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There is an increasing recognition that various stakeholder groups for e-government have a significant role to play in ensuring the long-term success of the e-government enterprise. This article seeks to contribute to the understanding of the stakeholders’ multiple perspectives by proposing typologies of stakeholder roles, and stakeholder benefits, respectively, and embedding these in a stakeholder benefits analysis tool. A literature review is used to surface the diverse existing categorizations of e-government stakeholders and their interests and the benefits sought. This review informs a proposal for a typology of stakeholder roles, and for a typology of stakeholder benefits, which together are used to construct an initial proposal for a stakeholder benefits analysis tool (SBAT), which can be used to map stakeholder roles to stakeholder benefits. This tool has been tested by an expert group, and revised. This exploratory study is an important first step towards the development of tools and approaches for understanding the benefits sought by a wide range of different stakeholder groups in e-government. Progress in the development of such tools is important for the development of knowledge and practice, policy, and evaluation with respect to stakeholder engagement with, and participation in, e-government.  相似文献   

Governmental health policy officials increasingly seek to promote public participation in expert and technical decisions regarding health regulation. The issues of what r?le the public plays in regulatory processes, and how health policy officials orient to public opinion, matter especially in the US context, where public commentary is a requisite component of federal rule-making. This paper examines written commentary as one specific, institutionalized form of public participation. To understand the relationship between scientific evidence and public commentary in public health regulation, we examine a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation, proposed in 1995, to restrict the promotion and sale of tobacco products to minors. We use recent work on collective action frames to analyse how the FDA framed the proposed regulation as a rational, science-based policy; the discursive practices employed in the public commentary either to embrace or to contest the FDA's framing; and how the agency presented the final version of its rule as responsive to that public commentary. Our content analyses reveal a significant disparity between the FDA's emphasis on scientific evidence and the commentators' emphases on political and ideological frames, which we analyse in terms of counter-framing. An orientation to the dynamics of framing and counter-framing contributes to an understanding of the relationship between scientific evidence and public commentary in the formulation of controversial health policy regulations.  相似文献   

Public administrators, entrusted to develop public policy to manage the growing complexities of the IoT, face significant challenges. The challenges exist because of three reasons; First, there is a lack of policy direction. Second, user values related to cybersecurity are not well understood. Third, there is a lack of clarity as to how IoT public policy should be developed. In this paper we argue that new IoT policy should be guided by key stakeholder values (i.e. what users think to be important). We utilize the Public Value Forum to elicit public values to inform decision-making surrounding IoT policy by public administrators, conceptually informed by Rational choice theory. We use a five-phase process to introduce the decision context (i.e. the policy problem), define fundamental objectives, rank these objectives, identify value-based trade-offs between them and construct a multi-attribute utility model. The findings indicate several key themes for IoT security from the citizens themselves and decision-making administrators in diverse public agencies developing IoT cybersecurity public policy.  相似文献   

杜敏  苏竣 《科学学研究》2007,25(Z2):164-167
将技术的社会建构理论运用于标准政策分析中,通过对制度层面、政治层面和技术层面的深入分析,将标准制定过程中不同影响因素加以整合。指出除要重视标准原则的指导作用,发挥完善标准制定程序的保障作用外,还要重视标准制定过程中的不同参与主体的作用;同时,要对标准中的知识产权问题给予关注。  相似文献   

Dealing with unstructured issues, such as the transition to a sustainable energy system, requires stakeholder participation. A stakeholder dialogue should enhance learning about a problem and its potential solutions. However, not in any form will a stakeholder dialogue be effective. Part and parcel to the development of methodologies for stakeholder dialogue is the evaluation of those methodologies. The aim of this paper is to show how a methodology for stakeholder dialogue can be evaluated in terms of learning. This paper suggests three criteria for the evaluation of learning in stakeholder dialogue: (1) an operationalizable definition of the desired effect of dialogue, (2) the inclusion of a reference situation or control condition, and (3) the use of congruent and replicable evaluation methods. Q methodology was used in a quasi-experimental design to analyse to what extent learning took place in a stakeholder dialogue on energy options from biomass in the Netherlands. It is concluded that the dialogue had a significant effect: the dialogue increased participants’ understanding of the diversity of perspectives. This effect is traced back to particular methodological and design elements in the dialogue.  相似文献   

Despite recent evidence that suggests that knowledge production within the medical community is increasingly based on knowledge-making coalitions or what some have called the co-production of knowledge, there remains a strong expert led policy agenda in many countries in relation to human genome research. This article reports on the role of experts in defining the scope of discussion in relation to the biomedical use of human tissue sample collections or biobanks in Finland using the case of the Genome Information Center. It is argued that the rhetorical strategies should not be understood simply as subversive tactics, but rather as ways of engaging the public within particular contexts of creating commercial expectations and visions which are easier to negotiate from a policy perspective.  相似文献   

WTO与中国国家标准化战略:一个基本的理论分析框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家标准化战略是国家对标准化战略的整体部署。它不是一个标准如何制订的技术问题,而是如何整合标准化工作的各种资源和力量,在WTO的政策框架下,实现标准化对技术创新、经济增长和国际竞争力提升的问题。因此,应该从经济学和管理学的角度,加强对标准化相关问题的研究,以便为国家标准化战略的制订提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the implementation of technology-forcing policies in open-ended diffusion processes that involve companies and regulators as well as consumers and civil society actors. Mobilising insights from the societal embedding of technology framework and policy steering theories, we investigate two implementation dilemmas that relate to an overarching tension between flexibility (to enable technological learning and stakeholder engagement) and coordinated push (to focus actors and drive deployment): a) early or late formulation of initial targets, and b) technocratic or emergent-adaptive implementation styles. We investigate these dilemmas with four comparative case studies of smart electricity meters between 2000 to 2019, which diffused rapidly in the Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal, but decelerated in the UK. We relate these differences to policy choices, and identify two patterns for successful implementation of technology-forcing policies: a) start with early targets and a technocratic style, but make adjustments if there are substantial protests or technical problems, and b) start with an emergent-adaptive style and formulate and enforce targets later, once technical and social stabilisation has occurred.  相似文献   

蒙仁君 《大众科技》2014,(10):200-202
目前,为了推动公民参与,提高公共政策制定的透明度、科学性和民主性,公开征求意见已然成为我国公共部门制定公共政策过程中的一项重要举措。但是,我国目前在公共政策公开征求意见方面还存在着缺乏统一规范、方式参差不齐、实际效果不佳等问题,应该制定统一规范、加大技术投入、加强宣传互动,以增强公众参与的积极性和主动性,提高公共政策公开征求意见的实效和质量。  相似文献   

技术标准联盟成员的谈判与联盟治理结构研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术标准联盟的契约理论与利益相关者理论具有一致性,他们都隐含了技术标准联盟是一种再谈判机制。联盟成员对技术标准的所有权分配进行谈判,谈判结果外化为技术标准联盟治理结构。在这个谈判过程中,各方的威胁点、谈判力和对谈判破裂的担心程度是关键变量,首先从契约理论出发,发现利益相关者理论更为真实地揭示出技术标准联盟的利益格局,然后利用Nash谈判模型及其推广模型来研究技术标准联盟成员之间的互动关系。通过分析国外成功的技术标准联盟的治理结构,发现这些技术标准联盟治理结构的设计都充分考虑了联盟成员的利益,并在此基础上提出技术标准联盟组建策略。  相似文献   

尽管我国生态创新成果层出不穷,但存在采纳水平不高、成果转化不足等问题,生态创新扩散效率有很大提升空间.系统梳理近20年以来国内外生态创新扩散相关文献,总体上已有大量研究成果集中在政府规制对生态创新宏观扩散规律的影响,近年来研究视角逐渐拓宽、方法不断丰富:在生态创新扩散规律和影响因素上,学者从不同层次、多个视角,重点运用创新理论、制度理论、利益相关者理论、社会网络理论等剖析政府政策、利益相关者、社会网络、企业资源和能力等四方面因素;在生态创新扩散机理上,采用了建模仿真、案例研究、二手数据统计和问卷调查等多元的研究方法.根据研究结论指出,未来可以在对生态创新分类的基础上,采用更多直接测量的方法,从微观视角对企业生态创新采纳的过程机理和影响因素,以及理清企业生态创新和一般创新的关系等方向进一步探究,以补充当前的理论和实证研究,同时为推进生态创新在我国实践中的扩散提供指导.  相似文献   

This article challenges conventional policy development and evaluation approaches that emphasize the instrumental side of technology. There is a growing gap between conventional planning and evaluation approaches for rural broadband ICTs that seek to demonstrate a direct link between investments and results on the one hand, and on the other, with evidence that the contribution of ICTs to rural economic, social and cultural wellbeing is increasingly difficult to demonstrate beyond short-term measurable indicators. The article proposes an alternative paradigm based on sociotechnical systems, stakeholder engagement, an acknowledgment of the multiple dimensions at play, and the growing evidence of unpredictability of ICTs. The article emphasizes a perspective based on “contribution,” not attribution; policymaking that is both adaptive and inclusive of multiple perspectives; methodological testing of emerging evaluation methodologies; and projects as learning experiments. This alternative theoretical and policymaking paradigm is encapsulated in a metaphor based on the management of natural resources where stakeholders track their own indicators of impact by reading how the system responds to a project intervention.  相似文献   

基于1978-2020年上海市380份科技人才政策分析结果和276份科技人才问卷结果,以目标-工具-对象为框架,对比政策供给和人才需求两个层面评估上海科技人才政策效果。研究发现:尽管上海科技人才政策频发,政策供给与人才需求的匹配效果并不令人满意。人才流动、交流和评价的目标关注不够;需求型工具、信息支持和住房保障政策不足;政策对技术人员、科研人员和青年人才支持不足,过于重视外国人才而忽视本土人才的培养和激励。基于以上供需差异问题,提出针对性政策建议。  相似文献   

Organizational stakeholders, such as employees and security managers, may understand security rules and policies differently. Extant literature suggests that stakeholder perceptions of security policies can contribute to the success or failure of policies. This paper draws on the Theory of Personal Constructs and the associated methodology, the Repertory Grid technique, to capture the convergence and divergence of stakeholder perceptions with regards to security policy. We collected data from the employees of an e-commerce company that had developed five information security sub-policies. Our study highlights the practical utility of the Repertory Grid analysis in helping information security researchers and managers pinpoint a) the aspects of a security policy that are well-received by stakeholders, as well as those that are not, and b) the variance in the perceptions of stakeholders. Organizations can, then, capitalize on the well-received aspects of the policy and take corrective action for the ill-received ones.  相似文献   

This article challenges conventional policy development and evaluation approaches that emphasize the instrumental side of technology. There is a growing gap between conventional planning and evaluation approaches for rural broadband ICTs that seek to demonstrate a direct link between investments and results on the one hand, and on the other, with evidence that the contribution of ICTs to rural economic, social and cultural wellbeing is increasingly difficult to demonstrate beyond short-term measurable indicators. The article proposes an alternative paradigm based on sociotechnical systems, stakeholder engagement, an acknowledgment of the multiple dimensions at play, and the growing evidence of unpredictability of ICTs. The article emphasizes a perspective based on “contribution,” not attribution; policymaking that is both adaptive and inclusive of multiple perspectives; methodological testing of emerging evaluation methodologies; and projects as learning experiments. This alternative theoretical and policymaking paradigm is encapsulated in a metaphor based on the management of natural resources where stakeholders track their own indicators of impact by reading how the system responds to a project intervention.  相似文献   

公共政策过程理论是公共政策分析的基础模式,通过不同的政策阶段可以对公共政策有比较系统的分析。我国石油技术标准作为一种公共政策,它的制定过程反映了我国公共政策制定的一些特点,本文通过石油清洁生产标准的案例,对我国石油标准的制定过程和利益博弈进行分析,最后对我国的技术标准制定提出有关建议。  相似文献   

孙岩  刘红艳 《科研管理》2019,40(4):233-244
专家治策是政策科学研究的新趋势之一。本文运用比较案例研究方法,分析了近60年来中美知识型专家参与空气质量标准政策过程的模式及其对政策变迁的影响。研究发现,中国专家主要采用直接咨询模式参与政策过程,推动了内生型政策学习,并适时承担起政策经纪人的角色身份。专家群体构成趋于多样化,具有个体强群体弱的特征,但专家政策参与的能力和自身角色认知仍有欠缺,参与路径和效果缺乏法律制度的保障。  相似文献   

政策评估的利益相关者模式及其应用研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
政策评估的利益相关者模式给了我们关于政策评估的新视角,本文主要针对政策评估的利益相关者模式进行分析,探讨其对中国政策制定的启示,并且以政府价格决策听证制度为例运用该模式进行分析,提出改进听证制度的建议,探索政策评估的利益相关者模式在中国的具体应用。  相似文献   

李宁 《科学与管理》2012,(3):5-9,15
本文评述了不同经济学学派关于技术创新在经济增长中的关键作用的观点,强调了制度安排对于经济增长和技术创新的重要作用。从国家创新系统框架入手,论述了学习在技术创新中的源泉与作用机制,并从反垄断、知识产权、技术标准、政府采购、科学研究等方面提出了促进企业学习的公共政策建议。  相似文献   

This article looks at the impact of digitization on television. Early treatments of digital television (DTV) have become outdated by technical and market developments. This paper reviews these developments and reconsiders the public policy and regulatory issues surrounding DTV, particularly with respect to public service broadcasting in Europe. Convergence trends are examined and we find that it happens, but differently than expected. This raises serious doubts concerning whether current models and conceptualizations of public service broadcasting can address future challenges of pluralism and diversity if they remain constrained by traditional understandings of broadcasting.  相似文献   

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