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目的:评价深度清洁装置清洁睑缘治疗睑板腺功能障碍相关干眼症的安全性和有效性.创新点:评估了一个干眼症治疗新方法的疗效.方法:将睑板腺功能障碍相关干眼症患者的两只眼随机分入治疗组和对照组.对照组进行人工泪液和眼睑热敷治疗,治疗组在上述治疗基础上加用深度清洁装置进行一次睑缘清洁.在基线和治疗一周后测量非侵入性泪膜破裂时间和泪河高度,用问卷调查表对每个人干眼症状进行评分.结论:深度清洁装置睑缘清洁是一种安全有效的方法,适用于睑板腺功能障碍相关干眼症患者.  相似文献   

The Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children (NPQC) is a brief self‐report scale for measuring narcissism in children. In Study 1, a factor analysis on 370 children’s NPQC scores revealed four factors that were labeled superiority, exploitativeness, self‐absorption, and leadership. Study 2 established convergent and discriminant validities of the NPQC. NPQC scores were positively correlated with need for power/dominance, self‐esteem, aggression, and need for achievement, and unrelated to life satisfaction, as expected. Further support for the validity of the NPQC was obtained when findings were consistent with attachment theory’s interpretation of narcissistic children’s self‐perceptions. Study 3 investigated the temporal stability of scores. Results from Studies 1 and 3 show the NPQC to be an internally consistent measure (Cronbach alpha = .81) and to have adequate test–retest reliability (r = .81). Implications for the education of aggressive and narcissistic children are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the initial validation of an innovative social‐‐behavioral observational assessment tool that is designed to be used on a repeated basis to assess growth and development of social competence over time to: (a) identify the social functioning of all students, (b) assist in planning support for students at risk, and (c) evaluate the effectiveness of individual and system‐wide interventions. Eighteen first‐grade students were monitored over an 8‐week period using the Initiation‐Response Assessment (IRA) Code. The School Social Behavior Scales, a published teacher rating scale, was included as a criterion measure. Estimates of reliability and criterion‐related validity were calculated for the IRA. The measure's sensitivity to growth over time and between‐group variability were also assessed using hierarchical linear modeling procedures. Results indicate that scores on this measure are stable, and tap constructs similar to those assessed via teacher rating. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to see if systematic contrasts in educational culture and curricular emphases might affect the underlying structure of teachers' attributions for children's behaviour. Thus, responses to a questionnaire developed from earlier work by Miller and colleagues (2000, 2002) were gathered from primary and secondary school teachers in England and the Republic of Ireland. Exploratory factor analyses revealed that teachers participating in the study appear to have attributed pupils' misbehaviour at least as much to teachers' and adult behaviours as much as to any distinctive parental or home factors. The structure of primary and secondary teachers' attributions appears to have differed, with primary teachers distinguishing between their own and parental influences on children's behaviour. However, contrary to expectation the demands of the curriculum did not seem to have figured highly in these teachers' perception of causes of misbehaviour. Finally, some speculations on possible differences in relative weighting between English and Irish teachers' views are offered. Teachers in the Republic of Ireland appear to have attached greater importance to children's personalities and pressures on children. Further, teachers in primary schools in England seem to have rated their classroom management strategies and other more general adult behaviours as more important associates of behaviour than did their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to cultural and curricular differences and teachers' constructions of behaviour and special educational needs.  相似文献   

This article addresses an enduring concern in the sociology of education: how social class differences are reproduced through schooling. In particular it focuses on the functioning of pedagogy in this regard. The article presents a model that elucidates the inner logic of pedagogy in order to reveal the structuring of inequality with respect to different groups of students. Theoretical concepts are drawn from the work of Bernstein, Dowling (1998 Dowling, P. 1998. The sociology of mathematics education: Mathematical myths/pedagogic texts, London: Falmer.  [Google Scholar]) and Pedro (1981 Pedro, E.R. 1981. Social stratification and classroom discourse: A sociolinguistic analysis of classroom practice, Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education, Department of Educational Research.  [Google Scholar]). An analysis considering the relay of social class differences, what is relayed, and its organizational form is undertaken with respect to working class and middle class children learning literacy in a sample of South African primary schools.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a preliminary telephone interview study of a random sample of 35 parents whose children had received cochlear implants through a large-scale implant program. Parents were asked about their child's preimplant and postimplant communications skills, how they learned about implants, and how they arrived at the decision to have their child receive an implant. Results of the interviews suggest, a least for this program, that two types of decision sequences are followed. One type of parent has initial and primary contact through a medical practitioner, uses that source of information exclusively, and is motivated by a desire for a "normal" communication situation. The second type of parent learns about implants from another parent, family member, or teacher. This individual will seek other sources of information and is most often motivated by the child's lack of communication skill. Generally, from parents' perspective, language and speech rather than improved social skills or social contact are the primary benefits of the implant.  相似文献   

In this article, I propose some new terminology and analytic tools that help us reflect on Israel educational activities with more sophistication. I analyze data from a four-week observation of a Jewish summer camp and new terminology is proposed from the analysis of the data collected during that observation. I argue that we may view Israel education through the prism of a graph along two axes: hi-resolution/lo-resolution, and disconnected/connected. I use this graph to reflect on my summer camp data and propose its use for other contexts of Israel education.  相似文献   

Future teachers must notice, navigate, and address ideologies in order to counter inequities in the literacy classroom. This article presents the findings of two teacher educators who have taken up the call to critically reflect on their own underlying beliefs and discourses regarding writing instruction. Through an education design framework, they analysed important components of the course, arguing for a higher degree of visibility of the ideologies and social forces that impact writing instruction. They found that despite encouraging a fairly complex and all-encompassing view of learning to write to the future teachers in their course, the creativity discourse was present passively and the socio-political was downright absent, despite clear social justice aims in the course. They discuss how well-established discourses can serve as gateways to embed the socio-political into the course and address more granularly the question of exclusion through selected mentor texts.  相似文献   

Although the outcomes of a first degree are complex, UK universities continue to use a single measure for grading the student's performance—namely the degree classification. This classification has significant implications for the student, prospective employers, and for the awarding institution. There is some evidence of changing perceptions of degree classes, for example that third class (and even, in some cases, lower second class) awards are unacceptable. At the same time there is concern about maintenance of quality standards in HE, and of possible grade inflation. The final degree class, although a single measure, results from an accumulation of marks achieved throughout the degree course; it is the combined weighting of individual tutor marks which ultimately determines the student's degree class. This study focuses on the marking process, and the application of criteria within one final year module—the dissertation. The dissertation formed a significant part of the final degree weighting, and there was evidence of the use of different criteria and approaches to marking by staff within the faculty. The study employed a qualitative research methodology—including: a structured group discussion where the issue of criteria was raised and brainstormed; and a questionnaire to staff which asked open questions about the criteria which each used when marking dissertations. The responses were analysed, and common ground and differences identified. Questions are raised concerning (a) the tension which surfaces within the marking process, between individual tutor freedom and institutional demands, and (b) staff development opportunities within the marking process.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to provide empirical evidence to support psychometric properties of a modified four-dimensional model of the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS). The study tested invariance of all parameters (i.e., factor loadings, error variances, and factor variances–covariances) in the four-dimensional measurement model between two groups of student-athletes. For testing multi-group invariance of the proposed scale, 335 middle school and 320 high school student-athletes in Japan participated in this study. The modified version of the LSS consists of 35 items representing training instruction, democratic behaviour, positive feedback, and social support. A chi-square difference test was employed for model comparisons. The results supported configural, metric, scalar and factor variance–covariance invariance in the modified LSS across the two student-athlete groups.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate a system of training designed by a Local Education Authority support service to promote interactive skill building with children on the autism spectrum. Using a case study approach, the study focused thematically upon outcomes for children, perceptions of schools regarding impact of the training programme and key features of the system of delivering training. Five schools (four primary mainstream and on primary special) which had completed training during a one‐year period participated in the research. Data was gathered using multi‐methods including questionnaires, semi‐structured interviews and document scrutiny. Findings indicate a number of positive outcomes for children, including enhanced communication skills and the development of friendships with peers. The model of training was perceived to be effective by all participants, with a focus upon increased staff confidence in order to become trainer of other members of staff. The training model comprises a number of features essential to effectiveness, including the development of partnerships between all stakeholders. The model of training is seen as a system through which continuation of interaction techniques in schools is promoted, initially with input from a local authority specialist, and with the aims of independent continuation of the programme and practices. This case study reflects the ability of support services to identify innovative ways of providing services, underpinned by the notion of promoting inclusive practices: this holistic package of support could serve as a model for other types of interventions with children with a range of needs. Conclusions indicate that involvement of children as active participants at the inception of the programme should be considered: further research ought also to include the voices of children in order to seek insights into the perceptions of the programme.  相似文献   

高等学校开展对口援疆工作是党中央振兴新疆高等教育事业发展的重大举措.在具体实践中,要繁密结合新疆实际,抓住培养当地"留得住、用得上"人才这个关键,实施"院系对口支援"、"构建学科平台"、"创建学术团队"、"网络学习培养"和"学生素质教育"五项工程,全面构建并不断完善可持续性"造血型"高校对口援疆模式.  相似文献   

The use of questionnaires to evaluate educational initiatives is widespread, but often problematic. This paper examines four aspects of an evaluation survey carried out with very able pupils attending out-of-school classes: ethics, design, bias and interpretation. There is a particular focus on the interpretation and analysis of pupils' answers to open questions. Conclusions are drawn from this analysis which will help teachers and others to take a careful and critical approach to their use of questionnaires in educational evaluation.  相似文献   

Inclusive education emerged as an idea within United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Special Education Unit and was presented as a new way ahead at the ‘World Conference on Special Needs Education’ in Salamanca in 1994. Since then, it has been on the global agenda as the overriding political objective within education. In spite of this, the international agreement, on an ideological basis, was not initially founded on a common interpretation of the meaning of ‘inclusive education’. However, the Salamanca Statement reflected clearly the idea of overcoming the divide between regular and special education. After 20 years, a vast amount of research and numerous reports and national strategies for implementing inclusive education, there are in these a lack of agreement over a common interpretation of inclusive education. Since 1994, the concept inclusive education has explored the world, so to say, without having landed, and the effort of giving it a clear working definition has thus far been elusive. In order to create a possible common ground for the mutual interpretation of inclusive education, I argue that it is important to see inclusion as an ethical issue. It is crucial to ask again what the purpose of inclusion is. To this end, it is vital to see inclusive education not just as a social and structural matter about how various aspects of a school are organized to meet diverse children’s needs in terms of personnel, pedagogical methods, materials and cultural structures, but also to see inclusive education as an ethical issue. Inclusion impinges on ethical questions because it is for the purpose of something. It conveys something that is valuable. Consequently, I find it pertinent to investigate the ethical aspects of inclusion. I do so in this article, firstly, by juxtaposing different interpretations for inclusive education in the literature. Secondly, I suggest some ethical aspects of inclusion in light of the so-called ‘capabilities’ approach.  相似文献   

Rural colleges and universities in the USA struggle to recruit new students, as their geographic region is depopulating and costs to attend classes on campus are increasing. Online education using the Internet is rapidly expanding as an effective growth strategy to reach new groups of students. In this paper, we take the position that online education is a form of cultural imperialism and academic capitalism where curriculum developers and professors are motivated to enroll new students in order to maintain the credibility and strength of their programmes and host institutions. We argue that it is not our intent to be educational imperialists or capitalists. Rather these are unintended consequences of our actions. This argument is supported by political economy theory in that we are marketing a technical rational form of online education without awareness of its long-term cultural, economic or political ramifications. Even though we pride ourselves on developing a high-quality programme that in our eyes meet the needs of our students, understanding the political economy of online education is essential if our programme that has access to the global market is to go beyond the individual needs of students and address social, cultural and political needs. We conclude that one way out of this malaise is to understand our role as instructors and course designers as a first step towards understanding the intended and unintended consequences of online education.  相似文献   

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