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学生失范行为及其教育控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
学校秩序的建立和维持依赖于学校生活的两种运行机制 :学校的组织管理与对学生行为的教育控制。换言之 ,就是通过使学校生活结构化、使学校成员的行为规范化 ,从而形成学校秩序。而学校对学生行为的控制 ,又具体涉及两类工作机制 :其一是对规范行为的激励 ;其二是对失范行为的制约。对学生失范行为的控制渗透于学校工作的几乎所有层面。诚然 ,对学生失范行为的教育控制 ,实则依赖于全社会的共同努力。这里 ,主要从教育社会学的角度 ,立足于学校教育主阵地的立场 ,探讨学生失范行为的理论解释以及教育控制的理论应用  相似文献   

中学生课堂失范行为是指中学生个体或群体在课堂教学过程中和课堂教学范围内不同程度地违反中学生课堂行为规范的活动与行为.从课堂教育教学的角度可以把课堂失范行为划分为四种类型:学习方面的失范行为,遵守纪律方面的失范行为,师生关系方面的失范行为和课堂考试方面的失范行为.中学生课堂失范行为总体上有如下一些突出的特点:行为主体性,数量上升性,形式多样性,行为互袭性,后果严重性,解决的困难性.  相似文献   

全日制自考生失范行为的范围比较广,而且类型多、影响大,但目前社会对他们失范行为的界定又不是很清楚,使得对全日制自考生的规范很混乱,不利于素质教育的发展。本文在明确全日制自考生失范概念和性质的基础上,分析全日制自考生失范行为在各个领域内的危害及其原因,并探索出预防及解决措施。  相似文献   

学术失范、学术不端、学术腐败是谈论学术不良行为的三种主要说法.就大学生的学术失信行为而言,主要包括学术失范和学术不端.本文在阐述大学生学术失信行为表现后,从心理学角度对其进行归因,并提出相应的措施.  相似文献   

高校学生自组织是指未经民政部门或学校社团管理部门正式注册而自发成立、自主运作和自行发展的学生组织。高校学生自组织具有存在形式非正式化、管理方式非科层化、发展程度非均衡化和资金来源非供给化等特征。近年来,高校学生自组织数量急剧增加,自组织在丰富校园文化生活、评价高校管理水平、锻炼学生参与能力、培养学生公民意识和鼓励学生国际参与等方面具有正影响力,但也可能产生思想失范、沟通失范、组织失范、边界失范和约束失范等负影响力。为了发挥其积极优势,消解其消极影响,应当通过采取调查研究、向他组织转化、提供保障、实行联合自律、辅导员融入、动态预警和规范管理等措施实现高校学生自组织的管理机制创新。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,对中国经济增长作出巨大贡献,但其子女在城市接受教育却困难重重.从人口管理政策、流动人口子女教育政策和民办学校政策三个角度出发,介绍和分析深圳市解决流动人口子女教育问题的成功做法.流动人口子女教育问题不是单纯的教育问题,它涉及经济、社会、制度等诸多方面.基于对深圳市成功经验的分析,对解决流动人口子女在城市的就学问题提出三点政策建议:改革当前的财税体制,鼓励和扶持民办教育,改革中招和高招选拔体系.  相似文献   

智能时代的教育主体行为存在失范风险,亟需明确行为失范的具体表现、类型及相互之间的关系,从而制定规范策略。研究采用了多案例研究方法,对26个案例信息进行编码,最终形成智能技术环境下教育主体行为失范的分析框架与模型。研究发现,智能时代教育实践主体的行为失范主要呈现出四种类型,即背离伦理/道德规范的行为失范、违反行业与技术标准的行为失范、脱离教育制度约束的行为失范以及触犯法律底线的行为失范,且失范行为在“原生性失范”“转型期失范”“过程性失范”“本质性失范”及“周期性失范”等五种层次之间进行演化。研究旨在为国家部门和相关组织制定政策和开展治理提供依据,以促进智能教育健康发展。  相似文献   

对城市游憩系统认识的不足给城市游憩规划的科学制定带来了十分不利的影响.从自组织理论的角度来认识城市游憩系统的耗散结构特征、形成的非特定干预等自组织特性,有助于人们从新的角度认识城市游憩系统,为城市游憩规划提供新的理论参考.  相似文献   

高校图书馆读者的失范行为表现在图书“霸权”行为、盗用破坏信息资源、损毁偷盗图书、破坏阅览环境和设施、言语举止失当等方面。其原因既有个人主观的文化、心理因素,也有深刻的社会根源。解决读者失范行为应采取以下对策:优化阅读环境,净化读者心灵;增强工作责任心,减少失范行为的发生率;办好专栏,加强对学生的思想教育;完善管理制度,规范借阅行为;对有失范行为的学生制定合理的惩戒措施。  相似文献   

从高校图书馆的角度论述大学生读者公德失范的种种现象、失范原因,提出图书馆在规范大学生读者不良行为,进行大学生公德教育等方面应采取的措施.  相似文献   

Seventy-one preschool-age children entering infant day care at varying times and receiving varying amounts of infant day care were compared on their reunion-with-parent behavior, teacher and parent ratings of their behavior, and playground play interactions. Age of entry into day care (≤ 6 months vs. > 6 months) had no significant effect on attachment to mother as measured by reunion behaviors or on play and socialization skills as measured by observation and behavior rating scales in a full-time day-care setting. Furthermore, children with more hours and months of day care engaged in less watching, solitary play, and teacher comfort-seeking behavior, and they showed more cooperative play, positive affect, peer interaction, and positive verbal interaction. Thus continuous infant day care in quality centers appears to facilitate preschool social behavior and does not negatively affect attachment behavior.  相似文献   

生命是人的诸多价值形式中的最基本形态,随着生活压力的增大,青少年不健康的行为取向亦日益增多,因此,加强他们的生命教育势在必行。本文就中学开展生命教育的内涵、意义以及实施的途径进行深入分析,试图对青少年的健康成长,作一次深入思考。  相似文献   

Two new studies on day care suggest that young children demonstrate increased aggressive behavior in relationship to time spent in day care and increases in cortisol levels in relationship to full-time, group-oriented, out-of-home care. These observations can be more fully understood in a clinical context that looks at individual differences in children, families, and child care environments. Factors likely to increase risk include sensory processing and modulation challenges; family stress; and lack of sensitive, nurturing interactions associated with less high-quality child care. Because 85% to 90% of current day care is not considered to be of high quality, individual families that can provide high-quality care need to explore carefully their options to see if it is possible to provide direct nurturing care for their infants and young children for at least half of the day.  相似文献   

To one degree or another, inclusion is the word of the day in public schools across the country, and as a result many general education teachers find themselves face-to-face in their classrooms with students who have been diagnosed with behavior disorders (BD). While the behavior of these students is frequently (and euphemistically) referred to as “challenging,” sizeable portions of public school teachers see their presence as little more than a painful problem. Perhaps these teachers simply do not feel up to the challenge and reflexively turn to their coping skills rather than their creativity. Their attitudes can be altered, however, and the educational process can be enhanced for everyone concerned, when universal design for learning (UDL) is adopted as the foundational approach in the classroom. This article makes the case for UDL, and provides a specific illustration of a lesson plan that utilizes UDL.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of electromechanical coupling system for a planar inertial vibrating machine is built by setting up dynamical equations of discrete systems with a matrix methodology proposed. The substance of the transient behavior of the machine is unveiled by analyzing the results of the computer simulation to the model, and new methods are presented for diminishing the transient amplitude of the vibrating machine and improving the transient behavior. The reliable mathematical model is provided for intelligent control of the transient behavior of the equipment.  相似文献   

谦让有助于幼儿融入集体、有助于幼儿适应未来竞争。小班幼儿的谦让行为有三大特点:具有谦让意识,缺乏谦让行为;谦让行为易受情境影响,缺乏稳定性;谦让行为易受他人暗示,缺乏自主性。培养小班幼儿谦让行为应在集中教育活动中展开,在一日生活环节中培养,在角色游戏中发展,在家园合作中形成。  相似文献   

人作为"地球上开出的最美丽的花朵",是有思想的,"反思"几乎成了本能.在人们"肚子"里的问题得到解决以后,"脑袋"中的问题日益突显.人们对人类自身的终极关怀,即对宇宙的真谛与人生的价值和意义穷根究底式的探寻比以往任何时代都更加迫切.要想对这一问题进行探讨,就要认识人作为智慧生命体的价值和树立积极的人生观.人生价值和意义集中体现在自由自觉的劳动过程中,通过这种创造性的劳动,体现人的本质力量,并使人的本质力量对象化,从而促使社会进步和发展,使人自身充实而幸福.这就是人的价值和意义所在,它闪耀着生命的光辉、智慧的力量.  相似文献   

The behavior of 77 pigeons maintained at 80% of their free-feeding weights in open-wire battery cages was monitored 16 times a day by observers for up to 285 days. Five distinct types of stereotyped behaviors were operationally defined. One of these behaviors, “spot pecking,” clearly predominated. Forty-nine of the 77 pigeons were observed spotpecking on at least 25% of the days they were observed, and several pigeons emitted more than 50,000 spot pecks per day. This occurred in spite of the total absence of any explicit reinforcer. A series of three experiments demonstrated that the great majority of spot pecks occurred in the hours immediately after feeding, that only food-deprived birds spot pecked, and that the behavior of adjacent birds influenced the rate of acquisition of stereotypes. Difficulties with labeling spot pecking as superstitious, respondent, or mediating are discussed. It is suggested that spot pecking be classed as an “adjunctive” behavior.  相似文献   

This article examines the affective nature of day‐to‐day primary school headship. The author points to differences in the kinds of tasks that heads do each day and suggests that these determine their prevailing feelings. A distinction is made between work that merely keeps the school operating and work that helps the head to shape the school. It is argued that the former provides few satisfactions for heads, while satisfactions gained from the latter are often transient. Spending time with children is an aspect of ‘personal work’ that provides heads with their most deeply felt satisfactions. One effect of the government's reforms is to intensify those features of heads’ work that offer little emotional sustenance, while eroding those that do  相似文献   

Parental monitoring: a reinterpretation   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Stattin H  Kerr M 《Child development》2000,71(4):1072-1085

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