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中外高校学生工作在人才培养中都发挥着重要作用。国外高校学生事务工作的理论与实践具有专业化、规范化、制度化的特点。通过对中外高校学生工作的工作目标、工作模式、工作方法几个方面的历史演进过程进行梳理和比较分析,有助于丰富我国高校学生工作的理论与实践。  相似文献   

CAS专业标准是美国高校学生事务各功能领域工作及专业人员准备教育的专业准则。CAS专业标准20多年的发展路径标志着美国高校学生事务领域对评估的理解不断深入;全人教育正式从理论走向实践,CAS专业标准的发展也是高校学术事务与学生事务不断融合的桥梁。同时,CAS专业标准的未来发展也面临挑战。  相似文献   

在全人教育工作理念下,香港高校学生事务工作的目标与理想是为了促进学生的全人发展,一切工作都是为学生的全人发展提供各种服务,并由此形成了独特而完善的高校学生事务工作组织体系。这对大陆高校学生事务工作提供了一些启示,特别在全人发展的育人理念、学生主体作用的发挥、完善开放的育人网络方面值得思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

浅谈基于学生发展的高校学生事务网络工作平台的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随网络信息化的普及,构建大学生事务网络工作平台促进学生发展是高校学生工作深入开展的必然要求。为了构建科学高效的基于学生发展的高校学生事务网络工作平台,我们必须全面认识现有工作平台的不足,从价值目标定位、科学需求评估、技术手段完善、主体性增强、保障体系提供等几个方面采取措施。  相似文献   

当前,高校学生思想政治教育工作中存在着一些问题,表现为工作内容庞杂、事务化倾向明显、价值目标定位不清。要加强和改进高校学生思想政治教育工作,就必须充分发挥社会主义核心价值体系的引领作用:社会主义核心价值体系为高校学生思想政治教育提供理论指导、实践方法和价值目标,同时提出了规范要求:突出鲜明的政治性、时代性和社会主义道德性。  相似文献   

SLI理念倡导形成以学习为导向的学生事务部门,学生事务管理应突破传统的服务和管理职能,转向以促进学生学习和个人发展为目标。我国高校学生工作存在重管理和规训、轻服务和指导,对学生主体性尊重不够,忽视与学术事务的合作及学生事务自身的教育功能等。SLI理念对于发展和完善我国高校学生工作有重要启示。  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治工作的对象是在校大学生,包括教育、管理、服务等内容,服务育人是高校学生思想政治工作的重要组成部分,贯穿整个学生思想政治教育的过程。通过比较借鉴国外高校学生事务中心模式,探索学生思想政治工作新途径,从服务育人的内涵出发,以组织结构、流程与制度等角度为突破口,贯彻“服务育人、以学生为本”的教育理念。  相似文献   

“以生为本”是关国高校学生事务工作的核心理念并体现在学生事务管理目标、组织架构以及各项具体工作中。在强调遵纪守法的前提下,美国高校倡导“自由”“民主”“平等”和学生主体作用的发挥。美国高校学生事务工作“全人发展”的服务特色,对丰富我国高等院校学生服务内涵、形成具有中国特色的高职教育学生服务体系有着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

基于对高校学生事务服务与学生工作概念的分析,通过对国内外高校学生事务服务的理念、组织结构、工作模式、服务内容、服务者队伍建设等方面的比较与研究,为改革创新我国高校学生事务服务工作提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

建设具有科学性、先进性、实践性、可重复性和指导性的学生事务专业标准体系,是我国高校学生事务管理专业化发展的内在要求。学生事务专业标准体系由其基础标准指导下的学生事务管理者标准和管理标准所构成,具有评价、引领、教育和控制的功能。因此,应明确我国学校学生事务专业标准体系的原则与总体思路,从学生事务管理标准与管理者专业标准两个子系统逐步完善专业标准体系。  相似文献   

21世纪是生态学的世纪,国外教育界的许多研究者都提出从生态学的角度来重新思考教育问题。研究者们运用生态学的基本原理对教育系统内部的各子系统进行研究的过程中提出了课堂生态观。本文针对近几年大学英语多媒体课堂下的僵化现象,运用教育生态学的原理,从教学环境、教学模式及教学监控等方面来思考大学英语多媒体课堂。  相似文献   

课堂教学质量评价体系是由评价指标体系、评价实施系统、评价数据收集与处理系统、评价结果信息发布与反馈系统以及质量决策系统等五个子系统组成的复杂系统。华南理工大学对原有课堂教学质量评价体系进行了比较全面、系统的优化,即评价指标多样化、评价主体多元化、评价手段网络化、信息反馈双向化和评价结果处理科学化,并在实践过程中取得了良好的成效。  相似文献   

教育政策评估与教育政策问题认定,教育政策决定,教育政策执行构成完整的教育政策过程,教育政策评估在我国还处于初创阶段,存在着诸多问题。实事求是,恰如其分地分析问题,有针对性地提出相应的措施,有助于推动教育政策评估工作的顺利开展,提高我国教育政策评估工作的水平,促进决策的民主化和科学化,最终的构建起既符号国际通行原则,又符合中国国情的教育政策评估体系。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the lessons for programme design and management that were distilled from a recent evaluation of the Worldwide Fund for Nature's (WWF) global educational programmes. The aim of the evaluation was to clarify and document the contribution that education is making to the achievement of the conservation goals of the organisation. Aspects of the findings of the evaluation are presented but these are not the focus of the article. Rather, the emphasis is on the generalisations that can be drawn from an analysis of the evaluation process and the lessons to be learnt from the findings. This emphasis affords this article a degree of currency and utility that goes beyond its immediate value to WWF and may provide ideas and, in places, a vocabulary for thinking about planning and evaluating environmental education programmes, especially within conservation groups and resource management agencies.  相似文献   

A new framework for consciousness is introduced based upon traditional artificial neural network models. This framework reflects explicit connections between two parts of the brain: one global working memory and distributed modular cerebral networks relating to specific brain functions. Accordingly this framework is composed of three layers,physical mnemonic layer and abstract thinking layer,which cooperate together through a recognition layer to accomplish information storage and cognition using algorithms of how these interactions contribute to consciousness:(1)the reception process whereby cerebral subsystems group distributed signals into coherent object patterns;(2)the partial recognition process whereby patterns from particular subsystems are compared or stored as knowledge; and(3)the resonant learning process whereby global workspace stably adjusts its structure to adapt to patterns' changes. Using this framework,various sorts of human actions can be explained,leading to a general approach for analyzing brain functions.  相似文献   

Summary This paper has described a new conceptual model of instructional management that has found utility in the analysis and design of the instructional components in educational systems of varying complexity. In the opinion of the authors, it is likely that a revolution in the quality of education will not come from the availability of new media, the introduction of any specific devices like the computer or teaching machine, the introduction of improved evaluation methods, the specification of behavior objectives, or the development of effective motivational subsystems, although all of these will, in their way, contribute. Instead, a radical change in the quality of American education will come from the increased application of the growing body of knowledge about the form, purpose, and processes involved in instructional decision making.  相似文献   

现代教育技术的发展推动了教育资源的数字化进程。我国的数字教育资源建设已经进入快速发展期,有必要对其可用性进行综合分析与评价,以更有效地发挥数字教育资源的作用。根据数字教育资源的信息化特征,结合信息生命周期理论,对数字教育资源的长期可用性内涵进行了探索,分析了影响数字教育资源长期可用性的因素,并从多角度对提高数字教育资源长期可用性的方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

In large-scale educational reforms, many actors play their roles. The diversity of contributions and lack of harmonization prove to be frequently found to cause educational reform failures. Many explanations for these failures focus on differences between the actors and on differences in their contributions to the reform process. In this article, we examine the effects of these differences and emphasize on the need to harmonize these contributions to the reform process. Contributions by several actors to a large-scale curriculum reform undertaken in the Netherlands in the 1990s are mapped for this purpose. This curriculum reform is part of a larger educational reform aimed to introduce a constructivist approach. Education is conceptualised as a social system, and educational reform as the manner in which this social system adapts to immanent and emmanent changes. The actors in the education system are distributed across functional subsystems. In the present analyses, teacher acting within a particular subsystem stands central. The results show adequate exchange and harmonization of the contributions from the different subsystems to be a necessary condition for successful educational reform. To achieve a good exchange and harmonization, the use of an Educational Impact Assessment is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper will consider ways to study educational reform efforts in order to allow policy-making to be developed on a relatively sound basis. At present, educational policy-making often derives from a pastiche of available anecdotes, research-based “good” ideas, and previous administrative guidelines. Educational evaluation efforts should not be used merely to identify and label programs as either “successes” or “failures” at a global level, but rather to permit the analyses of elements or components of programs which seem to be making positive contributions to a common sense perception of program success. A comprehensive, developmental sequence for such evaluation will be described.  相似文献   

借鉴国际教育指标设计思路,结合教育强省的过程内涵说,教育强省的内容框架或主要维度应该包括教育的背景条件、资源输入、过程组织和结果产出四个方面,与此对应,教育强省指标体系应包括教育背景、教育投入、教育过程和教育产出四个一级指标、十六个二级指标和四十八个三级指标。  相似文献   

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