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Elspeth McCartney, Department of Speech and Language Therapy at the University of Strathclyde, reviews recent legislation and Government plans for the provision of speech and language therapy services for children with special educational needs and discusses issues which might be considered in a proposed DfEE 'scoping study'.  相似文献   

由公共资源支持的教育服务,生产和提供分开是效率的前提.在市场交易组织生产和政府直接生产这两种制度安排之间存在一个连续制度安排的谱系.制度安排的多样性是给定资源条件下效率的必然要求,也是解决合意数量资源流入的必然要求.传统的公立学校系统模式不能解决合意数量资源的流入和资源使用的效率问题.教育服务的国家垄断需要打破.我们需要一个具备演化特征的教育服务提供-生产制度结构,它是数量、效率、回应性和公平的可靠解决办法.  相似文献   

Anne Jones (of the Froebel Institute College, Roehampton Institute of Higher Education) and David Johnson (Head of the Department of Neuropsychology, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh) consider some of the problems experienced by children with head-injury on their return to school. Although education is an integral part of rehabilitation, the organisation of services and the provision of accurate information, training and communication between different agencies were all found to be inadequate. Given the high incidence of head-injury, urgent attention to these problems is essential.  相似文献   

关于教育经济与管理学科设置的几点不同看法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文运用现代科学学所揭示的学科发展原理 ,对教育经济与管理作为一门学科的合理性提出了质疑 ,并对其设置以来在实际操作中所产生的问题作了扼要分析 ,从而为国家新一轮的学科目录修订提供了不同的理论研究思维  相似文献   

The Alexandria Virginia Office of the Sheriff and the Alexandria Virginia Public School Board participated for two years in a state funded grant which focused on the delivery of special education services and regular compulsory education services to juveniles and young adults through the age of 21 years who were committed to the Alexandra Adult Detention Center. Provision of special education services to eligible individuals in jails is a unique concept and rarely provided given the transient, short-term nature of the population and other demands of the setting. The program model of team teaching supported full time inclusion of special education students with the general and compulsory education programs in the jail.  相似文献   

既然我们承认教育是一种产业 ,那么 ,我们就可以把市场和产业管理的运行机制引入到教育中。然而 ,教育又是一种特殊的产业 ,因此对教育的经营不能像其它产业一样 ,完全市场化。那么 ,教育的经营有哪些特殊性呢 ?1 教育经营的目标是非营利性的。教育是培养人的活动 ,教育的最终目标是育人而非营利。教育作为“育人”活动 ,必须遵循人的身心发展规律 ,它有其特有的、不同于经济活动的规律。但是 ,教育过程中同样存在投入与产出的经济活动 ,也要有成本的核算和资源配置效率的问题。因此 ,它也有如何经营的问题。教育产业有效地经营 ,经营的结果…  相似文献   

论教育公平的主客观标准   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育公平实质是对教育机会的公平分配,它决定于社会的客观条件和教育的客观规律,同时也受到作为社会主体的民众主观心理的制约,即合理合情的统一。必须从主客观两方面综合评判,从而制定对策。  相似文献   

美育是大学生全面发展教育不可分割的组成部分,直接关系到大学生培养目标和基本要求的落实.高校教育中的艺术教育,对大学生心灵塑造、知识拓展、未来需要等多方面起着不可忽视的重要作用.面对21世纪高科技信息社会的到来,高校艺术教育应该更多地与科学联姻,与科技携手.艺术教育应如一条无形的线,贯穿于高等院校思想品德教育、智力开发、身心健康培养的各个方面.  相似文献   

教育产业化的特殊内涵及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,把教育特别是高等教育当作一门产业来经营,从而实现高等教育的产业化是顺理成章的。我们认为,教育产业化在我国具有特殊的内涵,只要我们严格界定和把握其发展方向,我国教育产业化就有着光明的前景。教育作为产业是自然而然的。从经济角度看,只要教育部门占用了经济资源,有一定的就业规模,存在投入产出关系,教育就是产业。教育发展要适应市场经济发展,借鉴和引进市场经济机制,在一定范围和程度上遵循商品经济、产业经济和市场经济规律。最关键的问题还是教育的核心主体怎样实行产业化、实行什么样的产业化。  相似文献   

From the mid‐twenties to the early seventies children now designated as mildly intellectually disabled were the recipients of the greater part of the special education budget and the energies of special education staff in Queensland. These students were by far the largest category of children with special needs catered for by the Department of Education's special education section. The thrust towards separate provision for this group came from within the Department itself supported by visiting experts, with no apparent need for parent advocacy. The integration debate and expansion of services to more severely intellectually disabled children appear to have directed the mildly disabled group back into the educational mainstream, raising the question of whether the expertise and support developed over the years within special education have accompanied them.  相似文献   

A major theme of recent debate and policy development in the area of special education is that of inclusion: the placement of all pupils in mainstream schools and the development of curriculum and pedagogy to meet the needs of all. Analysis of national statistical data shows some movement in this direction, but of a slow and very uneven kind. An exploration of the concepts of pragmatism to describe an important aspect of LEA decision making and of ideology to describe an important aspect of pressures for inclusion helps to explain this pattern of development. The paper concludes that both approaches require further systematic empirical data on the outcomes of different patterns of educational provision.  相似文献   

校企合作办学摭谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国加入WTO后,学校与企业都要增强实力,以参与激烈的国际竞争。校企合作办学是使学校与企业增强实力的重要途径,是在世界经济一体化背景下,双方共同发展的需要,是当今世界教育向现代化、社会化发展的大趋势。我们要以创办股份制学校、社区学院、企业教育集团、附属学校、虚拟大学或设立合作研究中心、教育奖励基金与实习公司等多种办学模式来搞好校企合作办学,促进校企双方的共同发展。  相似文献   

中国高校通识课程设置现状研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以首批进入"985工程"建设的9所高等学校为样本,对其通识课程设置现状进行调查研究.调查发现存在不少问题:学生选择自由度过小;应用性、工具性课程偏多;各高校课程高度相似,但特色发挥不足;当下对通识教育理解的狭隘化影响到通识课程的设置.为此,高校可以从以下几方面做起:一要依据一定人才观,重塑通识教育理念,合理划分课程领域;二要处理好应用性与人文性、必修与必需、必修课与选修课、一致性与差异性的关系;三要加强通识课程实施的制度保障.  相似文献   

Fernando Almeida Diniz, currently in the Faculty of Education at The University of Edinburgh and formerly Reader in Special Needs in Education at the University of Greenwich, considers the effects of 'institutionalised racism' on the education of black and ethnic minority children with special educational needs.  相似文献   

Social and Educational Disadvantage: Reconnecting Special Needs Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alan Dyson, Professor of Special Needs Education at the University of Newcastle on Tyne (in BJSE 's 'The New Professors' series) argues that special needs education has, at a time when there are concerns over falling standards in education generally, lost sight of the relationship between children's difficulties in school and wider patterns of socio-economic disadvantage and inequality, and suggests that special needs education in the late 1990s is incapable of addressing basic failings and inequities in our education system and within society as a whole.  相似文献   

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