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Cheung P  Toda-Peters K  Shen AQ 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(2):26501-2650112
In this paper, we present a simple procedure to incorporate commercially available external pressure transducers into existing microfluidic devices, to monitor pressure-drop in real-time, with minimal design modifications to pre-existing channel designs. We focus on the detailed fabrication steps and assembly to make the process straightforward and robust. The work presented here will benefit those interested in adding pressure drop measurements in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) based microchannels without having to modify existing channel designs or requiring additional fabrication steps. By using three different devices with varying aspect ratio channels (wh0, width/depth), we demonstrate that our approach can easily be adapted into existing channel designs inexpensively. Furthermore, our approach can achieve steady state measurements within a matter of minutes (depending on the fluid) and can easily be used to investigate dynamic pressure drops. In order to validate the accuracy of the measured pressure drops within the three different aspect ratio devices, we compared measured pressure drops of de-ionized water and a 50 wt. % glycerol aqueous solution to four different theoretical expressions. Due to the deformability of PDMS, measured pressure drops were smaller than those predicted by the rigid channel theories (plate and rectangular). Modification of the rigid channel theories with a deformability parameter α provided better fits to the measured data. The elastic rectangular expression developed in this paper does not have a geometric restriction and is better suited for microchannels with a wider range of aspect ratios.  相似文献   

A simple method for micromanipulation of liquids and∕or small groups of cells is presented in this study. Microfabricated sieving structures composed of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) were used to segregate aqueous solutions. This microfluidic valving scheme was an application of Cassie-Baxter wetting and was termed "virtual walls" as a nonsolid barrier exists at an air∕water interface. The manipulation of the virtual-air-wall valve was accomplished by controlling the strength of surface-tension and hydrostatic-pressure forces. Virtual walls with a range of feature sizes were designed and characterized by monitoring air and water displacement in response to hydrostatic pressure. Thresholds for the virtual-air-wall valves to be turned on or off were quantified. The walls could also be formed or dissipated by the focused microbeam of a pulsed laser. As an illustration of the virtual wall utility, a series of microfluidic applications were demonstrated. First, the capability of virtual walls to temporarily segregate liquids was integrated into a device utilized to establish a chemical gradient. In a second application, the arraying of nonadherent cells within individual aqueous cavities created by the virtual walls was demonstrated. Individual cells were also released from the cavities on demand using a focused microbeam. The virtual walls were simple and easy-to-fabricate without the requirement for surface treatment or precision alignment, and should find usage in bioanalytical applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a low-cost, power-free, and easy-to-use spotter system for fabrication of microarrays. The spotter system uses embedded dispensing microchannels combined with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane containing regular arrays of well-defined thru-holes to produce precise, uniform DNA or protein microarrays for disease diagnosis or drug screening. Powered by pre-evacuation of its PDMS substrate, the spotter system does not require any additional components or external equipment for its operation, which can potentially allow low-cost, high-quality microarray fabrication by minimally trained individuals. Polyvinylpyrrolidone was used to modify the PDMS surface to prevent protein adsorption by the microchannels. Experimental results indicate that the PDMS spotter shows excellent printing performance for immobilizing proteins. The measured coefficient of variation (CV) of the diameter of 48 spots was 2.63% and that of the intensity within one array was 2.87%. Concentration gradient experiments revealed the superiority of the immobilization density of the PDMS spotter over the conventional pin-printing method. Overall, this low-cost, power-free, and easy-to-use spotting system provides an attractive new method to fabricate microarrays.  相似文献   

Building on recent breakthroughs in the field of microfluidic-based capture of rare cancer cells circulating in the blood, the present article reports on the use of Herceptin functionalized PDMS devices designed to efficiently capture from blood cancer cells, overexpressing the tyrosine kinase human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2). The identification of patients overexpressing HER2 is critical as it typically associates with an aggressive disease course in breast cancer and poor prognosis. Importantly, HER2 positive patients have been found to significantly benefit from Herceptin (Trastuzumab), a humanized monoclonal antibody (MAb) against HER2. Disposable PDMS devices prepared using standard soft lithography were functionalized by the plasma polymerization of an epoxy-containing monomer. The epoxy-rich thin film (AGEpp) thus created could be conjugated with Herceptin either directly or through a polyethylene glycol interlayer. The properties and reactivity toward the monoclonal antibody conjugation of these coatings were determined using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; direct conjugation provided a good compromise in reactivity and resistance to biologically nonspecific fouling and was selected. Using the breast cancer cell line SK-BR-3 as a model for cells overexpressing HER2, the immunocapture efficacy of the Herceptin functionalized PDMS was demonstrated in model studies. Validation studies confirmed the ability of the device to efficiently capture (~80% capture yield) HER2 positive cells from full blood.  相似文献   

This paper presents a microfluidic device (poly-dimethylsiloxane micro channels bonded with glass slides) enabling culture of MLO-Y4 osteocyte like cells. In this study, on-chip collagen coating, cell seeding and culture, as well as staining were demonstrated in a tubing-free manner where gravity was used as the driving force for liquid transportation. MLO-Y4 cells were cultured in microfluidic channels with and without collagen coating where cellular images in a time sequence were taken and analyzed, confirming the positive effect of collagen coating on phenotype maintaining of MLO-Y4 cells. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen based proliferation assay was used to study cellular proliferation, revealing a higher proliferation rate of MLO-Y4 cells seeded in microfluidic channels without collagen coating compared to the substrates coated with collagen. Furthermore, the effects of channel dimensions (variations in width and height) on the viability of MLO-Y4 cells were explored based on the Calcein-AM and propidium iodide based live/dead assay and the Hoechst 33258 based apoptosis assay, locating the correlation between the decrease in channel width or height and the decrease in cell viability. As a platform technology, this microfluidic device may function as a new cell culture model enabling studies of osteocytes.  相似文献   

Improving methods for high-throughput combinatorial chemistry has emerged as a major area of research because of the importance of rapidly synthesizing large numbers of chemical compounds for drug discovery and other applications. In this investigation, a novel microfluidic chip for performing parallel combinatorial chemical synthesis was developed. Unlike past microfluidic systems designed for parallel combinatorial chemistry, the chip is a single-layer device made of poly(dimethylsiloxane) that is extremely easy and inexpensive to fabricate. Using the chip, a 2×2 combinatorial series of amide-formation reactions was performed. The results of this combinatorial synthesis indicate that the new device is an effective platform for running parallel organic syntheses at significantly higher throughput than with past methodologies. Additionally, a design algorithm for scaling up the 2×2 combinatorial synthesis chip to address more complex cases was developed.  相似文献   

Iliescu C  Taylor H  Avram M  Miao J  Franssila S 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):16505-1650516
This paper describes the main protocols that are used for fabricating microfluidic devices from glass and silicon. Methods for micropatterning glass and silicon are surveyed, and their limitations are discussed. Bonding methods that can be used for joining these materials are summarized and key process parameters are indicated. The paper also outlines techniques for forming electrical connections between microfluidic devices and external circuits. A framework is proposed for the synthesis of a complete glass/silicon device fabrication flow.  相似文献   

The emerging concept of thread-based microfluidics has shown great promise for application to inexpensive disease detection and environmental monitoring. To allow the creation of more sophisticated and functional thread-based sensor designs, the ability to better control and understand the flow of fluids in the devices is required. To meet this end, various mechanisms for controlling the flow of reagents and samples in thread-based microfluidic devices are investigated in this study. A study of fluid penetration in single threads and in twined threads provides greater practical understanding of fluid velocity and ultimate penetration for the design of devices. “Switches” which control when or where flow can occur, or allow the mixing of multiple fluids, have been successfully prototyped from multifilament threads, plastic films, and household adhesive. This advancement allows the fabrication of more functional sensory devices which can incorporate more complex detection chemistries, while maintaining low production cost and simplicity of construction.  相似文献   

A rapid, inexpensive method using alkoxysilanes has been developed to selectively coat the interior of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic channels with an integral silicaceous layer. This method combines the rapid prototyping capabilities of PDMS with the desirable wetting and electroosmotic properties of glass. The procedure can be carried out on the open faces of PDMS blocks prior to enclosure of the channels, or by flowing the reagents through the preformed channels. Therefore, this methodology allows for high-throughput processing of entire microfluidic devices or selective modification of specific areas of a device. Modification of PDMS with tetraethoxysilane generated a stable surface layer, with enhanced wettability and a more stable electroosmotic flow rate than native PDMS. Modification of PDMS with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane generated a surface layer bearing amine functionalities allowing for further chemical derivatization of the PDMS surface.  相似文献   

A versatile method to fabricate a multilayer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) device with micropillar arrays within the inner layer is reported. The method includes an inexpensive but repeatable approach for PDMS lamination at high compressive force to achieve high yield of pillar molding and transfer to a temporary carrier. The process also enables micropillar-containing thin films to be used as the inner layer of PDMS devices integrated with polymer membranes. A microfluidic cell culture device was demonstrated which included multiple vertically stacked flow channels and a pillar array serving as a cage for a collagen hydrogel. The functionality of the multilayer device was demonstrated by culturing collagen-embedded fibroblasts under interstitial flow through the three-dimensional scaffold. The fabrication methods described in this paper can find applications in a variety of devices, particularly for organ-on-chip applications.  相似文献   

Measurement and control of pressure-driven flow (PDF) has a great potential to enhance the performance of chemical and biological experiments in Lab on a Chip technology. In this paper, we present an optofluidic flow sensor for real-time measurement and control of PDF. The optofluidic flow sensor consists of an on-chip micro Venturi and two optical Fabry-Pérot (FP) interferometers. Flow rate was measured from the fringe shift of FP interferometers resulted from movement fluid in the on-chip micro Venturi. The experimental results show that the optofluidic flow sensor has a minimum detectable flow change of 5 nl/min that is suitable for real time monitoring and control of fluids in many chemical and biological experiments. A Finite Element Method is used to solve the three dimensional (3D) Navier–Stokes and continuity equations to validate the experimental results.  相似文献   

Deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) is a microfluidic size-based particle separation or filter technology with applications in cell separation and enrichment. Currently, there are no cost-effective manufacturing methods for this promising microfluidic technology. In this fabrication paper, however, we develop a simple, yet robust protocol for thermoplastic DLD devices using regulatory-approved materials and biocompatible methods. The final standalone device allowed for volumetric flow rates of 660 μl min−1 while reducing the manufacturing time to <1 h. Optical profilometry and image analysis were employed to assess manufacturing accuracy and precision; the average replicated post height was 0.48% less than the average post height on the master mold and the average replicated array pitch was 1.1% less than the original design with replicated posts heights of 62.1 ± 5.1 μm (mean ± 6 standard deviations) and replicated array pitches of 35.6 ± 0.31 μm.  相似文献   

The bubble-free and pulse-free fluid delivery is critical to reliable operation of microfluidic devices. In this study, we propose a new method for stable bubble-free and pulse-free fluid delivery in a microfluidic device. Gas bubbles are separated from liquid by using the density difference between liquid and gas in a closed cavity. The pulsatile flow caused by a peristaltic pump is stabilized via gas compressibility. To demonstrate the proposed method, a fluidic chamber which is composed of two needles for inlet and outlet, one needle for a pinch valve and a closed cavity is carefully designed. By manipulating the opening or closing of the pinch valve, fluids fill up the fluidic chamber or are delivered into a microfluidic device through the fluidic chamber in a bubble-free and pulse-free manner. The performance of the proposed method in bubble-free and pulse-free fluid delivery is quantitatively evaluated. The proposed method is then applied to monitor the temporal variations of fluidic flows of rat blood circulating within a complex fluidic network including a rat, a pinch valve, a reservoir, a peristaltic pump, and the microfluidic device. In addition, the deformability of red blood cells and platelet aggregation are quantitatively evaluated from the information on the temporal variations of blood flows in the microfluidic device. These experimental demonstrations confirm that the proposed method is a promising tool for stable, bubble-free, and pulse-free supply of fluids, including whole blood, into a microfluidic device. Furthermore, the proposed method will be used to quantify the biophysical properties of blood circulating within an extracorporeal bypass loop of animal models.  相似文献   

We report the successful fabrication and testing of 3D printed microfluidic devices with integrated membrane-based valves. Fabrication is performed with a low-cost commercially available stereolithographic 3D printer. Horizontal microfluidic channels with designed rectangular cross sectional dimensions as small as 350 μm wide and 250 μm tall are printed with 100% yield, as are cylindrical vertical microfluidic channels with 350 μm designed (210 μm actual) diameters. Based on our previous work [Rogers et al., Anal. Chem. 83, 6418 (2011)], we use a custom resin formulation tailored for low non-specific protein adsorption. Valves are fabricated with a membrane consisting of a single build layer. The fluid pressure required to open a closed valve is the same as the control pressure holding the valve closed. 3D printed valves are successfully demonstrated for up to 800 actuations.  相似文献   

Biomicrofluidics is an emerging field at the cross roads of microfluidics and life sciences which requires intensive research efforts in terms of introducing appropriate designs, production techniques, and analysis. The ultimate goal is to deliver innovative and cost-effective microfluidic devices to biotech, biomedical, and pharmaceutical industries. Therefore, creating an in-depth understanding of the transport phenomena of cells and biomolecules becomes vital and concurrently poses significant challenges. The present article outlines the recent advancements in diffusion phenomena of cells and biomolecules by highlighting transport principles from an engineering perspective, cell responses in microfluidic devices with emphases on diffusion- and flow-based microfluidic gradient platforms, macroscopic and microscopic approaches for investigating the diffusion phenomena of biomolecules, microfluidic platforms for the delivery of these molecules, as well as the state of the art in biological applications of mammalian cell responses and diffusion of biomolecules.  相似文献   

This paper presents a microfluidic device enabling culture of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) where extracellular matrix coating, VSMC seeding, culture, and immunostaining are demonstrated in a tubing-free manner. By optimizing droplet volume differences between inlets and outlets of micro channels, VSMCs were evenly seeded into microfluidic devices. Furthermore, the effects of extracellular matrix (e.g., collagen, poly-l-Lysine (PLL), and fibronectin) on VSMC proliferation and phenotype expression were explored. As a platform technology, this microfluidic device may function as a new VSMC culture model enabling VSMC studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a microfluidic device capable of generating nitric oxide (NO) gradients for cell culture using spatially controlled chemical reactions. NO plays an essential role in various biological activities, including nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems. The device developed in this paper can control NO gradients without utilizing expensive and hazardous high purity NO gas sources or direct addition of NO donors. Consequently, the device provides an efficient, cost-effective, robust, and stable platform to generate NO gradients for cell culture studies. In the experiments, NO gradients are first characterized using a NO-sensitive fluorescence dye, and cell experiments using aortic smooth muscle cells are conducted. The results demonstrate that the device can alter the intracellular NO concentrations and further affect the Ca2+ concentration oscillation for the cells. The device developed in this paper provides a powerful platform for researchers better study the biological roles of NO and its spatial distribution using in vitro cell models with minimal instrumentation.  相似文献   

In this study, we show the importance of extensional rheology, in addition to the shear rheology, in the choice of blood analog solutions intended to be used in vitro for mimicking the microcirculatory system. For this purpose, we compare the flow of a Newtonian fluid and two well-established viscoelastic blood analog polymer solutions through microfluidic channels containing both hyperbolic and abrupt contractions∕expansions. The hyperbolic shape was selected in order to impose a nearly constant strain rate at the centerline of the microchannels and achieve a quasihomogeneous and strong extensional flow often found in features of the human microcirculatory system such as stenoses. The two blood analog fluids used are aqueous solutions of a polyacrylamide (125 ppm w∕w) and of a xanthan gum (500 ppm w∕w), which were characterized rheologically in steady-shear flow using a rotational rheometer and in extension using a capillary breakup extensional rheometer (CaBER). Both blood analogs exhibit a shear-thinning behavior similar to that of whole human blood, but their relaxation times, obtained from CaBER experiments, are substantially different (by one order of magnitude). Visualizations of the flow patterns using streak photography, measurements of the velocity field using microparticle image velocimetry, and pressure-drop measurements were carried out experimentally for a wide range of flow rates. The experimental results were also compared with the numerical simulations of the flow of a Newtonian fluid and a generalized Newtonian fluid with shear-thinning behavior. Our results show that the flow patterns of the two blood analog solutions are considerably different, despite their similar shear rheology. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the elastic properties of the fluid have a major impact on the flow characteristics, with the polyacrylamide solution exhibiting a much stronger elastic character. As such, these properties must be taken into account in the choice or development of analog fluids that are adequate to replicate blood behavior at the microscale.  相似文献   

Blood cell sorting is critical to sample preparation for both clinical diagnosis and therapeutic research. The spiral inertial microfluidic devices can achieve label-free, continuous separation of cell mixtures with high throughput and efficiency. The devices utilize hydrodynamic forces acting on cells within laminar flow, coupled with rotational Dean drag due to curvilinear microchannel geometry. Here, we report on optimized Archimedean spiral devices to achieve cell separation in less than 8 cm of downstream focusing length. These improved devices are small in size (<1 in.2), exhibit high separation efficiency (∼95%), and high throughput with rates up to 1 × 106 cells per minute. These device concepts offer a path towards possible development of a lab-on-chip for point-of-care blood analysis with high efficiency, low cost, and reduced analysis time.  相似文献   

Racetubes, a conventional system employing hollow glass tubes, are typically used for monitoring circadian rhythms from the model filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa. However, a major technical limitation in using a conventional system is that racetubes are not amenable for real-time gas perturbations. In this work, we demonstrate a simple microfluidic device combined with real-time gas perturbations for monitoring circadian rhythms in Neurospora crassa using bioluminescence assays. The developed platform is a useful toolbox for investigating molecular responses under various gas conditions for Neurospora and can also be applied to other microorganisms.  相似文献   

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