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Recent research on e‐learning shows that blended learning is more effective than face‐to‐face learning. However, a clear empirical response has not been given to the cause of such improvement. Using a data set of 9044 students at two Catalan universities and a quasi‐experimental approach, two possible hypotheses identified in previous research are studied. The results show that the principal cause of the improvement is not, in itself, the increase in time spent online for educational purposes. Rather, increasing the time devoted to studying online is only useful when it takes place as some form of interactive learning. The educational implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the importance of boundary spanning in blended and online learning is widely acknowledged, most educational research has ignored whether and how students learn from others outside their assigned group. One potential approach for understanding cross-boundary knowledge sharing is Social Network Analysis (SNA). In this article, we apply four network metrics to unpack how students developed intra- and inter-group learning links, using two exemplary blended case studies in Spain and the UK. Our results indicate that SNA based upon questionnaires can provide researchers some useful indicators for a more fine-grained analysis how students develop these inter- and intra-group learning links, and which cross-boundary links are particularly important for learning performance. The mixed findings between the two case-studies suggest the relevance of pre-existing conditions and learning design. SNA metrics can provide useful information for qualitative follow-up methods, and future interventions using learning analytics approaches.  相似文献   

This article examines the views of staff employed in UK higher education institutions (HEIs) about how those institutions are dealing with the impact of recent UK equality legislation and related European employment directives. Assumptions underlying current approaches to equality in UK HEIs are examined, particularly the notion of meritocracy, which advocates job selection and promotion based on normatively and culturally neutral measures of merit. The article is based on a project funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, using qualitative case studies of six English, Welsh and Scottish HEIs. The project data suggest that equality policies for staff and students are in tension with each other, that staff policies may clash with other institutional policies, for example on research excellence or enhancing the student experience, and that the rhetoric of equality policies is not always matched by the day‐to‐day experience of staff. The article suggests that the case study UK HEIs, with their continued focus on meritocracy and excellence, have not yet adapted to the new climate of employee equality legislation and perhaps need to consider a different approach than the meritocratic one.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of a blended programme for adults and discusses findings from a mixed‐methods investigative study of learners’ and tutors’ experiences of the programme. The programme employs a set of flexible online resources, which are activity‐based and designed to provide choice in study routes and modes of learning. Our research has identified four main strategies used by learners when working with these resources: universalists, butterflies, changelings, and minimalists. We discuss these strategies and consider the value learners feel they have gained from the flexible programme. The strategies identified have implications for course designers and facilitators, requiring an increased emphasis on the course process over course content, and support for the development of learners’ confidence.

Wie erfahrene Anfänger flexible Online‐Mittel in einem Vermischten Programm benutzen

Dieses Papier präsentiert als Fallstudie ein gemischtes Programm für Erwachsene und bespricht die Ergebnisse einer mit gemischten Methoden durchgeführten Studie und die Erfahrungen von Anfängern und Tutoren mit diesem Programm. Das Programm verwendet eine Reihe auf Selbsttätigkeit beruhender flexibler Online‐Mittel, die die Wahl der Studienwege und Lernweisen unterstützen sollen. Unsere Forschung hat vier von Anfängern verwendete Hauptstrategien identifiziert, die mit diesen Mitteln arbeiteten: Universalisten, “Schmetterlinge”, Wechsler, und Minimalisten. Wir besprechen diese Strategien und prüfen, was die Anfänger unserer Meinung nach von der Nutzung dieser flexiblen Programme glauben gewonnen zu haben. Die identifizierten Strategien haben als Implikationen für Kurs‐Entwickler und Vermittler eine vergrößerte Betonung auf den Kurs‐Prozess über den Kurs‐Inhalt zu legen und die Entwicklung von Selbstvertrauen der Anfänger zu unterstützen.

Les apprenants adultes et l’utilisation des ressources en ligne « souples » dans le cadre d’un programme mixte

Cet article présente une étude de cas, celle d’un programme mixte destiné aux adultes et examine les résultats d’une étude approfondie des expériences vécues par les étudiants et les tuteurs au cours de ce programme, menée en mélangeant plusieurs méthodes. Ce programme a recours à un ensemble de ressources souples en ligne, qui sont fondées sur des activités et conçues pour fournir des choix d’itinéraires d’étude et de modes d’apprentissage. Notre recherche a identifié quatre stratégies principales utilisées par les apprenants lorsqu’ils travaillent avec ces ressources: les universalistes, les papillons, les mutants et les minimalistes. Nous comparons ces stratégies et examinons quelle valeur les apprenants pensent avoir retirée du programme souple. Les stratégies identifiées ont des implications pour les concepteurs et facilitateurs des cours car elle demandent que l’on porte une attention plus grande au processus du cours plutôt qu’au contenu et qu’on soutienne le développement de la confiance des apprenants.

Los alumnos adultos y el uso de los recursos en línea flexibles dentro de un programa mixto

Este artículo presenta el estudio de caso de un programa mixto para adultos y examina los resultados de un estudio y investigación (llevado a cabo a través de un abordaje plurimetodólogico) de las experiencias vividas por los alumnos y tutores del programa. Este programa utiliza un conjunto de recursos flexibles en línea que son basados en actividades y diseñados para ofrecer alternativas en la elección de los itinerarios de estudio y los modos de aprendizaje. Nuestra investigación ha identificado cuatro estrategias principales utilizadas por los alumnos cuando están trabajando con esos recursos: los universalistas, las mariposas, los mutantes y los minimalistas. Discutimos de esas estrategias y examinamos el valor que los alumnos piensan que han sacado del programa flexible. Las estrategias identificadas conllevan consecuencias para los diseñadores y facilitadores de cursos como la necesidad de mayor énfasis en el proceso del curso (más que en el contenido propio) y al mismo tiempo un apoyo para el desarrollo de la confianza de los alumnos.  相似文献   

Infants require locomotor experience to behave adaptively at a drop‐off. However, different experimental paradigms (visual cliff and actual gaps and slopes) have generated conflicting findings regarding what infants learn and the specificity of their learning. An actual, adjustable drop‐off apparatus was used to investigate whether learning to distinguish a step from a cliff transfers from crawling to walking. Experienced 12‐month‐old crawlers (n = 16) refused to crawl over risky drop‐offs but novice 12‐month‐old walkers (n = 17) stepped repeatedly over the edge. Experienced 18‐month‐old walkers (n = 18) refused to walk over risky drop‐offs but descended using alternative methods. These findings suggest that infants do not acquire generalized responses like fear or wariness of heights. Rather, infants learn to perceive affordances for the experienced action.  相似文献   

This paper uses Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) data on applications and entries to full‐time undergraduate courses to examine the changing flows of students across the boundaries of the four countries of the United Kingdom (UK), over a period (1996–2010) that embraces parliamentary devolution. It asks whether the emergence of more distinct administrative systems of higher education, following devolution, is reflected in more distinct social systems as reflected in reduced cross‐border flows of students. It reveals a declining tendency for UK applicants to apply to, and enter, higher education in another UK country. This trend is partly attributable to devolution and to consequent changes such as differential fees. However the detailed patterns vary widely across the countries of the UK, across categories of student and across types of institution and programme.  相似文献   

This paper examines the expansive–restrictive continuum of apprenticeship learning in the context of different education and training systems. It compares the English state-funded apprenticeship programme for young people with the Finnish and the French programmes with a specific focus on access to learning through the programmes. These three countries represent three types of Western and Northern European education and training systems. The paper argues that there are country-specific meanings of apprenticeship that influence how access to learning along the expansive–restrictive continuum is typically characterised. These country-specific meanings of apprenticeship arise from their context in differing education and training systems. The paper concludes that the English conceptualisation of apprenticeship as training lends itself to more restrictive approaches to apprenticeship than the Finnish and the French programmes in terms of access to learning.  相似文献   

The traditional, didactic lecture is under attack from diverse quarters. With its origins rooted in the emergence of orality, the lecture now stands as only one of a plethora of educational communication tools, and has been subject to criticism particularly by constructivists for failing to deliver deep and effective learning experiences. This article explores the lecture's advantages and limitations in the context of evolving teaching practices and technologies, and posits that the strength of the lecture lies in its immediacy and presence. Its future survival and evolution must exploit this powerful asset to enhance student learning through engagement and interaction.  相似文献   

This paper examines the reasons why long‐serving teachers remain in the teaching profession. Interest in teacher retention has grown in recent years, both in the UK and internationally, due to concerns over teacher shortage. However, most research on retention has focused on why teachers leave; this paper aims to fill the gap in our understanding of the positive reasons why long‐serving teachers stay in the profession, and how these reasons change over time. We define ‘long‐serving teachers’ as teachers who have taught for 10 years and more. We draw on a subset of data from an existing, broader study (Menzies et al., 2015 ) on why teachers enter and stay in the profession. In this paper, we draw on questionnaire findings from over 900 teachers with 0 to over 30 years’ teaching experience, and interviews with 14 long‐serving teachers, to understand why long‐serving teachers enter and, more importantly for our purposes, stay in teaching. We find that teachers’ motivational patterns are highly complex and influenced by school‐level and policy contexts. Nonetheless, two prominent retention factors are identified: teachers’ perceived professional mastery and altruistic reasons. Perceived professional mastery is particularly important due to its mutually reinforcing analytic relationships with other reasons. We find that teachers’ identification with intrinsic, altruistic and perceived professional mastery reasons become stronger with years of experience, but in some cases, paradoxically, so does their identification with extrinsic reasons. From our evidence, we suggest policy implications for enhancing the retention of long‐serving teachers.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of trainee teachers on secondary school student outcomes. The additional resources which schools receive from being involved in teacher training offer them an opportunity to raise standards, but this has to be set against the possible losses due to school students being taught by inexperienced beginning teachers and the diversion of mentors' efforts away from the classroom. Inspection evidence is used to assess whether trainee teachers affect school students' test and examination results. The findings of this research are that the number of trainees has no significant effect on school results at A‐level or General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), or on the overall value added between Key Stage 3 and GCSE level. However, at Key Stage 3 level at age 14, while there appears to be a very small depressing effect on achievement in schools with low numbers of trainees, there is a significant positive effect on achievement in schools with larger numbers of trainees.  相似文献   

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