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《寿亲养老新书》是编定于元代的老年养生著作。其内容博杂,在形式上具有多种文体之元素。这与该书的编纂宗旨及广博的征引有关。书中辑录前贤言论者近乎语录,记述奇事佚闻者类似魏晋小说。特别是其中征引了大量宋代笔记,资料性和史料性较强,以散体为主,逐条叙述,堪为宋代笔记余波;又与明季清言在内容、风格和形式上有近似之处,可谓明季清言滥觞。因此,该书的文体在一定程度上是宋代笔记与明季清言之间演变的具体表现。  相似文献   

对《福乐智慧》的与文化相关的文本进行了分析,着重讨论两个方面的内容:一是通过诗中的隐喻文本找出隐藏在概念隐喻背后的认知规律,探究当时维吾尔民族的思维方式;二是探讨这些隐喻文本中体现出的经济文化意蕴。  相似文献   

程少云 《海外英语》2014,(12):123-124,126
This essay aims to analyze my translation of ForensicChemistryHandbook which is a scientific book published in 2012. I am commissioned to translate the book by China Maritime Police Academy, a university in Ningbo. The translated version will be used as a textbook for university, thus the potential readers will be students in this university. As to features of the textbook, it belongs to informative text, which can be characterized as conciseness, correctness and objectiveness. Guided by typical functional translationtheoriessuchasHanJ.Vermeer'sskoposruleandPeterNewmark'stexttypology,thiscommentarywilldealwithhowI use collaborative strategy and simplification to translate the book to ensure the quality and efficiency, especially when encountering technicaltermsandcomplicatedsentences.FourexamplesareshowninthefollowingpapertoillustratehowItranslatethebook.  相似文献   

This review essay evaluates Karl Maton's Knowledge and Knowers: Towards a Realist Sociology of Education as a recent examination of the sociological causes and effects of education in the tradition of the French social theorist Pierre Bourdieu and the British educational sociologist Basil Bernstein. Maton's book synthesizes the scholarship of Bourdieu and Bernstein and complements their work with “discoveries” from the world of systemic functional linguistics to produce a new “realist sociology of education.” It does so by means of Legitimation Code Theory, defined as a “toolkit” to analyze knowledge construction in cultural fields, especially education. The authors of this review essay take a polyphonic approach in assessing this ambitious synthesis, offering four perspectives on Maton's book. Brian Barrett provides a Bernsteinian perspective; Dan Schubert approaches the book from his grounding in Bourdieu; and Susan Hood contributes a view from systemic functional linguistics. Michael Grenfell weaves these three perspectives together and provides introductory and concluding reflections. They aim, through their combined expertise, to use Maton's book as an occasion to take stock of the state of the field of sociology of education generally and to reflect on the questions: What is its nature and what type of knowledge does it express? To what uses may it be set and what is its place within the larger project of educational theory?  相似文献   

本文是作者为<小学写字教学手册>一书写的序言.汉字书写是汉语文的基本功构成之一,所以应该重视写字教学的基础理论研究,包括教学的原则、方法、手段和教学评价.作者介绍了<小学写字教学手册>一书的主要内容和编辑体例,以及具有文献性、工具性和资料性于一体的特点,对促进各地小学写字教学具有指导意义.  相似文献   

This book review essay discusses and analyzes how introductory textbooks on correctional administration, written primarily for the American university market, frame the discourse on this subject matter. The writer presents both quantitative and qualitative empirical evidence of coverage given to prison administration. In addition to traditional content analysis methods, the authors of these books were contacted and asked to explain the decision‐making processes they used for content inclusion, exclusion and/or minimization. The paper concludes with a handful of recommendations on improving texts in this subdiscipline.  相似文献   

In this essay,I am going to do some research about the effect of the Domestication and Foreignization of the magic words' translation in Harry Potter.Harry Potter is my favorite book both in childhood and now.It is a series of fantasy novel written by British writer J.K.Rowling.It tells about the life of Harry Potter with his friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.Domestication and foreignization are two ways in translation,regarding the degree to which translators make a text conform to the target culture.It is the translation made me feel the charm of the book.This book was my favorite book in childhood,and I really appreciate the translator's skills to translate this book.The essay includes spells,magic animals,magic items and names four parts.Each part is divided into Domestication and Foreignization two aspects.The research method of this essay includes comparative analysis,exemplification,induction and literature summarization.  相似文献   

本文评述了书中的十个主题——学习与自我理解、战争心理学、房与家、他人、为人父母、动物与自然、广告、生存、性别、宗教。本文从整体上评析了《批判性课程》一书对我国基础教育研究和实践的启发:教育与生活世界的关系;超越学科划割的教师专业发展取向;超越教育视域的研究风格。还剖析了《批判性课程》一书的有待探讨之处,如所选主题的依据不明确、与我国的文化差异等问题。  相似文献   

语境分析及其对英语教改的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外语学习中最大的障碍是不了解外语交际的语境及其背后的文化差异 ,由此提出外语教学要重视语境分析 ,进而培养学生的语境意识。它有助于英语教学从孤立的语言点教学向联系的语篇分析教学转变 ;从静态的课本教学向动态的跨文化交际教学转变。在培养学生的语境意识过程中 ,需注意把握两个关系 ,一是课堂内与课堂外教学的关系 ;二是语言、文化知识讲授与训练实际操作能力的关系。  相似文献   

In recentyears as the works of Walter Benjamin, the German‐Jewish cultural critic and philosopher, have become more widely available in translation commentaries have emerged which focus on what his writings have to offer current practices of cultural history. Benjamin was an avid collector of children's books. He also wrote extensively on children's literature, forgotten children's stories, the compulsion and cultures of book collecting and about his own childhood experiences in Berlin. This essay concerns itself with Benjamin's relationship with children's literature, both a child and as a collector, and his insights into the process of engaging with the internal world of the child. In doing so consideration is given to his innovative approach to memory‐work and the relationship between “remembering”, memory, artefacts and history. In this sense, this essay is about the book and education and the writing of cultural history.


The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Philosophy of Education brings together a number of book chapters and articles in the philosophy of education. These cover a wide range of issues that engage and, in many cases, trouble contemporary philosophers of education, beginning with the perennial and fundamental one of the relationship between philosophy and education. The other sections, which include a rich selection of readings, concern the nature of education and its politics, policy-making and the moral dimensions of teaching. The whole is preceded by a provocative introductory essay written by Wilfred Carr, the book's editor. In it he suggests a different Aristotelian perspective on these issues, a different narrative from the usual contemporary post-analytic one we are used to and a means of responding to them, inspired mainly by the work of Alasdair MacIntyre. This essay both takes up Carr's provocations in this Introduction and comprehensively reviews the book and the chapters in it.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: This is the concluding essay in a three-part series in which Professor Morson examines the intellectual maladies of the intelligentsia. The first essay, which appeared in the Spring 1993 issue, drew upon Russian intellectual history to clarify the concept of “the intelligentsia” and suggested its utility for an understanding of the politicized segment of the American professoriate. In the second essay, which appeared in the Winter 1993–94 issue, he contrasted the deterministic theories so attractive to both these groups with choice as experienced in the day-to-day realm of contingent events. Continuing this analysis, Professor Morson now examines “chronocentrism,” the view that the present moment is intellectually privileged in comparison with the past, showing it to be another of the basic elements of utopian thought. Exploring the relationship of multiple possibilities to intellectual freedom and pluralism, Professor Morson argues that there is a close connection between the appreciation of “open time” on the one hand, and the belief in free-wheeling dialogue, the tolerance necessary for democracy, intellectual modesty in the face of the world's complexity, and a rich sense of opinion, on the other. This essay is an adaptation of the final chapter of his new book,Narrative and Freedom: The Shadows of Time, and appears by the generous permission of Yale University Press.  相似文献   

《书目答问补正》是清末民国初重要的目录学书。本文就其编目思想、正补相续俱进及所录皖人书目作一综述。该书对初学者有引导读书之助,对编目有借鉴作用。  相似文献   


In this article the authors focus on how features of a computersupported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment can elicit and support domain-specific reasoning and more specifically historical reasoning. The CSCL environment enables students to collaborate on a historical inquiry task and in writing an argumentative essay. In order to support historical reasoning the authors compared two representational tools: a graphical representation (argumentative diagram) and a linear representation (argument list). As it is assumed that an argumentative diagram can support both cognitive and interaction processes, it was expected that using this tool would result in more qualitative historical reasoning, in the chat as well as in the essay. However, the results of this study did not show a significant difference in the amount of historical reasoning between the two conditions. A possible explanation can be found in the way the students make use of the representational tool while executing the task. The tool does not only function as a cognitive tool that can elicit elaborate activities, but also as a tool through which students communicate.  相似文献   

当代报告文学评论家约翰.凯里提出了评价报告文学的两条标准,即作者的观察力与写作的质量。作为报告文学史上的一部经典之作,《红星照耀中国》一书充分展现了埃德加.斯诺敏锐的观察力与简明、形象的文字描述。  相似文献   

《全唐文》所收日休文《襄州孔子庙学记》,为据康熙年间编成的《湖广通志》著录。中唐程浩《凤翔府扶风县文宣王新庙记》中的第一段,当为程浩所作。唐人及后人常将程浩文第一段析出传抄,是后人将程浩文误作皮日休文的原因。  相似文献   

In Chapter V of his autobiography, John Stuart Mill describes the ‘crisis in my mental history’ that cast this brilliant mind into profound gloom at age 20. Mill makes clear that his plight had everything to do with the extraordinary analytical and critical education imparted to him by his father. That which prompts Mill's deep distress, as well as that which is necessary in order to escape it, are the central concern of Michael Polanyi's monumental Personal Knowledge. The thesis of this essay is that Polanyi in his book offers a penetrating analysis of the disorder from which Mill suffered and, even more significantly, Polanyi explains more perceptively than does Mill himself what is required in order to resolve the mental crisis and establish what both authors refer to as ‘balance’ of mind.  相似文献   

ABC管理法是一种数理统计方法,运用它对藏书利用率进行统计分析,能够准确、直观地反映图书利用情况,以便合理地进行特色馆藏建设,促使学科馆员的普及,以更大限度地满足读者需求。以2005年商洛学院藏书利用情况为依据进行统计分析,将馆藏图书划分出A、B、C三个层次,为今后图书馆建设提供量化的依据和帮助,同时也指出运用ABC管理法应注意的问题。  相似文献   

《尚书》雉凤及远古图腾崇拜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《尚书》是记载凤和雉最早的传世典籍,也是反映远古图腾崇拜最早的历史记载,然而千百年来在相关的训释中充满了唯心主义天人感应的神学观。本文力求运用人类文化学的理论,从图腾史、民族史等多个维度,阐释周秉钧先生《尚书易解》的训诂新解,为《尚书》训诂与别的典籍注解提供方法论参考。  相似文献   

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