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chool arden f ng sh “M other”is the m ost brilliant w ord in the sun.But I think this also goes for the other w ord——“Father”. B oth our fathers and our m others love for us are the sam e and it can only be described with one w ord—— G R E A T. W e are used to our parents love so thatw e always consider it a m at- ter ofcourse.H owever,as Im advancing in age,I get to understand what the m aternal or paternal love is.In m y view ,Parents love for their chil- dren is like the sun th…  相似文献   

1.The most selfish one-letter word is "I".Avoid it.最自私的一个字母单词是“我”。避开它。 2.The most satisfying two-letter word is "We." Use it.最令人满意的二个字母单词是“我们”。使用它。 3.The most poisonous three-letter word is "Ego." Kill it.最  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意、首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.I w as i (激励)to work harderthan ever before.2.—H e is very g .—H e often buys things for other people.3.M y old friend w alked with m e to theb (尽头)of the road.4.H is father t (威胁)to beat theboy if he stole again.5.Peter’s father was very m ;henever gave Peter any new clothes.6.W e took s (掩蔽)from thestorm in a barn.7.H e v (估价)the ring at $80.8.This year p (预示)to beanother good one for harvests.9.H e told m e w i…  相似文献   

(A )M any a young person tells m e he wants to be a writer. I always en-courage such people, but I also explain that there s a big difference be-tween “being a w riter”and “writing”.In m ost cases these individuals aredream ing of wealth and fam e, not the long hours alone at a com puter.“Y ou ve gotto w ant to write,”I say to them ,“notwantto be a w riter.”The reality is thatwriting is a lonely,private and poor-paying affair.For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands m o…  相似文献   

.根据首字母和句意写出单词 分  Ⅰ 。(10 )1.In E ngland熏fish and chips is one of the m ost   p food.  2.M any foreigners think Chinese food t   delicious.3.H e w as very hungry熏so he w ent into a   r for dinner. 4.If you m ake a lot of noise熏you m ay   d others.  5.I dI was flying in the sky熏and   traveling all over the w orld.  6.O f all the subjects熏he likes to st…  相似文献   

①The most selfish one—letter word is“I”.Avoid it. 最自私的一个字母单词是“我”。避开它。②The most satisfying two—letter word is“we”.Use it. 最令人满意的两个字母单词是“我们”。使用它。③The most poisonous three—letter word is“ego”.Kill it 最有毒的三个字母单词是“自我”。除掉它。  相似文献   

赵晖 《初中生》2007,(5):57-57
最自私的一个字母的单词是“I(我)”,避开它。 最令人满意的两个字母的单词是“We(我们)”,使用它. 最有毒的三个字母的单词是“Ego(自我)”,除掉它。  相似文献   

Rain 迷天下     
His nam e is rathercom plicated:H e's know n by a variety ofnam es in differentcountries.Al-though his stage nam e is an English w ord,in Korea,he is know n as Bi(pronounced like theEnglish w ord be),w hich is the Korean w ord forrain.In Japan,his nam e i…  相似文献   

将下面每个句子前面所给的字母作为该句子起首单词的第一个母,再根据每句的意思,将单词补充完整,使句意正确。1.A halfan hour he woke m e up.2.B six yesterday afternoon he had finished the work.3.C you w ork outthe problem yourself?4.D he go to the cinem a yesterday?5.E is m uch lighter on the m oon than on the earth.6.F is quite a difficultlanguage for m e.7.G is m ore interesting than history.8.H m uch w ater is there in the cup?9.I took m e two hours to go there on foot.10.J is the firstm onth oft…  相似文献   

1.There is a bad w olf in the forest.O ne day he is eating a lam b.Suddenly abone(骨头)sticks in his throat(喉咙).2.“O h,a bone is in m y throat,”he goes to see a doctor,“Please helpm e.”The doctor,M r.Panda says,“Sorry,I can’t help you.The bone isinside.”3.“W hat can I do?”thewolf is sad.Then he m eets acrane(鹤).“O h,dear crane.Please help m e.A bone is inm y throat.I will pay for yourhelp.”4.“O K.Let m e have atry,”the crane says.Shepulls out the bone with herbill(脖子).…  相似文献   

I really like this sentence: T he choic- es you m ake and the w ay you live now w illdeterm ine w hat your future w illbe. I can learn a lot of things from this sentence. N ow everybody in our class is a student. B ut after 20 years, w hat w ill they be like? N obody know s. I read a story recently. It w as interesting. It is about som eone m any years ago. H e know s w hat his future w ill be like and he is very w orried about it. E very tim ew hen he begins to w ork, he w ould think about…  相似文献   

T his is a gam e I m ost vividly rem em ber froman afternoon in sum m er w hen I w as in junior highschool(初中).从那个夏天的下午开始,这游戏就成了我最深刻的记忆。那时我是个中学生。T he school yard w as alw ays open during thesum m er m onths as a place for play,and m y bestfriend and I w ould m eet up there to hot-shotaround the playground on our roller-skates and en-gage ourselves in the on-going handball tourna-m ents(比赛).每逢夏天那几个月,学校操场经常开着,我们能在那里玩,我和我一个最要好的…  相似文献   

Unit 6 Good manners填空Ⅰ.单项填空1.I guess it will notrain tom orrow,?A.willitB.w on'tit C.do I D.don't I2.The w ord is wrongly spelt;you've a letter.A.leftoutB.leftoff C.left behind D.left3.—W hy don'twe take a break?—Didn'twe justhave?A.it B.that C.one D.this4.H is glasses he was like a blind m an,fell to the ground andbroke.A.which B.from w hichC.with which D.withoutwhich5.H e has three sons.O ne is a worker,is a doctor,the is ateacher.A.another;other B.another;thirdC.other;thi…  相似文献   

(共150分)Ⅰ.根据下列句子及所给单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词的完全形式。(10分)1.H e has won m any a in paintingcom petitions for children.2.I had no c but to accept hisdem and.3.W e o all our achievem ents to thewise leadership of our Party.4.H ave you any c to m ake uponm y story芽5.I a to her for stepping on herfoot.6.H e is always finding f.That is tosay熏he is too strict w ith others.7.E verybody had the i that she w asa good m atch for the young m an.8.Can’t you m ake your little boy bhim…  相似文献   

Unit 211.(2005浙江)I couldn t .The line was busy. A .go by B .go around C.get in D .getthrough 2.(N M ET 1998)—C an I get you a cup oftea? — . A .Thats very nice ofyou B .W ith pleasure C.Y ou can,please D .Thank you for the tea 3.(2004湖北 )W hat surprised m e w as not w hat he said but he said it. A .the way B .in the way that C.in the way D .the way which 4.(1998上海) m ost students,she was always w ell prepared and never cam e to class late. A .Like B .A s C .For D .To 5.(200…  相似文献   

1.His FaultBilly:Mother,Bobby broke a window.M other:H ow did he do it?Billy:I threw a stone athim and he ducked.2.T he C areless D octorD octor:H ow are you now ,John,after your heartoperation?John:W ell,D octor,Im fine,butI seem to have two heartbeats.D octor:O h,dear,I w ondered where my wristwatch had gone.3.H ard W orkA bum approached a m an and asked for a dim e. The m an told himhe didn t have dim e but he d be glad to buy his breakfast.“M an,”the bum said,“Ive had three br…  相似文献   

用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空:1.H e w illbe a doctor when he(grow)up.2.W hen I saw her,she(wait)for the bus.3.It(rain)hard when he gothom e.4.W hen I w ent to the room,he(not,be)in.5.Please w rite to m e when you(reach)the school.6.(can)she sw im w hen she was five years old?7.It(be)5:30when schoolis over every day.8.W hen the lights are red,the traffic m ust(stop).9.H e asked m e another question before I could(answ er)the firsone.10.W ould you please call m e up if they(fly)to B eijing?…  相似文献   

A Joke     
W orking at the post office,Im used to dealing with a m oody public.So w hen one irate custom er storm ed m y desk,I responded in m y calm estvoice,“W hats the trouble?”“I w ent out this m orning,”she began,“and when I cam e hom e Ifound a card saying the m ailm an tried to deliver a package but no onewas hom e.M y husband was in allm orning.H e never heard a thing!”A fter apologizing,I gother parcel.“O h,good,”she gushed.“W e ve been w aiting for this for ages.”“W hat is it?”…  相似文献   

根据句意及所给的首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词,使句意完整、语法正确。U nit11.H e is an h boy,he can thave told such a lie.2.—W hatis he like?—H.3.H e is h for his pen everyw here.4.M y dictionary can t be s with you.I don t like som eone else touse it.5.The w hole country was in deep s at his death.6.Y ou re l,you know lies can tcover facts.7.H e is good atspeaking,he has m ade m any fam ous s.8.I stillrem em ber m y a on thatlonely island.9.Please take your n with you to take notes.10.The …  相似文献   

H i。 Everyone, m y nam e isTracy.I love sports very m uch, suchas sw im m ing, roller-skating, table tennis andbadm inton. But do you know w hat is m y favoritesport? Let m e tell you, it’s table tennis. Y ou m ust besurprised, “A girl’s favorite sport is table tennis? That’sstrange。” There’s no strange at all. I learned playing tabletennis from m y elder brother w hen I w as 10years old.I’m notvery good at it, but I still love to play it. W hen I am tired ofstudying at hom e, I …  相似文献   

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