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Part Ⅰ Listenand repeat these expressions.What you say . Is there a garage near here? I'd like sixteen litres ofdiese please. I'd like 20 litres of the four-star unleaded, please. Fill it up, please./Fill it with super, please. Could you check the tyre pressure, please? Could you check the water, please? Could you check the oil, please? Is this the road to Birmingham? Which turning do I need totake for Manchester? Which exit is it for Liverpool? What's the traffic like? I think we're lost. Could you tell me how to get here? I think I took the wrong exit. How do I get into the town centre? Is there a motel near here? Can I leave the car here, please?  相似文献   

Useful Expressions Listen and repeat these useful expressions.What You Ask Can you recommend a good toy/clothes shop? Is there a chemist' s/supermarket in the area? Where can I get toothpaste/pet food? Where' s the nearest shopping centre? What time do you open/close, please? Are you open on Sundays? Could you help me, please?  相似文献   

What you say . How much is it, please? What' s the total amount? Are you going to buy it? How much are you going to spend? How much do you earn a month? How much have you got in savings? How many bank accounts do you have? Did you save any money last month? Shall we go shopping? How much did that cost you? Where did you get that? Was it expensive/cheap? I' ll get this one. / I' II pay for this. Lunch is on me. / I' II get lunch.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. — ____ CDs do you have,Dennis? —Sorry,I can’t remember the number. A. Which B. What C. How many D. How much 2. —Jason,I want to know the sports news. Go and ____ the TV,please. —OK,dad. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn to D. turn over 3. —Could you please _____ it again? —Sorry,I won’t . A. not do B. don’t do C. not to do D. to not do 4. —Which is ____ season in Zhengzhou? —I think it’s autumn. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 5. —Could you please g…  相似文献   

Let''''s Chant!     
This is Mary. This is Sam. How do you do!Mary. How do you do!Sam. You sit,please. I will stand. Thank you  相似文献   

黄斌 《今日中学生》2006,(28):27-28
1.please please表示“请”,用在祈使句前时应用升调重读,后常接动词原形。若用在祈使句后,用逗号隔开,一般用降调轻读。例如:Please don"t do that again.或Don"t do that again,please.Please read it slowly.或Read it slowly,please.句型Will(Would)you please...?较上面的句型更客气委婉。例如:Will you please help me to move the desk and the chair?“if you please”常译作“劳驾”,相当于“excuse me”。例如:If you please(Excuse me),how can I go to the station?please作及物动词还可表示“使……高兴”;短语be pleased(…  相似文献   

【情景对话】 A: Hi, Li Li. What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the music club.A: Oh, can you play the trumpet? B: Yes, I can. I can play it well. What can you do?  相似文献   

同步点拨 【学习目标导航】1.语言目标:礼貌的提出请求及礼貌的请求做某事。(1)Could you please sweep the floor?Yes,sure.(2)Could I please borrow the car?No,you can’t.You have to do your homework.2.学会有礼貌地提出请求和请求对方的允许,学会谈论喜欢或不喜欢的家务活动,培养爱父母,爱劳动的情感。  相似文献   

寒星 《英语辅导》2017,(12):38-39
"Tell us a story,1)Nanny,please do,"begged two little girls."Did you ever have just what you wished for at Christmas?" "Yes,I did once.I was the oldest,and had two brothers and three little sisters.We lived in a little 2)cottage.My father was dead,and mother worked for the rich people around the village.  相似文献   

【集中地】 Ⅰ.Talk about future intentions 1.—What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a basketball player. 2.—H ow are you going to do that? —I’m going to practice basketball every day. 3.—W here is Cheng H an going to m ove? —H e’s going to move to New York. Ⅱ.Ask for perm ission 1.—Could I please use your com puter? —Sorry.I’m going to work on it now. 2.—Could I please go to the movies? —Yes,you can. 3.—Could you take out the trash? —Yes,sure. Ⅲ.D…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 1. be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that should C.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should 2.We wouldn’t obey the local government’s order that all the houses along the street . A.were broken down B.be broken down C.should be broken out D.broken up 3.—I don’t mind telling you what I know. —You .I’m not asking you for it. A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t 4.— would you like your coffee, black or white? —White,please…  相似文献   

Laugh or Cry     
Smiles and tears are part of life. But do you find enough time for laughing? I'm not asking if you experience lots of good times. Of course, we should laugh during the happy times. But do you also laugh during the difficult times?  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空。 1. ——Shall I help you with that suitcase? ——____. A. It9s all right. Thank you B. Yes, go ahead, please C. I don9t want to trouble you too much D. No, please don9t do it 2. Tony was very unhappy for ____ to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited 3. I9m afraid I9ll have to ____. Someone is calling me. A. put you through B. hold on C. finished D. ring off 4. Please let me ____ where the Body Language…  相似文献   

1.委婉地请求:Could you please do sth.?Could you do sth.?Would you please do sth.?Would you do sth.?  相似文献   

1. There' s a new employee just arrived in the office. What do you say to him? a) Here, I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone. b) I' m the boss here and don't forget it, Now go and make some teat2. A junior colleague comes to you for help understanding a document. What do you say?  相似文献   

Learn the kind of English you need for social occasions. This month: renting a car. Listen and repeat these expressions.Part I What you say I'd like to rent a car, please. How much is it per hour? How much is it per day? How much is it per kilometre? How much is the insurance? Do you need to see my driver' s licence?  相似文献   

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? 1. Could you please take out the trash?(P65)请你把垃圾倒掉好吗? (1)could是情态动词can的过去式,但在本句中,“Could you do…”表示请求帮助或请求允许,用以表示礼貌、委婉或不确定的语气。could在这里已没有时态的概念。例如:  相似文献   

1 What do you see? What do you see in the bedroom?. I see a be in the bedroom.2、What do you see? What do you see in the bedroom? I see a sheet. I see a bed in the bedroom.  相似文献   

A Little Tom:Grandma,I had an interesting dream last night. Grandma:Can you tell me what the dream was? Little Tom:No,grandma,you ask me while you know the answer because you were there then,too. B Patient:Is there anything serious with my trouble,Docter? Docter:Yes,very serious.Your illness is too serious to cure (治愈).Now tell me,please.Who do you want to see now before you die?  相似文献   

一、说教材 1.教材地位 Module4的主题是Food,主要语言功能是谈论自己并询问-ftlz人对食物的喜好。主要教学11个单词meat, pass, rice, mum,noodles, fish, milk, banana, pear,orange, apple 和9个句型Pass me the…,please. Here you are. Do you like …? Yes,I do. No,I don't. Does Daming/Lingling like…? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't. He likes…  相似文献   

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