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This movie is based on actual events. Firstly, this paper gives a brief introduction of movie, and then uses the method of comparison and takes examples to analyze the linguistic and behavioral development of Katie. Finally, we can make a conclusion that Katie can acquire language if Sandra et al keep helping her.  相似文献   

Conversation analysis(CA)mainly studies the interpersonal communication in two or more than two people of a dialogue.Conversation analysis is a very useful analysis framework about actual discourse.This paper chooses an excerpt of To Kill a Mockingbird to analysis the relationships and characters among the people.  相似文献   

To Kill A Mockingbird,a best-selling novel written by a woman writer named Harper Lee,is set in the American life during the depression,describing the life in a small town in southern America through the visual angle of two children.And this thesis will mainly analyze the symbolic meaning of the mockingbird mentioned in it.  相似文献   

《枪打反舌鸟》是美国女作家哈珀·李的成名作和代表作,以作者的童年生活记忆为基础创作而成.该小说的成功奠定了哈珀·李在美国文坛的重要地位.《枪打反舌鸟》在世界范围内畅销,影响了几代人,拥有多重主题是该小说成功的关键因素之一.在文本细读的基础上从勇气、仁爱、天真、正义与邪恶、家庭教育与成长等五个方面对《枪打反舌鸟》进行多维解读,旨在帮助读者更好地理解这部作品.  相似文献   

<百舌鸟之死>是美国南方女作家哈帕·李唯一的一部小说.作品继承和发扬了美国南方文学传统,揭示了种族关系的母题.同时作者也承继了哥特文学的传统,塑造了深入人心且极具代表性的哥特人物形象,如暴君父亲鲍勃·埃维尔,"怪物"布·拉德雷和不幸少女梅耶拉·埃维尔;选取了典型的哥特背景,借助现实与超自然因素的结合,在恐怖荒诞的情景和...  相似文献   

阐述哈珀·李的作品《杀死一只反舌鸟》是一部描写孩子成长的小说,充分表达了作者对孩子成长问题的关心。分析小说中的父亲,作为主人公成长的引路人,可分为"反面的""缺失的""正面的"三种类型,这为读者呈现了在别样父亲引导下孩子的别样成长历程,展示了小说的成长主题,诠释了作者对孩子健康快乐成长的期待和忧思。  相似文献   

美国著名女性小说家哈珀.李因其唯一的一部长篇小说《杀死一只知更鸟》而闻名于世,这部小说自出版以来便深受国内外读者的喜爱。该小说运用第一人称叙述手法,从小女孩斯各特的视角出发,讲述了发生在二十世纪三十年代美国南方小镇上的一桩冤案。本文通过研究小说中的儿童视角,试图证明这种独特的叙事手法正是作者匠心独运的表达方式,也是小说打动人心的重要原因之一,从而帮助读者更好地理解作者的良苦用心。  相似文献   

In the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird,the theme of family education in America has been discussed through the whole story.This paper will compare the differences of family education between Americans and Chinese based on this novel and analyze the reasons and the influences as well.The conclusion is that there is no better or worse family education model,in fact,the key is to find out the most suitable model for the benefit of children according to their different situations.  相似文献   

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