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April Fool’s Day is a "fun holiday".And if(假如)you want to fool with (戏弄)somebody on that day,remember to make both of you feel funny.Don't play terrible jokes on one another!记住,玩笑不能过分哦!  相似文献   

考试和篮球 Teacher: Why don't you learn as well as (和……一样好) you play basketball?  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(15):46-46
<正>妈妈:Listen to the music carefully.What instrument do you hear?孩子:Hmm...It is a piano.妈妈:Right.What kind of musical instrument do you want to play?孩子:I want to learn how to play the violin.  相似文献   

刁涵 《阅读》2014,(35):44-45
<正>It is in September or October.In the evening,people usually watch the moon.They also eat moon cakes.Children like to play with lanterns.Can you guess what holiday it is?Yes,you’re right.It’s Mid-autumn Festival.It is my favorite holiday.Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional(传统的)holiday in  相似文献   

郭锋 《阅读》2006,(12)
New Clothes Mother: Now these new clothes are expensive. I don‘t want you coming home from school that first week with a hole(洞)in the knee. Tom: Ok, Mom, where would you like the hole?Mother: Now these new clothes are ex- pensive. I don’t want you coming home fromschool that first week with a hole (洞)in the knee. Tom: Ok, Mom, where would you like the hole?难度系数: ☆☆☆Mother: If you don’t hurry, Tom, you’ll be late for school. Tom: Never mind, Mummy, the school is open all day long.小幽默(英文)@郭锋  相似文献   

Pie in the Sky     
周晓霞 《阅读》2013,(Z1):79
夜深了,Jack还在玩电脑游戏……Mom:Jack,it’s too late.Time to go to bed now.Jack:OK,Mom.I will go to bed after this game is over.Mom:But you will take a math exam(测试)tomorrow.Jack:Never mind!I can get good grades(取得好成绩)this time.Mom:I think it’s a pie in the sky for you.You always play computer games  相似文献   

A father and two children were watching "The World of Animals". Suddenly(突然), the father asked, "What kind of animal can give you not only(不仅) the meat to eat, but also(而且) the leather(皮革) to wear?" They both thought for a while and answered together, "It's you, Father!"The World of Animals@俊亚…  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(43):47-47
<正>妈妈:What do you want to make with playdough?孩子:I want to make apples and grapes.妈妈:Then I will make bananas.孩子:Interesting!Let’s play house.妈妈:All right!妈妈:你想用橡皮泥捏什么呢?  相似文献   

彭婷 《阅读》2010,(4):45-45
One day, a camel met a goat on the road. They walked along the road together. After a while, they saw a tall tree, there were many leaves on it. The camel opened his mouth and ate the delicious leaves. But the goat was too short to eat them. The camel said to the goat, "Look, I can eat the leaves. I'm taller than you, so I'm better than you." The goat said nothing. They still walked along the road.  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is held every four years. The Athens(雅典) 2004 Olympic Games was really a great celebration! Do you know how many gold medals China has got in Athens in the 28th Olympic Games? -- China won 32 gold medals and got the second place among the participant countries!The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. Let's expect that China will get more medals!Do you know moreabout the Olym picG am es? Send us what-ever you collected.记得给我们来信,分享你的收集成果哦…  相似文献   

A Nice Party     
赵瑜 《阅读》2014,(10):45-45
Hello, everybody. I'm Rose, welcome to my birthday party. Look, there is a big cake and some picture books on the table. They are the gifts from my parents. On the cake, you can see eleven candles. Guess, how old am I now? I'm are here birthday so happy, because my friends too. We play games, enjoy the song and share the birthday cake.How happy I am!  相似文献   

孙赛男 《阅读》2023,(29):22-27
<正>从前,有一个可爱的小姑娘,她十分喜欢戴一顶红帽子,因此大家都叫她“小红帽”。小红帽的奶奶是位优雅、可爱的女士,平时待人谦和有礼,大家都很喜欢她。小红帽的奶奶平时是怎么说话的呢?我们一起去看看吧。奶奶:My lovely girl,can you give me that spoon?小红帽:Yes,I can.Here you are.  相似文献   

My Family     
许孙嘉 《阅读》2012,(12):44
Hi,my name is Xu Sunjia.Today I want to introduce my family to you.There are three people in my family,my father,my mother and me.We likegoing out at weekends.We often go shopping.Sometimes we go fishing andcamping.We are good friends.My father is a businessman.He works very hard.He likes watching sportsgames.He can play table tennis very well.He often reads newspapers in theevening.He  相似文献   

常见的It is/was…that…句型大致可分为两种;一种是:It is/Was adj that… 例如:Indeed,it is most likely that school-children who are alive now will read of successful journeys to other planets before very long. 另一种是:It is/was focused part that… 例如:In England,it is social system that determines who you are. 这两种句型从结构上来说有许多相似之处,但有很多区别,试分析如下. I.It is/was adj that…的结构分析:  相似文献   

It is one warm spring morning, two men are walking past ( 擦肩而 过)each other on a road. One says to the other, “ Oh, you’ve changed a lot. You used to(过去) have brown hair and now it’s gray. Your face used to be red and now it’s pale. You were thin and now you are fat. I can’t believe that it’s you, Mr. Smith.” The other man says,“But I’m not Mr. Smith.” The first man says,“Well, you’ve changed your name, too! ” ★想一想: 那个男人到底是不 是 Mr. Smith 呢?You've Changed a …  相似文献   

文苑 《阅读》2006,(6):38-39
Do you know that there are many more kinds of insects on the earth than any other kind of living creature(生物)? It's hard to imagine (难以想象), but 95% of all the animal species ( 种类 ) on the earth are insects! Over(超过) one million species have been discovered(被发现) by scientists, and they think that there might be(可能有)TEN times that many!  相似文献   

梅香 《阅读》2006,(10)
Mid-Autumn Festival comes on August 15 of Chinese lunar Calendar(中国农历). It’s a traditional holiday in China. On that day, people eat moon cakes and watch the moon in the open air. My parents and I usually have a big dinner and play games. We enjoy ourselves at that night.★指导老师:毛国锋难度系数:☆☆☆My Family's Mid-Autumn Day$海安县西场镇光荣小学四⑵班@梅香…  相似文献   

杰克的滤茶器 Jack made lunch for his mother. When his mother returned with a friend, she saw that Jack had already strained the tea. The two women then drank their tea happily while having lunch.  相似文献   

Ladies and Gentlemen,a trip to Shanghai is something very special for anyone from Hamburg and I am delighted to have received your invitation. Thank you very much.The cities of Shanghai and Hamburg have long standing ties, and a dynamic, successful partnership, despite the thousands of kilometres that separate us.  相似文献   

柚子 《阅读》2023,(28):34-37
<正>Everyone has his special days. Some are their birthdays, some are memorable(值得纪念的)days. They have dinner or do some other things to celebrate the day.There is also a special day for the Earth:World Earth Day. Do you know that?  相似文献   

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