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赵楠 《时代教育》2013,(15):174+176
我国在立法上赋予非婚生子女与婚生子女同等的法律地位,但是我们必须要注意这样一个问题,非婚生子女的法律权益保护、法律地位以及法律制度还有很多需要完善的地方。本文通过对非婚生子女的权益状况及保护的必要性进行分析,来探讨如何通过具体的措施对非婚生子女进行保护。  相似文献   

浅析非婚生子女的法律保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过完善立法措施,使非婚生子女合法权利和婚生子女一样得到全国的法律保护。本文主要是通过比较来找出两者的差别从而论述对非婚生子女应当如何进行法律保护,其次借鉴外国非婚生子女法律保护的立法经验,完善我国在非婚生子女法律保护方面的立法不足。  相似文献   

非婚生子女作为社会弱势群体其合法权益极易受到侵害,为此需要对其加强立法保护,但我国相关立法在这方面还不够完善,存在着非婚生子女的概念不明确、没有设立非婚生子女亲子关系的确认制度、实际地位与婚生子女不平等以及户籍申报难等诸多阙如,因此我们应围绕这些问题加以完善。  相似文献   

非婚生子女认领之诉是通过一定法律程序,确认非婚生子女与生父之间身份关系的亲子关系诉讼。非婚生子女认领之诉在我国审判实践中早已客观存在,但立法上的相关规定却付之阙如,导致司法实践不便。对此,应确立非婚生子女所在地法院专属管辖原则;明确认领之诉当事人的特别资格与适格标准;规范法律推定与亲子鉴定的证明方法并确立与一般民事诉讼案件相同的证明标准;对死后认领之诉规定三年的诉讼时效限制。  相似文献   

我国目前尚无非婚生子女认领制度,这显然不利于日渐增多的非婚生子女合法权益的保护。文章立足于我国实际,对大陆法系经典的非婚生子女认领制度逐项进行剖析和比较,并指出我国非婚生子女认领制度立法应注意的方面。  相似文献   

由于人类对婚姻关系以外的两性行为的排斥,非婚生子女历来都受到社会的歧视。另外,家庭财产应由嫡亲继承的传统观念,也导致了非婚生子女的社会地位、法律地位及其在家庭中的地位都十分低下。直到20世纪初,人类对非婚生子女的态度才转向宽容。在现实生活中,非婚生子女虽然享有与婚生子女同等的权利,但还没有得到完全落实。因此。建立准正和认领制度,促使非婚生子女取得与婚生子女同等的法律资格就显得十分必要。  相似文献   

确立非婚生子女法律地位的社会意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非婚生子女的法律地位是现代社会的一个十分重要的问题。它不仅是人类进化与发展过程中自然选择规律的基本要求,也符合社会规范两性关系的基本宗旨,同时还可以强化人们在生育问题上的责任感,减少非婚生子女的出生率,有利于家庭和社会的稳定。  相似文献   

论欺诈性抚养关系的法律认定及其法律救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于人们性观念意识的加强,人们也开始在追求性权利的自由,由此非婚生子女的数量也呈现上升趋势,但中国长期传统思想的束缚,使得非婚生子女的地位没法得到很好的保障,又因为一方权利的过度滥用,侵犯另一方的权利,而法律的滞后性,对此没有办法及时的抑制,欺诈性抚养关系便孕育而生.它的出现无论是,理论界还是实务界,对此问题都很棘手,很少人触及,本文在坚持法律的公平基础上,重点在探讨欺诈性抚养关系的认定及法律救济的制度构建.  相似文献   

监护权的撤销、监护权的变更都将影响未成年子女的个人权益。非婚生子女的监护权问题更是一个突出的社会问题。因此,监护权的撤销、变更应综合地考虑多方面的因素,譬如物质生活与精神状况。目前,我国婚姻家庭立法对监护权撤销、非婚生子女监护等规定还远未完善,难以应对当前我国离婚率不断攀升的社会形势。因此,宜借鉴国外成功的立法经验,以积极的态度去完善子女监护的立法,最终确立监护领域的"子女最大利益"原则。  相似文献   

张兰菊 《历史学习》2006,(12):23-24
历史上的户籍制度是指通过各级权力机构对其所辖范围内的户口进行清查、登记、申报并按一定的原则进行立户、分类、划等和编制,作为掌握人口信息、征调税役、分配资源和维持秩序的基础,它是一项涉及经济、政治、军事、文化教育和法律制度的综合性社会制度,也是国家对农民实行道德教化、经济剥削、人身控制的重要途径,所以历代王朝都沿袭了这一制度。明代的户籍制度又称黄册制度,所谓黄册,就是全国户口的总清册。在自耕农经济的基础上,明代制定了严密的黄册里甲制度,控制户口和田亩以  相似文献   

婚生子女推定 ,即推定在婚姻关系存续期间受胎或出生的子女与生母之夫有血缘关系 ,是生母与其夫的婚生子女。这一制度在国外立法中已有一百多年的发展历史 ,具有较强的生命力。我国司法实践中有婚生子女推定的作法 ,却没有明文立法 ,不久前颁布的《婚姻法修正案》也未采纳设立婚生推定制度的立法建议。我们认为 ,在我国建立婚生女子推定制度是社会生活和司法实践的迫切要求  相似文献   

亲子鉴定技术在法律上的应用应受到一定限制。在子女最佳利益原则指导下,亲子鉴定是否进行应考虑子女最佳利益:亲子鉴定的提起场合在诉讼中应仅限于生父确认之诉和婚生否认之诉;委托人的范围应仅限于法院,个人不能提出鉴定委托。此外,法律还应规定法院决定是否决定进行亲子鉴定的考虑因素,如诉讼中至少有一方提出鉴定请求、现有的证据、对家庭稳定的影响、保护有关当事人的人权及隐私等,而子女最佳利益应作为其他因素的限制。  相似文献   

The decent treatment of children is a radical invention of our times. We believe that children have rights — rights to adequate food, shelter, and consistent care - based on their needs as developing organisms. Because of our concern for children as human beings, we are sensitive to their brutalization by adult caretakers. These ideas would have been incomprehensible to a person born several hundred years ago, when the concept of individual rights was almost unknown. The aim of this presentation is to discuss the evolution of children's rights and to place what we know about child abuse in the context of this evolution. We can then see how far we have progressed and perhaps get some perspective on desirable directions for the future.  相似文献   

莫尔所构想的乌托邦社会,其政治制度是民主政体;其经济制度是没有私有财产、在内部也没有金钱流通的全民公有制;乌托邦实行严格的人口控制政策;在婚姻方面,乌托邦实行一夫一妻制,并对婚前性行为和婚外性行为采取极为严厉的惩罚措施;在乌托邦中被称作奴隶的,实际上是两种人:重罪犯和二等公民。莫尔对于乌托邦社会的设想,作为对现实社会弊端的批判和对人类社会发展原则的启示,无疑是很有意义的;如果将其作为一种现实的社会模式,则并非都是适当的。  相似文献   

This paper examines the realities and perspectives of a sample of 60 children born of wartime rape within the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), and currently living in northern Uganda. These children were born to mothers who were abducted by the LRA, held captive for extended periods of time, repeatedly raped and impregnated. The paper explores the multiple challenges that these children face in the post-war period including, rejection, stigma, violence, socio-economic marginalization, and issues of identity and belonging. Participants underscored the profound violence and deprivation that they experienced while in LRA captivity. However, because of post-war marginalization, participants individually and collectively articulated that wartime was better than peacetime. Multiple systems of support are needed to ensure the rights and protection of these children and importantly, to address and reverse young people’s perceptions that “war is better than peace”.  相似文献   

The adoption of streaming in the primary school (where children are placed in a class on the basis of measures of attainment and remain in that class all of the time) was commonplace when the 11 plus examination was used to select children for grammar school places. During the 1950s and 1960s the practice died out with most children being taught in mixed ability classes with some in‐class grouping. During the 1990s successive governments indicated that some form of ability grouping should be introduced in primary schools, setting (children placed in ability groups for some subjects and taught in mixed groups for the remainder of the time) being preferred, however, streaming was introduced in some schools despite evidence that movement between structured ability groups is infrequent and that children tend to remain in the same groups throughout their school careers limiting their educational opportunities. Recent research based on 8875 children, in the Millennium Cohort Study showed that 16.4% of children in Year 2 were in streamed classes. Logistic regression analysis showed that the best predictors of being in the top stream were whether the child was born in autumn or winter 2000, parents owning their own home, and the child's cognitive ability score. The measures predicting being in the bottom stream were being a boy, being born in the spring/summer of 2001, having a behaviour problem, being born into a lone parent family, and cognitive ability score.  相似文献   

教育人权及其保障——新《义务教育法》何以落实和完善   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹力 《教育研究》2007,(8):39-46
新《义务教育法》使义务教育由原来的工具本位转变为权利本位,标志着教育的人权特性及其地位在我国的真正确立。教育人权是新《义务教育法》精神实质之所在。无论从制度安排上,还是现实选择上,《义务教育法》的实施需要在均衡化、问责制和弱势儿童受教育权利保障等方面不断地深化、拓展和完善:强化"均衡"这一具有现实可能性的价值追求;落实问责制,建立一套可操作性较强的问责机制——受教育权利实现的制度保障;切实保障弱势儿童的受教育权利。  相似文献   

A sizable literature has demonstrated that the achievement of children in early elementary school is related to their season of birth: Those born in summer typically perform less well than those born in the fall. A small literature indicates that more children diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (SLD) are born in the summer. We have begun to explore the possibility that the same processes may account for both outcomes. In order to better understand these processes, the standardized achievement levels and rates of diagnosis of SLD for children born during each season were studied in one geographical area of the State of Georgia served by 28 school districts. Standardized achievement scores in reading, mathematics, and science were reliably lower for those born in the summer. Furthermore, there was a strong relationship between season of birth and the rate at which children received a diagnosis of SLD. Summer-born children were diagnosed with SLD at a higher rate than their peers. Four hypotheses for both the lower performance in the general school population and the greater rate of SLD diagnosis among these children are discussed.  相似文献   

A population of migrant workers have appearing during the process of China’s urbanization, and is an important part of the society that cannot be ignored. In the process of integration into cities, the equal development between the rights and obligations of migrant workers is gaining attention. Especially, the issure of schooling of their children has garnered a lot of attention. All problems resulting from schooling of their children are rooted in the asynchronization between system changes and social development. Systematic barriers have become the crux of schooling problem of migrant workers’ children.  相似文献   

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