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This study investigated the effects of two general approaches to the provision of learner control and of two types of incentive on achievement, use of options, time, and attitude using computer-delivered instruction. Posttest scores for the “FullMinus” treatment for learner control, where learners could selectively bypass elements of a full instructional program, were marginally higher than those for the “LeanPlus” treatment, where learners could opt to add elements to a core program (p=.052). The FullMinus treatment resulted in more positive attitudes while requiring no more time. Performance-contingent incentive groups had higher post-test scores than task-contingent groups (p<.05), with no greater investment of learner time and no negative effect on attitude. The findings relate directly to the design of instructional computer programs as well as to the design of future studies on learner control. The authors thank Professors Gene Glass, Norman Higgins, and Raymond Kulhavy for their contributions to this research.  相似文献   

Due in part to the diverse characteristics and training of its researchers, the field of instructional technology is currently plagued by much uncertainty regarding meaningful research questions and accepted paradigms for investigating them. Major areas in which these uncertainties are manifested concern the degree of emphasis to be placed on basic versus developmental research and considerations involving the separation of media from methods in research designs. To help researchers achieve a “happier medium” in balancing instructional technology goals with the performance of well-designed and scientifically sound studies, greater attention to three concerns is advocated: the external validity of studies to increase the relevance of findings to applied technologies; usage of media replications to test the generalizability of findings obtained with individual media and to demonstrate delivery applications; and learner control as a potentially effective and practical means of adapting validated instructional strategies to individuals. Each of these issues is discussed in relation to research conducted by the authors and to suggested designs for future studies. The authors would like to thank Robert D. Tennyson for his helpful suggestions regarding an earlier draft.  相似文献   

Summary The argument is advanced in this paper that the pattern of educational investigation wherein comparisons are made between so-called “ experimental” and “ conventional” instructional procedures tends to be defective on three counts: the criteria are often inappropriate or contaminated; the assumptions of homogeneity within and independence between “ experimental” and “ control” conditions are met only when these conditions are very grossly conceived; and the results reflect masking and cancellation effects, thereby revealing relatively little about what transpires in an instructional setting. The Instructional Gestalt is proposed as a methodological framework for educational research focusing upon the interactive nature of learner, instructor, and environmental and course variables constituting the instructional setting. Data generated by explorations within this framework can lead to the formulation of hypotheses which, if subsequently supported empirically, can become principles for inclusion in a theory of classroom learning. The nature of investigations proceeding from the Instructional Gestalt framework was clarified by presentation and discussion of an illustrative study. Since this illustration was only a representation in miniature of the larger investigation, the generalizations about teaching-learning suggested by it are of limited scope and subject to change. Nevertheless, these generalizations do indicate the kinds of hypotheses resulting from studies within the Instructional Gestalt framework. This paper summarizes the rationale underlying research on the Instructional Gestalt proceeding under a grant from the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Portions of this rationale have been presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association in 1961 and 1962.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances now make possible the full integration of sound in instructional software. Sounds may gain and focus learner attention, reduce distracting stimuli, and make learning more engaging. In addition, they may help learners condense, elaborate on, and organize details, highlighting inter connections among new pieces of information and making connections to preexisting knowledge. Thus, sound may hold great promise for moderating acquisition, processing, and retrieval “noise” in instructional software. Unfortunately, interface and instructional design guides almost completely ignore sound, and research suggests many promising instructional uses remain largely unexplored. This paper explores information-processing and communication theoretical foundations for sound's systematic use in the instructional communication system and proposes a framework for a program of research on instructional software's use of sound. MJ is assistant progressor in the Educational Technology program at Lehigh University, and Ward teaches instructional design and interface design and coordinates the Educational Technology program there.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study on concept mapping involving 14 Australian and 9 Indonesian science teachers. After a training and practice session in concept mapping, the teachers were surveyed on four scales: “Learning it”, “Teaching it”, “Useability by students”, and “Perceived benefits”. While the teachers' attitudes were generally favourable interesting differences were discerned among scales, among teachers of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, and between countries. Specialization: Social psychology of science learning, eco-culture and metalearning in science. Specializations: Eco-culture and metalearning in science; distance education delivery systems.  相似文献   

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to improve occupational instruction in complex subjects with sophisticated performance goals, such as those required for high-technology jobs. Educational devices incorporating AI would “understand”what, whom, andhow they were teaching and could therefore tailor content and method to the needs of an individual learner without being limited to a repertoire of prespecified responses. Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction (ICAI) encompasses a spectrum of approaches, including Socratic tutoring systems, simulation environments with embedded coaches, and “empowering environments” which aid workers in using intelligent tools in complementary cognitive partnerships. This article focuses on (a) depicting how present training methods might change if intelligent instructional devices were incorporated, (b) delineating the current state of the art in the areas of research needed to produce such systems, and (c) indicating in which types of adult educational settings ICAI might be productive and cost effective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of variations in lesson control and practice on the learning of facts, procedures, and problem-solving skills during interactive video instruction. Subjects were volunteers from graduate and advanced level undergraduate college classes. The instructional content was a 30-minute videotape. “Project Lifesaver,” which was designed to introduce cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR]. Students were randomly assigned to one of three instructional control groups: designer control, learner control, and linear control. A posttest was administered to assess learning of facts, procedures, and problem-solving skills. The results indicated that there were [1] significant differences between practiced and non-practiced information; [2] significant differences on posttest scores among various lesson control groups; and [3] a significant interaction between practice and type of learning.  相似文献   

Recommendations for the design of interactive video materials are often based on the premise that interactive video may overcome learners' preconceptions of television as “easy.” This study investigated learner preconceptions of the difficulty of interactive video, instructional television, and television, and examined the effects of actively or covertly responding to practice questions on perceived mental effort, recall, and inferences. Seventy-one undergraduate students completed a questionnaire assessing their preconceptions of the difficulty of the three media, received their treatment, completed a questionnaire assessing perceived mental effort, then completed a recall and inference posttest. Before the lesson, the learners perceived it to be significantly easier to learn from interactive video than from instructional television and television, and significantly easier to learn from instructional television than from television. There were no significant differences in the mental effort ratings or inference scores among the three groups. The interactive video group recalled significantly more information than the television group. Possible reasons for findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory (CLT) has been successful in identifying instructional formats that are more effective and efficient than conventional problem solving in the initial, novice phase of skill acquisition. However, recent findings regarding the “expertise reversal effect” have begun to stimulate cognitive load theorists to broaden their horizon to the question of how instructional design should be altered as a learner's knowledge increases. To answer this question, it is important to understand how expertise is acquired and what fosters its development. Expert performance research, and, in particular, the theoretical framework of deliberate practice have given us a better understanding of the principles and activities that are essential in order to excel in a domain. This article explores how these activities and principles can be used to design instructional formats based on CLT for higher levels of skills mastery. The value of these formats for e-learning environments in which learning tasks can be adaptively selected on the basis of online assessments of the learner's level of expertise is discussed. In their preparation of this article, the first and last authors were supported by an Internationalization grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, The Hague, project number 411-01-010).  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw on accounts from students to inform a Middle Schooling movement that has been variously described as “arrested”, “unfinished” and “exhausted”. We propose that if the Middle Schooling movement is to understand the changing worlds of students and develop new approaches in the middle years of schooling, then it is important to draw on the insights that individual students can provide by conducting research with “students-as-informants”. The early adolescent informants to this paper report high hopes for their futures (despite their lower socioeconomic surroundings), which reinforces the importance of supporting successful learner identities and highlights the role of schooling in the decline of adolescent student aspirations. However, their insights did not stop at the individual learner, with students also identifying cultural and structural constraints to reform. As such, we argue that students may be both an important resource for inquiry into individual school reform and for the Middle Schooling movement internationally.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of two types of control over instruction (learner and program) and two modes of instructional programs (lean and full) on the achievement, option use, and time-in-program of 274 high-ability and low-ability students from grades 9 and 10. The basic instructional program in geometry was delivered by computer. Subjects under learner control scored significantly higher on the program posttest than those under program control, spent significantly more time in the program, and liked it better. Learner-control subjects appeared to “trust” their given version of the program, viewing many more optional screens in the full version than those in the lean one. High-ability learners adapted their study behavior to the lean version under learner control by choosing significantly more optional screens than their low-ability counterparts. This research was conducted while he was a graduate student at Arizona State University where Howard J. Sullivan is a professor in Learning and Instructional Technology.  相似文献   

Modern education emphasizes the need to flexibly personalize learning tasks to individual learners. This article discusses a personalized task-selection model with shared instructional control based on two current tendencies for the dynamic sequencing of learning tasks: (1) personalization by an instructional agent which makes sequencing decisions on the basis of learner’s expertise, and (2) personalization by the learner who is given control over – final – task selection. The model combines both trends in a model with shared instructional control. From all available learning tasks, an instructional agent selects a subset of tasks based on the learner’s performance scores and invested mental effort (i.e., system-control). Subsequently, this subset is presented to the learner who makes the final decision (i.e., learner control). A computer-assisted instructional program has been developed to put the model into practice and preliminary results are discussed. The model can be used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of instruction and to make it more appealing by providing the learner an optimal level of control over task selection. This research project is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, The Hague, project No. 411-02-107-V).  相似文献   

基于认知负荷理论的复杂学习整体任务设计探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前的教学设计趋向于聚焦真实的学习任务,但由于这些任务的复杂性,使学习者的学习受到阻碍。文章基于认知负荷理论介绍了复杂学习任务的设计,并结合认知负荷理论具体探讨了如何通过降低认知负荷来进行复杂学习的整体任务设计。  相似文献   

This paper presents an “ecological perspective” on research with computers in science education. It is proposed that current and past research within the computer education field has been characterised by an over-emphasis on technical applications of the machinery, rather than a deeper consideration of the teaching and learning process. This tendency toward “technocentric thinking” has usually failed to take into account the important social and cognitive interactions within the computer learning environment. The view advanced here, is that an understanding of the effects of computers on students' learning can be achieved only through an analysis of the dynamic interactions between students and teachers as they work with computers in a particular environment. A theoretical framework for understanding this range of interactions is presented. Finally, an ecological model is proposed for conducting future research on the application of computers in science education. Specializations: information technology in education, science education, technology education, environmental education, and media education  相似文献   

Cognitive Stimulation is a system of intrinsic motivation which draws upon neo-behavioral, cognitive, and information-processing theories and upon a body of related research. The essential features of this system are the following: (a) a discrepancy between stimulus input and the learner's expectations for that input, (b) instrumental responses by the learner to reduce the discrepancy, and (c) feedback which may have the effect of maintaining the discrepancy or of reducing it by signalling changes in the environment or by modifying the learner's expectations. Based on this formulation, some important instructional considerations include the collative content of the input and the type of expectation which the input violates. In order to maximize their motivational effects, discrepancies must be maintained at optimal levels by manipulating variables such as the total value of the discrepant elements and the degree to which the elements are incompatible. Finally, the motivational impact of discrepancies is subject to the facilitating or debilitating effects of cognitive and personality differences among individual learners. The implications of this system for instructional decision-making were considered in terms of the selection of instructional topics, instructional materials, and instructional strategies.  相似文献   

Learners’ ability in dealing with socio-scientific issues has been highlighted in contemporary science education. This study explored the effects of different on-line searching activities on high school students’ cognitive structure outcomes and informal reasoning outcomes. By using a quasi-experimental research approach, thirty-three students were assigned to a “guided searching task group”, while thirty-five students were assigned to an “unguided searching task group”. The treatments of this study were two different on-line searching activities. All the participants were asked to search relevant information regarding nuclear power usage on the Internet during the period of two classes (100 min). However, the students in the un-guided searching task group were asked to search freely, while those in the guided searching task group were provided with a searching guideline. The participants’ cognitive structures outcomes as well as their informal reasoning outcomes regarding nuclear power usage were assessed before and after the conduct of on-line searching tasks. The results of ANCOVA revealed that the students in the guided on-line searching task group significantly outperformed their counterparts in the extent (p < 0.01) and the richness of their cognitive structures (p < 0.01). Also, they significantly outperformed their counterparts in the usage of the two information processing strategies, “comparing” (p < 0.05) and “inferring or explaining” (p < 0.05). Moreover, it was also found that the students in the guided on-line searching task group only outperformed their counterparts in their supportive argument construction (p < 0.05). In other words, the guided searching tasks did help the students obtain better cognitive structure outcomes; however, the increments on their cognitive structure outcomes may only help them to propose more supportive arguments, but their rebuttal construction (an important indicator for their reasoning quality) was not particularly improved.  相似文献   

One valuable goal of instructional technologies in K-12 education is to prepare students for future learning. Two classroom studies examined whether Teachable Agents (TA) achieves this goal. TA is an instructional technology that draws on the social metaphor of teaching a computer agent to help students learn. Students teach their agent by creating concept maps. Artificial intelligence enables TA to use the concept maps to answer questions, thereby providing interactivity, a model of thinking, and feedback. Elementary schoolchildren learning science with TA exhibited “added-value” learning that did not adversely affect the “basic-value” they gained from their regular curriculum, despite trade-offs in instructional time. Moreover, TA prepared students to learn new science content from their regular lessons, even when they were no longer using the software.  相似文献   

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