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"程序设计基础"实践教学环节对于软件工程专业的学习具有重要地位。通过对教学中存在的普遍问题进行分析,结合相关文献研究成果和我校软件工程专业实际情况,基于学校云实验中心平台的建设,对课程的实践教学体系进行改革,通过搭建课程的实践教学平台,组织建立实践教学资源库,并引入"翻转课堂"教学模式,聘用高年级学生助教帮助学生完成实践任务,有效激发了学生实践学习的兴趣,提升了学习效果。  相似文献   

从英语教学的客观条件、学生英语学习现状、教师英语教学现状三方面分析了高职高专公共英语教学的现状和问题,根据建构主义理论,为学生创设一个良好的学习环境,探索和实践以学生为主体,互动式的教学模式,开展了创新性和实践性的教学工作,提供学生一个进行英语实践和交流的机会。  相似文献   

英语课程倡导情境化教学模式来优化教学过程与方法,注重学生的学习生活体验,让学生在开放式学习过程中增强认知感悟。从学生生活感悟、合作交流和实践活动来活化学习过程让学生的学习认知和实践运用更具有深度。  相似文献   

《基础会计》教学中引入个性化教育理念对提升教学效果具有重要意义,但存在着教学资源不足的问题,本文立足于教学实践,提出了解决的方法,即实施学生助教制度。文章从建立学生助教制度的意义入手,详细阐述了学生助教制度在我校《基础会计》课程中的操作模式。  相似文献   

PBL教学模式可以有效提高教学效果,提升学生多方面能力。然而在PBL教学实践中,学生难以快速适应教学角色转变,不能很好针对问题情境进行主动探索性学习。如何在PBL教学模式下激发学生的积极性与创造性是一个值得深入思考的问题。在剖析PBL教学过程,总结各环节教学特点,分析PBL教学实践效果不理想原因的基础上,研究思维导图的原理和框架,挖掘思维导图的特点及其与PBL教学模式的共通点,提出基于思维导图的PBL教学模式,将思维导图的联想、绘制、调整与分析渗透到PBL教学的各个环节。教学实践表明,基于思维导图的PBL教学模式与传统PBL模式相比,可以有效激发学生学习兴趣,促进学生对知识的综合运用,推动学生主动性和创造性思维的发展。  相似文献   

研究性学习的核心是要改变学生的学习方式,强调一种主动探究式的学习,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力、推行素质教育的一种新的尝试和实践,与现有的学科相比,它有以下特点:在研究性学习活动中,指导者通常不是提供一篇教材,让学生理解、记忆,而是呈现一个需要学习、探究的问题(专题或课题)。这个问题可以由展示一个案例、介绍某些背景或创设一种情景引出,也可直接提出。可以由教师提出,也可以引导学生自己发现和提出。本文结合实际教学中的情况,对研究性学习教学模式做了简单的分析。  相似文献   

徐慧 《天津教育》2020,(3):169-170
素质教育改革背景下,小学英语课堂教学应积极构建以学生为主的教学模式,坚持以学生为主的教学理念,在教学过程中注重调动学生英语学习的积极性和参与性,提升学生英语学习能力。因此本文结合教学实践,从情景设计、信息技术应用、方法指导和因材施教等几方面入手,分析小学英语课堂教学中如何调动学生的积极性,为提高小学英语课堂质量、培养学生英语核心素养提供教学思路。  相似文献   

为提升高职网络教学开展效果,依据网络学习自我效能感的内涵与构成要素,围绕学生助教的职能挖掘、选拔和培育进行探索与实践,有效缓解主讲教师压力,促进学生对课程网络学习任务的达成和目标实现。  相似文献   

新课程改革对初中化学教学提出了新的要求,化学教学不仅要教学生基础的化学知识,还要培养学生的学习能力。从另一个角度思考,化学的学习离不开大量的实验,是一门典型的理论与实践并重的课程,因此,对学生能力的培养可以为日后长远的学习打下基础。为了适应新课改的要求,初中化学教师在教学中应不断进行实践,将学习的主动权交还给学生,在这个过程中,"学案导学"教学模式的地位与作用逐渐显现出来。根据多年化学教学经验,着重对"学案导学"教学模式进行摸索,以阐述"学案导学"教学模式为基础,对"学案导学"教学模式在初中化学教学实践中的效果进行探索。  相似文献   

一、前言现代教学论认为,教学过程是学生主动学习的过程,它不仅是一个认识过程,而且是一个交流和合作的过程。《普通高中化学课程标准》指出“课程有利于学生体验科学探究过程”,“强化探究意识,促进学习方式的转变”,“善于与人合作,具有团队精神”[1]。这要求高中化学课堂的教学要以学生为本,构建合作学习等新教学模式。笔者就高中化学探究式合作学习的教学模式进行了历时10周的初步教学实践,写成此文。二、探究式合作学习教学模式的构建探究式合作学习教学模式分为4部分,即引入问题阶段,合作探究阶段,组际交流阶段,实践应用阶段。(如下图…  相似文献   

By using a quasi-experimental design, in this study, we test the effect of undergraduate teaching assistants on student learning. Data were collected from 170 students enrolled in four sections of a quantitative research methods course, two sections without undergraduate teaching assistants and two sections with undergraduate teaching assistants, over two semesters. Results indicate that having undergraduate teaching assistants in the classroom can result in higher student performance. Students in the sections with undergraduate teaching assistants earned higher grades, were more likely to pass the course with a C or higher and performed better on half of the student learning outcomes than students in the sections without an undergraduate teaching assistant. Based on the overwhelmingly positive results on student learning, we would recommend the active use of undergraduate teaching assistants in the classroom, but especially for courses that students find challenging.  相似文献   


Feedback is an important part of design education. To better understand how feedback is provided to students on their engineering design work, we characterised and compared first-year engineering students’, undergraduate teaching assistants’, and educators’ written feedback on sample student design work. We created a coding scheme including two domains: Substance and Focus of feedback. Educators made more and longer comments than undergraduate teaching assistants, and undergraduate teaching assistants made more and longer comments than first-year students. The first-year students focused on giving specific directions in their feedback while educators and undergraduate teaching assistants asked thought-provoking questions. Students tended to make more comments about the ways that their peers had communicated their design work while educators and undergraduate teaching assistants made more comments about the design ideas presented in the sample work. This study offers implications for practice for supporting educators, undergraduate teaching assistants, and first-year engineering students to be able to provide feedback on design work.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of undergraduate teaching assistants in a Violence and Gender learning community. After an introduction to the learning community structure and content, we describe the rationale for exploring this innovative pedagogical model. We present our strategies for recruiting, selecting, and preparing the undergraduate teaching assistants for this experience and illustrate how we collaborated as a teaching team. Finally, we present an evaluation of this model, using the teaching assistants' reflections on this experience, a survey of and interviews with students enrolled in the learning community, and our own assessment of this experience.  相似文献   

This article derives from a case study of 10 secondary school teaching assistants (TAs) who did not have conventional pre-qualifications in mathematics but who undertook an honours degree in mathematics education studies at a Higher Education Institution in England whilst continuing to work as TAs in school. Work-based learning was thus undertaken in parallel with advancement through the hierarchical undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Lave and Wenger’s work on communities of practice is used as a framework to explore the TAs’ learning of mathematics alongside their professional work in schools. This case illustrates how and where institution-based undergraduate teaching relates to work in school, and where it does not, thus signalling the importance of the TAs’ informal learning strategies in bringing together these experiences.  相似文献   

高校实验教学队伍建设的思考与探索   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
实验教学队伍建设是提高高校本科实验教学质量的根本,而实验教学质量高低则直接影响到人才培养质量。分析当前实验教学队伍存在的主要问题,提出解决问题的若干措施与办法,并付诸实践。  相似文献   

在无监督环境中,保持学生持续而有效的学习是翻转课堂的难点。翻转课堂无监督学习环境是人机情境。从人杌交互角度,学生沉浸在持续学习中,达到有效学习、深度学习状态,也称“人机认知耦合态”。认知耦合态是学生认知结构、个性、能力和教师设计的学习内容、情境、轨道匹配的状态,是学生和机器相互依赖,形成高效学习体。人机耦合态设计理念上需理解学生心理规律及过程,让计算机成为“教助理”引导学生学习;设计形式上需采集人机交互数据、观测学习过程、创意耦合情境、调制认知过程。翻转课堂中人机认知耦合设计重点是教学资源结构、认知思维过程、在线导学互动、学习成像形式、认知大数据处理技术、实证教学实施方法。基于人机认知耦合态的翻转课堂是教育数字化、实证化思想的实践,也是信息技术与教育深度融合的尝试。  相似文献   

Interviews were conducted with 29 part-time taught postgraduate (TPg) students to determine forms of teaching and curriculum which motivated their learning. The study was conducted in an open exploratory manner to investigate the aspects of pedagogy or curriculum design which particularly motivated the TPg students which were in any way distinct from typical undergraduate teaching. As most of the TPg students were mature professionals working in a field connected to the course they had enrolled in, they were able to identify relevant knowledge, skills and abilities which ought to be included in the content or curriculum. This distinguishes them from typical undergraduate students. The TPg students appreciated in-class discussion so that they could share experiences and expertise. The interviewees preferred assessment tasks that related to their professional practice. Teaching and learning for TPg students should recognise the expertise of the students and draw upon it as a valuable learning resource.  相似文献   

Learning support assistants or teaching assistants play a vital role in the education of pupils with complex learning disabilities, routinely supporting students on a 1:1 basis without the direct supervision of teachers. Despite the responsibility afforded these classroom support staff, there appear to be few training programmes designed for this specialised role. This qualitative study, by Trudi Martin of the Manchester Institute of Education, was undertaken at a special school in England. The study explored the views of 17 teaching assistants and five teachers regarding the extent to which teaching assistant training equipped them to support pupils with complex learning needs. The findings illustrated that much of the training, including that on the Qualifications and Credit Framework, provided inadequate information and guidance. Without sufficient knowledge to underpin their practice, teaching assistants are impeded in the educational support they can give to pupils, who face significant learning challenges, with a resultant impact on their students' ability to learn and develop new skills.  相似文献   

实验室建设是一项系统工程,涉及实验教学理念、体系、内容、方法和管理等多个方面.需要科学规划和精心实施.新建地方本科高校以提高学生的工程实践能力和创新意识为目标,以实验教学改革为核心.以实验室队伍建设为根本,构建新的实验教学体系,搭建工程实践平台,引入信息技术等现代技术改造传统的实验教学内容和实验技术方法.实践证明:学生自主学习能力、实践能力明显提高,创新成果丰富.  相似文献   

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