and distance learning, such as Master-D Corporation, a clear example of how a proper and planned use of the different possibilities offered by the Web 2.0, based on blogs, allows a company to achieve bigger market shares and brand positioning following the win-win principle. Blogs are, undoubtedly, channels of communication that prove the power of attraction of good information. These changes are affecting everybody and, in particular, companies and institutions related to people's education, teaching and training for their inclusion in society and labor market. This essay brings up some reflections in two ways: The first one deals with some reasons why education is also related to the concept of "company"; and the second one deals with how these changes generated by Web 2.0 are affecting some training companies, represented in this case by Master-D,  相似文献   

One of the distinguishing featuros of English is its inflections, which experiencedchanges in the different periods. Old English is known as a language of full Inflections,Middle English as a language of leveling inflections and Modern English as a language oflost inflections. The history of English is in part the history of the gradual loss of the inflection system.Definition of inflectionInflection is the process of varying the form of a word to differentiate related meanings or uses. Fo…  相似文献   

I.The Role of college English TeacherThe actual process of language development is language acquisition as well as language learning. Therefore, to teach college English is not only to teach grammatical rules or linguistic knowledge but also to cultivate the student's competence to communicate in the target language. Aiming at the student's all-round competence, the teacher should be an “organizer”, a “conductor” or a “facilitator” and an initiator as well. In the process of classroom …  相似文献   

A "blogger" is a person who writes on an Internet computer Web site called a "blog". The word "blog" is a short way of saying web log, or personal Web site. Anyone can start a blog, and they can write about anything they like. There are millions of blogs on the Internet today. They provide news, information and ideas to many people who read them. They contain links to other Web sites. And they provide a place for people to write their ideas and react to the ideas of others.A research com p…  相似文献   

冯政 《海外英语》2011,(6):355-357
By analysing the nature of inference and discourse comprehension as well as the role and classification of inference, it is concluded that inference is a productive mode of thinking that decides from something known or assumed, and the inference in discourse works out the underlying propositions, necessary or elaborative, and the unsaid speaker’s meaning. To derive a good inference, one has to make use of world knowledge and share some experiences with the speaker.  相似文献   

1There has been cross- cultural communication as long as long as people form different cultureshave been encountering one another.Because of cultural differences,misunderstanding may arise,al-though the language used in communication may be faultless.The same words or expressions may notmean the same thing to the people from different cultures.Because of cultural differences,a harmfulstatement may cause displeasure or anger.Because of cultural differences,jokes by a foreign speakermay be recei…  相似文献   

C onservatism refers to the acceptance of anything fam iliar and refusal of anything strange or foreign. There are num erous facts that 1 the conservatism of the Englishm en. The m onarchy(君主)as nom inal(名义 上的) 2 of the state still 3 in the highly developed capitalist country. The national anthem was, is and will be in the 4 1,000 years the old “G od Save the K ing (or Queen)”. English judges as usual wear long wigs (假发)in law courts,as 5 in m any film s shot in H ong K ong. A s …  相似文献   

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