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握手逸闻 调查者估计英国女乇已经握过近50万只手。相比之下.在一个人一生中,普通男性一般平均和670个人握手,普通女性平均304个。握手这个习俗据说是由沃尔特·雷利爵士于16世纪引入英国宫廷的。  相似文献   

我早上一般都要到本地的一家便利商店买日报。不久前的一天早晨,那家便利店因为两个小男孩在收款处的耽搁而变得不便利了。当我来到收款台前付报纸钱的时候,我注意到那两个小男孩正站在队伍的最前头。而他们身后,队伍正在变得越来越长。  相似文献   

The phenomenological concept of ontological change, or change in self‐understanding, is used to structure an analysis of the experiential impact of a college‐based, intergenerational service‐learning project. The semester‐long project aimed to create interpersonal, intergenerational situations in which students (N = 12) could experience for themselves the lack of fit between their inherited assumptions regarding aging and the actual meaning of aging as experienced by elders. Content analysis of students’ journals indicated that students experienced four temporally distinct types of experiences during the project. Students entered the project with an understanding as to how they should interact with their companions based on inherited assumptions regarding aging and the elderly (anticipation experiences). In the presence of their companions, however, the students’ assumptions were revealed as inappropriate and incapable of adequately guiding them in their interactions (personal‐conflict experiences). To alleviate the awkwardness experienced in the field, students had to reevaluate their understanding of themselves and their role in their intergenerational relationship and identify changes they could make to improve their intergenerational relationships (reevaluation experiences). Ten of 12 students reported effecting positive changes in their relationships after redefining their role vis‐à‐vis their companions (transposition experiences). Phenomenological theory provides (a) insight into the type of intergenerational relationships conducive to combating ageism and (b) a framework (journal content analysis) for assessing the experiential impact of program participation.  相似文献   

软件的修改管理问题是信息系统开发中的一个重要问题,该问题也是软件工业中所面临的十分重要的挑战。因此,现代的软件修改管理工具,或着称为配置控制工具,必须能对影响软件开发中的各种修改进行有效的管理。本文就此问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

影响人数、影响途径对大学生道德信念改变的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以30名大学生为被试,分为6组,分别通过4种途径进行道德信念的观念攻击实验,研究大学生道德信念受到观念攻击时的变化情况和特点.实验结果表明,当主体受到6人以上攻击时,73.4%大学生倾向于修改或放弃原来的道德信念,对于虚假的攻击信息,23.3%的被试作出真实性质疑,40%的被试作出合理性质疑,30%的被试能够利用事实、数据和名言策略防御道德信念受到的攻击.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Leonard Waks contributes to a reconceptualization of "fundamental educational change." By distinguishing sharply between educational change at the organizational and the institutional levels, Waks shows that the mechanisms of change at these two levels are entirely different. He then establishes, by means of a conceptual argument, that fundamental educational change takes place not at the organizational, but rather at the institutional level. Along the way Waks takes Larry Cuban's influential conceptual framework regarding educational change as both a starting point and target of appraisal.  相似文献   

Strengthening educational programs requires a coordinated set of supporting activities. This article describes the infrastructure of the Educational Centre for Aging and Health of McMaster University (ECAH). This center seeks through professional education to enhance the quality of life and self‐determination of older persons, by increasing the number of skilled health professionals to care for aging individuals and by developing educational models concerning aging and health. We describe the clinical settings, technical and developmental support, and a system of data collection that provides feedback about health needs and the establishment of educational priorities. This center is attempting to meet the challenge of changing community needs for education for aging and health. Because of ECAH, aging and health has become more salient within this university. This article illustrates an infrastructure that other institutions can adapt to their own purposes in order to enhance gerontology and health education.  相似文献   

19世纪末的“小说界革命”将小说观念作了极大推进,但仍属中国小说现代化的量变阶段。不过这量变已非常激烈。直到五四学革命,中国小说才从思想到形式,具体作品到语言、小说理论观念等方面全面地实现质的改变。  相似文献   

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