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人文精神教育是一切教育、教学活动的内在本质,是素质教育的灵魂。作为中学素质教育的主要载体,中学人文课程无疑应以人文精神教育为目的。真正的人文精神教育是以科学知识为基础,在掌握事物规律之后,方能求得有序、和谐、正义和美。由于科学知识的思维前提是人与世界的二分,所以进行人文精神教育需从两个方面着手:一方面确立"人"的观念,引导学生认识自我、完善自我,另一方面形成"人的世界"的意识,引导学生正确认识和善处外部世界。  相似文献   

Educational programs are seen as a vehicle for improving the educational experiences and life outcomes for youthful offenders. In 1998 North Carolina started the Workplace and Community Transition Youth Offender Program (YOP). The program offers youth post-secondary educational courses. Our study examines 2007–2009 data from YOP youth participating in the program. Using students’ voices our study shows that YOP not only decreases recidivism drastically, but has a personal impact in the youth participants’ lives. YOP provides a space of change that is not prison or a traditional college. The hybrid figured world provides an opportunity for African American male youth to re/author themselves creating new hybrid identities. The youth author themselves as students versus inmates. These new identities and educational competencies have potentially long term benefits for youth offenders and for communities.  相似文献   

School functionaries, including principals, often argue that, given the limited resources available to them, schools are obliged to choose between an academic-instrumental orientation and a social-cultural-expressive one. Trying to attend to these two orientations simultaneously, they conclude, would cause failure in both. It is safer, therefore, to stick to only one of them. In most cases, the academic orientation prevails, in line with the social expectations prevalent in the achievement spirit characteristic of the Western world. The validity of this argument is the focus of analysis in this essay. Conceptual arguments, as well as empirical evidence, are provided to disprove such reasoning, as contaminated by the “fallacy of bifurcation” and as falsely depicting reality. Dealing only with academics obstructs tapping the personal human resources (competencies, capabilities, motivations, etc.) of the entire student population. Numerous students feel “out,” not belonging to the culture of the school; consequently, many dissociate themselves from school goals and norms, and school effectiveness is inhibited. The conclusions of this analysis are important for any school management. They are, however, vital for minority-populated and for multiethnic or multicultural ones.  相似文献   

结合国内外高校公共物理课程教学改革的研究现状及学生的能力素质,本文提出了适合学生发展和课程教学的大学物理课程教学改革措施及运行机制,通过改革措施,提高学生对学习公共物理重要性的认识及学习公共物理的兴趣,更好地培养学生自主学习和独立思考的能力,提高理工科各专业学生的科学素养和分析、解决问题的能力,建立科学的世界观,培养学生的探索精神和创新意识。  相似文献   

人文精神教育是人文教育的重要组成部分,是人文教育的核心;进行人文精神教育最根本的任务是完善学生道德,使学生形成正确的世界现、人生观、价值观和学会做人、做事,从而形成学生的人文信仰,唤醒学生的生命感和价值感,并进一步形成强大的工作能力和妥善处理与外界关系的能力,促进学生全面发展.  相似文献   

语文教学如果一味地强调形象、直观,将会遗失一些对学生多种思维和能力培养的机会,因此,必须加强形象化教学手段与思维训练、语言训练、创新精神和实践能力培养的结合.语言教学要有利于学生学会运用注意力、观察力、记忆力、想象力和思维能力来学习,有利于培养学生的主体意识、批判精神和独立思考的学习品质,有利于培养学生对新知识、新思想、新方法的强烈的好奇心和主动探索的精神.  相似文献   

在教学活动中应引导学生大胆想象,主动发现新问题,解决新问题,鼓励学生刻苦钻研,不怕困难,不断总结自己的成与败,逐步养成科学态度以及科学精神,从而培养学生的创新精神。  相似文献   

Current mathematics education reforms devoted to reasoning and proof highlight its importance in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. In order to provide students with opportunities to experience and understand proof, mathematics teachers must have a solid understanding of proofs themselves. In light of this challenge, a growing number of researchers around the world have started to investigate mathematics teachers’ conceptions of proof; however, much more needs to be done. Drawing on lessons learned from research and curricular recommendations from around the world, the main purpose of this paper is to review the literature on elementary and secondary mathematics teachers’ conceptions of proof and discuss international implications.  相似文献   

培养21世纪的信息技术人才和造就具有"创新精神和实践能力"的建设者,是当代教育的神圣使命.要完成这一使命,教师首先必须改革传统的教育观,要让学生从传统的被动接受知识的模式中解放出来,不做知识的奴隶,而是成为主动学习、积极摄取,能驾驭自身学习活动的主人.基于"信息技术学科应该以任务驱动的方式,采取重自主、重环境、重实践、重创新为特点的教学模式进行教学"的认识,我们以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为目标,开展了"培养创新理念,鼓励大胆探索"的创新教育尝试.本文就:创新教育需要创设孕育创新精神的教学环境和人文环境;创新教育需要以具有创新观念和重实践运用的教学方法体系和教学模式来保障;创新教育需要以充分的实践作基础并通过实践实现创新等方面的问题,浅谈开展创新教育的做法和体会.  相似文献   

研究与解决大学生犯罪问题,是各界人士的共同任务。问题的解决对于全社会的稳定,国家与民族的发展以及大学生自身的成长都有着重要的意义。本文通过对新时期大学生犯罪现状进行阐述,从实际出发,从而进一步提出新时期中国大学生犯罪预防的相关对策,以便对我国大学生犯罪预防能够有所帮助,完善我国的犯罪预防体系。  相似文献   

吉林大学数控线切割工程训练课推进素质教育的实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
工程实践训练在培养具有创新精神及较强实践能力的优秀人才方面有着不可替代的作用。对此,吉林大学在数控线切割工程训练课中进行了一些探索并获得了初步成果。其做法是:有意识地将当前科技发展日益成熟的新技术进行优化并整合;选拔优秀的工程技术人员作指导教师;要求学生独立、全方位、多侧面地思考问题,并以此为依据改革考核评价体系,对学生的评价注重其在学习过程中表现出的综合能力。  相似文献   

随着时代的更替,“五四”精神被赋予新的内容和形式,已经深深印刻在中华民族的精神谱系中,生生不息。在新时代条件下,要弘扬“五四”精神,离不开有理想、有责任的青年学生,他们将弘扬爱国主义精神、彰显爱国情怀、努力学习先进理论、坚定理想信念与时代同发展,不断开拓创新、注重实践和奉献,做到知行合一,使“五四”精神在新时代焕发出新的生机与活力。  相似文献   

企业文化是一种新的企业管理理论与方法。基于"企业即人"这一理念,企业文化的一些主要特质能够对当代大学生的教育产生重要启示,如用正确的企业价值观引导大学生树立正确的人生观,以企业经营战略目标引导大学生确定正确的人生目标,以企业道德培养大学生规范自律意识,以企业形象引导大学生形象塑造,以企业创新文化培养大学生自主创新精神等。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》中指出:通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,使学生能获得适应未来社会生活和进一步发展所必须的重要教学知识;学会运用数学的思维方式去观察分析现实社会;体会数学与自然及人类社会的密切联系。同时要求学生具有初步的创新精神和实践能力。这是新大纲和课程标准的新提法。如何对学生进行创新思维能力的培养,结合长期的数学教学尝试,以四个方面提出一些体会。  相似文献   

民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支柱。当代大学生必须弘扬“民魂”精神 ,增强民族凝聚意识、民族使命感、责任感 ,“励精图治”勇于创新 ,才能以高昂的士气、饱满的政治热情 ,投身于伟大的社会主义建设事业之中 ,才能不断地推动我们中华民族走向现代化 ,才能让中国永远自立于世界民族之林 ,为人类的进步不断做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

提高大学生党员的党性修养,关系着国家的未来、民族的希望。当代大学生党员在党性修养方面存在的问题,是社会政治、经济、文化变迁的折射,也是高校党务教育工作与当前大学生党员教育需求存在一定差距。在全球化、信息化时代,要尊重大学生党员个性与时代特色,创新教育手段,用共产党员的核心价值理念和知识体系来引导大学生党员的理想信念由“无序”向“有序”发展、由“盲目”向“成熟”转向。  相似文献   

韦合 《教育教学论坛》2013,(25):204-206
本文试图在对大学语文课程体系内容进行分析整合、对课堂教学内容及形式进行探讨研究,寻找到一套行之有效的高职语文教学模式,从而提高语文教学的有效性,增强学生的人文素质,在与专业课程的结合中,凸现专业精神,最终使学生展现出良好的职业素养和岗位适应能力。  相似文献   

对话是平等者之间一种共生的交往关系。从对话的视角看,学生的学习就是学生不断与客观世界对话,获得知识,建构客观世界意义的活动;是学生与他人对话,构建自己的社会关系的活动;也是学生与自我对话,探索与塑造自我的活动。这三种对话是学习活动的三个维度,而不是孤立的三种类型。在当前的学校教育环境中,这三种对话还受到很大限制。学校要改变这种局面,构建三位一体的对话学习活动,建立学习共同体是个很好的选择。  相似文献   

Despite an increase in higher education uptake in the UK, participation rates for working class students remain low. When working-class students attend university, they are often attracted to lower status universities to enrol in new subject areas, such as media studies. This study uses Bourdieu’s theory of stratification, and its reproduction via cultural and educational capital, to examine the experiences of a group of 55 media students using qualitative methods. The study finds that working class students often struggle to find their way to university, while middle-class ones may arrive through much easier routes. Working-class students are often circumscribed in their mobility by financial factors or caring roles. The students’ experiences of seminars can be alienating and difficult as the teaching may draw on implicit middle-class cultural capital with particular modes of address and verbal dexterity. The partnership model of teaching assumes a normative construction of a specific mode of studenthood and students may find themselves marginalised if they are not able to engage with this; the concept of independent learning may serve to aggravate this marginalisation. The students often receive strong support from families, particularly mothers, but may also experience distanciation between themselves and their friends from home. Middle-class students are able to project an assured career trajectory; working-class students are often ambitious but do not have access to the privileged cultural and social capital to realise their goals as effectively. Despite the relatively large numbers of students from working-class backgrounds, the institutional habitus of the university remains alien to some of its students.  相似文献   

新形势下,职业学校语文教师必须与时俱进,语文教学不能只重视知识的传授,更要注重人文精神的培养,注重能力的培养,注重学生的主体作用。  相似文献   

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