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常志刚 《东南传播》2011,(11):104-107
本文对麦克卢汉媒介研究中有关媒介教育的理论建设和领域拓展所做的开创性贡献进行梳理。试图探究其玄妙的格言警句式的媒介理论中,可用于指导媒介教育研究和实践的概念体系。本文认为,麦克卢汉较早地介入了媒介教育的领域的研究,他的媒介教育思想主要体现在对电子媒介革命与媒介教育,反环境即媒介教育及媒介研究与媒介教育等方面的论述。他的...  相似文献   

历来对麦克卢汉的媒介化研究异议颇多,本认为,麦克卢汉的媒介研究选取了宏观视角,在历史的,社会的和化的大环境下考量媒介技术,并且涉及技术哲学的研究课题。大大突破了传播学研究领域的局限,因而,其媒介研究富含深厚的化意蕴和学科张力,不仅具备时曾经占据优势地位媒介的强大追溯力,而且蕴含了对未来可能出现媒介(如网络)的天才预见力。  相似文献   

塔尔德作为19世纪重要的社会学家之一,他对于机制及技术的偏爱在后人——麦克卢汉那里发展到了极致。本文以塔尔德和麦克卢汉关于舆论方面的论述为基础,着力探讨了他们在传播学上的理论贡献。  相似文献   

传播学大师马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan,1911—1980)诞辰100周年之际,上海交通大学召开研讨会,以麦克卢汉与全球传播为主题,纪念麦克卢汉为全球媒体与传播研究做出的奠基性贡献,促进中国经验与国际视野的结合,推动全球传播研究的发展。  相似文献   

作为20世纪的媒介理论大师,麦克卢汉的媒介即讯息理论、"地球村"概念的提出,以及对媒介是人的延伸的论断和媒介四定律的论述,在当代社会有现实意义。网络媒介发达的今天,媒介面临形态变化和内容的道德批评。本文结合其理论,就当下的媒介形态文化进行道德批评。  相似文献   

尼尔·波兹曼对麦克卢汉思想——"媒介即是讯息"的传承是波兹曼理论构建的基础,也是媒介环境学的重要理论之一。他同麦克卢汉一样,视媒介本身为一种环境,而非媒介传播的信息,所以,波兹曼媒介理论关注的是媒介技术自身对文化的影响及控制。理解波兹曼对麦克卢汉思想的继承、发展和运用是理解媒介环境学的关键。  相似文献   

本文从FR.利维斯对麦克卢汉媒介研究的影响入手分析,试图厘清这一学界鲜有关注的麦克卢汉的思想源流.文章认为麦克卢汉从实用主义的文学批评、经验主义的评断标准及去精英化的文化视角三个方面,完成了对利维斯及"细察派"思想的承继与扬弃.  相似文献   

陈康亮 《新闻世界》2009,(9):139-140
本文试图从宗教信仰的角度来把握麦克卢汉的媒介思想,认为拯救与认知是麦氏思想的两大主题,前者是其思想的根本诉求,后者只是获救的手段,并试图将其理论视为一种“建设性的后现代主义”。  相似文献   

一、大媒介观 《理解媒介》是加拿大名传播学马歇尔麦克卢汉的代表作。麦氏认为,媒介不是专指狭义的广播、报纸、电视等从事大众传播工作的机构,而是在更广意义上实现人的延伸的各种技术与中介。这些媒介有很多融于日常生活之中,根本未被人意识到,如道路,服装,住宅,时钟,轮子,飞机,打字机,游戏,乃至武器。  相似文献   

本文从三个角度分别阐述了麦克卢汉与当今时代的连接:一是麦克卢汉的传播思想与当代青年思维方式和感知方式的关联;二是不同人文学者对于麦克卢汉及其思想的多种解读;三是有关麦克卢汉在当代传播思想和流派研究方面的地位。  相似文献   


Courses: This single-class teaching activity was designed for courses on critical communication pedagogy (CCP), gender and race, communication education, research methods, and visual communication.

Objectives: By completing this activity, students should be able to (1) describe the principles of CCP, (2) examine critically how race and gender are represented in communication textbooks, and (3) identify how textbooks reproduce and reflect dominant assumptions about the study of communication, race, and gender.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):276-294
Despite the persistence of sex‐typed images of the expressivity of wife and husband, past observational studies have given little indication of sex‐linked differences in marital communication. Thus, we proposed that inter personally negotiated role expectations would be a better predictor of communication about marital conflict than sex. However, we also proposed that there might be sex differences within particular clusters of couples who endorse sex‐differentiated role expectations. Couples were classified into groups using Fitzpatrick's (1983) typology. The results of two studies indicated that couple type was significantly related to communication about marital conflict; however, there were neither any clear overall sex differences in communication nor sex differences within couple types. Rather, the results indicated that conflict styles are so strongly reciprocal that mutual influence within conversations tends to remove individual speaker differences. The research suggests that mutual influence processes and mutually established beliefs and expectations account for conflict styles more adequately than biological sex.  相似文献   

整合广告传播是形象塑造的一种极为有效的方式,“形象”由“形”与“象”合力而成,可分为“源像”、“文本”、“映像”三阶段,三者既是环环相扣的历时性的共存状态,也是一种共时性的并举状态,其合力构成了一个动态、完整的“形象”,其一致性或者说动态平衡则是“形象”的良性传播。形象塑造的一种新模式,即整合广告传播模式,以资料库为基础,以目标受众为中心,以信息沟通为手段,整合目标受众、形象文本、媒介、传播形式等等资源,为塑造形象服务。  相似文献   

网络环境下的考试信息资源包括:研究生考试、公务员考试、英语考试、计算机等级考试、资格认证考试、自学考试等信息。可直接进入网站、利用搜索引擎、利用门户网站、选择友情链接等获取网上考试信息资源。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):184-200
This study explores relationships among immediacy, communication apprehension, and learning outcomes between two class formats: mixed-size sections (i.e., large-lecture/break-out sections) versus self-contained sections. The results indicated that students' cognitive learning outcomes were slightly greater in the mixed-size sections versus self-contained sections. In addition, affective learning decreased for all students from the first day of class, though it decreased slightly more for students in the large-lecture/break-out sections. When the teacher was perceived as highly immediate, however, there was no difference in affective learning due to format.  相似文献   

This paper examines changing research practices in the digital environment. A review of the literature and our own field research in Australia suggest that there is a new mode of knowledge production emerging, changing research practices and bringing new information access and dissemination needs. Adjustments will be required to accommodate these changes, but new opportunities are emerging for more cost‐effective and sustainable information access and dissemination. It will be necessary, however, to take an holistic approach and treat the creation, production and distribution of scholarly information, the management of information rights and access, systems of review and evaluation and the underlying infrastructure as parts of a single research information and scholarly communication system.  相似文献   

Courses: This single-class teaching activity was designed for courses on public speaking, rhetorical criticism, and critical thinking. In addition, instructors can adapt this activity for online or face-to-face courses on intercultural communication, organizational communication, listening, and political communication.

Objectives: By completing this activity, students should be able to (a) describe the principles of generic rhetorical criticism; (b) identify buzzwords associated with specific communicative contexts and genres (e.g. political debates, commencement speeches, award acceptance speeches); (c) critically examine the rhetorical significance and underlying assumptions of these buzzwords; and (d) discuss the benefits and limitations of using buzzwords in public communication contexts.  相似文献   

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