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The present study analyzes educational targeting in Argentina, Brazil and Chile from a sociological point of view. It shows that a ‘logic of induction’ has become the vehicle for anti-poverty education strategies meant to help targeted groups improve on their own. The analysis explores the influence of the global educational agenda, the empirical connection between the logic of induction and the mechanism of emulation, and the territorial aspects of educational inequalities. Emulation plays a main role inasmuch as the logic of induction leads targeted groups to compare their adverse situation with more privileged groups, which actually legitimizes inequalities. A brief statistical summary completes the study, showing that educational inequality has remained unchanged as far as urban–rural ratios (in Brazil and Chile) and regional disparities (in all three countries) are concerned.  相似文献   

Within the differentiated forms of education provision, this paper intends to inquire into the causality governing the relation between the use of vouchers in education and an increased enrolment segmentation or student sorting. It does so through a comparative analysis of the quasi-market reform in Chile and the quasi-monopoly system in place in Argentina. Although from a national perspective these two countries have faced very different decentralisation reforms, they have presently arrived at similar states of their education system in terms of their enrolments' socio-economic segregation. The paper shows that vouchers are not an independent variable but an intervening one within the determinants of socio-economic segmentation. The evidence from Chile and Argentina shows that enrolment segmentation is not a consequence of the introduction of vouchers, and the causal relationship between these two variables is not a clear one. That is, the family school choice decisions brought about by the introduction of systems such as vouchers appear endogenous to a series of factors that determine such choice; factors that that are evidently important in the determination of socio-economic enrolment segmentations in non-voucher systems. This article questions the validity of the highly predominant empirical analyses which take student socio-economic characteristics and school choice decisions as independent determinant variables of student results, and intends initiating further thinking of what really lies behind the inequities in education in developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper compares educational decentralization policies implemented in Argentina and Brazil during the 1990s, focusing on the rationales and contexts of the policies, and through a review of secondary sources and some official documents. The paper argues that school decentralization, the movement toward transferring functions and responsibilities to schools, appears as a new and extended reform that was accompanied by more traditional forms of decentralization, but also by a process of centralization of planning and evaluation at the national level. This new form of centralization/decentralization is seen as linked to the neoliberal restructuring of the state, to pressures from globalization processes and forces, and to various internal demands for improving quality and efficiency in the delivery of education.  相似文献   

The spatial dimensions of social interaction and reproduction have received increasing attention from sociologists in recent years. However, these issues remain largely implicit in most studies of classrooms, schools and the education system. In this paper, I argue that the study of social space should be integral to analyses of the relationship between educational differentiation and social reproduction. After examining the position of space in Giddens's theory of structuration, I focus on how space is used in schools as a resource in the production of unequal gender relations. Space is viewed not simply as a context in which interaction occurs, but as a phenomenon which both produces, and is produced by, gendered power relations.  相似文献   

流动儿童的学前教育机会:三群体比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2013年“流动人口社会融合调查”数据和深度访谈资料,论文采用定量和定性研究方法,分析了流动儿童学前教育机会的最新状况与特点,探讨了制度排斥与流动儿童学前教育机会的关系。结果表明,尽管城-城和乡-城流动儿童的在园比例和概率与户籍儿童没有显著差别,但他们就读公立幼儿园的比例分别只有52.6%和40.1%,大大低于户籍儿童的67.9%;即便控制其他变量,流动儿童进入公立幼儿园的概率也仅为户籍儿童的38%。流入东部地区儿童的在园概率低于西部地区,但就读公立幼儿园的概率高于中西部地区。这表明,经济发展与流动儿童的学前教育机会并非简单的线性关系,而是受制于制度安排和资源丰盈与否。户籍类型、流动范围、父母在流入地居住时间对流动儿童的学前教育机会没有显著影响,这再次说明,流动儿童的学前教育机会受到了户籍制度和教育制度的双重排斥。  相似文献   

教育全球化的现实境遇与价值选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教育全球化体现为各国、各民族和各种不同文明体系之间教育的相互依存、合作互动和利益共享,向人们展开的理想图景应该是教育平等、价值趋同的"大同世界".但教育全球化并非是一幅恬静的田园风景画,在它的发展进程中,潜伏着教育殖民化的危机.因此,我们应当坚持和而不同的理念,坚持教育输入与输出相结合、国际视野与本土实践相统一的原则.  相似文献   

文化非常特殊,在全球化的大趋势之下,中西方文化的交流和碰撞,一定产生激烈的火花,出现第三方文化。无论是中国文化抑或是西方文化在进行传播的过程中,本民族一定会选择符合其民族自身发展的文化,进行借鉴和学习,产生出新的文化。  相似文献   


Education privatization is a global trend that has nonetheless followed multiple trajectories. This article addresses the question of what explains this variation by demonstrating the role that political coalitions play in the re-interpretation of global privatization ideas. A political-coalitional approach helps us analyze from a long-term perspective, the interplay between ideational, political, and economic processes that occurred at the global and domestic levels. Both accumulated benefits and negative consequences of previous reforms realign domestic coalitions that then facilitate or constrain the selection of global ideas and shape the way in which they are implemented at the country level. Based on a comparative historical analysis of three countries, Chile, Argentina, and Colombia, the article identifies three privatization trajectories: marketization, erosion of public education, and dualization of education provision. The long-term analysis of these trajectories also shows that privatization is not a linear process but a complex dynamic with consequences that may trigger unintended changes in the future.  相似文献   

比较教育学始建于200年前欧洲民族国家初步形成时期,在其奠基者朱利安的著作中孕育了比较教育学的三个基本矛盾:比较教育研究的出发点是国际主义的,还是民族主义的;比较教育研究的目标是寻找教育的规律还是学习借用其他国家的教育经验;比较教育研究的对象是测量众多民族国家的教育成就,还是讲好他国的教育故事.比较教育学伴随着民族国家的发展而发展,直至20世纪末,比较教育研究的基本特点是"借",借用他国教育经验,借用其他社会科学的研究范式.在全球化的时代,比较教育研究的基本特点是多元,研究目的多元,研究单位多元,研究选题多元,研究范式多元.比较教育学科进入了"革命科学阶段".  相似文献   

在全球化时代,文明的冲突正日益成为威胁人类和平的重要因素,全球共治成为人类解决共同面对的一系列问题的必要途径,世界意识的形成及其同民族意识之间的矛盾需要我们尽快找到走出困境的新思维。"和谐世界"与"和谐教育"是中国人在时代发展的关键时期向全人类提出的新理念。通过和谐教育,促进人类世界意识和民族意识的协调发展,提高所有人参与国家治理和全球共治的意识和能力,推动全球化进程向良性方向发展,引导人们共同建构一个承认差异、多元互补、和谐共生的世界,这是中国人为人类教育和社会发展贡献的重要新思维之一。  相似文献   

一种高效和稳定的教务管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分挖掘考试信息、提高管理效率、整合外围数据,针对其结构特点,使用Sybase系列产品,通过设计辅助考试与自我学习等模块,实现了一种大型的教学与教务管理系统。运行结果证明,它能在混合负载环境下提供高效、稳定的服务,且具有良好的可移植性和高可用性。  相似文献   

School choice is a controversial topic in the education debate. Proponents argue that choice would open up opportunities to disadvantaged families. Critics counter that choice may exacerbate inequities as advantaged parents are more likely to choose the best schools. Rio de Janeiro and Santiago provide unique institutional contexts in which to explore how choice may affect equity. We use datasets with information on home addresses to compare the choices of parents with different backgrounds. We find that disadvantaged parents in both cities are less likely to choose high achieving schools. The differences are more pronounced in Santiago than in Rio. These results suggest that choice policies will likely not reduce inequities and the design of the program influences behavior.  相似文献   

中国教育竞争力的国际比较   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文认为教育竞争力的强弱,是一个国家综合国力强弱的重要标志,通过我国教育投入,教育成本、教育产出,教育消费的国际比较和分析,可见我国教育竞争力在国际教育市场上还很弱,对此我们要有足够的重视并制定出相应的措施。  相似文献   

章用史学视角和比较方法对全球化作一探讨。认为人类历史是一部全球化的历史,它经历逐步全球化的过程后在19世纪末至20世纪初,20世纪末至21世纪初分别形成了两次全球化高潮。两次全球化的本质同是资本主义经济体系的全球化,根本动力都是科技革命,两不但都引发了不同明的交流与冲突,而且均伴随有反全球化的斗争,它的后果表明两都是一柄利弊相依的双刃剑,但上述共同点在表现形式与发展程度上存在很大差异,最后章从百多年的历史变迁中分析了产生这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

<正>Cultivated by the Chinese educational system for many years,I have already formed a generally private idea about this complicated and enormous structure.First,please let me to introduce the different roles Chinese and American governments play in the educational systems.There is no doubt that Chinese government dominates the education allaround,from the inner side to external side.More often than not,Chinese headmasters are appointed by government officers;also,  相似文献   

教育领导和管理的跨文化比较模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然在过去三十年间,教育领导和管理经历了巨大的变化,但是比较研究并没有引起人们同等的关注。本文是在教育领导和管理的对比研究和国际化问题的基础上,对如何培养跨文化比较研究的理念和方法进行了探讨,从而使得教育领域能够跟得上政治和实践的全球化进程。相应地,理念框架的合理性是建立在本民族文化和跨文化研究方法的基础,并且将学校作为基本单位进行分析看作是问题的核心内容。具体来说,这里所提出的框架是建立在两种文化和构建学校教育和校本管理四大因素的基础上。这两种的文化分别指社会文化和组织文化,四大因素是指构建学校教育和校本管理所需的组织结构,领导管理过程,课程设置和教学。最后,本文探讨了跨文化比较研究模式的局限性和其意义。其中包括,需要发展合适的研究工具来有效地操作这一理念框架。  相似文献   

代明 《高教探索》2006,(2):28-31
台湾的高等教育在经历了1990年代的膨胀期以后,近年已渐显“疲弱”态势。本文通过粤台两地高校发展比较显示:岛内高教“产能”过剩,有效需求相对不足是引起上述“疲弱”的客观原因,因而亟待利用外部市场,发展教育服务贸易;而当局采取限制政策,让业者无缘当今全球最大的教育服务市场则是加剧其“疲弱”的主观因素。从这里可看到两岸教育服务贸易相互开放与合作的利多空间及双赢前景。  相似文献   

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