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This paper offers a comparative analysis of two characters belonging to the tradition of empowered “spinster” in children’s fiction, namely Mary Poppins and Ms Wiz, from the perspective of gender politics and child/adult interactions. A distinction is made between the figure portrayed in P. L. Travers’ texts and the Disney film starring Julie Andrews, which turned the magic nanny into a cultural icon. These two renderings of the powerful, single woman, in turn, are contrasted with Terence Blacker’s postmodern depiction of the good witch in the “Ms Wiz” series, with a view to tracing the evolution of the ostracised female wizard, a character inherited from folklore that has its origin in the Great Mother archetype. As is demonstrated, each representation of the supernatural woman modifies the manner in which the feminine influences the patriarchal order.  相似文献   

桑塔格的《恩主》是一部写得别具匠心,但却不符合传统阅读习惯的自我反映式的实验小说。小说文本中的自我暴露叙述和虚构的痕迹以及滑稽模仿等元小说叙述手法使小说具有浓厚的自我意识。该艺术表现手法是探讨桑塔格小说风格的重要基点。  相似文献   

历史编纂元小说--后现代主义小说新方向?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对后现代主义理论及文学创作的讨论中,加拿大著名文学理论家林达.哈琴提出了“历史编纂元小说”的概念,以此指称20世纪六七十年代以来欧美文坛涌现的一股将后现代主义实验性创作与历史及社会语境相联结的创作潮流。她认为,作为后现代主义元小说的新发展,历史编纂元小说反驳了伊格尔顿等人给后现代主义文学贴上的“缺乏深度”、“反历史”、“没有政治内容”等标签,但她将历史编纂元小说称作唯一一种圆满体现了后现代主义诗学的小说,是具有范例作用的后现代主义小说等观点值得商榷。  相似文献   

露迹:新生代小说中的元小说叙事手法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"露迹"是最重要的元小说叙事手法之一,也是先锋小说家们常用的写作策略。"露迹"手法的使用是新生代小说对先锋小说多元化创作的一种继承。但新生代小说家们将"露迹"手法纳入了更为合理的范畴,摆脱了先锋元小说创作中"形式大于内容"的怪圈。  相似文献   

《使女的故事》采用独特的语言和叙述方式,揭示出一个极端政权对女性实施从身体到心灵的控制。主人公通过讲述女性自己的故事,不断审视叙述在创建历史记录中的作用和意义,质疑父权制度下历史与历史的构建方式,抵抗和颠覆男性话语。大量关于小说本身的叙述使文本充满了元小说的特质,小说文本成为一种纯粹的叙述行为。  相似文献   

As the introduction of natural sciences in early childhood education differs from natural sciences for adults, planning appropriate activities for preschool is a delicate task with various dimensions and parameters. Teaching natural sciences in kindergarten can be a complex procedure which combines exploring and comprehending children’s perceptions, scientific content and the learning environment. Magnetism, which is very attractive subject for young children, is a commonly negotiated topic at the preschool level. In this paper, we present an empirical case study that examines whether the picture story reading method can be beneficial for young children learning about magnetism. Findings underline the importance of drawing on a variety of evidence in assessing young children’s understanding of magnets.  相似文献   

图画故事是儿童人生的第一本书,它作为一种独特的文学样式,运用语言和美术两种符号系统的共同参与,能更好地促进幼儿口语表达能力的发展。同时,在语言教育中,需要了解幼儿语言发展的特点,并围绕其特点思考基于发展幼儿口语表达能力为目的的图画故事书阅读指导策略,为幼儿提供各种各样的语言范例,对学前儿童形成正确的语音和丰富幼儿词汇,帮助幼儿掌握一定的组词成句的语法规则及培养良好语感有重要价值。  相似文献   

Margaret Mackey is studying for a master's degree in library and information studies at the University of Alberta in Canada. Previously, in Britain, she taught English language and literature in secondary schools for ten years. She has been secondary editor ofThe Essex Review of Children's Literature and has editedFestival Plays (Longman), a collection of young playwrights.  相似文献   

What began as a case study of intergenerational initiatives in university-based early childhood programs evolved into a comparative study of two different program implementation processes. Despite operating with the same goals, university partners, and resources, two early childhood centers pursued fundamentally different strategies for launching their intergenerational programs. One site followed what we call an explicit intervention with a set timeline and series of planned steps for finding, placing, and involving seniors in classroom activities. The other pursued what we call an emergent (or organic) strategy with no predetermined plan for finding senior volunteers and integrating them into classroom activities. Drawing on data collected from interviews with program staff and parents, and observations of intergenerational activities, this study serves to describe, compare, and contrast these alternative program initiation strategies. Both models are effective, but represent different approaches to valuing the contributions of older adults in the lives of young children.  相似文献   

绘本以其独特的性质与特点日益成为幼儿获得新知的载体.本研究采用行动研究范式,探索利用情绪主题绘本促进幼儿情绪能力发展的教学模式,发现采用绘本阅读与互动讨论、绘画、表演、阅读分享与情绪日记等不同教学形式相结合的感悟体验式教学能够充分发挥情绪主题绘本的情绪教育价值,促进幼儿情绪健康和谐发展.  相似文献   

In line with theories that children's pretend play reflects and extends their narrative skills, children with imaginary companions were predicted to have better narrative skills than children without imaginary companions. Forty-eight 5½-year-old children and their mothers participated in interviews about children's imaginary companions. Children also completed language and narrative assessments. Twenty-three of the children (48%) were deemed to have engaged in imaginary companion play. Children with and without imaginary companions were similar in their vocabulary skills, but children with imaginary companions told richer narratives about a storybook and a personal experience compared to children without imaginary companions. This finding supports theories of a connection between pretend play and storytelling by the end of early childhood.  相似文献   

生命意识的建立不能诉诸于认知,只能诉诸于体验。绘本以图画为主要表意媒介的直观性特点,与儿童审美接受心理的形象性和生命教育的情感性,三者高度契合。绘本对爱和死两大主题的表现,在儿童生命意识建立的过程中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

关于玛丽·雪莱《弗兰肯斯坦》的主题,学术界历来争议颇多。本文认为小说的总体框架呼应了弥尔顿的史诗《失乐园》,可以理解为重述的“失乐园”故事。玛丽·雪莱借用有关“堕落”的神话结构,表达了她对人与自然、人与社会关系的看法,一定程度上超越了她的时代。  相似文献   

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