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Worldwide deliberation and public use of reason online   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is threefold: (i) to trace the idea of deliberation back in the history of philosophy and establish the link to the Kantian concept of public reason; (ii) to pave the way for rhetoric as a constituent part of public deliberation; (iii) to undertake an applied ethical approach to worldwide deliberation online. The two former aims are treated in part one of the paper, whereas the applied analysis is undertaken in part two. One important task is to demonstrate in what ways the internet as a new and powerful venue for deliberation both challenges the old theories of public deliberation, and also points in the direction of certain revisions of our basic ideas about deliberation.  相似文献   

科学传播中公众参与科学的民主模型是通过政治想象翻译成协商民主来实现的。过去二十年中,虽然公众参与科学无论在理论还是实践上都取得了巨大成就,但也面临着与公共政策中决策科学化与民主化相同的两难困境,使公众参与科学流于表面。这一困境产生的原因在于缺乏自我反省的体制化科学异化公众,进而导致在协商过程中科学家与公众政治地位不平等。实际上,科学家与公众拥有不同类型的知识,关注科学风险的不同维度。通过知识的劳动分工,公众负责决定目标,科学家负责实现目标,可以走向真正有效的公众参与科学。  相似文献   

协商民主理论倡导公民通过自由平等的对话、讨论、审议等方式,参与公共决策和政治生活。通过协商民主鼓励公众参与社会管理,可以增强弱势群体利益表达的效果,建立劳资共赢的工资协商制度,增强各级党政组织公信力,减少恶性群体事件发生,对化解社会矛盾、创新社会管理具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

Whenever a new, potentially controversial technology enters public awareness, stakeholders suggest that education and public engagement are needed to ensure public support. Both theoretical and empirical analyses suggest, however, that more information and more deliberation per se will not make people more supportive. Rather, taking into account the functions of public sense-making processes, attitude polarisation is to be expected. In a real-world experiment, this study on synthetic biology investigated the effect of information uptake and deliberation on opinion certainty and opinion valence in natural groups. The results suggest (a) that biotechnology represents an important anchor for sense-making processes of synthetic biology, (b) that real-world information uptake and deliberation make people feel more certain about their opinions, and (c) that group attitudes are likely to polarise over the course of deliberation if the issue is important to the groups.  相似文献   

In a liberal democracy, the evolution of political agendas and formation of policy involves deliberation: serious consideration of political issues. Modern-day political participation is dependent on widespread deliberation supported by information and communication technologies, which also offer the potential to revitalize and transform citizen engagement in democracy. Although the majority of Web 2.0 systems enable these discourses to some extent, government institutions commission and manage specialized deliberation systems (information systems designed to support participative discourse) intended to promote citizen engagement. The most common examples of these are political discussion forums. Although usually considered trivial adaptations of well-known technologies, these types of deliberative systems are often unsuccessful, and present a distinct set of design and management challenges. In this article, the authors analyze the issues involved in establishing political deliberation systems under four headings: stakeholder engagement, Web platform design, service management, political process reshaping, and evaluation and improvement. We review the existing literature and present a longitudinal case study: the Norwegian Demokratitorget (Democracy Square). We define key issues in each of the four areas, which need to be understood to design and manage a successful net-based deliberation forum.  相似文献   

In this article we examine contributions to Wikipedia through the prism of two divergent critical theorists: Jürgen Habermas and Mikhail Bakhtin. We show that, in slightly dissimilar ways, these theorists came to consider an “aesthetic for democracy” (Hirschkop 1999) or template for deliberative relationships that privileges relatively free and unconstrained dialogue to which every speaker has equal access and without authoritative closure. We employ Habermas's theory of “universal pragmatics” and Bakhtin's “dialogism” for analyses of contributions on Wikipedia for its entry on stem cells and transhumanism and show that the decision to embrace either unified or pluralistic forms of deliberation is an empirical matter to be judged in sociohistorical context, as opposed to what normative theories insist on. We conclude by stressing the need to be attuned to the complexity and ambiguity of deliberative relations online.  相似文献   

我国突发事件网络舆情导控发展经历了起步、激荡与调整以及深化发展3个阶段。从协商民主视野反思突发事件网络舆情导控中存在的问题,我们发现,主要有4个方面:一是导控缺少宏观规划;二是目标单一、功利色彩严重;三是机构条块分隔、内部协调困难;四是社会配套措施跟进缓慢。创新协商民主视域下的突发事件网络舆情导控机制,需要科学的宏观规划统领全局,追求突发事件网络舆情导控工具理性和价值理性的统一,建立多元有效的导控主体机制,建设立体性的社会配套跟进措施。  相似文献   

Genetic technologies meet the public: the discourses of concern   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To clarify concerns that the public has with genetic technologies, the article presents the results of focus group interviews conducted in Denmark in 2000. The concerns of the public are divided into three ideal-typical categories: social (dealing with environmental and health risks), economic (dealing with both the threats and opportunities of the new technologies), and cultural (taking up ethical and moral concerns). Following a general discussion of why it is important to take these discourses of concern seriously, each discursive category is discussed with examples taken from the focus group interviews.  相似文献   

The weather is a preoccupation of the British public, and flooding has become a salient feature of their experience. Climate science also has important things to say about the prevalence, distribution and dangers of rainfall and flooding, and what we should expect from global warming. This paper looks at British press coverage of flooding, and at the connections made between this theme and climate change. It aims to expose longitudinal patterning, and assess how common the connection is. From here the analysis moves to specific cases of high profile flooding events for a detailed exploration of the tone and tenor, and discursive contours of reports. The results suggest the media's contribution to genuine debate is mixed, that the connection between common forms of reportage and our scientific understanding of the phenomena is often tenuous. The paper explores the implications for the way the politics of climate change plays out.  相似文献   

This paper argues that it is time for public understanding of science to develop a critical inventory of the forms, formats and methods of public participation and their respective implications and ambiguities. It highlights the need for analysing not only the limitations and deficiencies of participatory arrangements but also their constructive dimension, in particular the construction of the subject of participation. Looking into participatory governance arrangements in the issue area of genetic testing in Germany and the UK the paper presents a typology of formats according to the way the respective public is constructed and identifies four major constructions of publics: the general public, the pure public, the affected public and the partisan public. Each of these enables certain speaking positions while foreclosing others. The study shows that the main purposes of participatory arrangements in this issue area are knowledge production and education rather than political deliberation and decision-making.  相似文献   

Introduction:Discourse,asFaircloughputsit,isawayofsignifyingex-periencesfromaparticularperspective.Discourseanalysisisthestudyofpatternsoflinguisticorganizationindiscourses.(Crys-tal,p116)WhileCDAisawayofcarryingoutsocialresearchwithafocuson‘discourse’-onlanguageandothersemioticfor-ms.Itpicksuprecenttheoriesof‘discoure’insocialscience,butpushesthemtowardswhattheygenerallylackinthehandsofsociologistsetc.Itisinthetraditionofcriticalsocialresearchthatquestionsoftherelationbetweenlanguagean…  相似文献   

滕奎秀  孙世勋  杨兴龙 《情报科学》2021,39(10):140-145
【目的/意义】探索微信传播可视化农产品营销信息的传播途径,有利于提升可视化农产品营销信息传播效 率。【方法/过程】通过阐述可视化农产品内涵及其营销信息传播过程中面临的现实问题,理论分析出微信传播模式 是可视化农产品营销信息传播的有效模式,进一步剖析可视化农产品营销信息在微信群聊、微信公众号、微信小程 序等模式下的传播途径。【结果/结论】可视化农产品作为农产品的一种新型产销模式,其传统的营销信息传播模式 必须做出变革。【创新/局限】微信营销信息传播促进资源跨界整合,微信小程序将“线上系统”+“线下系统”+“可视 化监测系统”相融合,是可视化农产品营销信息传播的最佳途径。  相似文献   

An important aspect of any meaningful public discussion about developments in gene technology is the provision of opportunities for interested publics to engage in sociable public discourse with other lay people and with experts. This article reports on a series of peer group conversations conducted in late 1996 and early 1997 with sixteen community groups in Perth, Western Australia, interested in gene therapy technology. With the case of cystic fibrosis as a particular focus, and using background resource material as a stimulus for discussion, the participating groups explored a range of value issues arising from the new genetic medicine. This more discursive context enabled participants to express a number of background or life-world concerns about genetic medicine, concerns that are often obscured by the dominant biomedical and bioethical discourses.  相似文献   

马广军  宋珊 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):140-145
[研究目的]当今舆论场尤其是互联网舆论场中难以进行有效、冷静的对话和沟通,互联网媒介及群体传播是这种情况出现的重要原因。[研究方法]基于媒介环境学和媒介学的基本思路,并结合“中美贸易摩擦”等舆论案例分析,研究互联网媒介特性及其传播组织形态的群体化转向,以及由此带来合法化认同向抗拒性认同的变化及其影响。[研究结论]研究发现,互联网媒介特性构建了“无组织的组织力量”的群体传播,互联网群体之间的认同是以抗拒性认同为主,而与传统群体相比互联网群体中个体情绪、意见、观点等情感化因素成为了其主要认同机制,情感认同和情绪表达成为互联网舆论场域中的主要特点。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】分析网民在突发公共卫生事件中的情感演化历程,探究影响网民情感波动的因素及其时空演 化的差异。【方法/过程】运用Python爬取微博新冠疫情相关文本数据315 445条,基于SnowNLP情感分析工具对数 据文本进行情感分析。使用TF-IDF及LDA主题模型进行建模,对不同阶段及不同群体的舆情时空演化及差异进 行内容分析。【结果/结论】网民的情感演化呈现阶段性和群体性差异,尽管整体为积极态势,但疫情上升期为负面 情绪集中爆发期;网民群体中受教育程度较低的群体情感波动幅度更大,更容易受到舆论的影响,舆情演化更易极 化;中心大城市情感波动相对稳定,而引起其他区域网民消极情绪的往往不是疫情本身,而是由疫情引发的负面舆 论;普通网民群体较于高影响力群体在舆情演化阶段的负面情绪更为严重,情感演化在各阶段呈现明显的涟漪效 应,需在不同阶段针对不同群体制定有效的舆情引导政策。【创新/局限】本文将整个语料库划分为50多个小语料, 个别语料文本数据量较少,具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

公共危机的利益相关者分析模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公共危机的利益相关者是指诱发公共危机、对公共危机做出反应以及受公共危机影响的组织或个人。本文提出了公共危机的利益相关者分析模型,根据公共危机利益相关者的三维属性将利益相关者分为核心的利益相关者、边缘的利益相关者和潜在的利益相关者,在此基础上对兰州“9·16”公共安全危机事件进行了实证分析,最后提出了利益相关者之间的协调策略。  相似文献   

张宁 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):160-168
[研究目的]梳理我国公安数据开放的政策过程,并对公安数据开放现状进行评估,分析公安数据开放面临的障碍和改进举措,为构建“数据警务”模式提供参考和借鉴。[研究方法]以上海等8个城市的公安局在政府数据开放平台开放的公安数据为研究样本,对这些数据进行分类梳理,就开放的数量、主题、范围、授权和质量等方面进行全面研究和评估。[研究结论]通过分析发现,由于顶层设计缺乏刚性约束、数据过度保密、数据碎片化和数据标准不统一等现象,公安数据开放尚处于初步阶段,存在许多问题。在此基础上,提出了我国公安数据进一步开放的路径选择。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】微博是公共图书馆进行社会推广、业界交流、用户交互的重要渠道,从社会网络视角分析公共图书馆微博意见领袖的社会网络结构特点及影响力,可为公共图书馆优化微博营销策略、提高自身影响力提供参考。【方法/过程】选取50位公共图书馆微博意见领袖,首先运用社会网络分析方法揭示其社会网络结构特点;其次利用关注量、发文量、粉丝量、转评赞数量分析其活跃情况及影响力。【结果/结论】公共图书馆微博意见领袖地区分布不均衡,联系较紧密,但集中程度较弱;小团体在活跃度、影响力等方面呈现相似性;多数图书馆处于低活跃度、低影响力区间;粉丝量和转评赞数量随着活跃度的提升表现出“低值时平稳波动,高值时迅速增长”的现象。【创新/局限】通过社会网络分析方法在一定程度上掌握了我国公共图书馆微博意见领袖社会结构及影响力。仅从关注量、发文量等客观数据角度分析公共图书馆微博影响力,未来应结合文本分析等方法提高影响力分析的深度。  相似文献   

The discipline of endocrinology emerged over roughly the same period in Britain, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and elsewhere, and its practitioners across the world shared research practices and agendas to a considerable degree. Yet the discipline's institutions, networks, and social practices were firmly embedded in the particular social fabric of concrete locales, and they were built on specific local traditions, resources, and patronage. Through analysis of the origins and early progress of Soviet endocrinology, this essay uncovers numerous factors and multiple actors involved with the institutional development of the discipline in the first decade of Bolshevik rule. As elsewhere in the world, the medicinal use of animal tissue extracts--organotherapy--paved the way for wide acceptance of the ideas of the nascent science of endocrinology by both the Soviet medical community and the general public. Organotherapy also supplied the new discipline with "seed" institutions, technologies, and personnel--the veterinarian Iakov Tobolkin and the therapist Vasilii Shervinskii. But the specific institutional, political, economic, and ideological landscape of Soviet Russia shaped the discipline in a particular way.  相似文献   

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